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初中英语总复习资料初中英语总复习资料 精品讲义精品讲义 目目 录录 词汇词汇.6 一、名词.6 二、冠词.9 三、数词.11 四、代词.16 五、形容词 副词19 六、介词.25 七、连词.26 重要的短语、句型和惯用法(一)重要的短语、句型和惯用法(一).27 重要的短语、句型和惯用法(二)重要的短语、句型和惯用法(二).29 情景交际英语情景交际英语.32 语法语法.34 动词的时态(上).35 动词的时态(下).36 动词的语态.47 动词的时态与语态的综合运用.51 情态动词.52 主谓一致.54 句子句子.58 句子(一)简单句.58 句子(二)宾语从句.61 句子(三)定语从句.66 句子(四)状语从句.69 句子(五)反义疑问句.72 考题分析考题分析.76 怎样做好完形填空.76 怎样做好阅读理解题.77 第 0 页 共 80 页 不规则动词表不规则动词表 现在式过去式过去分词 am, iswasbeen arewerebeen baby-sitbabysatbabysat becomebecamebecome bendbentbent beginbeganbegun bitebitbitten bleedbledbled blowblewblown breakbrokebroken bringbroughtbrought buildbuiltbuilt burnburnt / burnedburnt / burned buyboughtbought cancould- catchcaughtcaught choosechosechosen comecamecome costcostcost cutcutcut digdugdug do, doesdiddone drawdrewdrawn drinkdrankdrunk drivedrovedriven eatateeaten fallfellfallen feedfedfed feelfeltfelt fightfoughtfought findfoundfound flyflewflown forgetforgotforgotten freezefrozefrozen forgiveforgaveforgiven getgotgot givegavegiven gowentgone growgrewgrown has, havehadhad hearheardheard hidehidhidden hithithit holdheldheld hurthurthurt 第 1 页 共 80 页 keepkeptkept knowknewknown laylaidlaid leapleapt / leapedleapt / leaped learnlearnt / learnedlearnt / learned leaveleftleft lendlentlent letletlet lielaylain lightlightedlighted loselostlost makemademade maymight- meanmeantmeant meetmetmet paypaidpaid putputput readreadread retellretoldretold rideroderidden ringrangrung riseroserisen runranrun saysaidsaid seesawseen seeksoughtsought sellsoldsold sendsentsent setsetset shakeshookshaken shallshould- shineshoneshone shootshotshot showshowedshown singsangsung sitsatsat sleepsleptslept smellsmeltsmelt speakspokespoken spellspeltspelt spendspentspent spreadspreadspread standstoodstood stealstolestolen stickstuckstuck swimswamswum 第 2 页 共 80 页 swingswungswung taketooktaken teachtaughttaught teartoretorn telltoldtold thinkthoughtthought throwthrewthrown treadtrodtrod / trodden understandunderstoodunderstood upsetupsetupset wakewoke / wakedwoken / waked wearworeworn willwould- winwonwon writewrotewritten 形容词形容词 第 1 页 共 80 页 any, some, a lot of,lots of,plenty of eg. a lot of books 许多书,a lot of milk 许多牛奶 三、名词的所有格 1. s 所有格的构成 (1). 有生命的加s,如:my brothers book,Jacks cat,the girls pen 等。 (2) 以-s 结尾加“”。如:girls,teachers等。 (3) 复合名词,词尾加s。如:the President of the United Statess car 美国总统的汽车。 注意:当出现同位语时,s 一般加在同位语后。 Eg:This is my sister Marys bag. 这是我妹妹玛丽的包。 (4)一样东西为两人共有,只在后一个名词词尾加s,如不共有,两个都要加s. 如:Tom and Peters room 汤姆和彼得的房间 (共有) Toms and Peters rooms 汤姆的房间和彼得的房间 (不共有) (6) 表示某人家,店铺等生活,工作处所的所有格后的名词常省略: 如:at Mr Wangs(在王先生家);at the tailors(在裁缝店);at the barbers(在理发店) (7) 在 one 及 one / body 和 some,any,no,every 结合起来的复合词后。如:someones book.这些代词和 else 连 用,s 应加在 else 后。如:somebody elses pencil. (8). 表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的名词,也可以在词尾后加s 或“”以构成所有格。如:todays news,ten minutes drive,Chinas industry 等。 2. of +名词 (1).无生命。如:the windows of the room(房间的窗户) ,the cover of the dictionary(词典的封面) 。 (2)双重所有格 名词前有修饰词,如冠词、数词、不定代词或指示代词,a,an,one,two,some,several,a few,many,any,no 等, 如:a friend of my fathers=one of my fathers friends(我父亲的一位朋友) 注意:双重所有格与 of 所有格的不同。 如:He is a friend of your fathers. 他是你父亲的一个朋友。(强调你父亲的朋友不止一个) He is a friend of your father. 他是你父亲的朋友。