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The United States stretches across the continent of North America from the Atlantic 0cean to the Pacific OceanIt lies between Mexico on the south and Canada on the northIt also includes the two outlying states of Alaska and HawaiiThe country is large and it varies greatly from place to placeWithin it there are wide plains,rolling hills,and rugged mountains. The country contains forests,grasslands, and desertsI t has farms,ranches,minesand factories1 t has cities,towns,and small villagesAmericans enjoy traveling about to see the different parts of their countryThey like to visit interesting and beautiful sightsFavorite vacation spots include historic places such as Plymouth Rock and Mount Vernon, the home Of George Washington0ther favorite places for travelers are those of natural beauty like Niagara Falls and the Rocky Mountains. Still other interesting things to see are the man-made skyscrapers of New York City and the Golden Gate Bridge.The area, or size, of a country or state is often given in square miles. A square mile is a square with each of its four sides one mile long. The area of the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, is over 3million (3,615,210) square miles.1. What is the area of your state?2. Which is the largest state?3. Find the area of the smallest state.4. Which is larger, New York or Nevada?The country is rich in natures gifts. The United States is not only a large country,but it is also a rich countryThis does not mean that it is rich in money,but that it is rich in natural resourcesResources are supplies of useful thingsNatural resources are the useful things that nature providesRocks and minerals are natural resourcesThe United States is fortunate in having many useful minerals,such as coal, copper,iron,salt,and many othersClaysand,and many of the rocks in the earth are also usefulThey are used for building materials and for making such things as glass,bricks,and chinaNature provides many valuable plantsIn the United States there are thousands of square miles of grasslands and forestsThe grasslands supply feed for cattle and sheep. The forests furnish lumber for houses, buildings,and many other things.Wildlife is another natural resource. Wildlife includes not only bears and deer, but also fish,birds,and insectsSome of these animals supply foodSome of them scatter seed,or eat harmful insects,or help plants to growSome provide useful products,such as fur or oilWater is another resource0ur country has large supplies of water in rivers and lakes and in the rocks below the surface of the earthYou cannot 1ive without fresh water,nor can animals or plantsWater is necessary for the manufacture of many productsI t is needed to fight fires and to keep clothes and houses cleanThe swift flowing water of many rivers is used to generate electricity to turn the wheels of factories and to light buildings and city streetsThese are only a few of the many uses of waterSoil is one of the most important natural resourcesMuch food comes from plants that grow in the soilMeat comes from animals that feed On the plants that grow in the soilThe United States has many square miles of good soil.Study the pictures oil pages 95,148,and l77. Make a list of the natural resources shown in the picturesBe sure that you list only the resources provided by natureStudy the pictures on this page and on pages 90 and 153In these pictures you can see how people are making use of our resourcesMake a 1ist of the resources and their uses.Differences in rainfall and temperatureThe various parts of our country differ from each other in another way. They have different amounts of rainfall and different temperatures. Some parts of our country have plenty of rain while other parts are dry all year longThe people living in these dry parts cannot farm in the same way as people who live in areas where rainfall is plentifulThe temperature varies from place to place. Some parts of our country are warm all year roundSome parts have cold winters and hot summers. In every part of the country,however,the summer is warm enough for people to work and play outdoorsAs you study about the United States, you will learn more about these differences in rainfall and temperature. You will find how important they are to the people. Clothing, houses, sports, and many kinds of work are all closely related to the rainfall and temperature.Differences in the surface of the land. Travelers who make trips across our country notice that the surface of the land differs greatly from place to placeThey may go floor hundreds of miles over plains that are almost levelThen they come to parts where there are hills and valleysThey may climb into highlands and see mountain peaks rising above themThis unevenness in the surface of the land is called relief .The mountains,hills,plains,and other landforms on the surface of the earth are called relief featuresMany relief features of our country are shown in the pictures in this bookThe pictures on pages 22,23,and 40 show rolling and almost level plainsThose on pages 34,l 08,and 207 show some of the mountains and the hills of the countryAnother kind of relief feature is called a plateauPlateaus differ greatly in appearanceSome of them look like plains with deep valleys cut into them0thers look like hillsStudy the picture of the Columbia Plateau on page 85Sometimes pictures show parts of the earths surface as being seen from an airplanePictures of this kind are called air viewsThe air view on this page gives an