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NAME Kimber and EmilyCLASS Science 3DATE May 1, 2008FORCES AND MOTION QUIZAt the beginning of every section look at the clock and time how long it takes for you to do each section. At the end of the test, fill in the table and graph your results. VOCABULARY: 4.5 (1/2 a point each)Circle the best answer to fill in the blanks or fill in the blank with the best answer1. Newtons First Law of Motion states that an object at rest will remain (at rest / in motion), and an object that is moving at a constant (momentum / velocity)will (stop / continue) moving at a constant (momentum / velocity) unless acted upon by an (equal / unbalanced) rest, velocity, continue, velocity, unbalanced 2. Newtons Second Law of Motion states that the net (force / energy) on an object is (equal / unequal) to its (acceleration / average speed) or mass.force, equal, acceleration, 3. Newtons Third Law of Motion states that if one object (removes / exerts) a force on another object, then the second object (exerts/ removes) a force of equal strength in the (opposite / same) direction on the first.exerts, , opposite4. _ is the product of an objects (mass / speed) and (average speed / velocity).momentum, mass, velocity5. _ the (force / energy) that one surface exerts on another when the two (rub against / repel) each other.friction, force, rub6. _ is the force that _ objects towards each other.gravity, pulls7. _ is the _ and object travels in _ unit of _.speed, distance, travels, time 8. _ is (speed / distance) in a given direction.velocity, speed, 9. _ is the rate at which (velocity / distance) changes.acceleration, rate, velocityRECORD HOW LONG IT TOOK YOU TO TAKE THIS SECTION OF THE QUIZ IN MINUTES AS BEST YOU CAN. _MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1.5 (1/2 a point each)Circle the best answer1. In the film Physics of Motion the skydiver jumped off a crane without a special suit and then with a squirrel suit. With the squirrel suit did he fall:A. SlowerB. FasterC. The sameD. None of the above2. How do you calculate speed?A. time/distance=speedB. distance/time=speedC. direction/ distance=speedD. amount of force/ time=speed 3. What word best describes the difference of velocity and speed?A. SpeedB. DistanceC. DirectionD. None of the above RECORD HOW LONG IT TOOK YOU TO TAKE THIS SECTION OF THE QUIZ IN MINUTES AS BEST YOU CAN. _SHORT ANSWER: 6pointsAnswer each question as fully as you can with complete sentences. 3points1. Make a Venn Diagram that compares speed, velocity and acceleration. (must include how to calculate) *list1points2. Explain how the forces of gravity and friction affect how the balloon rocket traveled and worked. Explain how your model worked or didnt work because of these forces.In order to do this lab we had to make sure that the forces of friction and gravity werent skewing our results too drastically. We didnt want too much weight on the wire because that would pull the rocked down because of gravity and because that would create more friction. My model tried to use as little weight as possible so that these forces wouldnt apply as much. We stuck with a simple design of a straw, the least possible amount of tape, a balloon and that was it. If we tried to add pencils we put the same amount on both sides, top and bottom, so that the weigh would be even. 1points3. From the Physics of Motion film, explain how a bike starts, keeps moving, speeds up and slows down. A bike starts when the biker starts to pedal and then the forward motion begins. Then air resistance and friction created by the bike starts to balance out the forward pressure. This is how the biker keeps a constant speed. If the biker wants to speed up or accelerate they must unbalance the forces by pedaling harder and increasing the forward motion. Then the air resistance and friction will balance out again and the bike will be moving at a faster constant pace. If the biker wants to slow down, it has to lessen the forward motion so that the friction and air resistance is greater. Then they will be traveling at a slower constant pace. 1points4. Explain what is happening in the Position Time Graph. Give a real life example of what this graph may be representing OR what you would do to replicate this graph during the motion lab. (accelerate, stop, constant)The person starts standing at half a meter away, and then it accelerates to a distance of about two meters and then stops and then accelerates again to a distance of about three meters.RECORD HOW LONG IT TOOK YOU TO TAKE THIS SECTION OF THE QUIZ IN MINUTES AS BEST YOU CAN. _ACTIVITY: 8points3points1. The distance traveled by two balls is shown in the table below. Graph the information and determine which ball moves at a constant speed throughout the entire distance. Describe the speeds of both balls and a possible way that these results were created. Time(s)Ball One(m)Ball Two(m)11.5.523234.53465Distance(m)Movements of Balls012345671234Time(s)Ball Two(m)B*graph is part of answerThe first ball moves at a constant speed the whole time. The other ball didnt, it got faster then slower then faster. The first ball may have got these results by just being rolled on a flat surface, but not stopping on its own or else it would have slowed down. The other ball could have rolled over a series of hills so it went up and down and slowed down while going up and sped up while going down.RECORD HOW LONG IT TOOK YOU TO TAKE THIS SECTION OF T


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