(强调他对你父亲的友好) 课堂练习课堂练习 1. You should take more _. Dont always sit at the desk busy doing your_. A. exercise, exercise B. exercises, exercises C. exercises, exercise D. exercise, exercises 2 .Li Ling wants to be a singer. She thinks its an interesting_. A. work B. job C. art D. career 3 .The _now is that we have lots of _to ask. A. problem, questions B. question, problems C. question, problem D. problem, question 4 . Mother brought me _. A. a good news B. a piece of news C. many good news D. two news 5. _are going to come to my home tonight. A. My brothers three friend B. My brother of three friends C. Three my brothers friend. D. Three friends of my brothers 选择填空 1. Please remember to give the horse some tree_. A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf D. leave 2 -Can we have some _? -Yes, please. A. banana B. oranges C. apple D. pear 3 On the table there are five_. A. tomatos B. piece of tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato 第 2 页 共 80 页 4. -Would you like_tea? -No, thanks. I have drunk two_. A. any, bottles of orange B. some, bottles of orange C. many, bottles of oranges D. few, bottle of oranges 5. Can you give me _? A. a tea B. some cup of tea C. a cup tea D. a cup of tea 6. Tables are made of_. A. wood B. some woods C. wooden D. woods 7. There are sixty-seven_ in our school. A. womens teacher B. women teachers C. woman teachers D. women teacher 8. -Is the broom under _ desk? -No, its under_. A. the teachers; my B. teachers; mine C. teachers; me D. the teachers; mine 9. The football under the bed is_. A. Lily and Lucy B. Lilys and Lucys C. Lilys and Lucy D. Lily and Lucys 10. This is a book of _. A. Tom B. Toms C. her D. him 课后练习课后练习 翻译: 两个男工人 两个小孩 一瓶牛奶: 三张纸: 女医生们 两箱书 1. In the picture there are many _and two_ . A. sheep, foxes B. sheeps, fox C. sheeps, foxes D. sheep. foxs 2. In Britain,_ are all painted red. A. letter boxes B. letters boxes C. letter box D letters box 3. There are four _and two in the group. A. Japanese, Germen B. Japaneses, Germen C.Japanese, Germans D. Japanese, Germens 4. She was born in Wuhan,but Beijing has become her second_ . A. home B. family C. house D. country 5 .Mother brought me _. A. a good news B. a piece of news C. many good news D. two news 6. March 8th is_ Day. A. Womans B. Womens C. Womans D Women 7. On the table there are five_ . A .tomatos B .piece of tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato 8. There are three_ in our class. A. Zhous B. Zhous C. Zhous D. Zhouss 9 Its about ten_ walk. A .minutes B .minutes C minute D minutes 10. This room is _. A. Bill and Davids B. Bills and Davids C. Bills and Davids D. Bill and David 11 . Please remember to give the horse some tree_ . A leafs B .leaves C .leaf D. leave 12 .Can we have some_ ? Yes,please. A .banana B .oranges C. apple D .pear 13. They got much_ from those new books. A .ideas B .photos C .information D stories 14 .What _lovely weather it is! A / B. the C. an D .a 15. Would you like_ tea? No,thanks. I have drunk two_ . A. any,bottles of orange B. some,bottles of orange C. many,bottles of oranges D. few, bottle of oranges 第 3 页 共 80 页 二、冠词二、冠词 冠词是词汇中的基础的,也是简单的部分,所以同学们有必要掌握其基本用法,归纳起来,同学们应该掌握 以下几点: 1.冠词指不定冠词 a,an 和定冠词 the 2.不定冠词 an 常用于元音发音开头的词前,如:an hour,an English car. 请区别:a useful machine 3.指上文提到过的人或物,用定冠词 the 4.在世界上独一无二的事物前用定冠词 the.如:the sun,the moon,the earth 5.