idea of the relief features in one part of our countryYou can see the steep slopes of the mountainsides and the peaks reaching into the sky. You can see that there is little level land.Looking at an air view of this kind, however, you cannot tell exactly where the mountains are located. Neither can you tell how far they extend over the surface of the earth. To learn the location and extent of mountains, plains, or any kind of relief features, you need to study a map.Exploring the Map1. What color is used to show sea level? Land from sea level to 1000 feet? Land from 1000to 3000 feet? Land from 3000 to 10,000 feet? 1and higher than l 0,000 feet?2Locate the large plains of the United States:Atlantic Coastal Plain; Gulf Coastal Plain; Central Plains; Great Plains3Find on the map the wellknown mountain areas of the United States; Appalachian Uplands; Rocky Mountains; Cascade Range; Sierra Nevada4Between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada you can see on the map a 1arge upland areaWhat is it called?5Find the Colorado Plateau on the mapWhat is the name of the river that winds across the plateau?6Find two hilly areas named on the mapWhat are they called?7Name the five Great Lakes8Notice that many rivers flow into the Mississippi. Name four of these rivers.THE PEOPLE I n the 1400s and l300S people from Europe began to explore other parts of the worldOne explorer,Christopher Columbus,sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and discovered some new islandsHe did not know that the continents of North America and South America lay beyond these islandsWhen Columbus returned to Europe,he told wonderful stories about the riches in the new landsOther European explorers came across the oceanThey went into many parts of North and South AmericaI n some places,they found gold and silverIn others,they found fish,forests,land for farms,or grasslands for cattle ranchesThe only people in the Americas at that time were Indians and EskimosThe Indians lived in many parts of the two continentsbut the Eskimos lived only in the Far NorthMany explorers who came from Europe claimed the lands that they discovered for their own countriesGradually Spain,Portugal,France,the Netherlands,and Eng1and became owners of large parts of the New WorldIn time these countries sent people across the ocean to live in these landsThe settlements of people from European countries were called coloniesThe English colonies were located along the Atlantic coast of North AmericaThe people made their living by fishing,farming,and tradingThe English colonies had more people than the colonies of other countriesThe Netherlands and Sweden also estab1ished colonies along the coast where New York and New Jersey are nowThe owner ship of some parts of North America changed hands several timesFinallythe English gained control of most of the northeastern part of the continentAs time went on,English colonists along the Atlantic coast began to object to the way they were being governedThey wanted to make their own lawsTheir quarrels with the mother country finally led to warThirteen of the colonies won their Independence from England and became the United States of AmericaOther colonies remained loyal to EnglandLater these colonies formed our neighbor,CanadaOur nation gradually grew larger and strongerLand to the west was added to the original thirteen states,and finally the United States tracheal the way to the Pacific Ocean.Americans todayMost of the people who live in the United States today are descendants of people who came here from Europe Some trace their families back to the early colonistsMost,however,are descendants of people who came laterSome were themselves born in foreign countries Each year,many Europeans cross the Atlantic Ocean to make their homes in the United StatesEarly in the history of the American colonies,Negroes were brought from Africa as slavesMost slaves worked on the plantations of the SouthIn 1863 the slaves were declared freeToday,Negroes live in most parts of the United StatesPeople from Asia also have come to live in the United StatesMany are from Japan and ChinaThese people live mainly in the states along the Pacific Coast and in Hawaii Indians and Eskimos still live in the United StatesThey do not form a large part of the populationHowever, it is be1ieved that today there are more Indians and Eskimos than the time when the Europeans first cameAll these different people have worked together to build our nationSince its beginning,our country has grown strongIt has grown in population as wellTo find out how many people now live in the United StatesTurn to the tables in the Reference Section at the back of the book.1.REGIONS IN THE UNITED STATESThe plan of study. The United States is so large and so different from place to place that it is difficult to study it as a wholeIn this book,therefore,our country is divided into five large partswhich are called regionsWithin each region,you will find many things which are alike or similarCertain kinds of work are important everywhere in the regionAll parts of the region are not exactly alike,but they are enough alike so the whole region can be studied at onceThe change from one region to another is gradualA region does not have a definite boundary like a stateIf you walk across the boundary of a state,you move in a few seconds from one state into another. You can not pass in the same quick way from one region to anotherIf you travel across the country,you will not know exactly when you are leaving one region and entering