附件4:正文内文献引用的APA格式要求(1)一件作品或多件作品的引用:l It has been argued that teachers role is to provide the students with optimal conditions which can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar successful results (Bloom, 1976, pp. 12-16).l Gagne (1977, pp. 38-41) also noticed that adult learners were less affected by external instruction events.l The advantage of the multiple regression analysis is that it cannot show the complex interrelations between independent variables (Bryman & Crammer, 1990, pp. 135-139).l Studies of the good language learner (for example, Naiman, Frohlich, Stern, and Todesco, 1978, pp. 49-52) have tried to identify the strategies which successful learners use (first citation) (Ellis, 1994, p. 37).l Naiman et al. (1978, pp. 49-52) found a similar relationship, although in this case effort on the part of the learners was also associated with instrumental motivation (subsequent citation) (Ellis, 1994, p. 512).(2)同一括号里多件作品的引用:l Empirical studies on student learning carried out since the 70s have found that students learning outcomes to a great extent depend on their choice of learning approaches (Biggs, 1979, 1987).l The major finding from the earlier studies (Barley, 1969, 1970; Clement et al., 1978; Gardner & Lambert, 1972; Gliksman, 1976; Spolsky, 1969) was that learners with an integrative motivation tended to obtain better achievement that those with an instrumental motivation.(注意引用作品的排序)(请认真对照附件6)附件5:正文内文献引用的MLA格式要求(1)一件作品或多件作品的引用:l It has been argued that teachers role is to provide the students with optimal conditions which can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar successful results (Bloom 12-6).l Gagne (38-41) also noticed that adult learners were less affected by external instruction events.l The advantage of the multiple regression analysis is that it cannot show the complex interrelations between independent variables (Bryman and Crammer 135-9).l Studies of the good language learner (for example, Naiman et al. 49-52) have tried to identify the strategies which successful learners use (Ellis 37).l Naiman et al. (49-52) found a similar relationship, although in this case effort on the part of the learners was also associated with instrumental motivation (Ellis 512).(注意:MLA格式不加年代,只加作者姓和页码,没有逗号)(2)同一括号里多件作品的引用:l Empirical studies on student learning carried out since the 70s have found that students learning outcomes to a great extent depend on their choice of learning approaches (Biggs, Empirical Studies; Learning Strategies).(注意:这里的下划线表示作者的两篇不同作品,我们现在统一用斜体代替下划线)l The major finding from the earlier studies (Barley; Clement et al.; Gardner & Lambert; Gliksman; Spolsky) was that learners with an integrative motivation tended to obtain better achievement that those with an instrumental motivation.(注意引用作品的排序)l In The Age of Voltaire, the Durants portray eighteenth century England as a minor force in the world of music and art (214-48).(注意:文内已出现作者名,括号里就只要加页码)(请认真对照附件7)附件:参考文献APA格式要求l 按先英文后中文排序;l 字号比正文小一号打印;标点统一用半角状态;标点后统一空一格(汉语文献与英语文献类同,见下面示例);l 书目格式按APA格式排列,但英文书名用斜体析出,不必用下划线析出。现将主要参文献条目排列要求举例如下,以供参考:专著、论文集、学位论文、研究报告:作者. (出版年).文献题名(pp. 起止页码). 出版地: 出版者.如:Dancygier, B. (1998). Conditionals and prediction: Time, knowledge, and causation in conditional constructions (pp. 56-89). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Fauconnier, G., & Sweetser, E. (1996). Spaces, worlds, and grammar. