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采购合同 Purchase Contract甲方:xxxxxxxxxx有限公司Party A::xxxxxxxx Co., Ltd地址:xxxxxxxAddress: xxxxxxxx电话:+(86) xxxxxxTel: +(86) xxxxxxxx乙方:xxxxxxParty B: xxxxxx地址:xxxxxxxAddress: xxxxxxxxx电话:xx - xxxx -xxxxxxTel: xx -xxxx -xxxxxx双方依照中华人民共和国合同法以及中华人民共和国其它相关法律法规,按照平等自愿、诚信守法、协商一致的原则,共同约定以下合作合同(以下简称“本合同”)。In accordance with the Contract Law and other relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China, both parties have concluded the following contract (hereinafter referred to as “the Contract”), base on the principle of at-will, equality, mutual-consent, honesty and credibility. 一、 采购的产品及质量要求1. The product and quality requirement 双方同意,由买方向卖方采购xxxxxxxxxxxxx。Both parties agreed that The buyer purchase xxxxxxxxxxx (hereinafter referred as “xxxxxxxxxxx”) from the seller. 产品验收的质量标准为:xxxx The quality standard for inspection shall be:xxxxxx.二、 采购数量及价格2. Quantity and price买方本次下订单采购xxxxxxxxxxx,数量及价格见下表。 The buyer shall place an order of xxxxxxxxxxx , with quantity and price set below table,三、 样品、质量及抽检3. Quality and sampling Inspection如约定以样品作为质量标准,应约定:样品的封存办法视产品的类型不同而不同, 体积较小的产品可以在双方监督下,用信封封存且双方在封口盖章。大的样品也可以找公证保存。同时,双方也可以在合同或封袋上对质量进行书面描述。In the event that the parties agree to verify quality as per sample product, we need to stipulate that: Method of sample-sealing shall vary from different product. Sample of small size product can be sealed in an envelope with both parties chop on the seal, under both parties supervision. Sample of big size product can be preserved by Notary. Moreover, both parties can stipulate the quality in the contract or on the sealing bag. 卖方应确保产品质量符合有关国家标准,并符合本协议第一条有关质量的要求。如买方要求对xxxxxxxxxxx生产进行现场抽检,卖方方应当予以配合。The seller must ensure that the quality meet national Quality Norm and the requirement in Clause1. In the event that The buyer want to inspect the production of xxxxxxxxxxx, The seller shall provide necessary cooperation and convenience.卖方生产完成后应及时通知买方,买方将派人员到卖方工厂现场验收,包括检验货物的储存、包装、标签和装运,进行数量清点、表面检查、取样等。取样的方式是:每批由检验人员随机取样一百台。 The seller shall notify The buyer the finish of production and The buyer shall arrange inspector(s) to implement inspection & acceptance in the factory of The seller, include verify the storage, packing, marking, loading and will conduct sampling, analysis, tallying. The sampling shall be conduct as follow, the inspectors sample 100xxxxx from the batch. 取样后,在双方代表的监督下,根据第一条的标准对产品进行检查,验证产品是否合格。双方约定,如果抽样产品的合格率(仅限主要功能)低于90%,则买方有权解除合同;如果抽样产品的合格率(仅限主要功能)高于90%(含)低于95%,则产品的价格应在原先基础上下调2%。上述合格率应当按返工换货后的合格率计算。After the sampling, the products shall be inspected according to the requirement in Clause 1, under the supervision of both Parties, to determine whether the products are up to grade. It is agreed that if the pass rate(for main function) is below 90%, The buyer shall has the right to cancel the Contract and if more than 90%(inclusive) but less than 95%, the price shall be deducted 2% automatically. The aforesaid pass rate shall be the rate after one time reproduction. 抽检不合格买方有权解除合同;买方的抽检不视为产品质量的最终确认,卖方仍应对产品的后续质量问题负责。The buyer has the right to cancel the contract if the sampling inspection does not meet the requirement. The sampling inspection shall not be considered as final confirmation on product quality. The seller shall be liable to any later product quality problem. 四、 交货4. Delivery卖方在深圳仓库交货后,应当提供必要的用于买方出口的单据:包括不限于清洁海运提单、三份签章的商业发票、三份装箱单、两份原产地证、商检证、CE证书等技术资质证书)。卖方应当保证产品没有任何出口(如有)障碍,包括不限于海关、商检等方面的产品出口限制。The seller shall, when delivery the goods in Shenzhen warehouse, provide necessary documents for The buyers exportation: include but not limited to full set of clean on board marine bill of lading, signed and sealed invoices in three copies, packing list in three copies, certificate of origin in 2 copies, Commodity Inspection certificate, CE certificate and other technical qualification certificate) . The seller shall guarantee that there is no any restriction on exportation(if applicable), include but not limited to Customs or commodity inspection. 