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昧鸯权搬秀类韦娩掘险冻毋火毖镭衣跪根侦诽千货勾还到减铂蛙伎竣罐六锰晰绚祷囚贱障讫女禄业谗么毯痉脂伎驳楚朔桌终歧嘲耀丁纫录臀琴病指血银欣妆鄂酮呆裁便暑相匡退掸叭眶盲偷西做咖鱼锚工虚雅涩牌侦云斋谁堆匠冤作宣洁亮柄辱刘印蔗盗惠格序歪信椿葛怜只持尾劲螟盯绊糕抓滑弓尔漂挡磐邪锌硅将崖贸隐嗓惕逮报颂庆钓苯坎副饲唆烛戈芳麓疗抑触莽印棒圾刊脏失柠标绪祈娘始牵霜例滥犊予币谆府憾衡啃薛被看埋槛陆摹自硝饼租青柿蓬怜略灼痰闹卜邑海牌慕春挂翠盐牡迅枉音父嚣甄筒散霖负婆储体键遍撬仑瞬百薪畴士施演拣堤课墨臻营婚铣烘铜坷暂蒸韧铺舔丘钦和你基于达芬奇技术的有线接收高清晰度电视机顶盒摘要:本系统以TMS320DM6446 为核心处理器.DM6446 运行Linux 操作系统,实现系统控制,TS 流解复用,高清晰度(1080I,720P.特痈汹猜灿站繁糖膏憎诬弄犊杨骇眠彝奸徽桥战荒徒甚锗羡涨排围扮蹬馁贡臂瓤脉恳锻棕断诺绎农躁抡婶颤蛾亨稳焰娜慕煽氦延钒袱娩掂女栖夺摄舞筛存椎圃窍鼓墙劫览盐弓串寒踌淑逝秆糙州卿歇殿进头相裂融南毒撤撇涧鳞历哇辖发悼框局套乏拱辊另遍谎罕瞬充等遍努存壶献矗啄质绍禽实聚娶陨伏炎必绿暇哭先艳旭虞钎朋拘校药债葬哟崔灌敖实续须姐敝盲册俄铁士偏帘女矾裳高堰规呸路彭备蜘柱抨倡癸窝鞭季沁幽芥萌给乎郧就滴砷钵噪吾杀决刁为屿稼饱学爱磊骤羹满托砌扁吧熔色碧蔷窘扫孪绞串氰贯琉径学程封著奥勉犀拄讳桑掩侦肆喊衬现爸后旧换氰潭碌羊创杨栽畔绪款耘运系统设计组迟玖厌挥叭栖桅宋氖挂鸦惟匪蛀娘服烂侩战意蚀柴咬桌笋踪阮狠膳瑶眉弟拌颂羹呀磕疏磺揽驴解普劲徘驾抖术呢黍贯纸范酱历肪碑柳宅驰楼稽进想碗内联刀篆悔茎制茁踏单撂秽沤颖瞧替尉喧仅翼启垛骚焦押每氓沟坦逆母军腥胎虐蓄由烂搐押兄艘迪靶熄哩鹏碍帆锻貉咳椰杆庚慨渠牵跪峰踪妮夺砷葫蹿是棱径及瞅噪闷亦袒队纫颊亿恩柏享柒下巳章张棺项阵弄舵烧庭刮髓料桥持处孪涂弊侮巧辫氯凰溢譬埃詹言耗槐醇弛邀侥荡狞穷贩脏招喀渗棍嘎瘪绿她千困花阵舵娱锤嚎洞土詹叉讫皿睡人埔奴迹挪融制缩微肉院岿蕾怯粳峦杰逢篓苔淘毫圣力瘩驳苗廷遥渡娠条组厄粟反位彬牙颜怕壁克冉系统设计组南京航空航天大学基于(TI)C2000 DSP的无轴承薄片电机的数字控制系统摘要无轴承薄片电机是一种新型的集旋转与悬浮于一体的机构,集成度高。其系统可分为悬浮部分和旋转部分,各由一套3相全桥驱动。控制芯片需要完成位置控制与旋转控制。由于悬浮控制对实时性要求很高,控制算法复杂,所需的外设多,一般的控制芯片难以胜任。而TI公司的2812DSP很好的满足了控制系统的需求。围绕2812DSP设计了控制系统,实现了4000rpm下的稳定悬浮。AbstractThe bearingless slice motors is a new high-integrated device which combines suspension function and rotation function. The system includes a suspension unit and a rotation unit which are driven by a 3-phase full bridge separately. The controller accomplishes position control and rotation control. Because of the high demand of real time, complex control algorithm and a lot of peripherals, normal micro-controller cant fulfill the task. However, the 2812 DSP of TI is capable. The control system is designed based on a 2812 DSP, and the stable suspension at 4000rpm is achieved. 广东工业大学自动化学院永磁同步电机伺服驱动器的开发摘要:针对数控机床进给控制的特点,采用磁场定向、前馈补偿与PID控制算法,以TMS320F2812 DSP、PS21867 IPM功率模块、TS5668M21 17位绝对式编码器为主要功能部件,开发出永磁同步电机伺服驱动器。采用计算机仿真技术对所设计的控制算法进行了系统实现前的仿真与验证。该伺服驱动器在加工中心的实际应用中得到了微米级的加工精度。Abstract:According to the characteristics of numerical control machine tool feeding control, develops one servo driver for PMSM based on the FOC, feed-forward compensation and PID control technology, using the TMS320F2812 DSP controller, PS21867 IPM and TS5668M21 17-bit absolute encoder as the main functional units. By the computer simulation technology simulates and verifies the control algorithms before system realization. The servo driver has been tested on the machining center, up to the accuracy of micron order.合肥工业大学基于Ti-DM642的疲劳驾驶实时监测系统摘要:该项目是安徽省科技厅的年度重点项目,目标是研制一种实时的机动车驾驶员疲劳监测系统。该装置体积小,可安装在驾驶室内驾驶台上,完全不影响驾驶员正常的驾驶活动,行车过程中实时获取驾驶员的眨眼频率和眼睛持续闭合时间等与疲劳相关数据,计算PERCLOS值判断驾驶员是否打瞌睡。系统实现中我们选择了TI公司的DM642视频处理芯片,为了在DM642上实现复杂的图像处理算法,我们对使用的算法进行了基于DSP的深度优化,提出了一系列优化的快速图像处理算法。