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Module 6 Hobbies【巩固练习】I. 单项选择。1I am looking forward _ you again Aseeing Bto see Cto seeing Dsee2The desk _ much spaceI cant put the bike in it Atakes away Btakes out Ctakes up Dtakes down3Mary worked hard,and _ she made great progressAto a result Bas a result Cfor a result Din a result4What the teacher said made us _Aangrily Bangry Canger Dare angry5I like ball games,_ football,basketball,table tennisAfor example Bsuch Clikes Dsuch as6Sam is off to England and he has asked Helen _ his dog Alook for Blook after Cto look for Dto look after7Whats Johns _? Mountain bikingHe says _ is exciting Adream;its Bcharacter;that Chobby;it Dhope;she8Why does Annie enjoy _? Because it can _ her much pleasure Adrawing;bring Bto dance;make Cride;take Dreading;show9My friend Jack has an _ hobbyHe is _ in old newspapers Ainteresting;interesting Binterested;interested Cinteresting;interested Dinterested;interesting10JKRowling spent many years _ Harry Potter Awrite Bwrote Cwriting Dto write11Its important _ the piano well Aof him to play Bfor him to play Cof him playing Dfor him playing12I like the magazineWhen will the next one _? Next Wednesday Acome on Bgo out Ccome out Dlook out13It was raining heavily outsideThe father made the children _ in the house Ato stay Bstay Cstays Dstayed14You had better not put your computer hereIt _ too much space Atakes off Btakes up Ctakes place Dtakes out15Do you like the song? Yes,it sounds really _Aterrible Bdelicious Cbeautiful Dbeautifully真题链接 1. Mr. Smith told his son _ the football match because of the exam.Anot to watchBto not watchCnot watchingDdoesnt watch2. How are you getting along with your English study? Much better. I dont feel it was as as before.A. interesting B. much C. difficult D. easy3. Everybody except Mike and Linda there when the meeting began. A. is B. are C. was D. wereII. 完形填空。My parents took me to Japan when I was little. I lived there for five years. _1_I came back, my Japanese was very good. “Can I do something useful with my Japanese?” I asked myself. Then, one day last spring, I got a good opportunity(机会). Everyone was afraid of SARS, so I stayed at home with _2_to do. My father brought me a Japanese book. “Why dont you translate(翻译)it into Chinese? It will be better than _3_computer games all day.” I promised (许诺) to do 2000 words each day. But _4_I found it was hard to keep the promise. One day in May, the weather was beautiful. But I couldnt go out. Those 2000 words were still _5_me. After translating only three pages, I already lost interest in the book. I looked at it for a long time. But I couldnt make myself turn the pages. How I _6_I could just go outside and play football with my friends! I counted the words again and again. I just wanted to give up. I felt as if two people were fighting _7_my mind. One said, “Dont give up! Keep working hard and youll do well!”But then the other one said, “Go and play! It will be more _8_than translating. Do your work tomorrow. I stood up and would _9_the computer. But then I remembered _10_my parents had told me: “Whatever you do, dont stop halfway.” So I sat down and went on with it.1. A. Because B. UntilC. SinceD. When2. A. nothingB. somethingC. everything D. anything3. A. be playedB. playingC. played D. plays4. A. just thenB. right nowC. soon D. suddenly5. A. talking to B. looking at C. smiling at D. waiting for6. A. thought B. felt C. wished D. decided7. A. in B. with C. aboutD. for8. A. fun B. important C. useful D. dangerous9. A. turn on B. turn off C. open D. close10. A. how B. whereC. which D. whatIII. 阅读理解。