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高中英语新教材的体会 高中英语新教材体现了以学生的发展为出发点和归宿,渗透了一系列新的理念。其目的不仅是培养学生的综合语言能力,发展学生的语言运用能力,还帮助学生形成正确的世界观、人生观和价值观;同时也有助于培养教师和学生的创新精神。经过一年的教学实践我有以下几点体会: 一、加强单元整体观念 教师在考虑整个单元的教学计划、教学方法前必须掌握本单元的教学内容,分析哪些是教学的重点、哪些是教学的难点。这样有利于合理、科学地安排各课时的教学内容、教学重点和难点,做到课时与课时之间的相互衔接。教材每个单元都有一个总的warming-up,这一warming-up是整个单元内容的引入。如Book lA Unit 5 The silver screen,所以本单元的Warming up就是与荧屏有关。 除了单元总的Warming-up外,我们平时的每一节课前都设计一个warming-up,而这个warming-up就是上节课的回顾和本节课的引入,所以在备课时就要考虑到前一课时与本一课时的自然衔接。每单元的课时内容安排可以根据教材的编排顺序从warming-up,listening,speaking,reading,integrating skills,再到work book中的listening,talking,integrating skills;也可根据本单元的内容以及教师的思路安排每课时的教学内容,因为我觉得新教材体现了在理解学生的兴趣和困难的基础上,教师可以进行创造性的和独立自主的教学,所以有时我就用WB中的listening,或SB中speaking作为reading的引入。如Book lA. Unit 1的课时我们是这样安排的: The first period:Warming up & speaking:Topic:Good friend The second period:Reading (Integrating skills:SB and WB & writing.) Topic:Different kinds of good friends e-pal How to get in touch with a pen-friend,or pen- pal writing e-mail.The third period Reading“Hucks Friend”(We have different kinds of friends.and well see what kind of friend Huck has)The fourth period:Listening & speaking(SB and WB)Friends have the same interest and opinion but friends can also have different interests or opinions.How to solve the problems Good friends should The fifth period:Grammar:Good friends should haveGood friendsshould be.The grammar“direct speech and indirect speech.”The sixth period:Revision:Word study,vocabulary,grammar and so on. 二、精心设计“任务型”的教学活动 教师在教授语言知识与语言技能的同时,还应注意发展学生的智力,培养其可持续发展所需要的创新精神与实践能力,每节课都应尽可能地提供一个真实情景,设计一个可操作的“任务型”活动,而这一活动一般都以话题为核心,以结构和功能项目为主线,在听、说、读、写教学活动中,安排不同层次和多种形式的实践活动,这样的“任务型”活动可以在教材的各个部分中去寻找。在设计“任务型”活动时应特别注意以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,使学生感到真实感。这样就能促使学生综合地运用语言,去获取、处理和使用信息,用英语与他人交流,解决实际问题和完成某个任务,这就培养了学生的合作意识,同时也使学生体验到运用英语的成就感。如果学生对教师所设计的“任务型”活动很感兴趣,他们就会愿讲、多讲。 老师不必担心教学任务难以完成,其实学英语在某种程度上是学生学会的,而不是教师教会的。况且,学习英语的目的就是为了交流,如果学生在课堂上能滔滔不绝地讲,就不用担心学生的英语学不好,相反,如果学生在课堂上不愿讲而靠老师讲,那肯定是学不好英语的,当然也没有体现以学生为主体的教学原则。即使是语法教学也可设计一个可以操作的“任务型”活动,如教定语从句时,我们先安排学唱英语歌曲,第一遍学生听并且填所缺的词,第二遍学生一起唱,第三遍就请两位学生表演唱,然后老师就引出: 1)XXX is the student who sings us the song. 2)XXX is the student who also sings us the song. 3)XXX and XXX are the students who sing us the song. 引出之后老师可以设计几个任务: Task 1.Free talking using attributive clause.( )is a person( ). Task 2. Complete the sentences:1.A bookworm is a person who( ). 2.A sports fan is a person( ). 3.A nurse( ). 4.A clock is a machine( ). Task 3. Complete the sentences.(Unit 4) 1.Zhang Heng is the man who( )seismograph in 132. 2.Howard Carter is the man who( )King Tuts tomb in 1937. 3.The Titanic is the ship( ) after hitting an iceberg. 4.Beijing is the city( )has got the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games. Task4:Pair work One speaks Chinese and the other speaks English. Task 5:Practice:teacher,is easy goingtreat us as friends;gives us a lot of homework,never makes jokes Model: A good teacher is one who is easy going. A good teacher is one who treats us as friends. A teacher who gives us a lot of homework is not a good one. A teacher who never makes jokes is not a good one. 根据上述models教师提供:mumdad,classmate,boyfriendgirlfriend让学生组织句子。