定冠词 the 用于序数词前,表示方位的名词和形容词最高级前。如:the first,the best ,in the south 6.在复数姓氏前加 the,表示一家人,常看成复数。 如:The Browns are going to Shanghai for a holiday this summer. 7.在介词短语中常用定冠词 the,如:in the box ,behind the chair 8.特别注意不能用定冠词 the 的几个方面: (1)在节日、星期、月份、季节、年等词前不用冠词。如:in summer,in August 请区别:in the spring of 1945. (这里表示特指,故加 the) (2)一日三餐和球类运动名不用冠词。 如:have breakfast ,play football (3)一些固定词组中,如:go to bed ,go to school,by bus ,at night. 9.在有些词组中,有冠词和无冠词意思不同,请注意区别: in front of 在前面 in the hospital 在医院里 in the front of 在范围内的前部 in hospital (生病)住院 第 4 页 共 80 页 练习练习 1. Theres _800-metre-long road behind _hospital. A. an, an B. a, a C. an, the D. a, the 2. After school we usually play basketball for half an hour on playground. A. the; the B. 不填;不填 C. 不填; the D. the;不填 3. I really like _ book you lent me yesterday. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 4. Jimmy bought _ car yesterday, but its _ used one. A. a; a B. a; an C. a; the D. the; an 5. What _ exciting news it is! Is _ news true? A. an; the B. an; a C. /; the D. /; a 6. -I just have _ cup of milk for _ breakfast. -Thats not enough. A. a; a B. the; the C. a; 不填 6. Sandy often takes her dog for _ walk around the lake after supper. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 7. Why do you like Mary? Because she is honest girl. A. a B. an C. the 8. Whos _ young man with long hair? Hes a friend of mine. A. aB. theC. anD. his 9. In Nanjing, we stayed at a very nice hotel. But I cant remember _ name of it. A. the B. a C. an D. / 10. Its not _ good idea to drive for four hours without _ break. A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a 11. On _ sunny afternoon, my parents and I had a good time on the beach. A. the B. an C. a D. / 12. -What _ sweet music! Do you know who wrote it? -Beethoven, I think. A. / B. a C. an D. the 13. - How was _ dinner at Mikes house? - It was great. Mikes mum is _ wonderful cook. A. a, theB. the, aC. the, theD. a, an 14. Jack likes playing_ soccer, but he doesnt like playing _piano A./,/ Bthe,/ Cthethe D/,the 15. -How do you go to_ work? -I usually take_ bus. Athe, a B/, a C. a, a Dthe, 16. Jack started to work at _ early age because his family was very poor. A. a B. an C. the D. / 17. Which one is your mother? _one in a purple skirt under the big tree. A. A B. An C. The D. / 18. Mary has a bad cold. She has to stay in _ bed. A. a B. / C. the 19.-Excuse me, whats in _ box? -Theres _ red apple and _ orange in it. A. a; a; an B. a; the; the C. the; the; a D. the; a; an 20. There is _ umbrella near the window. A. the B. an C. a 第 5 页 共 80 页 三、数词三、数词 同学们首先应会读会写所有基数词和序数词,以及与数词有关的钟点表达法。 基本的基数词:基本的基数词: 1 one11 eleven100 one hundred 2 two12 twelve20 twenty1 000 one thousand 3 three13 thirteen30 thirty1 000 000 one million 4 four14 fourteen40 forty10 000 000 ten million 5 five15 fifteen50 fifty100 000 000 one hundred million 6 six16 sixteen60 sixty1 000 000 000 one billion 7 seven17 seventeen70 seventy 8 eight18 eighteen80 eighty 9 nine19 nineteen90 ninety 10 ten 基本的序数词:基本的序数词: 第一到第十第十一到第十九第二十以上 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth thousandth 月份:月份: 名称拼写缩写名称拼写缩写 一月JanuaryJan.七月JulyJul. 二月FebruaryFeb.八月AugustAug. 三月MarchMar.九月SeptemberSept. 四月AprilApr.十月OctoberOct. 五月May-十一月NovemberNov. 六月JuneJun.十二月DecemberDec. 