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模块仿真高考练(七)一、模块语基练(满分30分).单句语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1This Sunday well go to the nursing home and do some voluntary (volunteer) work.2In the exams, make sure that everything you write is relevant to the questions you have been asked.3Through the discussion, we are fully aware of the necessity of carrying out a lowcarbon economy in our country.4We would appreciate it if you could give us some encouragement (encourage) from time to time.5The chance is so precious as Im really looking forward to your approval (approve)6My mother gave me a hug and I could see satisfaction (satisfy) in her eyes.7Recently our class have had a heated discussion on whether students should be_accompanied (accompany) by parents studying at school.8In my opinion, food is always connected with people, reflecting (reflect) their different living situations and attitudes.9My attitude towards him didnt change until he donated all his pocket money to the children living in mountainous areas.10She is now training hard for the next Olympics in Tokyo,desiring (desire) that she win another gold medal for her nation.选词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)hear from, in many ways, make fun of, ahead of, in the meantime, all in all, meet with, be bound to, in need, be occupied with 1On the bus, it is polite of us to give our seats to people in_need.2He was_occupied_with a translation of an English novel written by Jane Austen last week.3Every time I met_with difficulties, I would ask my host family, my tutor or others for help.4When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are_bound_to keep healthy.5All_in_all,_we both thought that it might not be a bad idea.6Im very happy to hear_from you and youre welcome to study in our school for the next two months.7Jim likes being praised by others, but dislikes being made_fun_of.8Scientists think life on Mars will be better than that on Earth in_many_ways.9We finished the work several days ahead_of the deadline.10I like skiing and in_the_meantime,_I know it is very dangerous.补全或翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)1它为像你和我这样的青少年提供一个既能享受运动又能学习中国文化的机会。(it作形式主语)It_offers_teenagers_like_you_and_me_a_chance_to_enjoy sports and learn about Chinese culture.2他给我们讲的故事真有趣!(what感叹句)What_interesting_stories hes told us!3我爸爸如此忙于他的办公室工作以至于他很少有时间帮助我妈妈做家务。(so . that .)My father is_so_occupied_with_his_office_work_that he has little time to help my mother with housework.4紧急情况下分秒必争,知道该做什么就能意味着生与死的差别。(疑问词不定式)Seconds count in an emergency and knowing_what_to_do can mean the difference between life and death.5我们必须记住老师教给我们的一切。(定语从句)We_have_to_remember_everything_that_the_teacher_teaches_us.二、阅读理解(满分25分)AMany people wrongly think that cities dont have farms and that fruits and vegetables are only grown in the country.Believe it or not, there are more and more urban farms popping up in cities all over the world.Alexandra Sullivan, a food system researcher in New York City, studies urban agriculture.Urban agriculture is another name for farming and gardening in a city environment.Ms.Sullivan studies everything from tiny gardens in empty lots between buildings to bigger fields that have been planted and grown.According to Ms.Sullivan, “Urban agriculture has existed since cities have, across the world.”The number of humans living in urban areas, or cities, is increasing.The amount of people who want to garden in urban areas is also rising.Ms.Sullivan says, “In small gardens, on rooftops and indoors, they grow fruits, vegetables, grains, and herbs, and raise animals to produce milk, eggs, honey, and meat.They use these foods as supplements to food produced by rural agriculture.” Even though some people who live in urban areas grow crops, urban residents still need to rely on food grown in rural areas.This is because a city doesnt have enough space to grow enough food for everyone living in it.In New York City, urban farmers have come up with many different ways to grow their own produce, even though there isnt a lot of room.For example, Brooklyn Grange is a farming operation that has two rooftop vegetable farms in New York City.All together, the farms are made up of 2.5 acres of rooftop space.This makes Brooklyn Grange one of the largest rooftop farming operations in the world.Brooklyn Grange grows all kinds of things.The farming company sells its vegetables to local residents and restaurants.And because the farms are on rooftops, they are specially adapted to their urban location.They use available space that is not needed for anything else.As more urban farmers find ways to grow food in cities, urban residents will be better able to get fresher materials for their meals.