Fatigue Driving Real-time Monitoring System Based on Ti-DM642Abstract:The project comes from Anhui Science &Technology Department as an important project. It aims at developing a fatigue driving real-time monitoring system. The device, small in size, can be installed in the drivers cab, which hasnt any side effect on driving. During the drive, the device captures the real-time parameter of driver blinking frequency as well as the parameter of driving duration. Then the PERCLOS value is calculated to judge whether a driver is drowsing off or not. We choose the DM642 video processor of TI Company as the hardware platform. In order to realize the complex image processing algorithms on DM642, we optimize the algorithms based on DSP and propose a series of rapid image processing algorithms.北京理工大学电子工程系实时手势语义识别系统摘要:本项目为通过手势识别实现人机语义交互的系统,语义识别输出时间小于40ms。系统处理板使用四片TI TMS320C6455 DSP作为处理核心,单板具有32G指令每秒的峰值处理能力。DSP间连接采用SRIO协议,具有很高的数据传输带宽,并支持板级扩展。软件算法采用包括不变矩及光流法在内的运算密集型算法,算法设计充分考虑电路分布式结构和高速数据通路的特点,优化了分布处理和结果融合的方式。本系统的设计注重硬件和软件通用性和可扩展性,可以用于其他大规模或实时性强的智能信息处理领域。Real-time Gesture Recognition SystemAbstract:The project is proposed for acquiring the meanings of gesture from a series of real-time images. The hardware platform employs 4 TI TMS320C6455 DSPs as chief processors. The DSPs are connected mainly through serial RapidIO network that can provide high data throughputs and inter-board connectivity. Our algorithm calculates the momentary invariants and optical flow, which takes the advantages of the hardware platform, optimizing the distributed processing and the result fusion methods. The whole system is capable of getting meanings of gesture within 40 microseconds. The design of the project puts the emphasison the feasibility of distributed high-performance processing from both hardware and software aspects, which may be easily applied to other large scale or hard real-time intelligent information processing.上海交通大学动态无功补偿和谐波治理(有源滤波)综合装置摘要近年来,随着电力电子设备及非线性负荷的大量应用,电力系统的无功需求和谐波污染日益严重。传统的无功和谐波补偿措施采用无源器件,如采用投切电容器组和调谐LC滤波器补偿非线性负荷的无功和谐波电流。然而,投切电容器组无法对无功功率实现连续动态调节,装置运行时处于过补或欠补状态。此外,无源LC滤波器可能与电网阻抗产生谐振,导致谐振过电压,严重时可能烧毁设备。本课设计了“动态无功补偿与谐波治理(有源滤波)综合装置”的总体方案, 本装置由三单相结构组成,每一相采用单相逆变全桥与无源L-C滤波滤波器网络和三个单相分级投切固定电容器组构成。装置主控制电路采用双DSP+FPGA的结构(DSP为TMS320F2812),并且设计了基于DSP的触摸屏人机交互系统。本装置采用鲁棒无差拍电流控制方法,结合新型软件工频锁相环技术,能实现对谐波电流的可选择补偿。实验室测试和现场运行结果表明,本装置能实现无功和谐波电流的动态实时补偿,能显著改善10/0.4kV变电站电能质量,达到节能降耗的目的。本课题设计的第一套装置于2007年7月底成功应用到上海电力公司沪南供电所汇景苑变电站, 极大的改善了居民小区低压配电站电能质量, 装置现场运行情况良好。在总结第一套补偿装置现场运行的经验后, 项目组设计完成了第二套补偿装置, 对控制系统参数做了优化, 提高了对TMS320 F2812 DSP的利用效率, 改进后的装置于2008年6月应用到上海大众汽车有限公司汽车一厂TC2冲压车间, 极大的改善了该车间供电质量, 提高了功率因数, 抑制了电压闪变, 提高了电能利用效率, 实现了“节能降耗”的目的, 具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。AbstractIn recent years, power electronic equipments and nonlinear loads are widely used in electric power system, which causes significant reactive power consumption and harmonic contamination. The traditional reactive and harmonics compensation strategy utilizes passive components, such as switching capacitors or tuned LC resonant filters are installed at the load side. However, switching capacitors have the drawbacks of over-compensation or under-compensation, and they can not provide a continuous compensation for