



7.12刘晓明大使在李云迪钢琴音乐会的讲话时间:2014-06-27 11:28来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1905次Remarks by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at Yundi Lis Piano Recital Hosted by the Chinese Embassy22 February 2012刘晓明大使在中国驻英国大使馆举办的“李云迪钢琴音乐会”上的讲话2012年2月22日 Secretary of State Jeremy Hunt,Deputy Speaker Nigel Evans,Chairman Kassler,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,尊敬的英国文化大臣亨特阁下,尊敬的英国议会下院副议长埃文斯先生,尊敬的英国百代唱片公司总裁卡斯勒先生,女士们、先生们,朋友们:A very warm welcome to the Chinese Embassy. Tonight we will share together a great music. We will have the pleasure of enjoying a performance from Yundi Li, a world famous Chinese pianist. This is the first time in many years for us to stage a concert at the Chinese Embassy. I am delighted my Embassy can host a recital that is truly world class, thanks to the talents of Yundi Li. I had the pleasure to attend a concert by Yundi Li in London two years ago. That was the first concert I went to since I came to London. So I have a clear idea about the musical treat we will be given this evening.首先,我对大家今晚出席中国驻英国大使馆主办的“李云迪钢琴音乐会”表示热烈欢迎。这是中国驻英国使馆近年来首次举办音乐会,今晚的主角是中国的年轻钢琴家李云迪。无独有偶,两年前,我来到英国后出席的第一场音乐会就是李云迪的钢琴演奏会。Im sure many of you know Yundi very well. He was born in the early 1980s and grew up in the years of Chinas reform and opening-up. Yundis great talent was recognized at an early stage. He won this in 2000. He became the youngest Chinese player ever to win the International Frdric Chopin Piano Competition. Since 2000 Yundi has won world-wide popularity. He has performed in the most prestigious concert halls. His beautiful and poetic rendition of musical masterpieces has won much acclaim from his global audience. Yundis success bears witness to how far China has come in the past 30 years. It also shows that Chinas development is comprehensive in nature. For us, economic development is not the only thing that matters. Development of culture is important too. Our people have been able to enjoy much better lives both in the material sense and in terms of cultural refinement.李云迪或许我已经不用多做介绍,他出生于上世纪八十年代之初,伴随着中国改革开放而成长。他才华横溢、享誉国际,曾夺得肖邦国际钢琴比赛第一名,并创下最年轻夺冠纪录。他的音乐会遍布世界各大著名音乐厅,他完美和富有诗意的演奏“余音绕梁”。李云迪的成功从一个侧面反映了中国过去30多年的巨大变化,同时也说明中国的发展是全面的发展,中国不仅重视经济建设,同样重视文化建设。今天,中国人民不仅物质生活越来越好,而且精神文化生活越来越丰富。What strikes me most about Yundi is not only his mastery of western music, but also his deep passion for traditional Chinese music. Chinas musical history goes a long way back. The earliest musical instrument according to historical records was TAOXUN, with a history of over 6,000 years. The first government office for music, YUEFU, was created over 2,000 years ago. The earliest surviving GUQIN music was composed 1,500 years ago. Music knows no borders. Music links the world through shared pleasures. It is through his music that Yundi has been a good ambassador for building understanding between China and the world. In 2011, he released his first Chinese music album called The Red Piano. This year, Yundi plans to set out on a global Red Piano tour. His hope is to give new meaning to Chinas classical music. In this way it is Yundis wish to promote a better understating of Chinas profound culture.李云迪在西方古典音乐方面造谐深厚,但是他始终热爱着中国传统音乐。中国的音乐发展史源远流长,考古发现的最早乐器陶埙据今有6000多年,最早的官方音乐机构乐府出现在2000多年前,传世的最早一张古琴谱的创作年代据今有1500年。音乐无国界,优美的旋律是世界人民的共同精神财富。2011年,李云迪推出了首张中国音乐作品集红色钢琴。今年他又将在全球举行“红色钢琴”主题巡演。李云迪希望通过自己的琴声,对中国传统音乐经典作出全新诠释,让世界领略到中国音乐的独特韵味,感受到中华文化的博大精深。This year marks 40 years of China-UK ambassadorial diplomatic relations. This 40-year journey is extraordinary. We have together built up a strong partnership that has covered all fields. Also this evening is symbolic. There is a growing recognition that culture has become a big part of China-UK relations. This concert is a tribute to 40 years of our full diplomatic relations. As importantly, we hope the concert will inspire all of us to work even harder to strengthen China-UK cultural exchanges. This will, in turn, contribute to greater mutual understanding and closer cooperation.今年是中英建立大使级外交关系40周年。过去的40年告诉我们,中英关系的发展也是全面的发展,合作领域涉及方方面面,文化交流是其重要组成部分。中国驻英国大使馆举办此次李云迪钢琴音乐会,既是庆祝建立大使级外交关系40周年,也是以此进一步促进中英文化交流,从而增进彼此的了解和理解,深化双方的信任与合作。To conclude, I want to thank EMI


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