语篇解读:许多人认为城市里没有农场,水果和蔬菜仅生长在农村。实际上,越来越多的都市农场在世界各地的城市里流行起来。21Which of the following is Ms.Sullivans opinion according to the text?AThe number of people living in cities is increasing slowly.BUrban residents still rely on food grown in rural areas completely.CUrban agriculture has a history as long as cities.DUrban agriculture can provide huge income.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“According to Ms.Sullivan, Urban agriculture has existed since cities have, across the world.”可知,Sullivan女士认为都市农业拥有与城市一样长的历史,故选C。22What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AFarmers.BCity residents.CRural residents.DCompanies.解析:选B代词指代题。根据第三段前两句可知,住在城市里的人的数量在增长,想要在城市里从事园艺的人的数量也在增长,并结合该段Sullivan所说的话可推断they指的是“城市居民”,故选B。23What can we learn about Brooklyn Grange in New York City from the text?AIt has large farming areas.BIt can only grow single products.CIt produces enough food for citizens.DIt makes use of rooftop space to grow vegetables.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“For example, Brooklyn Grange is a farming operation that has two rooftop vegetable farms in New York City.”可知,Brooklyn Grange利用屋顶上的空间种植蔬菜,故选D。24What may be the best title for the text?AFarms in CitiesBFuture Food SystemCFood Grown in CitiesDAgriculture of New York City解析:选A标题归纳题。纵观全文可知,文章主要讲述城市里的都市农场,城市居民利用有限的空间,充分利用屋顶,花园和室内种植蔬菜、水果、谷物和药草,并饲养动物。文章就是围绕城市农场这一中心展开的,因此A项作为标题最合适。BPeople love cellphones, which is why nine in ten Americans own one.But does heavy use of cellphones pose a risk of cancer?This question has caused controversy for many years.A new study in rats now augments those concerns.Its data linked longterm, intense exposure to radiation from cellphones with an increased risk of cancer in the heart or brain.The results have yet to be confirmed, the authors note.Indeed, although the rat study found a link between cellphone radiation and cancer, it offers no clues to why such a link might exist, notes Jonathan Samet.He teaches preventative medicine and directs the Institute for Global Health at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.Still, he calls the new studys findings “significant”They could lead to studies researching how cellphone radiation might cause cancer, he says.Phone signals are relayed between cell towers and cellphones via radio waves.This radio frequency or RF radiation is a type known as nonionizing (非电离的)Unlike Xrays, nonionizing radiation does not deposit enough energy into cells to release electrons from atoms or molecules, producing ions, So it tends to be far less harmful than ionizing radiation, such as Xrays.But that does not mean radio waves might not cause harm.In very large doses (量) this radiation will heat the body and cause tissue damage.But its not yet known what much lower RF levels might do, such as those from cellphone use.Five years ago, the World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer, or IARC, concluded that cellphone use “is possibly carcinogenic (致癌的)”Its conclusion was based on what little research data was available at that time.But notice that IARC was not certain.It said only that phone use might “possibly” cause cancer.So scientists at the National Toxicology Program, or NTP, investigated further.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。人们喜欢用手机,90%的美国人都有手机。那么,过度使用手机是否会有患癌的风险呢?一项新的研究给出了一些线索。25Which of the following can replace the underlined word“augments”?AFigures out.BPuts out.CAdds to.DRefers to.解析:选C词义猜测题。画线词前面提到过度使用手机是否有患癌的风险这一问题多年来引发的争议不断,再根据画线词后的“concerns”和“Its data linked longterm, intense exposure to radiation from cellphones with an increased risk of cancer in the heart or brain.”可知,现在一项在老鼠身上进行的新研究增加了那些忧虑。故画线词与adds to意义相近。26In which aspect does Jonathan Samet think the new study in rats is significant?AIt assists him with his teaching.BIt indicates a new research direction.CIt warns people to mind cellphone safety.DIt makes a breakthrough in cancer research.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第二段中的“They could lead to studies researching how cellphone radiation might cause cancer, he says.”可知,这项研究会促使科学家去查明手机辐射可能是怎样致癌的,也就是说它为科学家提供了一个新的研究方向。