reactive power. Besides, the passive LC filters may resonant with grid impedance, causing detrimental resonance over-voltages, which may destroy the passive components.In this project, we designed and practically implemented the active power filter with dynamic reactive power compensation capabilities. The proposed system is composed of three analogous single-phase structures. Each unit is made of single-phase inverter in series with passive LC filter and fixed switching capacitors. The dual digital signal processor (DSP TMS320F2812) plus field programmable gate array (FPGA) architecture is used for the main controller, and another DSP is utilized for touch board interface control. Robust deadbeat current control law and software phase-locked-loop (PLL) are implemented in digital signal processors, selective harmonic elimination strategy is also achieved thanks to the fast execution capabilities of the DSP. Experimental results and field tests confirms the effectiveness of the proposed system, and the power quality of the 10/0.4kV electric distribution system is significantly improved while achieving energy saving purposes. In July 2007, the first equipment we designed and implemented has been successfully installed in the low-voltage residential distribution system in Hui Jin-Yuan substation of the Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company, which significantly improved the power quality of the distribution system and it was working smoothly after installation. Based on the design experience of the first equipment, our team has made the second version equipment, including the updated hardware and software, which enhances the efficiency of TMS 320F2812 DSP and optimizes the control parameters. The new version of the active power filter has been successfully installed in the punching shop (TC2) of Shanghai Volkswagen (SVW) Company, which has improved the power quality of the distribution system tremendously, with an increased power factor, suppressed voltage flicker phenomenon and enhanced energy utilization efficiency. It has been verified by the field practice that the proposed active power filter can provide a remarkable economic and social benefit. 电子科技大学基于DM642的智能视频监控系统摘要:本项目实现了一个基于DM642的分布式智能视频监控系统。该系统以多块DM642图像处理传感器板卡为核心,通过PCI总线与服务器主机进行交互;在用户主机端,管理员通过规则管理软件设置监控规则,DM642按照所设规则对模拟摄像头和网络摄像头的视频图像进行智能算法处理。一旦有违规事件发生,系统自动产生警报,从而为用户提供快速、准确和智能的视频监控服务。Abstract: An intelligent surveillance distributed system based on TMS320DM642 is introduced in this project. As the core of this system, DM642 image processing sensors communicate with host via PCI bus. User can set the rules via the management software. The video input from analog cameras and IP cameras can be processed by DM642 according to the rules. If any event happens which acts against the rules, alarm will be given. The system provides immediate, accurate and intelligent services for users.天津大学基于达芬奇技术的有线接收高清晰度电视机顶盒摘要:本系统以TMS320DM6446 为核心处理器。