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大学英语教案上课时间周一周五上课节次上午1-2节课型普通课题Unit 1 How to study English教学目的1. Understand the main idea of the text.2. Master key words and expressions and useful sentence structures.3. Grasp five basic English sentence patterns.重点难点1. key words and phrases 2. some useful sentence patterns教 学 进 程A. warming up Hello, everyone! Do you know how to learn English ? Do you think that your way of learning English is effective? Do you think that you have the good method to improve your speaking ability? If you dont think so, you neednt worry. In this unit, youll learn some good methods for English study. B. Key words and expressions: 1.abroad -ad. in or going to a foreign country Eg. a. He has gone abroad. b.Ive just got back from abroad. 2. communicatev. 1.to use speech, radio, signals, or body movement to give or exchange information or opinion. Eg. The officer communicated his orders to his soldiers by radio. 2. convey ones ideas, feeling etc clearly to others Eg. I dont think that the speaker communicates his ideas to others.3. whatever-pron. no matter what: Eg.a. We are determined to fulfill the task, whatever happens . b. Whatever excuse he makes will not be believed. 4. purposen. an intention or plan, or the reason for an action Eg.a. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the committees report. b. It was agreed that the money could only be used for peaceful purpose. 5. Make yourself understood to make ones meanings clear to others Eg. Can you make yourself understood in English? 6. rather than in preference to sb/sth Eg. a.I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee. b. Please tell me how I can catch rather than lose the opportunity.7. concentrate v. to give all attention, energy, etc.,to something that one is working on Eg. a. He believed that government should concentrate more on education. b. I cant concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on. 8. instead of in place of Eg. a. Will you go to the party instead of me? b. If I hadnt got a cold, Id be working instead of lying in bed.9. imitate v. to copy the behavior of sb/sth; take or follow as an exampleEg. a. The little boy imitates the way his father does things. b. Decide what you want to do; dont just imitate others. 10. determine v.1.find out sth that is not know; calculate Eg. a. determine the meaning of the word b. determine exactly what happened 2. decide firmly that sth will be done; make up ones mind Eg. a. They have determined where the new school will be built. b. He has determined on proving his friends innocence.11. work on work hard at Eg. a. Is Tom still working on the report? b. They are working on some new medicine.12. fall into to start doing sthEg. a. They fall into conversation. b. She fell into mo 11. efficient a. (of people) able to work well; capable Eg. a. an efficient secretary / teacher / administrator b. Hes efficient at his job.11. every now and then from time to time; occasionally Eg. I like to go to the opera now and then.12. refresh v. give new strength or vigour to sb/sth; restore or revive Eg. a. refresh oneself with a cup of tea / a hot bath b. She felt refreshed after her sleep. C. Difficult sentences: 1. (Para.1) “Learning a foreign language is for the purpose of communication.” In this sentence, “Learning a foreign language” is a gerund phrase, act as the subject. For example: a. Listening a soft music can help you relax. b. Seeing is believing. 2. You may want to be able to talk with them about finding a good restaurant. In this sentence, “finding a good restaurant ” is a gerund phrase, act as the object. For example:a. This book is about teaching children under 5 years old.b. The speaker talked about building friendship among college students.3. Or perhaps you want to make use of the many foreign language films, radio and TV programs , tapes, or magazines coming to China. In this sentence, “coming to China ” is present participle phrase, to modify a serial of nouns. For example: Looking at those stars shining in the sky. 4. To do this you must imitate others speaking at normal speed. In this sentence, “ to do this ”is infinitive, act as adverbial of purpose. For example: To have good health, you must eat well and do exercises every day.5. Repeat what you hear as closely as you can, and your pronunciation will improve with practice. In this sentence, the sentence patten “Do sth, and sth will happen” is equal to the sentence patten “If you doyou will”. For example: a. Exercise for half an hour every day, and you will keep fit. b. Learn slowly, slowly every day and the effect will come like Chinese medicine. Teaching method: explanation; exemplification; presentationTeaching aids: textbook, blackboard and multimediaD. Exercise analysis (20 minutes)Teaching method: report (ask the students to tell the answers and translate the sentences into Chinese) Teaching aids: textbook, blackboardD. Analysis on the structure of the text (30 minutes)1. Topics for discussion: (10 minutes)1) Why is English an important foreign language for Chinese students?2) What is the greatest difficulty to overcome in English learning ?3) What is the good way to learn to speak English?2. Analysis on the structure of the text: (20 minutes)Part 1 (para.1-4) The fathers physical condition and how he managed to work. part 2 (para.5-7)The sons on the fathers personality part 3 (Para.8-11) The fathers attempt to experience things directly or indirectly Part 4 (Para. 12-13) The fathers influence on his son.Step 