27What might be the theme of NTP scientists further research?AWhy cellphone use causes cancer.BWhether cellphone use really causes cancer.CWhat health effects cellphone use has.DHow much exposure to cellphone radiation is safe.解析:选B推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“It said only that phone use mightpossiblycause cancer.So scientists at the National Toxicology Program, or NTP, investigated further.”可知,NTP的科学家进一步研究的主题可能是手机使用是否真的会导致癌症。CBritish shoppers buy 2.15 million tonnes of clothing and shoes annually, yet UK citizens have an estimated 30 billion worth of unused clothing gathering dust at the back of the wardrobe (衣柜)But new technology could see the end of that, with the garments themselves giving owners a gentle reminder of their existence.“Smart clothes” could help us clear out our wardrobes by sending messages or tweeting us if they havent been worn for a good while.If these alerts are ignored, the garments will get in touch with a clothing charity and ask to be reused, with an organization automatically sending out donation information.They could also be programmed to put themselves up for auction (拍卖) on eBay.Academics at Birmingham City University are developing the “connected wardrobe” to encourage more suitable clothes consumption.The concept sees garments tagged (给加标签) using washable contactless technology.Mark Brill, senior lecturer at Birmingham City University, said, “Think of the surprise when an owner suddenly receives bids for items that they didnt know were in their wardrobe.”“The connected wardrobe is a practical, pleasant concept to encourage people to think about their clothing consumption.Finally, I hope it will encourage more appropriate fashion consumption,” he added.“Perhaps we can even move away from the idea of ownership of clothing.When weve worn them enough, the items will pass themselves on to their next keeper.”It follows in the footsteps of the “Internet of Things” a concept that sees ordinary household items connecting to the Internet in order to share information.From adjusting your alarm clock to monitoring the temperature of your home, the Internet is changing the way we live.Now, the “Internet of Clothes” will see that neglected garments will tweet and text the owners “asking” to be worn depending on the weather and frequency of wear.Clothes will keep track of other information such as who owned them previously, as well as how much they originally cost, who made them and how much the worker was paid for them.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了新型的“智能衣服”、“智能衣柜”,而这一科技发明可以帮助人们更好地管理自己的衣服,树立正确的消费观念。28What does the author say about “smart clothes”?AThey may be donated on eBay.BThey have gained in popularity.CThey give warnings if worn out.DThey may be recycled if long forgotten.解析:选D推理判断题。综合文章内容尤其是第一段中的“unused clothing gathering dust at the back of the wardrobe (衣柜)”和第二段中的“Smart clothes could help us clear out our .if they havent been worn for a good while”“ask to be reused”可推知,“智能衣服”会在被搁置许久时发信息提醒主人,如果主人不理会这样的提醒,那么“智能衣服”就会和慈善组织联系,要求被重新使用。故选D。29How does Mark Brill find the “connected wardrobe”?AIt helps people buy cheaper clothes.BIt contributes to right consumption attitudes.CIt changes peoples shopping habits.DIt improves peoples consumer confidence.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“the connected wardrobe to encourage more suitable clothes consumption”及第四段中的“The connected wardrobe is a practical, pleasant concept to encourage people to think about their clothing consumption.Finally, I hope it will encourage more appropriate fashion consumption”可知,Mark Brill 认为“智能衣柜”有助于鼓励人们树立正确的消费观。故选B。30What is indicated in the last paragraph?AMuch information can be acquired from clothes.BWeather affects the connected wardrobe.CClothes are sold online at a low price.DThe Internet is a platform to share items.解析:选A推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Clothes will keep track of other information such as who owned them previously, as well as how much they originally cost .”可知,衣服可以提供很多信息。故选A。