第 6 页 共 80 页 星期:星期: 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 星期六 Saturday 星期日 Sunday 季节:季节: spring 春季 summer 夏季 autumn (英)/fall (美) 秋季 winter 冬季 节日:节日: 元旦(1 月 1 日)-New Years Day 情人节(2 月 14 日)-St.Valentines Day (Valentines Day) 狂欢节(巴西,二月中、下旬)-Carnival 国际妇女节(3 月 8 日)-International Womens Day 愚人节(4 月 1 日)-Fools Day 复活节(春分月圆后第一个星期日)-Easter 国际劳动节(5 月 1 日)-International Labour Day 母亲节(5 月的第二个星期日)-Mothers Day 国际儿童节(6 月 1 日)-International Childrens Day 父亲节(6 月的第三个星期日)-Fathers Day 啤酒节(德国十月节,10 月 10 日)-Oktoberfest 鬼节(万圣节除夕,10 月 31 日夜)-Halloween 万圣节(11 月 1 日)-Hallowmas 感恩节(美国,11 月最后一个星期 4)-Thanksgiving 圣诞除夕(12 月 24 日)-Christmas Eve 圣诞节(12 月 25 日)-Christmas Dad 新年除夕(12 月 31 日)-New Years Eve (a bank holiday in many countries) 中国主要节日中国主要节日 春节(农历一月一日) - Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) 元宵节(农历一月十五日) -the Lantern Festival 植树节(3 月 12 日)- Arbor Day 清明节(4 月 5 日) - Ching Ming Festival; Tomb-sweeping Festival 中国青年节(5 月 4 日)-Chinese Youth Day 端午节(农历五月初五) -the Dragon Boat Festival 中国共产党成立纪念日(7 月 1 日) -the Partys Birthday 建军节(8 月 1 日) -the Armys Day 中秋节(农历八月十五) -Mid-autumn (Moon) Festival 教师节(9 月 10 日)- Teachers Day 重阳节(农历九月九日)- Double-ninth Day 国庆节(10 月 1 日)- National Day 除夕(农历十二月三十日) -New Years Eve 第 7 页 共 80 页 数词的应用数词的应用 1.表编号表编号. 结构:名词(首字母要大写) + 基数词 = the +序数词 +名词 Lesson One = the first lesson 注:有些编号,一般仅用第一种表达法。 Room 101 101 号房间 2.序数词前一般加定冠词序数词前一般加定冠词 the 但序数词前与不定冠词但序数词前与不定冠词 a /an 连用时连用时,表示表示 “又一又一,再一再一” Youve done it three times .Why not try _fourth time ? A.a B.an C.the D./ 3.数词前加数词前加 every ,表示每表示每/每隔每隔 . every ten days =every ninth day 每十天(每隔九天) 注:every +基数词 +复数名词 = every + (序数词-1) +单数名词 4.基数词的复数形式表示年代和年龄基数词的复数形式表示年代和年龄 1)表示年代: in the + 年份的复数 在几世纪几十年代. 在十九世纪七十年代. _. 2)表年龄: in ones + 整十的复数 表示在某人几十岁时 在他四十岁时: _. 5.hundred / thousand /million /billion 1).若 hundred / thousand /million /billion 前有基数词时,其后不加 s,也不加 of .若没有时 ,既加 s 也要带 of . Every year _ visitors come to China . There are two _ students in our school . A.thousand B.thousands C.thousands of D.thousand of 2).若其前有 a few 、many、several 修饰时,通常用复数,后接 of. 3).若名词前有 the 修饰时,用单数,后接 of Two _the students in our school are from the countryside . A.hundred B. hundred of C.hundreds of D.hundreds 6.几个半的表达法几个半的表达法: 基数词 + and + a half +名词复数 = 基数词 +名词(单数/复数) +and +a half two and a half hours = two hours and a half 7.时刻表达法时刻表达法: 1)整点: 基数词 + oclock 2)几点几分: A).直接读法: 先读小时 ,后读分钟 3:25 - three twenty-five B).间接读法: a)30 分钟. 分钟+ past + 小时 3:25 -twenty-five past three b)30 分钟. ( 60-分钟 )+ to + (小时数+1) 3:55 - five to four c) 30 分钟 = half 15 分钟=a quarter 45 分钟= three quarters 3:30 -half past three 3:15-a quarter past three 3:45 -a quarter to four 8.日期表达法日期表达法: 结构: 1).月 日,年 (日用序数词,年用基数词) 注:年份的读法: 先读前两位数,再读后两位数. 读日时要加 the. 1900-nineteen hundred 1807-eight and seven (eight o seven) 2008-two thousand eight 2007 年 3 月 21 日.- March the twenty-first ,two thousand and seven. 2).日 月 年 (the +序数词+of +月, 年) 2007 年 3 月 21 日-the twenty-first of March ,two thousand and seven. 9.分数词的表达法分数词的表达法: 1).结构: a).分子用基数词,分母用序数词. b).当分子大于 1 时,分母加复数. 3/4- three fourths (three-fourths) 2).注意: 第 8 页 共 80 页 a).分数词的几种特殊形式. 1/3one third = a third 1/4one fourth = a quarter 1/2one second = a half 3/4three fourths = three quarters b).分数词作主语时, 谓语动词根据分数词后面的名词来确定. Two fifths of the milk _(be ) drunk by Tom . One third of the students _(be )girls . 