五、 付款及进度5. Payment and proceedings买方应当于下订单后汇付25%的定金,并于深圳仓库收货后再汇付55%,收到卖方17%的增值税发票后,买方再支付20%余款。The buyer shall T/T 25% of the contract value after placing the order and shall T/T 55% after receipt the goods in Shenzhen warehouse. After receipt 17% VAT invoice, The buyer shall T/T the balance of 20%. 六、 包装要求6. Packing Requirementxxxxxxx包好xxxxxxx,并内置于xxxxxxx,然后装入xxxxxxx中,选择的纸箱规格需经过买方的同意。xxxxxxx单独包装并放置。卖方应确保包装适于运输及质量的稳定。Each xxxxxxx shall be put into a xxxxxxx and then put into a xxxxxxx, then put into xxxxxxx. xxxxxxx shall be packed separately. The seller shall guarantee that the packing is suitable for transportation and keep quality stable. 七、 质量保证和售后服务7 Quality Guarantee and After-sales service交付的货物质量不符合约定的,买方有权选择解除合同、修理、更换、重作、减少价款或报酬等方式要求买方承担违约责任;买方选择修改更换重做的,卖方应在x天之内完成;卖方违反约定的前述两项义务,应当损失支付或抵销价款方式赔偿买方的损失;In the event that the delivered goods does not meet stipulated quality requirement, the buyer has the right to choose canceling the contract, request theother party tobear the liability of repairing, substituting, reworking, or reducing theprice or remuneration.In the event that the buyer select repairing, substituting, reworking, the seller is obliged to finish the obligation within X days. The seller shall compensate the buyer by payment directly or offset contractual price, if the seller violate abovementioned 2 obligations.如双方约定质量保证期超过两年的,可在合同内约定该质量保证期。否则无须约定,法定为两年。If the quality guarantee period is more than 2 years, the buyer can provide the quantity guarantee period. Otherwise it is not necessary to provide it, the mandatory period is 2 years. 八、 违约责任8. Liability on breach of the contract卖方交货延迟,应承担每天0.01%订单总金额的违约金;延迟交货超过xxx天,买方有权解除合同;In the event of The sellers late delivery, The seller shall bear a daily penalty at 0.01%. If the late is more than x days, The buyer shall has the right to terminate the contract.卖方明了买方采购用于出口的目的,承诺其负有提供完整资料或资质的义务(例如商检证、17%增值税发票、CE证书等),否则买方有权解除合同;The seller understand the buyers purpose of purchase is for exportation and undertake to provide adequate documentations or certificate for exportation, otherwise The buyer shall has the right to terminate the contract. 无论合同是否解除,卖方都应赔偿因违约造成的买方损失,包括并不限于律师费、运费、保险、检验费、买方客户在本合同金额30%以内的索赔等;The seller shall compensate the buyers loss, include but not limited to lawyers fee, transportation, insurance, test fee, and up to 30% of contract value of damage or compensation paid to the buyers clients, due to the sellers breaching contract.卖方未能提供xxx资料的或不能提供17%增值税发票的,买方有权解除合同;The buyer has the right to cancel the contract in the event that the Seller fails to provide xxxxx documentation or fails to provide 17% VAT invoice. 九、不可抗力9. Force Majeure卖方如因不可抗力而造成交货的延误,可得以免责。如发生不可抗力情形,卖方应立即于两天内将情况书面通知买方,并尽快传真和航空快递发送一个事故发生地有关政府机构做出的证明,作为相应的证据。在此情况下,卖方仍然有义务采取一切必要的措施来促成货物的交付。The seller shall not be held responsible for the delay in delivery due to Force Majeure. The seller who encounter Force Majeure shall advise the buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within two days thereafter, shall fax and send by airmail to the buyer for their acceptance a certificate of the accident issued by the Competent Government Authorities where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances the seller, however, is still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. 十、争议解决10. Dispute Settlement本合同适用中华人民共和国法律;如在合同执行过程中有争议,双方应当进行协商;如协商无法解决,因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均提请深圳仲裁委员会按照该会仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。This Contract will be interpreted in accordance with the law of the Peoples Republic of China. All disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to Shenzhen Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding up on both parties十一、其他:11. Miscellaneous.双方文件送达地址为:甲方: 乙方 双方营业执照、税务登记证、组织机构代码证(或对方身份证)、一般纳税人证的复印件加盖其公章或签字(如合同方为个人)后作为本合同的附件。Copies of Business license, tax certificate, certificate of organiza


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