AThe coldest and most difficult place in the world in which to live is Antarctica. Antarctica is the land of snow and ice near the South Pole. Most people do not think there is much life in the icy waters around it. They are wrong.Antarcticas seas are full of life. There are many kinds of fishes, water birds, seals and whales. They eat the thick plant life in the sea and the smaller water animals. Some whales, for example, eat more than a ton of food every day.The most famous animal of Antarctica is the penguin. It struts around the icy as if it were a movie star walking down the street.1. The best title is _.A. Thick Plant LifeB. Life Around AntarcticaC. Tons of FoodD. Penguins2. The most famous animal of Antarctica is the _.A. whale B. sealC. penguin D. fox3. Antarctica has _.A. much ice B. warm weatherC. flocks of geese D. warm water4. Around Antarctica there _.A. are many people B. is little plant lifeC. are many animals D. is little snow5. The word “struts” in the last paragraph means _.A. swims gracefully B. walks proudlyC. runs swiftly D. jumps happily BHundreds of years ago, a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland. The Scots, a brave people, loved their country very much. They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland, but there were too many of the Romans. It looked as if the Romans would win.One night, the leader of Scots marched his soldiers to the top of a hill. “We will rest here tonight, my men,” he said, “Tomorrow we will fight one more battle. We must win or we will die.”They were all very tired, so they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep. There were four guards on duty, but they too, were very tired, and one by one, also fell asleep.The Romans were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill. Slowly they climbed up the hillside, taking care not to make a sound. Closer and closer they came to the sleeping Scots. They were almost at the top. A few minutes more, the war would be over. Suddenly, one of them put his foot on a thistle (蓟). He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots. In a moment, they were on their feet and ready for battle. The fighting was hard but it did not last long. The Scots wiped out the Romans and saved their country.The thistle is not a beautiful plant. It has sharp needles all over it. Few people like it. But the people of Scotland liked it so much that they made it their national flower.6. Hundreds of years ago there was a war between _.A. Roman army and North EnglandB. Roman army and the ScotsC. England and ScotsD. A brave people and the Scots7. At first it looked as if the Romans would win because _.A. the Scots were not braveB. the Roman army was so strongC. the Romans had the support from the ScottishD. the Scots were afraid of the enemy8. “We must win or we will die. ” What the leader of the Scots said means _.A. they were sure to winB. they couldnt escape from deathC. they would win and then they would dieD. they must try hard to win, otherwise they will lost their country9. The Romans climbed up the hill quietly because _.A. they didnt want to wake the ScotsB. they wanted to reach the topC. they wanted to catch the four guards firstD. they were afraid of the sharp needles of the thistle10. The people of Scotland made thistle their national flower because _.A. it is a beautiful plantB. it is fresh and lovelyC. it had so many sharp needles all over itD. it was the thistle that helped the Scots to win the battleCMany students have hobbies,such as reading,painting,growing vegetables and looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are active. Hobbies can make you grow as a person,develop your interests and help you learn new skills.David Smith is a student,and