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第二节 复合句所谓的复合句,就是在英语的长句中带有一个或一个以上的从句。复合句的出现使英语的句子更加复杂,特别是定语从句的结构和中文有很大的不同,它给许多刚升入高中的同学造成许多学习上的困难。学好这一节,可以使同学们对英语子有一个比较全面的认识,知道如何将一个长句和难句分解成若干个简单句进行理解。这是学好高中英语的关键。状语从句什么是状语?状语,通常是副词或介词短语,修饰动词、形容词和副词。如:He runs slowly.(副词作状语) I met him in the street.(介词短语作状语)什么是状语从句?状语从句就是指一个句子在句中作状语。比如:I met him when I was doing shopping.(一个句子作状语)状语从句在句子中同样用来修饰主句中的动词、形容词和副词。状语从句按其意义和作用可分为时间、条件、原因、让步、目的、结果、方式、比较、地点等9种。状语从句放在主句之前时,常用逗号分开;放在主句之后,一般不用逗号。When spring comes, trees turn green.Trees turn green when spring comes.名称常用连词1时间状语从句when, as, while; before; after; since; till, until; by the time, each/every time, next time, the last/next time; 一 就:as soon as, hardlywhen, no sooner than, the moment/instance/minute/second; immediately, directly, instantly;等2原因状语从句because, since(既然), as, seeing that(既然),now that(既然,由于)等3地点状语从句where, wherever等4条件状语从句If, unless, as/so long as(只要), suppose/ supposing(that)假如, in case万一,以防,以免, on condition that条件是 , once一旦, provided that假如, given that假如, only if如果等5让步状语从句although, though, while(虽然); even ifeven though即使, whetheror, no matterwh-疑问句,wh-疑问词ever, as等6目的状语从句so that, in order that, for fear that担心,等7结果状语从句so, so that, sothat, suchthat等8方式状语从句as, just as, as if as though仿佛,好像,等9比较状语从句asas, than, notso as, the morethe more一、时间状语从句1when, as, while 表示“当. 什么时候”(1)when大部分情况下都可用,如:When we were having lunch, the light went out. 当我们吃饭时,灯灭了。When spring comes, trees turn green. 春天来了,树木变绿。(2)while表示“在 过程中”,如:He fell asleep while he was doing his homework. 他做作业的过程中,睡着了。While he was eating his breakfast, he heard the doorbell rang. 他吃早餐时,听到门铃响了。(3)as 引导时间状语从句有三个意思“正当,一边.一边., 随着.”如:As I was going out, it began to rain. 我正要出去时,开始下雨了。Just as I was getting off the bus, I found my iphone 5 missing.正当We sang as we walked home.一边一边As time went on, we became stronger.随着时间的推移(4)when有时还表示“就在那时”,while表示比较的转折关系“而”。如:I was about to leave when it began to rain. 我正离开时,开始下起了雨。While we were having our lesson,a bird flew in.= We were having our lesson when suddenly/all of a sudden a bird flew in.就在这时(并列句)He likes singing while I like dancing.而2till/ untiltill与until一般通用,表达的意义也相同,只是用于句首时要用until. notuntil “直到才”的意思,一般用在短暂性动词。如:He worked until it was dark. 他工作至天黑。He didnt get up until his mother came. 直到妈妈来了他才起来。3. since He has been like this since he came here(过去时,可试着用 last night代之) He has been married since he came to work here. It is 3 years since he came here.他来这儿有三年了。4. as soon as 一就I will get in touch with you as soon as I arrive。5. time 引导的By the time I get there,you will have eaten up all the food.Each/Every time I saw her,she was eating somethong.Next time I see you, do not eat anything!The first time I saw her,she was only a girl of ten.The last time we met, we had a wonderful time.二、地点状语从句地点状语从句常由连词where和wherever引导。如:Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。Wherever I am, I will be thinking of you. 无论我在哪里,我将会想起你。Stay where you are! (可用here, there 替代划线部分)(试用 there!替代划线部分)He now lives where I was born. (试比较:He now lives in the city.)He will go where he likes to.他要去他想去的地方。(试用 there!替代划线部分)注:He will go to the place where he likes to.(定语从句)三、原因状语从句原因状语从句通常由as, because, since, for等引导。1because表示直接原因或理由,语气最强,其着重点在于从句,专门回答why提出的问题,引导的从句常常可以简化成介词短语because of。如:He is absent today because he is ill. 因为生病,他今天缺席。2since一般表示对方已知的、比较明显或已知的原因,全句中心在主句,语气比because强常译为“既然”。如:Since you dont understand, I will explain it again. 既然你不明白,我就再解释一遍。3as表示十分明显的原因,一般说明因果关系,关重点在于主句,语气较弱,常译成“由于”通常用于口语或非正式文体中。如:As it is snowing, we shall not go to the park. 因为下雪我们不去公园。