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Can you play the guitar?,Unit 10,By Wu Jiang,Can you play basketball?,Can you / swim / ?,swim,Can you /si / ?,sing,What is this?,Can you /spi:k / English?,speak,Can you /dns/ /d:ns/ ?,dance,Can you / peint / ?,paint,Can you play /tes / ?,chess,Yes, I can.,No, I cant.,Memory challenge(记忆挑战),Super Stars,Whats his name?,Can he sing?,Can he play basketball ?,Can he sing ? Yes , he can .,Can he play volleyball ? No , he cant.,Can she play soccer?-,Whats her name?,Can she sing?,Can she sing ? Yes , she can .,Can she play soccer ? No, she cant.,Who are they?,Can they sing?-,Yes, they can./No, they cant.,Can you / she /he /they play basketball ? Yes, I /she /he/they can. No, I /she /he/they cant.,(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),Pairwork:,CLUB,Welcome to our clubs!,Cross talk Club,model Club,.,What club do you want to join?,I want to join the,(想加入),Enroll New Students,(招生),(招生员),Welcome to the club! Hello! Whats your name? Can you ? Come and join us! ( Then fill in the blanks. ),Show us your talent!,(*才能展示*),Writing Write something about your family members what they can do or cant.,一. 把下列词排成正确的顺序: 1. play , brother , the , your , guitar , can ? 2. play , you , the , can , guitar ? 3. guitar , sing , the , I , play , can , and , yes . 4. to , club , music , join , want , do , you , our ?,1. Can your brother play the guitar ?,2. Can you play the guitar ?,4. Do you want to join our music club ?,3. Yes , I can sing and play the guitar .,二. 补全句子和对话: 1. _(1)_ you dance ? Yes , I can. 2. What club does she _(2)_ to join ? 3. We want to _(3)_ the guitar club. 4. A: What club _(4)_ you want _(5)_ join. B: We _(6)_ to join the chess _(7)_. A: Can you _(8)_ chess ? B: No , I _ (9)_. A: I can. 5. She can speak English but she _ (10) _ speak it very well .,Can,want,join,do,to,want,club,play,cant,cant,三. 翻译词组(中英互译) 1. 弹钢琴 2. 踢足球 3. 打篮球 4. 打鼓 5. play chess 6. swimming club 7. summer camp 8. 才艺展示 9. 中国工夫 10. 吹喇叭 11. 电子邮件 12. 摇滚乐队,play the piano,play soccar ball,play basketball,play the drums,下象棋,游泳俱乐部,夏令营,talent show,Chinese Kung Fu,play the trumpet,e-mail,. rock band,四. 用完整形式回答问题 1. Do you like music ? _ 2. Can your parents speak English ? _ 3. What can you do ? _ 4. Can you play the violin ? _ 5. Do you want to join a music club ? _,Yes , I do . / No , I dont.,Yes , I do . / No , I dont.,Yes , I can . / No , I cant,Yes , I can . / No , I cant,Different people have different color of skin (皮肤). Some have black skin . Some have yellow skin , and some have white skin . Theres woman in America . Her skin is orange . Its the color of orange juice . Why does she become (变得)orange ? She eats too many tomatoes , carrots and squashes (南瓜). She eats many orange things , Thats why she becomes orange . The woman doesnt want to be orange . She goes to the doctor (医生). The doctor says , “Dont eat any orange things again ! Eat some green things . ”The woman does so (这样做了),and she isnt orange now. ( )1. The woman has _. A. an orange coat B. orange skin C. an orange dress D. yellow skin ( )2. The womans skin is orange because _. A. she drinks too much orange B. she likes to eat orange C. she likes this colour D. she eats too many orange things ( )3. The woman goes to see doctor because _. A. she likes the orange skin very much B. she doesnt want to eat any green things C. she wants her skin to be green D. she doesnt like her orange skin.,( )4. What are tomatoes , carrots and squashes ? Can you guess ? _. A. They are something to eat B. They are something to drink C. They are meat D. They are Americans ( )5. The doctor asks the woman to _. A. eat many orange things B. eat some green food C. drink much orange juice D. eat orange everyday,B,D,D,A,B,Can we live without salt (没有盐)?No , salt is very important (重要)to us . We need salt in our food . Animals (动物)need it , too. Most (大部分)of the salt in our country comes from the sea (海). People dig (挖)great pools (池塘)and let sea water in . When the sun dries up (使干枯)the water , people can get salt from the ground . The salt is white , clean and beautiful. There are a lot of salt wells (井)in Sichuan. A salt well is much like a water well . People bring the well water up to the ground and then dry it in big jars over fire . In this way , they get salt. We can also get salt mines . Some years ago people in JiangXi found (发现)a big salt mine and soon opened it . people there no longer (不再)need salt from other places (地方). In the northwest (西北)of our country , there are many salt lakes (盐湖). Some of these lakes are very big . The salt in a big lake even can meet the needs of our people for many years . ( )1. We cant live without salt , so _. A. we need it in our food B. animals dont like to have salt C. it is nothing to animals D. we dry up the water in the river. ( )2. We get most of the salt from _ A. salt lakes B. salt wells C. salt mines D. sea water,( )3. People in Sichuan get salt from _. A. jars B. fire C. salt well D. salt mines ( )4. Some years ago , people found and opened a big salt mine _. A. in Sichuan B. In JiangXi C. in the north


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