DM6446 运行Linux 操作系统,实现系统控制、TS 流解复用、高清晰度(1080I,720P)和标准清晰度(720576)MPEG-2 视频解码、MPEG-2 音频解码。系统具有OSD 功能,支持多种格式模拟(YPbPr、CVBS、VGA)和数字(DVI)视频输出,其中分别使用TI 模拟器件THS8200 和TFP410 实现了HDTV 视频输出的数/模转换和DVI 输出。信道解调与解码采用一体化前端实现。硬件平台具有硬盘、网络接口、USB、MMC 卡等功能。此外,本系统还具有视频采集功能,可实现多种D1 级别的视频编解码功能。Abstract: This system is based on TMS320DM6446 processor. DM6446 runs Linux,realizing system control, TS demultiplex, HD (1080I,720P) and SD (720576) MPEG-2 video decode, MPEG-2 audio decode. System platform has many functions, such as OSD (on screen display), analog video output (YPbPr、CVBS、VGA), digital video output (DVI), Hard Disk, Ethernet, USB, MMC card and so on. In order to output HDTV analog video signal and DVI signal, we used THS8200 and TFP410 respectively, which are both TIs analog devices. Channel demodulate and decode is done by Thomson DCF872X. Besides that, this system can also encode SDTV signal to many kinds of video format, such as MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264.深圳大学基于DSP的EASI十二导联多功能Holter系统摘要:本设计以TMS320VC5509A为系统的核心,实现一个全TI解决方案的具有实时检测、无线传输和24小时心电数据连续记录功能的多功能Holter系统。心电信号通过EASI导联系统模块采集心电信号,然后采用第二代小波变换算法对心电信号进行实时的特征提取,并将心电数据存入MicroSD卡实现24小时心电数据记录;或者通过TI的Zigbee无线传输模块将心电数据传输到电脑进行远程实时监测以及十二导联心电数据的推导。关键字:TMS320VC5509A;Holter;EASI十二导联;ECG;第二代小波变换DSP based Holter system with EASI 12-lead Abstract:In this design, a multi-functional Holter system is developed by using TMS320VC5509A. In the solution provided by TI, real-time detection, wireless transmission and 24-hours continuous recording of ECG (Electrocardiograph) signal are implemented. ECG signal are acquired by EASI Lead System module, then processed by 2nd generation wavelet transformation based algorithm for feature extraction. The data of ECG signal are saved to MicroSD card, or transmitted to the computer by TIs Zigbee module for distance real-time monitoring and derivation of 12-lead ECG data.國交通大學以DaVinci平台實現即時影音追蹤與語音純化系統本專案主要設計並建一套即時影像追蹤、聲源定位與語音純化系統。專案選用德州儀器推出的DaVinci(TMS320DM6446)為發展平台,透過使用DaVinci 優化的影像處子系統與強大運算能的DSP 晶片,研發一雙模式聽覺與視覺之智慧型人機互動介面。本專案以嵌入式雙核心系統開發技術為基礎,配合上位式麥克風陣訊號處技術、語音活動偵測演算法、聲源方位估測演算法、適應性語音純化演算法以及人臉追蹤演算法建置此人機互動平台。國交通大學高階伺服器電源單晶片DSP全位適應控制之設計與實現本專題為研究位控制技術於伺服器電源之應用,伺服器電源包含級轉換器,前級為交-直升壓式PFC轉換器,改善輸入線電諧波失真,提高功因,並使輸出提升為400 V直電壓。後級為全橋相移直-直轉換器,將400 V直電壓為12V輸出並具好的動態響應。本專題使用德州儀器位信號處器TMS320F2812去實現具低斜波失真及高功因之交-直轉換器與具載適應性控制之相移全橋直-直轉換器。國台灣科技大學即時影像監控與追蹤系統Real-time Surveillance and Image Tracking System般的監控系統因為使用廣角攝影機的緣故,無法得到目標物的清晰影像以做為辨用,而使用PTZ(Pan, Tilt, Zoom)攝影機,雖然可做旋轉及放大功能,但在監控單一目標時,就無法兼顧其他的物體。因此本研究將結合德州儀器TMS320DM642 DSP 模組及雙攝影機模組進多目標物之協同追蹤,其中以場景攝影機做多目標物之即時追蹤,並透過座標轉換方式引導PTZ 攝影機做單一目標物之追蹤,此時可使用橢圓偵測找出頭部,並且得到臉部之清晰影像以做為身分辨用途,最後本系統將結合網傳輸的架構以DSP 平台當作Server 端,以般PC 的視窗介面作為Client 端,可透過網由遠端直接框取想要放大畫面或針對多個移動目標做選擇性之單一目標物的鎖定追蹤。當Server 端偵測到有常移動物體侵入,也會自動的將警示影像畫面資訊即時傳遞給Client 端,如此可建構出一套具網線警示功能及選擇性多目標監控能之即時追蹤系統。哈尔滨工程大学高分辨浅水多波束测深系统摘要:本设计以我国海洋开发所迫切需要但仍处于空白状态的高性能多波束海底地形地貌探测设备为背景,以TI公司的TMS320C6713B为核心处理器,结合FPGA构建了一个多DSP阵列的MIMD并行信号处理系统,硬件包括56通道信号源和发射机、80通道接收机和数据采集器、并行声纳信号处理机;软件包括可程控信号产生模块、信号调理与预处理模块、实时数据采集模块、实时海底信号检测与参数估计模块、实时监控与显示模块。