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建立品牌的10大步骤 Ten Step to Brand Building,步骤1 Step1 了解产业环境 确认自己的强弱点,决定“核心”生意 Understand the industry environment Identify your strengths and weaknesses Decide your core business,根据自己的强点,发展竞争者不易赶上的差异 Develop your competitive edge based on your own strengths 相对性的优点Comparative advantage 竞争性的优点Competitive advantage 竞争优势Competitive edge,步骤2 Step2 形成企业长远发展目标 及可操作的价值观 如文化确认长期的基本策略 From the long-term corporate development goals and operational values Identify long-term strategies,Core Ideology 核心意识 -Core value -价值价值 -Core purpose -价值使命 所预见的未来 -至少十年的大胆目标 Perceived Future 10 year BHAG (big,hairy,audacious goal) -生动面清楚的描述 Vivid description of it,领导层的共识 Management Consensus 企业成功的6大元素 Corporate Success:6 Key Factors 策略性定位 Strategic positioning 清楚的焦点 Clear focus 回应挑战的能力 Capability to respond to challenges 反馈系统 Feed backsystem 速度及弹性 Speed and flexibility 企业文化 Corporate culture,步骤3 Step3 完整的企业识别 Establish a complate corporate 形成维护管系统 identity management system,多少员工知道企业的长远目标 How many employees are fully aware of the corporate goels? 企业的价值观(文化或行为规则)是什么?多少人讲得出来?做得出来? What is our culture (or the behavior norm of the company) 主管单位知道我们的企图吗? Does the government known what we are trying to do 供应商或经销商知道我们是什么样的公司吗? Do our suppliers or our dealers sknown what kind of company we are 顾客如何看我 们的企业形象? How do the customers see our corporate image 有系统的维护企业形象 Systematically maintain corporate image,步骤4 Step4 确认品牌与消费者的关系 Identify the relationship between the brand and consumers,品牌子的联想是什么? Brand association 品牌提供的价值是什么? Brand values 情感的关系是什么? Affinity with consumers 是否有品牌资产? Brand equity 组织内部是否达成有共识形成? Internal consensus,步骤5 Step5 品牌策略/品牌识别 Brand strategy/brand identity,多品牌或是单一品牌策略? Multi Brand /Single Brand strategy 是MEGA Brand 或是NICHE BRAND? mega brand/niche brand 是母体品牌或是副品牌? Mother Brand /Sub-brand 是企业品牌或是产品品牌? Corporate Brand /Product Brand 品牌系统识别系统是否完整? Brand identity/packaging 是否有品牌识别规范手册来维护? Brand Identity/Standard Handbook,步骤6 Step6 品牌责任归属 Brand responsibility 组织运作 Organzation operation,作业语言的统一(思考工具),讲一样的话 Unite the operational language(thinking tools) 品牌管理系统 Brand management system (品牌识别手册,企业识别手册) (Brand identity handbook/corporate identity handbook) 行销/业务/传播功能的整合 integrate marketing,salesand communications. 总裁/副总裁带队(清楚的决策流程) by president/vice-president(clear decision-making process) 信息科技的协助 information technogy(IT) 培训 Training,步骤7 Step7 360度整合行销传播计划及执行 360degree planning for interated mareting .communications and implementation,确保我们的品牌与消费者的每个接触点, 都传达一致及有效的讯息 Ensure all Brand contacts are delivering consistent and effective messages. 包括: 产品的使用,店头的陈列,广告,传单,经销商会议,赞助活动,记者采访,电话抱怨,展览会场的解说员,员工的家属 This includea product inserts.POS displays advertising.leaflets.sponsorship events and media interviews,整合行销传播 Intergrated Marketing Communications,广告 Advertising(AD) 公共关系 Public Relations(PR) 促销 Sales Promotion(SP) 直效行销 Direct Marketing(DM) 长期代理商的伙伴关系 Long-tern partnership with your agencies,步骤8 Step8 直接接触消费者,持续记录,建立活的客户资料库,不断养成品牌忠诚度 Building brand loyalty-by establishing a customer database and updating records continuously,-2080法则 20/80 rules -取得新客户的成本 Cost of acquiring new customer -口传效果 Word of mouth,步骤9 Step9 建立评估系统 追踪品牌资产 Tracking brand equity,调查方法 Methodology 何时评估 Review cycle 了解品牌资产的变化 What is your brand equity 检视行销传播计划的根据 Basic review of marketing communication plan,步骤10 Step10 投资品牌 持续一致,不轻易改变 Invest in brand Consistently over time,即使短期销售未达指标,也应持续投资品牌建立。 Continue investing in brand even when the financia


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