4 Summary: In this period, we have learned the new words and phrases and done some exercises as review of them. And also, we have learned the structure and main points of the text. In next period we shall learn the language points in the text, and finish Quiz 1.Step 5 homeworkPeriods 3 and 4Step 1 lead-in: listening practice (about 20 minutes) (material: CET band-4, listening part)Teaching method: listening & pair workTeaching aids: MultimediaStep 2: Analysis on the important language points. (30 minutes)1. make it to the office2. cling to3. subject oneself to 4. now that5. inversion caused by “nor”6. be engaged in7. be content to do something8. take a dive9. see (to it) that10. “could/should/might/must have done” structure Step 3 Summarize the main idea of this text. (10 minutes)Teaching method: explanation; exemplification; presentationTeaching aids: textbook, blackboard and multimediaStep 4 analysis on quiz 1 (30 minutes)Teaching method: explanation; students reportTeaching aids: Multimedia; textbook; blackboardStep 5 summary: In this period, we have first made some analyses on the text so that you can have a better understanding on the text and some useful expressions. And then we finished Quiz 1. In next period, well first review what we learned, and then well come to Unit 2.Step 6 Homework课后分析The students show great interest in the vivid and varied examples psychology. They are eager to know more about such field in order to use it properly when necessary.教研室主任审阅: 年 月 日 大学英语教案授课教师张维峰授课班级计院05级1-6班授课地点10#C425,428,11# C207授课日期2005.10.17-23教 材New College English: Book One授课内容Unit 2 Psychology in Our Daily Life (In-class reading)学时4教学目的1. Develop the students psychology in daily life.2. Understand the structure of the text and the devices for developing it.3. Grasp some keys words, phrases and some useful sentence patterns.教学重点与难点1. key words, phrases and some useful sentence patterns; 2.subjunctive mood教学方法与手段Pair work;Group discussion ; Explanation教学参考书和网络资源New College English: Teachers BookOn-line resources or Websites: 09; www. 4 English. cn; www. bbc. co. uk教 学 进 程First two periodsStep 1 Lead-in: Listening Practice (20 minutes) (materials: Part II Listening-centered activities) Teaching method: listening & pair workTeaching aids: MultimediaStep 2 Word study and phrase preview: (30 minutes) Prescribe; react; reassurance; relief; swear As a result; fool somebody into doing something; in a way; open up; react to; rest withTeaching method: explanation; exemplification; presentationTeaching aids: textbook, blackboard and multimediaStep 3 Exercise analysis (20 minutes)Teaching method: report (ask the students to tell the answers and translate the sentences into Chinese) Teaching aids: textbook, blackboardStep 4: text analysis (10 minutes)1. Topics for discussion:If you have any health problems, do you always go to the doctor? If so, what do you expect from the doctor?2. Analysis on the structure of the text:Part I (Para.1-2): The term placebo is introduced to the reader.Part II (Para.3-7): The study of the placebo.Part III (Para.8-9): Different cases in which a placebo may workPart IV (Para.10-11): Two opposite attitudes towards the use of a placebo.Part V (Para. 12) ConclusionStep 5 Summary: In this period, we have learned the new words and phrases and done some exercises as review of them. Also we have got some idea of the text. In next period we shall make some further analyses on the text, and then finish Quiz 2.Periods 3 and 4Step 1 lead-in: listening practice (about 10 minutes) Teaching method: listening & pair workTeaching aids: MultimediaStep 2 review of the text (about 10 minutes)Teaching method: translatingTeaching aids: MultimediaStep 3 Analysis on the important language points. (30 minutes)1. come away with; 2. open up3. the way 4. usage of “wish”5. as if6. suggest structure Step 4 Summarize the main idea of this text. (5 minutes)Teaching method: explanation; exemplification; presentationTeaching aids: textbook, blackboard and multimediaStep 4 analysis on quiz 2 (30 minutes)Teaching method: explanation; students reportTeaching aids: Multimedia; textbook; blackboardStep 5 summary: (5 minutes)In this period, we have made some analyses on the text so that you can have a better understanding on the text and some useful expressions. And also we have made some analyses on Quiz 2. After class, try to review what we learned and preview Unit 3.Step 6 Homework- writing assignment.Step 7 An English song for amusement课后分析The students show great interest in the vivid and varied examples psychology. They are eager to know more about such field in order to use it properly when necessary.教研室主任审阅: 年 月 日 大学英语教案授课教师张维峰授课班级计院2005级1-6班授课地点10#C425,428,11# C207授课日期2005.10.24-30教 材New College English: Book One授课内容Unit3 Culture(In-class reading)学时4教学目的1. Help the students to know more about different cultures2. Try to clear up the misunderstandings resulting from different cultures in communication3. Learn to employ some useful expressions and sentence patterns.4. Understand the main idea of the text and the devices for developing it教学重点与难点1. To know more about the differences in culture2. grasp the main ideas and useful phrases in the text教学方法与手段explanation; discussion; exemplification教学参考书和网络资源New College English: Teachers BookOn-line resources or Websites: 09; www. 4 English. cn; www. bbc. co. uk教 学 进 程Periods1 and 2Step 1 Lead-in: Watch a part of a video and then discuss the differences between the American and Chinese cultures: (10 minutes)Teaching