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Paper OnePart I Using of English (20 %)Section One Vocabulary and Structure (10 %)Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices four choices marked A, B, C, D .Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence .Then put the corresponding letter in the proper place of your ANSWER SHEET.1. He said that they had _ been obliged to give up the scheme for lack of support.A gravely B regrettably C forcibly D which2. They left prior _ our arrival.A at B by C to D of3. Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly _ to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather-sensitive people.A subjective B subordinate C liable D vulnerable4. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to _ healthy.A preserve B maintain C stay D reserve5. _ in the United States, St. Louis has mow become the 24th largest city.A Being the fourth biggest city B It was once the fourth biggest cityC Once the fourth biggest city D The fourth biggest city it was6. Agriculture was a step in human progress _ which subsequently there was not anything comparable until our own machine age.A to B in C for D from7. I have no objection _ your story again.A to hear B to hearing C to having heard D to have heard8. The story that follows _ tow famous characters of the Rocky Mountain gold rush days.A concerns B proclaims C states D relates9. I always _ what I have said.A get to B see to C lead to D hold to10. The prisoner was _ of his civil liberty for three years.A discharged B derived C deprived D dispatched11. What _ would happen if the director knew you felt that way?A will you suppose B you suppose C do you suppose D you would suppose12. In my opinion, hes _ the most imaginative of all the contemporary poets.A in all B at best C for all D by far13. At present there is a _ of iron and steel and more must be produced.A limit B loss C poverty D scarcity14. There is no much time left; so Ill tell you about it _.A in detail B in short C in brief D in all15. Although the colonists _ to some extent with the native Americans, the Indians influence on American culture and language was not extensive.A migrated B matched C mingled D melted16. _ evidence that language-acquiring ability must be stimulated.A It being B It is C There is D There being17. What a lovely party! Its worth _ all my life.A remembering B to remember C to be remembered D being remembered18. Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply _.A slipped B descended C lessened D declined19. _ at in this way, the present economic situation doesnt seem do gloomy.A Looking B Looked C Having looked D To look20. It was recommended that passengers _ smoke during the flight.A not B need not C could not D would notSection Two Cloze Test(10 %)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then put the corresponding letter in the proper place of your ANSWER SHEET.Now we have to mention the difference 21 the social level. The market economy 22 a difference on social level. For the 23 persons market economy offers a good chance to 24 big money. But for the persons who are not so able, or 25 cannot engage in business like disabled people, it is a hard 26 which deprives them 27 the chance to live a decent life. It becomes often the cause of social troubles, and if the social difference or gap 28 the critical level, the existence of society itself would be in 29 . It is one of the biggest roles for every state to avoid this danger.On the social level difference, there is an 30 different from that in one company or organization. That is the matter of human rights. So it is not a matter of economy 31 a matter of politics. It must be 32 for all people. These kinds of rights not being assured, people feel that their right to live is 33 . The assurance of the right to live is the minimal condition of socialism. It is not allowed for the state to neglect these kinds of human rights. 34 these socially fundamental rights, especially in developing countries, the right to receive an equal education for children is very important, 35 education makes society fluid and active. Education not only raises the quality of manpower, but also gives people 36 for the future. To assure peoples rights at the basic level is important not only in the political 37 but also in the economic sense. 38 everyone a chance to develop his 39 which is realized only by education, is effective to activate society. Therefore the establishment of a compulsory education institution is the first 40 task of every developing country.21. A. in B. on C. with D. of22. A. offers B. provide C. generates D. produce23. A. able B. lazy C. industrious D. noble24. A. acquire B. obtain C. make D. take25. A. whatever B. what C. whoever D. who26. A. real B. reality C. realization D. truth27. A. of B. off C. from D. to28. A. beyond B. extent C. extend D. exceeds29. A. risk B. stake C. danger D. harm30. A. question B. answer C. issue D. problem31. A. and B. but C. also D. yet32. A. guaranteed B. granted C. guided D. grunted33. A. relieved B. withdrawn C. stopped D. denied34. A. Due to B. With C. For D. Among35. A. so B. because C. therefore D. thus36. A. luck B. plan C. hope D. dream37. A. degree B. sense C. meaning D. extent38. A. To give B. To make C. Giving D. Making39. A. privacy B. publicity C. power D. personality40. A. emergent B. eminent C. urgent D. immigrantPart II Reading Comprehension(40 %)Directions: There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and then put the corresponding letter in the proper place of your ANSWER SHEET.Question 41-44 are based on the following passage.With human footprints on the