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Iwanska, L. (1996). Toward a formal account of context-dependency and underspecificity of natural language. Paper given at AAAI Symposium on Computational Implicature. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society.Roulet, E. et al. (Eds.). (1985).Larticulation du discours en francais contemporain. Berne: Peter Lang.Sweetser, E. (1996). Mental space and the grammar of conditional construction. In G. Fauconnier & E. Sweetser (Eds.). Space, worlds, and grammar (pp. 318-333). Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press.Welker, K. (1994). Plans in the common ground: Toward a generative account of implicature. Unpublished Doctoral dissertation, Ohio State University.期刊文章:作者. (出版年). 文献题名. 期刊名称, 期, 起止页码. 如:徐盛桓. (2004a). 充分条件的语用嬗变. 外国语, 38 (3), 11-19.徐盛桓. (2004b). 逻辑与实据英语IF条件句研究的一种理论框架. 现代外语, 28 (4), 331-339.报纸文章:文献作者. (出版日期). 文献题名. 报纸名. 版次. 如:谢希德. (1998). 创造学习的新思路. 人民日报. 25 Dec. pp. 10.(汉语参考书目可使用12-25, pp. 10)网上文献:作者. (发表日期).文件名. 出版信息(如电子期刊名、或出版名称). 登陆查看日期. 网址.McCracken, E. (1997). Desiderata. Bold type On-line. 7 May, 1997. Available: /boldtpe/mccracken/read.article$197(注意:有两个时间,前者是作品发表时间,后者是参考者登陆时间。)Seaman, D. (Ed.). (n. d.). The electronic text center. Alderman Lib., U of Virginia On-line. 14 Feb. 1997. Available: /(n. d.表示no date,即时间不清)Coates, S. (1996). A dead language comes to life on the internet On-line. New York Times on the Web. 20. Apr. 1997. Available: e/web/docsroot/library/cyber/week/1028Latin.htmlPascal, B. (1910). Pensees. Trans. W. F. Trotter. On-line. 29 Apr. 1997. Available: gopher:/: 10010/02/130/1Cacicedo, Al. (n. d.). Private parts: Preliminary notes for an essay on gender identity in Shakespeare. Working paper. On-line. 27 Aug. 1997. Available: http:/www.arts.ubc.ca/english/iemls/shak/private_parts.txt(这里发表时间无,可省略)5. 编著、译著、文学作品、字典及其他辞海. (1999). 上海: 上海辞书出版社.多利莫尔. (2001). 莎士比亚:文化唯物主义与新历史主义. 王逢振. 2000年新译西方文论选 (pp. 237-238). 桂林: 漓江出版社.莎士比亚. (1989). 莎士比亚全集. 朱生豪译. 北京: 人民文学出版社. 芝诺科西多夫斯基. (1992). 新约的传说. 张会森译. 哈尔滨: 黑龙江人民出版社.附件7:参考文献MLA格式要求l 按先英文后中文排序;l 字号比正文小一号打印;标点统一用半角状态;标点后统一空一格(汉语文献与英语文献类同,见下面示例);l 书目格式按MLA格式排列,但英文书名用斜体析出,不必用下划线析出。现将主要参文献条目排列要求举例如下,以供参考:专著、论文集、学位论文、研究报告:作者. 文献题名. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年, 起止页码(如文内已列明,则省).如:Dancygier, Bob. Conditionals and Prediction: Time, Knowledge, and Causation in Conditional Constructions. Cambridge: CUP, 1998.Fauconnier, Gilles, and Even Sweetser. Spaces, Worlds, and Grammar. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1996.Iwanska, Long. “Toward a Formal Account of Context-Dependency and Underspecificity of Natural Language.” Paper given at AAAI Symposium on Computational Implicature. Berkeley Linguistics Soc., 19-21 Jan. 1996.Roulet, Evan, et al., eds. LArticulation du Discours en Francais Contemporain. Berne: Peter Lang, 1985.Sweetser, Even. “Mental Space and the Grammar of Conditional Construction.” Ed. G. Fauconnier & E. Sweetser. Chicago & London: U of Chicago P, 1996.(注意,MLA要求论文集和期刊论文用引号;论文集名目在这里不是作为头条书目,故不必标出;页码如在文内已经标出,故参考书目里不必再标出)Welker, Kant. “Plans in the Common Ground: Toward a Generative Account of Implicature.” Diss. Ohio State U, 1994. 期刊文章:作者. “文献题名.” 期刊名称卷.期号(出版年): 起止页码. 如:徐盛桓. “充分条件的语用嬗变.” 外国语 38.3 (2004a): 11-9.徐盛桓. “逻辑与实据英语IF条件句研究的一种理论框架.” 现代外语 28.4 (2004b): 331-9.Barthelme, Frederick. “Architecture.” Kansas Quarterly 13.3-4 (1981): 77-80.(13.3-4是指13卷3、4期合刊)报纸文章:文献作者. “文献题名.” 报纸名 出版日期: 版次. 如:谢希德. “创造学习的新思路
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