三、阅读七选五(满分10分)Selfconfident people face their fears headon and they know that no matter what obstacles come their way, they have the ability to get past them.Wouldnt it be amazing to have this kind of selfconfidence?Guess what? You can._31_Stay away from negativity._32_This is a tough one, but its time to seriously consider getting away from those individuals who put you down and shred your confidence.Even a temporary break from Debbie Downer can make a huge difference and help you move toward more selfconfidence.Be positive.Put some positive enthusiasm into your interactions with others and hit the ground running, excited to begin your next project._33_Instead, begin to focus on solutions and making positive changes.Dont accept failure.Never give up.Never accept failure and get rid of the negative voices in your head.There is a solution to everything._34_Make this your new mantra (真言)Succeeding in a difficult or unpleasant situation is a huge confidence booster (激励)_35_Learn everything there is to know about your field, job, presentation whatever is next on your “to conquer” list.If you are prepared, and have the knowledge to back it up, your selfconfidence will rise very quickly.ABe prepared.BCreate a great list.CGet out of your comfort zone.DStop focusing on the problems in your life.ETherefore, why would you want to stop trying?FHeres how you can learn to be confident of all you do.GEvaluate your inner circle, including friends and family.31选F根据空前的“.Wouldnt it be amazing to have this kind of selfconfidence? Guess what? You can.”及下文罗列的内容可知,此处需填一个起承上启下的作用的句子,故F项“这是你可以学会对你所做的所有事情感到自信的方法”符合语境。32选G根据小标题“Stay away from negativity.”以及G项中的“friends and family” 与空后句子中的“those individuals .”的对应关系可知,G项符合语境。33选D根据小标题“Be positive.”及空后的“Instead, begin to focus on solutions and making positive changes.”可知,空处所填内容与其后面的内容之间存在转折关系,故D项“不要再关注你生活中的问题”符合语境。34选E根据空前的“Never give up.Never accept failure and get rid of the negative voices in your head.There is a solution to everything.”可知,空处所填内容与上文存在因果关系,故E项“因此,你为什么想要放弃努力呢?”符合语境。35选A根据最后一段中的内容尤其是“If you are prepared, and have the knowledge to back it up .”可知,本段介绍的提高自信的方法是要做好准备,故A项符合语境。四、完形填空(满分30分)Every Saturday and Sunday morning, my father would throw his bike in the trunk of his car and explore new areas to ride.I was always_36_by this.What satisfaction did his bike provide him with? Its_37_a bike, right?That all_38_when I started riding my bike in our garage, which hadnt been touched for nearly three years.I had been annoying my parents to help me_39_a bike for college.Scared but_40_, I decided to try riding it.I mean, wasnt it supposed to be_41_? Alas, it was not._42_, I spent five or ten minutes riding around, doing small turns or practicing shifting gears (换挡)Then I practiced in the street.The greatest moment of it all is_43_my father was there with me, every step of the way.He ran up and down the street making sure my_44_wasnt due to a negative result.Ill never forget those moments.Who says_45_with your parents end before college?Then, college came.The look on my fathers face was_46_when he showed me how to lock my bike.Over various methods of communication, my father_47_ask:“Did you ride your bike today?”_48_, for almost two months, my answer was no.Why? I was hesitant (迟疑的)_49_was not on my schedule.But then, with a kick of confidence, I_50_my bike in September.All I kept thinking was that my father and mother would be_51_of me! Even if it was doing something as small as riding my bike!Now, all I want to do is ride my bike! There are_52_no words to describe the rush you get while riding your bike.To_53_myself, I set goals.It feels unbelievable to know that you hit your goals.The next time you are_54_with emotions, ride a bike.The best part of my cycling experience is that_55_you fall, you pick yourself back up.Its as simple as that.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己骑自行车的经历阐述了“在生活中,一旦你跌倒了,就要自己爬起来”这一人生道理。36A.inspiredBconfusedCembarrassedDupset解析:选B根据下文中的“What satisfaction did his bike provide him with?”可知,作者当时对父亲的行为感到很疑惑(confused)。37A.merelyBactuallyCexactlyDprobably解析:选A根据上下文可知,此处指作者认为它“仅仅(merely)”是辆自行车而已。38A.improvedBaroseCworkedDchanged解析:选D根据下文作者骑自行车的经历可知,这一想法“改变(changed)”了。39A.equipBrepairCpurchaseDride解析:选C根据下文作者骑自行车可知,此处指作者要求父母帮自己“买(purchase)”一辆自行车。40A.anxiousBcuriousCseriousDcautious解析:选B根据空前的“but”可知,这里应该填一个与Scared语义相对应的单词;根据下文中的“I decided to try riding it”可知,curious“好奇的”符合语境。41A.easyBboringCdangerousDawkward解析:选A根据空后的“Alas, it was not.”可知,这里作者想表达的是骑自行车本应该是“容易的(easy)”。42A.In factBAt lastCIn allDAt first解析:选D根据下文“Then I practiced in the street.”可知,这里应该是指“起初(At first)”,作者在家附近学骑自行车。43A.whereBwhatCwhenDwhether解析:选C根据上下文语境可知,此处指最美好的时刻是父亲和作者在一起的时候。空处引导表语从句,且在从句中作时间状语,故用when。44A.screamingBlaughingCtalkingDwhispering解析:选A根据前面的“making sure”以及下文


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