moon, radio telescopes listening for messages from alien creatures (who may or may not exist), technicians looking for celestial and planetary sources of energy to support our civilization, orbiting telescopes data hinting at planetary systems around other stars, and political groups trying to figure out how to save humanity from nuclear warfare that would damage life and climate on a planet-wide scale, an astronomy book published today enters a world different from the one that greeted books a generation ago. Astronomy has broadened to involve our basic circumstances and our mysterious future in the universe, With eclipses and space missions broadcast live, and with NASA, Europe, and the USSR planning and building permanent space stations, astronomy offers adventure for all people, an outward exploratory thrust that may one day be seen as an alternative to mindless consumerism, ideological bickering, and wars to control dwindling resources on a closed, finite Earth.Todays astronomy students not only seek an up-to-date summary of astronomical facts: they ask, as people have asked for ages, about our basic relations to the rest of the universe. They may study astronomy partly to seek points of contact between science and other human endeavors: philosophy, history, politics, environmental action, even the arts and religion.Science fiction writers and special effect artists on recent films help todays students realize that unseen worlds of space are real places-not abstract concepts. Todays students are citizens of a more real, more vast cosmos than conceptualized by students of a decade ago.In designing this edition, the Wadsworh editors and I have tried to respond to these developments. Rather than jumping at the start into murky waters of cosmology, I have begun with the viewpoint of ancient people on Earth and worked outward across the universe. This method of organization automatically (if loosely) reflects the order of humanitys discoveries about astronomy and provides a unifying theme of increasing distance and scale.41.This passage is most probably taken from _.A an article of popular scienceB the introduction of a book of astronomyC a lecture given by the author to astronomy studentsD the preface of a piece of science fiction42. The authors purpose in presenting the first paragraph is _.A to explain the background and new features of todays astronomyB to discuss in detail the most recent achievements in space researchC to introduce some newly established space stationsD to introduce some adventurous space programs43. The author thinks that the growing interest in space exploration among people on Earth will probably lead to _.A all people having chances of traveling in spaceB the realization of permanent settlement on other planetsC more disturbance not only on Earth but also in outer spaceD orders, harmony and peace on our planet Earth44. The author believes that todays astronomy students _.A are much brighter than students of a generation agoB no longer care about astronomical factsC are better-informed about the unseen worlds of spaceD may learn more about man and his research in various fields through the study of astronomyQuestion 45-48are based on the following passage.A long painful struggle with cancer and chemotherapy had caused baldness for Barbara Bassett, of Moorstown, N.J. The day her blonde hair fell out in clumps was, for Barbara, the worst day of her ordeal. Determined to use some form of camouflage, she tried a wig but found it itchy and hot. Scarves slipped off or clung too tightly, accentuating the problem. Finally, a friend suggested Barbara call her neighbor, Marie Stevens, an accomplished seamstress who worked at home.Barbara explained to Marie that she needed something between a scarf and a hat, with a shape that suggested hair beneath. It had to fasten securely, and had no opening that would reveal baldness. Sensing a kindred spirit, Marie agreed to work something up. She was no stranger to medical tragedy herself, having lost two of her seven children to cystic fibrosis.The design itself was simple, a combination scarf/hat of light cotton and polyester that fit well, disguising the lack of hair. “Smart” was the description Barbaras friends came up with. For Barbara, elegance was secondary to the scarfs greatest asset. “That silly little hat saved me,” she told her friends.Shortly after, Marie and Barbara formed a partnership selling scarves, which they called Hide&Chic. They developed a line of colors, plus small elasticized versions for children. They had a brochure printed, and sent it to oncology units and social-service directors in hospitals.Soon after the company, Mare-bar, Inc. was on its feet, Barbara learned that her cancer had recurred. Despite more chemotherapy, she died, at age 40.“She made me promise that Id keep things going,” Marie said. “When she died, I was pretty low. But I kept getting mail from cancer patients who described how our scarf/hat had made such a big difference. I got going again. Its a nice legacy for Barbara, who was a very special lady.”45. This passage is mainly about _.A how Barbara became a fashion designerB how Marie helped Barbara recover from her illnessC how Mar-bar Inc. came into beingD how Barbara helped Marie to design the scarf/hat46. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A The scarf/hat is also beneficial to some other people.B Barbara did not like the scarf/hat because they either felt slippery or were too tight.C Marie was one of Barbaras kinswomen.D Barbara thought that the scarf/hat made her look stupid47. