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,Welcome to our school !,Three Degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs.,Task One,Grammar Room,tall,taller,tallest,shorter,shortest,higher,highest,cleverer,cleverest,brighter,brightest,late,later,latest,finer,finest,nicer,nicest,larger,largest,safer,safest,fat,fatter,fattest,bigger,biggest,thinner,thinnest,hotter,hottest,redder,reddest,happy,happier,happiest,heavier,heaviest,prettier,prettiest,easier,easiest,thirstier,thirstiest,difficult,more difficult,the most difficult,more interesting,the most interesting,more delicious,the most delicious,more beautiful,the most beautiful,Picture1 /good Tom /well,Picture2 /better Jim ,Picture3 /best Bill ,First /bad Gina /badly,Second /worse Lucy ,Third /worst Anna ,little,less,least,much,more,most,many,more,most,1.Which city has the most people? 2. Which city has the fewest people? 3.Which city has the second most people? 4.Which cities have more people than Wuhan? 5.Which do you think is the best city ? Why?,Do you know?,population,far,farther,farthest,better,best,worse,worst,less,more,most,farther/further,older/elder,least,farthest/furthest,oldest/eldest,不规则变化,巧记: 特殊形式比较级 共有三对二合一 坏病两多并两好 little意思不是小 一分为二有两个 一是老来二是远,Task Two,Chatting Room,Lucy,Lily,As+adj/adv原级+as .(和一样),Age :10 Height(高度)1.30m,Lucy is as lovely as Lily.,Lets talk about the following pictures,Lucys eyes are as big as Lilys eyes.,hers,Lucy is very lovely,Lily is very lovely, too.,short,tall,Yao Ming is not _Pan Changjiang.,Pan Changjiang is not _Yao Ming.,so/as short as,so/as tall as,not as (so) + adj./adv.原级+ as,adj./ adv.比较级+than,Zhang Ziyi is thinner than Han Hong.,Han Hong is fatter than Zhang Ziyi.,thin ,fat ,The+比较级, the +比较级: 越就越,The more trees, the better.,These years, they have planted some trees.,比较级+比较级:越来越,Ten years ago,now,Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.,The weather is getting warmer and warmer,wonderful,He is becoming fatter and fatter,序数词+最高级,The Yangtze River,The Yellow River,The Heilongjiang River,The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.,The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.,The Heilongjiang River is the third longest river in China.,最高级+of/ +in,A TV set is more expensive than a camera.,A car is the most expensive of all.,A camera is very expensive .,Task Three,Discussion Room,Summary : Remember the following sentence patterns.,1.very, so , quite, too + 原级。”非常,相当, 太-,2. - as+原级.+as- “和-一样”,3.-not so/as+ 原级 +as - “和 不一样” “不如-”,4. 比较级+than (“比更”),5.“The+比较级,the+比较级” (“越就越”),6 .“比较级+and+比较级” 或“more and more 原级” (“越来越”),7.-(the)+最高级+of / in-,8.one of the+最高级+名词复数,9.-序数词+最高级-,10.表示三者之间的选择可使用 “Which is+the +最高级 -. A, BorC?”,Attentions,1.修饰形容词和副词比较级的短语有:,much / a lot / a little / a bit / far / even,2.在进行比较时,必须是同类事物相比较。 1). His ruler is longer than I. 2). His ruler is longer than mine.,He is much taller than I .,3). Mary speaks English better than any student in the class.,4). Mary speaks English better than any other student in the class.,Task Four,Writing Room,Bath: 1980.3.27 High: 172cm,Bath: 1976.5.17 High: 178cm,参考句型 1. -be (not) as/so old / tall/heavy as- 2. -be older / taller/ heavier than - 3. -be the oldest/tallest / heaviest of the three -,王力宏,林俊杰,周杰伦,Bath: 1979.1.18 High: 173cm,Task 1:,Lets have a contest and find out which group make the most sentences) .,Model: Zhou Jielun is older than Lin Junjie , but he is younger than Wang Lihong .So Wang Lihong is the oldest of the three . And Lin Junjie is younger than Zhou Jielun, so he is the youngest of the three . Zhou Jielun is taller than Lin Junjie , but he is shorter than Wang Lihong .So Wang Lihong is the tallest of the three . And Lin Junjie is shorter than Zhou Jielun, so he is the shortest of the three .,Writing,要求:小组讨论未来的生活将是怎样的(与现在对比),可包含城市的外观、人们的生活条件(收入、教育和环境卫生)和交通等内容。把讨论结果写成一篇短文。,Life in the future,Task 2:,参考词汇:beautiful , clean , school , money , robot ,spare time, convenient , interesting . In the future, our life will be great different from now . I think the city will be -, the people will have -, There will be - , and every child can go to school without money . Robots will work instead of people , so people will have -, and they can go on vacation around the world . Computers will come into every family, and people can do some shopping at home , Maybe there will be some subways in our city . so our life will be -.,Task Five,Competition Room,Choose the best answer:,1. Its getting _. A. warm and warmer B. warmer and warmer C. more warmer 2. Which one do you like better? -The _ one. A. more nice B. biger C. cheaper 3. Our country is becoming _. A. much and much beautiful B. many and many beautiful C. more and more beautiful,B,C,C,4. Tom speaks Chinese _ better than we. A. little B. a lot of C. much 5. Of the ten books, I like this one _. A. very B. better C. best 6. The _ we get together, the _ well be. A. more; happier B. many; happier C. more; happy 7. Geography isnt _than history, but its as_ as history. A. difficult; important B. more difficult; important C. difficult; more important,C,C,A,B,8. My teacher helps us as _ as she can. A. many B. much C. more 9. Which one is _, the watch, the bike or the TV set? A. more expensive B. most expensive C. the most expensive 10. Basketball is _ than ping-pong ball. A. more interesting B. much interesting C. very interesting,B,C,A,The busier the happier,1. 他越忙越开心。 _ _ he is, _ _ he will be.,2.天气越来越冷了. The weather is getting_ _ _.,colder and colder,3.我们的城市越来越美丽。 Our city is getting _ _ _ _.,more and more beautiful,Finish the following sentences,4.赵磊是他班里最小的男孩。 Zhao Lei is one of _ _boys in his school.,the youngest,5. 太阳、地球和月亮,哪个最大? Which is _ _ ,the sun, the earth or the moon ?,the biggest,练习 填如正确的替代词,4.篮子里的苹果比箱子里的苹果更好吃. The apples in the basket are more delicious than _ in the box. 5.李先生讲的故事比王先生讲的更有趣 The story Mr Li told us is more interesting than_ Mr Wang told us. 6.瓶子里的水比杯子里的水干净。 The water in the bottle is cleaner than_ In the glass.,those,the one,that,改错,1. Lesson 9 is more easier than Lesson 10. 2. My mother is younger than your. 3. He is one of longest boys in his class. 4. The boy doesnt draw much well. 5. There is fewer bread in the fridge. 6. Mother is the busiest of my family. 7. You can jump very higher on the moon than on the earth.,yours,the longest,very,less,in,much,Find out the following mistakes .,“比较”出来的英语: 1. A friend is easier lost than found. 朋友易失不易得。 2. Enough is as good as a feast. 知足常乐。 3. Better to do well than to say well. 说得好不如干得好。 4. Better the last smile than the first laughter. 宁可最后微笑,不可首先狂喜。 5. Doing is better than saying. 会说不如会做。 6. Two heads are better than one. 两人智慧胜一人。 7. Good to begin well, better to end well. 善始好,善终更佳。 8. An eye finds more truth than two ears. 百闻不如一见,THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION,比较时,为避免重复,可用哪些词代替


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