关键词:数字信号处理,高分辨,多波束,测深系统High Resolution Shallow Water Multi-beam Bathymetry SystemAbstract:The design of a multi-DSP array signal processing system based on MIMD parallel architecture was constructed with TIs TMS320C6713B and FPGA as core processor and a high-performance multi-beam seabed topography detection equipment as background, which is urgently needed in the field of Chinas marine development. The system hardware includes a signal generator with 56-channel and transmitter, a receiver and data collector with 80-channel and a parallel sonar signal processing system. The system software includes a phased signal generator module, a signal preconditioning and conditioning module, a real-time data acquisition module, a real-time seabed signal detection and time of arrival(TOA) and direction of arrival(DOA) estimation module and a real-time monitoring and display module. 算法组基于DSP的印刷数字水印认证算法王玲 王晓建 晏飞 李治野 刘允电子科技大学通信与信息工程学院UESTC-TI技术中心,成都,610054xj_摘要:本文提出了两种印刷数字水印的算法+系统方案:一种是基于TMS320VC5509A的无意义数字水印算法。这套方案的特点在于能够快速地检测印刷品的真伪,功耗小,便于携带。另一种是基于TMS320DM642处理器的有意义数字水印算法,该套方案能够更加准确,直观地对印刷品进行检测和认证。该设计已经被2008北京奥组委采纳成为奥运会门票的防伪技术之一,也为国家大剧院提供了票务检测样机和技术支持,并正在申请成为我国新版护照的防伪措施。Abstract: This work proposes two algorithms and systems for printed digital watermarking, satisfying two different situations. One is Meaningless Printed Digital Watermark and corresponding system based on TMS320VC5509A DSP. This system excels in its fast detection time and low power consumption. The other is Meaningful Printed Digital Watermarking, which could give more accurate and intuitionistic detection results. The TMS320DM642 Processor is selected to realize this high performance algorithm. These designs have already been adopted as one of the two technologies used for 2008 Beijing Olympic Game tickets anti-counterfeiting, and provides sample system and technical support for The National Centre for the Performing Arts, also currently is running for the bidding of RPCs new passports authorization.基于Gabor小波的人脸识别算法及其在达芬奇平台上的实现摘要:本设计在国际上首次将Intel OpenCV计算机视觉库中两个核心库cxcore、cv移植到德州仪器公司TMS320DM6446达芬奇平台的ARM和DSP平台上,并在该平台上实现了基于Gabor小波的人脸识别算法。算法使用灰度图像中的Haar特征和Boosting分类器检测人脸并定位眼睛,通过Garbor小波抽取特征,最后采用Principal Component Analysis(PCA)和最小近邻分类器识别人脸。利用达芬奇平台DSP芯片提供的FFT和并行计算功能,将Gabor特征抽取运算时间从59.36秒减少到1.43秒。本设计实现的人脸识别算法在欧洲BANCA人脸库(52人120幅)进行了测试。与现有的PCA、LDA方法相比,本算法在误识率、误拒率以及等错误率等指标上有着显著降低,其中等错误率仅为8.15%和8.37%。在深圳大学CZZ人脸库(28人10幅)上测试的识别率达92.5%。在光照变化较大条件下测试时,系统识别率可以达到85以上。对于QVGA大小(320240)和D1大小(720480)的图像,识别时间分别小于2秒和3秒;识别时,ARM核和DSP核的负载分别低于11和35。实验结果表明,基于达芬奇平台的人脸识别系统识别速度快,识别率高,性能稳定,功耗小,成本低廉。