练习题练习题 (一)(一) 1.At the beginning of the_(twenty) century,the worlds population was about 1700 million. 2.Are these_(watch)yours? Yes. 3.You dont look well.Youd better go to the_(doctor) at once. 4.Would you give me_,please? A.two papers B.two piece of paper C.two pieces of paper D.two pieces of papers 5.There are three_and seven_in the picture. A.monkeys,sheeps B.monkeys,sheep C.monkies,sheep D.monkies,sheeps 6.A lot of_are talking with two_. A.Germans,Frenchmans B.Germen,Frenchmans C.German, Frenchmen D.Germans,Frenchmen 7.June 1 is _. A.the Childrens Day B.the Childrens Day C.Childrens Day D.Childrens Day 8._people went out to see what had happened. A.Thousands of B.Three thousand of C.Thousand of D.Three thousands 9.We have been in the school for_. A.three and a half month B.three and a half months C.three month and a half D.three months and half 10._English is_ useful language. A.A, an B./, a C.The, an D. A, / 11.John was given _ orange bag for his birthday but _ bag was lost just now. A.an,a B.a,the C.the,a D.an,the 12.Theres _ old tree near _ house. A.a,an B.an,the C.a,the D.the,a 13.There is _ 800-metre-long road behind _ hospital. A.an,an B.a,a C.an,the D.a,the 第 9 页 共 80 页 练习(二)练习(二) 1. About _ of the workers in the factory were born in the _. A. two-thirds, 1970 B. two-thirds, 1970s C. two-third,1970 D. two-third, 1970s 2. Each of us has to write a report every two weeks. A. two-hundred-word B. two-hundreds-word C. two-hundreds-words D. two-hundred-words 3. Could you give me one more chance? Ill try my best to succeed. A. two B. the other C. another 4. -How long will Philip stay here? -Two _ weeks till he lives. A. many B. much C. more D. most 5. Today is my mothers _ birthday. I will buy her a gift. A. fourteenB. fourteenthC. fortyD. fortieth 6.There is a wrong word in line _. Where? In the _ line. A. two; two B. two; second C. second; two D. second; second 7. -How was your day off yesterday? -Perfect! It was _ birthday of my grandmas. We had a big family celebration. A. eighty B. the eightieth C. eightieth 8. -There are sixty students in our class. And _ of us are boys. -Wow! You have forty girls! A. one fourth B. one third C. two fifths D. two thirds 9.-Good news! Bill won_ medal in the long jump just now -Really? Thats his_ one at our sports meeting Aa:four Ban;fourth Ca;fourth 10.A new study proves a _ walk every day is enough to keep people away from becoming fat A30-minute B30 minutes C30-minutes 11. More than two _ years ago, people knew little about the universe. A. thousands B. thousand C. thousand of D. thousands of 12. Enshi is becoming a tourist city. _ people come here during the holidays every year. A. Thousand of B. Thousands of C. Five thousands of D. Five thousands 13. Fathers Day is on _ Sunday of June. A. three B. third C. the third 14.-Where does John live? -He lives on _ floor but he doesnt use a lift to go up and down. A. nine B. the ninth C. ninth D. a ninth 15._of the students in our class_ money to the disabled people these days. A. Two third, have raised B. Two thirds, has raised C. Two three, have raised D. Two thirds, have raised 16. _ visitors come to China every year. A. Thousands of B. Ten thousands C. Ten thousand of D. Thousand of 第 10 页 共 80 页 四、代词四、代词 (一)人称代词: 主格: 单数 I 、 you 、he 、 s


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