one of his hobbies is writing. During the summer of 2010,he spent four weeks at a summer camp. Besides the usual activities,such as sailing and climbing,there was a writing class. “The teacher was a writer,and she asked us to talk about our lives and tell interesting stories. Then she encouraged us to write about our experiences at the camp,”says David.Back at school,David wrote a story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy,and it came out as a book in 2012. Many young people love his book,and as a result,David has become a successful young writer.David has been very lucky because his hobby has brought him pleasure and success. But writing is not his only hobby. He is also interested in many other things. “I like playing volleyball,too,”says David. “I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team. Maybe Ill write about my volleyball team in my future books.”11. David Smith went to a summer camp _.A. in 2010B. in 2012C. at the age of 1612. What summer camp activities are mentioned in the passage?writing swimming sailing climbingA. B. C. 13. David has become successful because of _.A. his teacherB. his bookC. his experience14. David plans to write about _ in the future.A. his schoolB. his friendC. his volleyball team15. The passage mainly tells us _.A. David is a writer B. David has many hobbies C. hobbies can bring us a lotIV. 书面表达。阅读下列表格的内容,根据所提供信息写一篇80词的短文,介绍一个名叫杰克(Jack)的男孩。要求:语言表达准确;要包括表格中的信息要点;可适当发挥。姓名:杰克年龄:13岁国籍:美国爱好1. 喜欢打篮球,希望长大后能为NBA打球。2. 对收集硬币感兴趣。从六岁起便开始收集硬币,并从中学到了很多。最爱的人1. 杰克很爱他的妈妈,每次妈妈过生日杰克总给妈妈小礼物。2. 杰克说和妈妈一起做家务很有意思。3. 杰克在空余时间很乐意帮妈妈做家务。例如洗碗,拖地,洗衣服等。_答案与解析:. 单项选择。1C。考查短语look forward to doing sth.,意为“盼望做”。2C。短语take up意为“占用”。3B。as a result意为“作为的结果”。4B。make+宾语+形容词作宾补,意为“使得”。5D。such as意为“例如”,后面不跟逗号。6D。ask sb. to do sth意为“请求某人做某事”,排除A与B项。look for“寻找”;look after“照顾”。look after符合句意,故选D。7C。山地自行车运动是一种爱好;指代前面提到的事物用代词it。8A。enjoy后接动词的-ing形式作宾语,排除B、C两项。bring sb. sth意为“给某人带来某物”;show sb. sth. 意为“把某物展示给某人”。前者符合句意。答语句意:因为它能给她带来快乐。9C。interesting意为“有趣的”,可作定语或表语;interested常用于短语be interested in,意为“对感兴趣”。10C。spend.(in) doing sth. 表示“(某人)花费做某事”。11B。Its + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. 是一个固定句型,意为“对于某人来说做某事是”,it在句首作形式主语。此时,形容词应是描述事物的词。若形容词是描述行为者的性格、品质的词,则应用of sb.,构成Its + adj. + of sb. + to do sth.,意为“某人做某事是”。12C。come on“快点”;go out“出去”;come out“出版”;look out“当心”。空格所在句主语one指代上文提到的magazine(杂志),故此处用come out符合句意。13B。make sb. do sth. 意为“使某人做某事”,省略to的动词不定式作宾补。14B。take off意为“起飞,脱下”;take up意为“占据”;take place意为“发生”;take out意为“拿出”。由句意“它占用了太多的空间”可知,B项正确。15C。sound在此是连系动词,后接形容词作表语,构成句型“主语+连系动词+表语”。beautifully是副词。真题链接 1. A。句意为:因为要考试,Smith先生叫他的儿子不要看足球比赛。tell sb. not to do sth.意为“告诉某人不要做某事”,为固定结构。故选A。2. C。句意:你的英语学习现在怎么样?好多了。我感觉它不像以前那么难了。asas像一样;A. interesting有趣的;B. much 许多; C. difficult困难的; D. easy简单的。根据回答Much better.可知现在比以前简单,即不像以前那么难。故选C。3. C。句意:当会议开始的时候,除了麦克和琳达每个人都在那里。except,除了,介词短语不做主语,真正的主语是everybody,不定代词做主语看作单数。根据时间状语从句用的一般过去时,可以确定时间是过去,故选C。II. 完形填空。1. D。when引导的时间状语从句,“当时候”。2. A。呆在家中无事可做,因此“My father brought me a Japanese book”。3. B。比较级前后要一致,故用动名词作主语。4. C。含义:我许诺每天完成2000个单词,但不久我发现完成我的诺言很难。5. D。由 couldnt go out可知2000个单词还没完,所以用wait。6. C。wish希望,引导虚拟语气。7. A。in ones mind 意思是“在的脑海里”。8. A。fun“有趣的”,fun的比较级是more fun。9. B。含义:我站起来想去关上电脑。故用turn off “关上”。10. D。what引导的宾语从句,在句中作宾语,含义:我记起父母对我说的话。III. 阅读理解。A篇1. B。根据全文意思可知。2. C。根据文中的“The most famous animal of Antarctica is the penguin.”可知答案。3. A。根据文章第二句话可知答案。4. C。根据文章第二段的前两句话可知答案。5. B。根据“as if it were a movie star walking down the street.”可知答案。B篇6. B。根据文章第一句话可知答案。7. B。根据文章的“but there were too many of the Romans”可知答案。8. D。根据文章意思可知,领导者的决心很大。9. A。根据文意可知,Romans不想吵醒the Scots。10. D。根据“The Scots wiped out the Romans an


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