



您身边的志愿填报指导专家 专题限时训练(三)代词 (限时:10分钟)()1. Shall we go skating next Saturday? Can we make it_ other day,John? Ill have to finish my term paper next week. Aany Bone Cevery Dsome()2. The family is expecting_ guest like a servant waiting for his master. Atheir Bits Chis Dher()3. Medical care in the country cant compare with_ big cities. Aone of Bthat ofC. 不填 Dthe one of ()4. What he said is _ but practical since _ depends on “if” Aanything; everythingBnothing; everythingC. everything; anythingDnone; everything()5. We were talking about the new play _ day,remember?Yes,I enjoyed it very much. Athe other BanotherC. some Dother ()6. I understand most of what they said but not_ word. Aany Beach Cevery Done()7. Has anything new been discussed on this great project?_,and more will follow,I think. AFew BMuch CAll DLittle()8.Can you please lend me some money? Sorry; Ive got _ at hand myself. Ive spent all of my money buying the computer. Anone Bnothing Cno DnotC. anyone Dthe one ()11. _ friends Betty had made there were all invited to her birthday party. AThe few BFew CFew of DA few()12. Best wishes to_ and _ from_ and_. Ayou; yours; me; mine Byourself; yours; myself; mineCyours; yourself; mine; myself Dyou; me; your; mine()13. At the beginning of a speech,it is very important to grab the audiences attention and make them interested in _ you have to say. Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dwho()14. Weve been looking for cheap houses but haven t found _ we like yet. Aone Bother Cit Dthat ()15. After _ seemed half an hour,he came at last. Ait Bwhich Cthat Dwhat ()16. I wrote to John and Henry,but _ of them has answered my letter. Aneither Beither Cnone Dany()17. How do you like the football match?Wonderful,I believe. Just as fine as _ of the matches weve ever seen.Aone BanotherCsome Dany()18. Havent I made_ clear that you mustnt take the current magazines out of the library? Athis B .it Cthat Done()19. Who told you the news? _. I read it from the newspaper. ANo one BNone CAnyone DAny one ()20. Driving too fast,she fell off the motorbike and hurt _ her legs. Atwo Ball Cdouble Dboth专题限时训练(三)1. Dsome other day another day改天。2. B题中的谓语动词用了单数形式,所以这里用its是合适的。3. Bthat是替代词,代替前面的medical care,表示特指。4. Aanything but意为“绝不”,“一点也不”。根据题意,应选A。nothing but意为“正是”,“只是”;everything but除了其余都。5. Athe other day a few days ago,属于固定短语。 6. Cnot every word意为“不是每句话都”,表示部分否定,与前面内容正好相符。7. B根据后一句意思,特别是more,可排除A、C、D。8. A上句意思是借钱,none指没钱,而nothing是什么都没有,指代不明。9. B此句结构较为复杂,as引导的是非限制性定语从句。第二个is前是主语从句;what引导表语从句,在从句中作宾语,表示“的事/物”。10. Bwhoever在此句中意为anyone/someone who。A缺少先行词,C、D缺少作主语的关系代词。11. Afew(少)修饰或替代可数名词复数,有否定的含义;a few (一些,有几个)修饰或替代可数名词复数,有肯定的含义。few of“没几个”,与句中的all相矛盾。根据句意“贝蒂那里仅有的几个朋友全都被邀请参加她的生日聚会”可知是指仅有的几个朋友。few与the连用表示“少数”。故答案为A。17. D“不亚于我们看过的任何一场比赛。”18. Bmake it clear中的it是形式宾语;this,that和one均不可充当形式宾语。19. Ano one意为“没有人,没有谁”可用来回答w


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