another2 THE MIDWEST LAND OF FARMS AND FACTORIES WHY FARMING IS IMPORTANT IN THIS REGIONSee how level the fields are on the wheat farm pictured on the next pageThen look at the picture of dairyFarmland on page34Dairy farms often make use of rolling or hilly landThe deep,rich soil helps the farmers to grow fine cropsReasons for different kinds of farmingFinding ReasonsTry to think of the reasons for the statements which follow:1. Four reasons why corn is the main crop in the eastern part of the Midwest.2. One reason why wheat grows better than corn in the western part of the Midwest.3. Three reasons why dairying is more important than wheat farming in the Dairy Belt.THE PEOPLE OF THE MIDWESTPioneers and the lands they found. The fist settlers who made their homes in the Midwest Region came from the eastern part of the continent.Map StudyUsing the map above, tell what kind of natural vegetation is found in the following places:a. Kansas d. Ohiob. North Dakota e. northern Missouric. Indiana f. southwestern WisconsinTOWNS AND CITIES OF THE MIDWESTTrade and Manufacturing CentersTrade centers. Throughout the Midwest there are many small towns where farm families go to sell some of the things which they produce on their farms and to buy the things which they need.Manufacturing centers. Many towns of the Midwest are manufacturing centers as well as trade centers. They have factories, mills, and packing plants where many products from the farms are prepared for use. Grain is made into flour, feed for animals, and breakfast cereals.2. In these same tables find the population of each of the following cities:St. Louis, MissouriMinneapolis, MinnesotaChicago, IllinoisKansas City, MissouriIndianapolis, Indiana3. Answer the following questions:a. Which of the cities named in the list above has a population greater than 100,000? 300,000? 500,000? 1million?b. Which of these cities are larger than the city you chose as a yardstick?c. Which of these cities are smaller than the city you chose?Indianapolis, Trade Center and State CapitalOther Cities of the Corn and Livestock BeltRivers and River CitiesCincinnati, an Ohio River city.St. Louis, on the Mississippi River.Kansas City.Omaha.Trade Centers of the Wheat LandsWHICH?1. Which advantages listed above belong go all cities you have studied about in the Midwest?2. Which advantage belongs to both Indianapolis and Des Moines? 3. Which of the cities studied have advantage“d”?4. Which advantages does St. Louis have?5. Which advantage fist helped Minneapolis?6. Which advantage brought business goes both Wichita and Amarillo?7. Which of the following cities have advantage“a”?Indianapolis CincinnatiKansas City St. LouisSt. Paul Amarillo8. Which city has both advantage“a”and advantage“g”?Chicago, the Largest City of the Interior FarmlandsA Busy airport.A transportation center.A trade center.A manufacturing center.How Much Do You Remember?Explorers and Pioneers. Choose the best way of completing each of the following sentences. In several of the sentences, more than one word or phrase should be used.1The early settlers in the grassy plains madelogs sod brick grass2In the forested part of the Midwest the pioneers used logs to maketools paper furniturehouses Sidewalks firewood3. Pioneers found the easternmost part of the Midwest covered with tall grassesbroadleaf forestsshort grasses4. Pioneers found grasscovered plains in Ohio Iowa Kansas5. A city started by the French as a fur trading Center wasOmaha Indianapolis StLouis6. The first farmers in the central part of the Midwest found the soil hard to plow because7. Two cities located where pioneers moving west changed from boats go wagons areIndianapolis OmahaKansas ColumbusPutting in Order1Arrange the following river cities in order,placing the one farthest upstream first and the one farthest downstream 1astStLouis Kansas City Omaha2. Arrange the following states in the order in which you would pass through them if you were traveling from east to westIowa Nebraska Indiana Ohio Illinois3. Arrange the following states in the order in which you would travel through them from north to southMissouri Minnesota Iowa4. Arrange the following states in the order in which you would see them if you were traveling down the Missouri RiverSouth Dakota Nebraska MissouriKansas North Dakota5. Arrange the following states in the order in which you would see them if you were traveling up the MississippiWisconsin Illinois Missouri6. If you started in Wisconsin and traveled southwest,which of the following farm scenes would you be most likely to see first? Second? Third?whiteFaced cattle feeding near a barnLarge fields of wheat and sorghuma herd of dairy cows being driven towarda 1arge barn7. If you were a farmer in the Corn and Livestock Belt,in which order would you do the following work:Pick corn harvest hay plant corn3 The Western InteriorMOVIE WEST AND REAL WESTCOWBOYS AND WESTERN RANCHESA LAND OF LITTLE RAINA variety of physical features. One of the differences between the Western Interior and other regions in our country is in the amount of rainfall. Most of the Western Interior has light rainfall.FARMING IN THE LAND OF LITTLE RAINDry FarmingWater-saving farming.Where dry-land farming is carried on.Irrigation FarmingStoring water.The advantages of irrigation farming.The problems of irrigation farming.The Dawson farm.Questions to AnswerAfter reading about dry farming and irrigation farming, answer the following questions:1. How does a dry-land farmer get wat
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