4for也可以表示原因,但连接的是并列句,因为它是一个并列连词。一般用来表示补充说明,辅助性理由或提供上文未交待过的情况。for 前面要有一个逗号。如:He felt no fear, for he is brave. 他不怕,因为他勇敢。四、目的状语从句引导目的状语从句的连词有:that, so that, in order that, for fear that等。目的状语从句的谓语动词通常含有一个等情态动词。如:He put down the name for fear that he should forget it. 他把名字写下,惟恐忘记。五、结果状语从句结果状语从句常由so that, sothat, suchthat, 等引导。结果状语从句一般位于主句之后,在口语中that可省略。如:This is so great a meeting-room that it can seat about 50 people.这个大会议室,可以容纳50人。六、条件状语从句条件状语从句的引导词有:If, unless, as/so long as, suppose/ supposing(that), in case, on condition that , once, provided that, given that, only if等如:If (he is) alive, he must be least one hundred years old. 如果他活着,至少有100岁了。I wont go to his party unless I am invited.=if I am not invited.除非被邀请Ill be happy so/as long as you live better than me.只要你过得比我好,我就感到快乐。Ill serve the people heart and soul as long as I live.只要我活着,就全心全意为人民服务。She agreed to marry me on condition that I send her abroad after marriage.她答应跟我结婚,条件是结婚后送她去国外。七、让步状语从句引导让步状语从句的从属连词主要有although, though, while, even if, even though, as等。其中even if和even though语气最强,though的语气最弱。让步状语从句的谓语动词根据具体情况使用直陈语气和虚拟语气。although和though意思相同,但前者更正式,多用于句首。如:Although she is young, she knows quite a lot.虽然她很小,却懂得很多东西。She knows quite a lot though she is young.Child as(though) he is, he knows quite a lot. 虽然他是个孩子,但是懂得颇多。Hard as(though) he tried, he failed to pass the exam. 虽然他尽了力,但是还是没能通过考试。注意:although等引导让步状语从句时,不能和but连用,但是可以用yet,still, neverthelessThough I am ugly, yet/ still/ nevertheless I am gentle.=I am ugly,but I am gentle.While English is not an easy language, many people rush to learn it. 虽然此外however, whatever, whenever, wherever, whetheror等也可引导让步状语从句。如:Whether sick or well, shes always happy. 不管生病还是身体好,她总是高兴。如:I will not believe it until I have seen it with my own eyes.直到我亲眼见到才会相信。八、比较状语从句引导比较状语从句的有as/than, as, as, not as(so)as, 比较状语从句常用as或though来引导。由于从句中常有一些成分被省略,句中剩下比较对象,这类句子看上去不完整。如:He is taller that I (am). 他比我高。主要句型:A is as big as B.A is not so/as big as B.A is three times bigger than B.=A is three times as big as B.=A is three times the size of B.( length/ width/ depth/ weight/ height.)A is the taller of the two boys.China is lager than any other country in Asia/ any of the other countries in Asia.China is larger than any country in Africa.The weather of Nanjing in summer is as hot as that of Wuhan.夏天,南京的天气比武汉热。The sooner you come, the better it will be. “越越”The harder you work, the greater progress youll make.你越努力工作,你就会取得越大的进步。九、方式状语从句方式状语从句放在主句之后,用as, just as, as if, as though等引导。as if和as though。引导的从句一般用虚拟语气。但如果从句中所陈述的情况很可能实现,也可用陈述语气。如:The old man runs very fast as if he were a young man.那个老人跑得很快,仿佛就像一个年轻人。 You may do as you pleas. 你高兴怎么做就怎么做。注意:1. 时间、条件、让步、方式等状语从句常可用省略形式,或转化成简单句句子成分。如:Although old, he kept on working.2. 主将从现原则:时间状语从句,条件状语从句和让步状语从句,一般不用将来时。因此,主句若为将来时或祈使句,这些状语从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时,用现在完成时代替将来完成时。2012年全国中考状语从句考题集【2012福建福州】40. Well go for a picnic if it_this Sunday. Wish you a lovely weekend.A. rain B. doesnt rain C. wont rain【答案】B【解析】选B。考查if引导的条件状语从句。当主句是一般将来时,if引导的条件状语从句应该用一般现在时。句意为“如果这个星期天不下雨的话,我们进行野餐”。故选B。【2012贵州贵阳】43. Teresa is _ nervous _ she cant talk in front of the class.A. such, that B. too, to C. so, that【答案】C考查状语从句引导词的用法。suchthat, sothat引导结果状语从句,such后接名词,so后接形容词或副词。tooto, too后接形容词或副词, to后接动词原形。根据句意:特丽莎很紧张以至于不敢在同学面前说话。故选C.【2012.安徽省】47. - Whats your plan for the summer holidays?-Ill go to Beijing_ the school term ends.A. in order that B. so that C. as soon as D. even though【答案】C【2012福建福州】40. Well go for a picnic if it_this Sunday. Wish you a lovely weekend.A. rain B. doesnt rain C. wont rain【答案】B【解析】选B。