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A how Barbara and Marie advertised their products.B How Barbara and Marie raised the capital needed for manufacture of their products.C How customers responded to the products.D how Barbara and Marie felt about their business48. It can be inferred from the passage that Marie finally resolved to continue with her business because_.A cancer patients kept writing to her, marking orders for the productsB the prospect of inheriting the legacy left to her by Barbara cheered her upC she knew she was doing something useful for othersD she was determined to make profits from the businessQuestion 49-52are based on the following passage.One of the most pressing challenges that the United States-and indeed, the world-will face in the next few decades is how to alleviate the growing stress that human activities are placing on the environment. The consequences are just too great to ignore. Wildlife habitats are being degraded or disappearing altogether as new developments take up more land. Plant and animal species are becoming extinct at a greater rate now than at any time in Earths history. As many as 30 percent of the worlds fish stocks are over-exploited. And the list goes on.Yet, there is reason to have hope for the future. Advances in computing power and molecular biology are among the tremendous increases in scientific capability that are helping researchers gain a better understanding of these problems. Recent developments in science and technology could provide the basis for some major and timely actions that would improve our understanding of how human activities affect the environment.One priority for research is improving hydrological forecasting. It has been estimated that the worlds water use could triple in the next two decades. Already, widespread water shortages have occurred in parts of China, India, North Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. The need for water also is taking its toll on freshwater ecosystems in the United States. Only 2 percent of the nations streams are considered in good condition, and close to 40 percent of native fish species are rare to extinct. Using a variety of new remote sensing tools, scientists can learn more about how precipitation affects water levels, how surface water is generated and transported, and how changes in the landscape affect water supplies.To prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases in plants, animals, and humans, more study is needed on how pathogens, parasites, and disease-carrying species-as well as humans and other species they infect-are affected by changes in the environment. The overuse of antibiotics both in humans and in farm animals has contributed to the growth of antibiotic-resistant micro organisms. Researchers can take advantage of new technologies in genetics and computing to better monitor and predict the effects that environmental changes might have on disease outbreaks.Humans have made alterations to Earths surface-such as tropical deforestation, reduction of surface and ground water, and massive development-so dramatic that they approach the levels of transformation that occurred during glacial periods. Such alterations cause changes in local and regional climate, and will determine the future of agriculture. Recent advances in data collection and analysis should be used to document and better understand the causes and consequences of changes in land cover and use.49. The expression “And the list goes on” in Para. 1 is used to suggest that _.A there are many more ways in which humans are hurting the environmentB environmental degradation is continuing unabatedC the total of animal and plant species facing extinction are too numerous to listD in addition to fish, many other plant and animal species face over-exploitation by humans50. The poor condition of streams in the U.S can be attributed to _.A overfishing of native fish species B lack of up-to-date monitoring equipmentC the demand for water in the U.S. D the global water shortage51. Which of the following does the author NOT suggest as an important area for research?A How precipitation affects water levels.B How to prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases.C How urban development affects the environment.D How the industrial pollution impacts the environment.52. The last paragraph suggests that _.A local and regional climates have not fluctuated so much since the glacial periodsB the future of agriculture depends on how land usages affect climateC until recently, very little information was documented about changes and consequences of land usageD current human transformations of the land surface is of almost unprecedented scaleQuestion 53-56 are based on the following passage.In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of the inadequate awareness of the inadequacies of the judicial system in the United States. Costs are staggering both taxpayers and the litigants and, the litigants, pr parties, have to wait sometimes many years before having their day in court. Many suggestions have been made concerning methods of ameliorating the situation but, as in most branches of government, changes come slowly.One suggestion that has been made in order to maximize the efficiency of the system is to follow districts that have an overabundance of pending cases to borrow judges from other districts that do not have such a backlog. Another suggestion is to use pretrial conferences, in which the judge meets in his chambers with the litigants and their attorneys in order to narrow the issues, limit the witnesses, and provide for a more orderly trial. The theory behind pretrial co


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