method: Pair work Teaching aids: MultimediaStep 2 Word study and phrase preview (20 minutes)Accompany; accomplish; assure; feasible; involve; proposalCall for; insist on; many a; slip into; take pride in; with regard toTeaching method: explanation; exemplification; presentationTeaching aids: textbook, blackboard and multimediaStep 3 Exercise analysis (20 minutes)Teaching method: report (ask the students to tell the answers and translate the sentences into Chinese) Teaching aids: textbook, blackboardStep 4 text analysis (30 minutes)1. topics for discussionRead the paragraph on page 61 and then discuss the reason why the waiter turns pale and heads for the manager.Teaching method: Group discussion, presentationTeaching aids: Textbook, multimedia2. the structure of the textPart I Topic sentence (Para.1): Its rather difficult for a foreigner to slip into a culture without all his foreignness exposed.Part II Supporting evidence: A. Parting customs in China(Para.1-7)B. Chinese modesty vs. American straightforwardness(Para.8-12)Part III Conclusion (Para.13): Life become much easier once you have studied up on cultural differences.Teaching method: Group discussion, students reportingTeaching aids: textbook, multimediaStep V Summary (5 minutes) Through these two parts, we have watched or listened to some audiovisual materials related to culture. In the next two periods we will study the in-class reading to improve our reading skill and promote our communicative competence through Part IV.Step VI Assignment Periods 3 & 4Step 1 listening practice (10 minutes)Step 2 Revision of what was learned in periods 1 & 2: (10 minutes)Teaching method: students reports Teaching aids: MultimediaStep 3 Analysis on useful expressions and sentence patterns: (35minutes)1) Why is it that2) to slip into a culture without all your foreignness exposed3) to start out with the standard phrase for greeting people4) to find oneself tongue-tied5) in ones fluster6) to pick up the phrases that eased relations7) to learn the expressions of politeness and protest that accomplished a leave-taking8) to assure somebody that9) to put him to the trouble of seeing him off10) to discourage them from following11) to be at polar opposites12) The same rules hold true with regard to children.Teaching method: Explanation, exemplification, students presentation Teaching aids: textbook, multimediaStep 4 analysis on Quiz 3: (30 minutes)Teaching method: explanation; students reportTeaching aids: Multimedia, textbookStep 5 Summary (3minutes):In these two periods, we learn how to use some useful expressions and sentence patterns from the in-class reading text “Bridging Cultural Gaps Gracefully”. And we also finished Quiz 3. After class, try to review what we learned in Unit 3 and preview Unit 4. Step 6 Homework课后分析Cultural differences may be important factors that hinder our communication or listening to different languages. So to learn a foreign language, it is necessary to know much about its culture.教研室主任审阅: 年 月 日 大学英语教案授课教师张维峰授课班级计院2005级1-6班授课地点10#C425,428,11# C207授课日期2005.10.31-11.6教 材新编大学英语(第一册)授课内容Unit 4 Holidays and special days (In-class reading)学时4教学目的1. To promote the students to think about the effective way of learning English.2. Scan the text and understand the structure of the text “holidays and special days” 3. Understand the main idea of the text and the devices for developing it.4. Grasp some useful language points and some useful sentence patterns. 教学重点与难点Text analysis; Language points and sentence patterns教学方法与手段explanation; discussion; exemplification教学参考书和网络资源New College English: Teachers BookNew College English: Integrated ExercisesOn-line resources: English on line教 学 进 程Periods 1 & 2Step 1 Lead-in: listening practice (10 minutes)Teaching method: listening and reportTeaching aids: MultimediaStep2 word study and phrase preview: (30 minutes)Approach; attitude; concentrate; represent; surroundBe associated with; be supposed to; derive from; in advance; in the name of; save upTeaching method: explanation, students reporting or exemplificationTeaching aids: textbook, multimediaStep 3 Exercise analysis (20 minutes)Teaching method: report (ask the students to tell the answers and translate the sentences into Chinese) Teaching aids: textbook, blackboardStep 4 text analysis (30 minutes)1. topics for discussion1) Christmas isnt a Christmas without a turkey.2) Turkey makes a really traditional Christmas.Teaching method: Group discussion, presentationTeaching aids: Textbook, multimedia2. the structure of the text: Scanning for specific information Find the points in the passage in favor of or against Christmas celebrations. Write them down.Teaching method: students reporting or presentationTeaching aids: textbook, multimediaStep 5 Summary: In this period, we have learned the new words and phrases and done some exercises as review of them. Also we have got some idea of the text. In next period we shall make some further analyses on the text, and then finish Quiz 4.Periods 3 & 4Step 1 listening practice (10 minutes)Step 2 Revision of what was learned in periods 1 & 2: (10 minutes)Teaching method: students reports Teaching aids: MultimediaStep 3 Analysis on useful expressions and sentence patterns: (35minutes)1) if you are like a large number of 2) rather than3) you will be slipping away on a drink4) if you are prepared to go into debt5) you will participate in the 6) Christmas is supposed to be a time7) In his name8) Lets be truthful a


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