考查if引导的条件状语从句。当主句是一般将来时,if引导的条件状语从句应该用一般现在时。句意为“如果这个星期天不下雨的话,我们进行野餐”。故选B。 【2012贵州安顺】17.I think _ not difficult _ English every morningA. that; keep reading Bits; keep readingC. that; to keep reading Dit; to keep reading【答案】D【2012年福建省福州市】40. - Well go for a picnic if it _ this Sunday.- Wish you a lovely weekend.A. rain B. doesnt rain C. wont rain【答案】B【2012年广东省】42. There will be a flower show in the park_ we visited last week.A. who B. when C. what D. which【答案】D【2012年广东省】36. If our government _attention to controling food safety now, our health _in danger.A.wont pay, is B. doesnt pay, is C. wont pay, will be D. doesnt pay, will be【答案】D【2012湖北黄冈】41. Excuse me Could you wake me up when my friend_ here?Of course. :hat we still dont know when your friend _ here.A. comes; will come B. comes; comesC. will come; comes D. will come; will come 【答案】A【2012湖北黄冈】42. Do you have Jays CDs? Sorry, they are _. But well get some more next week because they _.A. sold well; are on sale B.sold out; sell wellC. selling well; sell well D. for sale; sell well【答案】B【2012湖北黄冈】45. Why is Harveys mother so happy?Because only three students _, _ his son Harvey.A. failed the exam; besides B. made progress; exceptC. made progress; including D. passed the exam; without【答案】C 【 2012四川成都】46. I want to know when Mr. Brown will arrive.When he , I will tell you. A. will arrive B. arrived C. arrives 【答案】C【2012四川达州】24. I like drinking wine. But people who drink wine arent allowed to drive. If I you, I would give up wine.A. were; drinking B. am; drinking C. were; drink D. was;to drink 【答案】A【2012绵阳市】18. _ I was in he US, I made a lot of American friends. A. While B. Although C. Unless D. Until【答案】A【2012四川南充】( ) 25. What would happen if he _ back home?A. go B. goes C. went【答案】C【2012四川雅安市】9. If a polar bear_, it _fish from the water. A. will be hungry; catches B. is hungry; will catchC. is going to be hungry; catches D. is hungry; wont catch【答案】B【2012浙江衢州】26. We Will go for a picnic if it_tomorrow.A. doesnt rain B. wasnt rainy C. wont rain D. wasnt raining【答案】A 【2012贵州六盘水】38.-Do you know if we will go for a picnic this Saturday?-I think we will if we any classes.A. won t have B. didnt t have C. dont have D. aren t having【答案】C【2012贵州铜仁】35.The bus driver always says to us ,“Dont get off_ the bus stops.”A. when B. while C . until D. if 【答案】C【2012山东东营市】35. Excuse me, can I interview Mr. Miller this afternoon?- A moment, please. Let me check .A. if Mr. Miller will be free B. when will Mr. Miller have time C. if Mr. Miller had an appointment D. when does Mr. Miller come back【答案】A 【2012四川省乐山市】22. he has little knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience.A. Although. B. Because. C. If【答案】A【2012四川省乐山市】32. Do you have any problems if you five minutes to read?Well, Im thinking about the new words. There are too many.A. give B. are given C. will be given【答案】B拓展练习: 一、选择下列适当的连接词填空 After, before, since, where, so that, because, while, as sothat (suchthat), unless, if, though, as soon as, asas, when, till(until)1You cant go into the room _ they are having a lesson.2I need a hammer and nails, _ I am going to repair the chairs.3_ they arrived at the theatre, the performance had begun already.4We shall come to see you _ we have a holiday.5They kept on working _ it was very hot.6Zhan lin speaks English _ (fluently) _ an English.7She was so careless _ she made a lot of mistakes.8They didnt go home _ they had worked our their production plan.9_ he saw the man, he remembered the man was his former teacher.10Every graduate of the Teachers University has a chance to teach _ doesnt want to.11_ you are very busy, I shall do the job myself.12_ the weather is cold and wet, you had better put on your coat.13We should be always ready to care for and help our comrades _ Lei Feng did.14He is _ a careless boy _ he often mislays(错放)his books and pens.15We shat meet _ we had the first meeting.