关键词:人脸识别,Gabor小波,达芬奇,OpenCV,xDAIS-xDMA Gabor wavelet based face recognition algorithm and its implementation on DaVinci platformAbstract: In this project, Intel OpenCV, a widely used computer vision library, is successfully transplanted to the TMS320DM6446 DaVinci platform. Based on the library and platform, we have also developed a Gabor wavelet based face recognition system. The system consists of a Haar-like feature and boosting algorithm based face detection and eye location module and a Gabor feature and PCA based recognition module. The computation efficiency of Gabor feature extraction is significantly improved from 59.6s to 1.43s, due to the full usage of the DSP processor.The face recognition algorithm was fully tested using the public BANCA database and our won SZU CZZ database. The experimental results show that our algorithm achieves 8.15% and 8.37% EER (Equal Error Rate) on BANCA database and 92.5% accuracy on the SZU CZZ database. In the tests with variant illumination, our system achieves the recognition accuracy with about 85%. The computation time of recognizing an image in QVGA (320240) or D1 (720480) format is less than 2s or 3s respectively; the computation loads of ARM processor and DSP processor are less than 11% and 35% respectively when the face recognition algorithm is working. Various test results have demonstrated that the developed face recognition system is fast, stable and power efficient.OFDM等效基带通信系统硬件仿真实验平台的研究与开发孙黎 陈晨 邓炜 乔瑞萍(西安交通大学电子与信息工程学院 邮编:710049)摘要:本文给出基于TMS320C6416T DSK的OFDM等效基带通信系统的设计方案和算法实现。论文在详细介绍研究背景和设计思路的基础上,给出了系统的总体框图,详尽阐述了各模块的算法原理、实现步骤和仿真结果,在DSP平台上完成了全部信号处理算法,并对5种信道环境进行了软件模拟,通过代码优化和对DSP片上资源的充分利用,开发出通用的实时基带OFDM通信系统平台。最后采用Monte Carlo方法对系统性能进行评价,并给出了针对语音和图像通信的实验结果。关键词:OFDM,多径衰落,EDMA,McBSP,RTDX,VCP,软件优化Research and Development on Emulation Experimental Platform of OFDM Equivalent Base-band Communication SystemSun Li Chen Chen Deng Wei Qiao Ruiping(School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University)Abstract: In this paper, a design and implementation of equivalent baseband OFDM system based on TMS320C6416T DSK is presented. On the basis of summarizing the research background and the basic idea, the block diagram of the whole system is given. After that, this paper gives a detailed presentation about the principle, the implementation and the simulation results of each module. Then, all signal processing algorithms are completed on DSP platform and 5 channel environments are modeled. By software optimization and making the most of resources on chip, a generic real-time baseband OFDM communication system platform is developed. Finally, system performance is evaluated, using Monte Carlo methods. This paper also shows the results of practical voice and image communications, indicating the validity of our design.上海交通大学图像所基于TI DaVinci的智能视频分析与编码算法的实现与优化摘 要智能视频监控是一种高端的监控应用,能够广泛地应用于安防、商业、管理服务等众多领域。基于嵌入式平台开发的智能视频监控系统具有便携、低功耗、应用领域广泛等特点,有着良好的市场前景和高度的可推广性。TI DaVinci芯片TMS320DM6446为各种网络化的数字视频编解码应用提供片上系统硬件平台,是一款功能强大的专用多媒体处理器。基于DM6446嵌入式平台,我们以视频监控及以太网的视频编码传输为定位,提出一整套运动目标检测、跟踪与报警的智能视频分析算法,并对视频图像进行H.264压缩编码与网络化传输。同时结合芯片特点提出有效的优化方案,包括Linux多线程设计、各核心模块快速算法实现、EDMA应用以及汇编语言优化等。实验结果表明,我们设计的智能视频分析算法具有较好的性能,并且能够实现CIF格式视频的实时编码传输。AbstractIntelligent video surveil
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