这样的教学就体现了“以学生发展为本,以培养学生的综合运用语言能力为目标的教学框架。所谓以学生发展为本就是在教学活动的设计中以学生为主体,体现出学生在课堂上有事可做。 三、加强阅读教学 阅读能力是大部分学生今后继续深造以及工作所需要的主要语言技能,也是各种考试的主要内容之一。从语言学习的规律来看,英语应用能力的提高是建立在大量的语言输入,尤其是大量的阅读的基础之上的。 因此我们在教学中必须十分注重阅读能力的培养,我们对教材中的每一篇阅读材料都要充分地利用,除了每单元的三篇阅读材料外我们基本上每一单元后再补充一篇与本单元内容有关的课外阅读;单元中的language points,grammar有时多讲点与少讲点关系不是很大,因为这种内容重复率很高的,即使课文中没讲到,练习中也会出现。阅读教学我们基本上也采用常见的模式:fast-reading、careful reading.Fast-reading的问题只要求学生快速阅读就能找到即可:careful reading的问题可设计一些细节的寻找(time and places,characters)、分析判断、推理等方面的问题。如Book LA Unit 4 Reading The Rescue Fast-reading Questions: 1)What natural disaster did Flora and Jeff meet? 2)What rescued them? Careful-reading:Questions: 1)At the beginning of the story what did Flora hear and see? 2)Where did she see a wall of water that Was quickly advancing towards her? 3)What Was FloraS feeling? 4)Where Was Flora when the flood began? 5)Can you describe the house? 6)How many parts can the passage be divided into according to the change of the places? Discussion: 1)What do you think of JeffFlora? 2)What Can we learn from the story? 四、如何处理听力材料 听力分为听力测试(Listening test)和听力教学(Listening teaching),有的老师所重视的听力多数是属于听力测试,即根据听力材料选择正确的答案,因此从高一开始就在进行高考听力的模拟训练。而教材中的听力材料可以作为听力教学的材料,它有各种形式的答题要求,如:填空题、回答题、完成句子、正误判断等。或许学生一开始会觉得难度较大,甚至有的老师也这样认为,据了解有的学校可能把这部分的内容删去了。其实在听力教学中关键是教师对听力材料作如何的处理,我们经常做一些“化难为易,化繁为简”的处理工作。 如对Book LA Unit 3中的listening我们采用了下列的教学步骤:Step 1.Lead-in. 1.Whats the date today?(Because it Was iust before National Day) 2.What important day will be soon? 3.What will you do in the holiday? 4.Would you like to travel? 5.Where can we go for a travel?Forbidden City, Eiffel Tower,South PoleNorth Pole,the moon,the Ocean(let Ss say what they like to say.If the Ss don,t say some places,the teacher Can mention)。 6.How Can we travel?(by bustralnplanespaceship/liftswimmingwalking.) Step 2.Warming-up During National Day,we can go to many places by many means of transportation.So Lets make a trip plane for our National Day.Ex 3 on page 15.You have four choices.Go to london from Shanghai.from Being to Guang Zhou,from Chongqing to Chengdu,from Da lian to Qingdao. Think it over and decide:Which places would you like to go?How would you like to go there? Why? What would you like to do there? Suggested answer:Id like to go to Qingdao from Dalian by ship because I can enjoy the beautiful sea sights.I will swim in the sea and eat sea food in Qingdao. Step 3.Li Stening After talking about our trip plan,Lets lidten to other travelersplantsexperiences.There are five travelers. Listen carefully and find out:Where are they? What did they do? How did they travel?(Finish listening Ex 2) Step 4.Speaking We Can go to many places by bus。even by spaceship? In the future,space travel wont be very difficult with the development of technology.Imagine there is a time machine,with it you can travel to the past or the future.You can visit any year you want.So discuss with your partner:Which year would you like to go to ? Where would you go? Why? Then make up a dialogue following the example. Step 5.Conclusion Many people are interested in traveling because traveling is exciting and interesting.But remember:What should w


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