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第2课时 记叙文的写作要领,(深圳市2011届高三第一次调研考试) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again and again, he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, and then a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible to get rid of. It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits.,Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live, and sometimes become ruined by them. There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help. Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life,such as early rising, honesty, and so on. Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, telling lies, stealing, copying homework, disliking hard work, hating cooperating with others, wasting, smoking and so on, which are all easily formed habits. We should keep away from all these bad habits, and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others.,【写作内容】 1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容; 2. 以约120个词就“养成习惯”发表你的看法,内容包括: (1)你觉得你自己曾经或现在最不好的习惯是什么? (2)说说你是如何养成这一习惯的? (3)你是如何或打算如何改掉这一习惯的? (4)你认为改掉这一习惯后会有什么好处?,【参考概括】 To satisfy a boys needs, an old apple tree gave the boy his apple, branches and trunk until he had nothing left but the root. For the one he cares, he is willing to give whatever he has.,【写作要求】 1. 作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。,One possible version: Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed by an unseen force. Once formed, they are hard or even impossible to get rid of. So for your good, break them and build smart ones!,I have a lot of bad habits, among which the worst one is that I often found excuses to cover mistakes. Long time ago, because of my laziness, I often got up late, and was afraid of scolds or punishments from teachers. So I made up varieties of excuses to persuade my teachers to believe me. Gradually I developed the habit of telling lies automatically.,Thanks to my head teacher, he made me aware of that lifethreatening habit. First, I got an alarm just like a reminder, set the time, and got up on time. Even if I was sometimes late, I told my teacher the truth. I just replaced this bad habit with a smart one, which was the key way to refresh myself.,Honesty is the best policy. It makes people around me trust me and respect me, which is very important for me to make a successful life.,【思路点拨】 这篇作文问题虽然多,但四个问题是按照是什么、为什么、怎么样的逻辑顺序展开的,思路符合一般的认识常规。关键词“一个最不好的习惯”贯穿全文,所以一定要仔细思考,以小见大,选取一个具有典型性的例子,善于从普通的小事中写出深意。第二、三问从养成习惯和改掉习惯两个角度出发,是文章的主体,因而六要素要交代清楚。一件事情的发生,离不开时间、地点、人物、事情的起因、经过和结果这六方面,即常说的“六要素”,只有交代清楚这几方面,才能使读者对所叙述的事,有清楚全面的了解。,最后一问叙述改掉坏习惯能带来的好处是体现中心思想的关键,这部分必须详略得当,突出重点,主次分明,给读者以深刻的印象。,一、从时态、人称和内容要素方面把握好记叙文: 1. 叙述的人称 英语的记叙文一般是以第一或第三人称的角度来叙述的。 2. 动词的时态 在记叙文中,记和叙都离不开动词,所用时态最多的是一般过去时。 3. 记叙文的内容要素 记叙文的要素包括who, what, why, when, where, how。,二、记叙文如何达到写作目的 1. 选择特殊意义的事件。叙述故事属于文学性的创作,它决定了故事质量的高低。 2. 令人难忘的情节。 3. 形象生动的描写。语言应该具体、生动、新鲜、形象:如“Suddenly out jumped an eyehanging and whiteforehead tiger from the big tree”,人物形象跃然纸上。,三、写好记叙文的基本要领: 1. 头绪分明,脉络清楚 写好记叙文,首先要头绪分明,脉络清楚,明确文章要求写什么。要对所写的事件或人物进行分析,弄清事件发生、发展一直到结束的整个过程,然后再收集、选取素材。这些素材都应该跟五个“ W ”和一个“ H ”有关。尽管不是每篇记叙文里都必须包括这些“ W ”和“ H ”,但动笔之前,围绕五个“ W ”和一个“ H ”进行构思是必不可少的。,2. 突出中心,详略得当 在文章的框架确定后,对支持故事的素材的选取很关键。选材要注意取舍,应该从表现文章主题的需要出发,分清主次,定好详略。要突出重点,详写细述那些能表现文章主题的重要情节,略写粗述那些非关键的次要情节。面面俱到反而使情节罗列化,使人不得要领。,3. 选材切题,紧扣中心 记叙文的选材决定了记叙文的质量,所以叙述要紧紧围绕中心,切勿偷换概念,不切主题。,One possible version: Many great people have heard others dissuasion on their way to success, and sometimes the words of dissuasion come from great people and friends. For example, Edison once discouraged Henry Ford.,Not only ordinary people but also great people make mistakes. In our life, we should believe in ourselves but not be discouraged by any kind of dissuasion. Two years ago, I was weak in maths so I hoped to improve it. But several of my friends said that girls would never master the subject and advised me to spend more time on other subjects. I turned to my maths teacher and then made up my


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