二、将下列句中括号内的汉语翻译成英语。1I would like to have a look at the nove I_(在你读完之后)。2_(即使你失败),you will have got experiences.3They lost the game_(虽然他们希望赢)。4_(他们才离开月台)until the train had started.5He always finds time for reading newspapers to his old mother _(无论他多忙)。6_(三十年了)since she came to Beijing。7_(你无论做什么),you should do it well.8Do not go to see the film_(在你复习你的功课之前)。9_(除非你马上走),you should be late for dinner.三单项选择题l.-IsMrsWhiteintheoffice?-Yes,_sheisonduty,shemustbethereA.since B.until C.while D.if2._journalismseemslikeagoodprofession(职业),Iwouldprefertobea teacher.A.Although B.Even C.Nomatter D. Nowthat3._hewantstofireyou,lsuggestyoustopwearingsportclothesintheoffice.A.If B.Since C.Until D.Ualess4.Shetriedtophonehim,_therewasnoanswerbecausehewasabroad.A.since B.while C.so D.but5._IpreferacolorTV,Ihavetobuyablackandwhiteonethistime.A.As B.Since C.Because D.Although6.Ihadjuststartedbackforthehousetochangemyclothes_Iheardthevoices.A.as B.for C.while D.When7.YoucanspeakFrenchwell_youpractiseitwithaFrenchmaneveryday.A.unless B.although C.aslongas D.sothat8.Theladywillhavetowaitallday_thedoctorWorksfaster.A.if B.unless C.whether D.that9.Theclasswentonwiththestory_theyhadleftitbeforetheholiday.A.where B.which C.inwhich D.when10.Wouldyouliketohaveabreak_shallwegoonwiththework?A.and B.then C.therefore D.or12.-Whatareyougoingtodothisafternoon?-Illprobablygoforawalklateron_itstaysfine.A.asfaras B.solongas C.evenif D.asif18.Thedaymustbebreaking,_thebirdshavebegunsinging.A.because B.as C.for D.since19.Youcangoout_youPromisetobebackbefore10oclock.A.nowthat B.solongas C.sothat D.asfaras2l.Dr.Bethunebegantowork_hearrivedatthefront.A.themoment B.bythetime C.before D.atthemoment23.Wehadtohepatientbecauseit_sometime_wegotthefullresult.A.havebeen;sinceB.hadbeen;until C.was;after D.wouldbe;before26._otherssay,theProfessorissurethathistheoryiscorrect.A.Nomatter B.ItdoesntmatterC.Whatever D.What27. I wontgiveyouanyhelp_youtellmethetruth.Itsnoneofmybusiness.A.unless B.since C.if D.evenif29.Manyplacesarefloodedbyheavyrainfalls,sotheycantwalk_theylikethesedays.A.when B.whenever C.where D.Wherever30.-Howdowedothecleaning?-Doit_:Sweepthefloor,wipethedesks,rubthewindowsandputeverythinginorder.A.asusual B.asfollows C.asfollowing D.likethat3l.ltscloudy.Takeanumbrella_youregretit.A.or B.and C.after D.before32.Hisfatherbegantowork_hischildhood.A.since B.before C.asearlyas D.while33.Therooffell_hehadtimetodashintotheroomtosavehisbaby.A.before B.as C.after D.until34. -Thethreadofmykitebrokeanditflewaway.-Ihadtoldyouitwouldeasilybreak_itwastheweakest.A.when B.where C.unless D.since35.Thecrowdstartedcheering_herosetospeak.A.as B.since C.till D.where36.Ihadworkedhere_youcamehere.ButlshallleaveforEngland_.A.beforelong;beforelong B.borelong;longbeforeC.longbefore;beforelong D.longbefore;longbefore37.Scientistssayitmaybefiveortenyears_itispossibletotestthismedicineonhumanpatients.A.since B.before C.after D.when38.WecalledtheFirst-AidCenter_thetrafficaccidenthappened.A.immediately B.shortly C.quickly D.hurriedly39._youkeepon,youllsucceed.Wishyousuccessintheexaminations.A.When B.NomatterhowhardC.Solongas D.Nowthat40. -Doyouthinkwecangetthereontime?-Yes,_thecardoesn


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