



51Talk无忧英语 “平价英语培训”领跑者 生活口语 At the Beauty Parlor 在美容院脱口而出Would you try a special mask to get rid of the filth and grease?您要不要用特殊的面膜来去除您皮肤中的油污?It is for nourishment, moisture keeping and wrinkle prevention.它具有滋养、保湿和防皱功能。The cosmetics here are ready for all skin types.这儿的化妆品适用于各种皮肤类型。Just a little hair lotion, please.用一点点护发水。I need to have a facial to relax a little bit.我需要去做个脸部护理,放松一下。Do you offer facials?你们有做脸部护理的服务吗?Would you like your nails filed square or round?您想将指甲修成方形还是圆形?Do you carry anything that can improve dry and cracked lips?你们有没有可以修复干裂嘴唇的产品?My skin looks dull. What would you recommend that I use?我的皮肤看起来很暗淡,你建议我用些什么产品?对答如流 精彩对话Dialogue OneExcuse me.打扰了。Yes, may I help you?有什么能帮忙的吗?My skin is rough and dry, so it doesnt absorb the make-up well. What should I do?皮肤特别粗糙、干燥,不好化妆。Why dont you change brands of the cosmetics?换一下化妆品怎么样呢?Which brand would you recommend?您推荐什么品牌?Olay is good.玉兰油不错。Dialogue TwoMay I help you?我能为您效劳吗?Id like to make an appointment for Sunday.我想预约礼拜天。Do you have any preferred stylist?您有喜欢的造型师吗?Yes, I think Billy is the best.是的,我觉得比利是最好的。Im sorry. Billy is off on Sunday.对不起。星期天比利休息。What about Saturday?星期六可以吗?OK. May I have your name and phone number, please?好的。麻烦您留下姓名和电话好吗?Yes, this is Ann, and my number is 2986543.好的。我是安,我的电话号码是2986543.Dialogue ThreeWould you like to have a manicure?您是否需要修剪一下指甲?Yes, I would.对,我要。What color would you prefer for your nail-polishing?您喜欢什么颜色的指甲油?I prefer pink.我喜欢粉红色的。Is this OK?这种行吗?Yes, its OK是的,行。.Dialogue FourCan I help you?有什么需要帮忙的吗?Yes, Ill treat myself to a facial massage.是的,我要做面部按摩。Which kind of treatment would you like?您要做哪种?The regular one will be OK.常规的就可以。All right, madam.好的,女士。By the way, could you give me a manicure?顺便说一下,您能帮我修一下指甲吗?Of course yes.当然可以。Thank you.谢谢。出口成章幽默的顾客Barber: Your hair needs cutting badly.Customer: No, it needs cutting nicely. You cu


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