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密炼机Banbury mixer 一轮开练机 One-wheel open mill 压片机 Tabletting Sheeting mill 橡胶、炭黑。软化剂等母炼胶的药品Master batch medicine chemical including rubber, carbon soot black and softener造粒后的终炼药品自动计量、气动输送,自动震动加入Final mixing agent after pelleting is automatically measured, it is conveyed by pneumatic power and fed with automatic vibration. Chemical weighing and vibration and auto sending system 胶片冷却 Film cooling batch off system存放Deposit设备用途 Equipment use:Equipment use采用一台密炼机与多台开炼机群按程序要求自动进行多段混炼与制成终炼胶。Use one set of Banbury mixer to carry out multi-stage mixing with multiple open mill group to manufacture final mixing rubber.设备特点 Equipment characteristics主机有:一台密炼机与多台开炼机群组成。The main machine consists of one Banbury mixer and multiple open mill group.辅机有:翻胶冷却装置,导胶装置,进胶输送系统。出胶输送系统药品称量系统、药品输送系统、药品复检称量系统、药品投入装置、冷却水控制系统、胶片冷却装置、电气控制系统组成。The auxiliary machine consists of folding back overturn rubber cooling equipment, Blender rubber guide equipment, rubber inlet feeding system .Rubber out sending system .chemical weighing sytem .chemical sending system ,chemical re-check system ,chemical feeding system ,cooling water control system , rubber sheet cooling system ,electrical control system . and conveying system, rubber outlet output conveying system agent weighing system, agent conveying system, agent rechecking and weighing system, agent feed equipment, cooling water control system, rubber sheet batch off cooling equipment, electric control system.主要技术参数Main technical parameters序号密联机型号/数量Banbury mixer model/quantity开炼机型号/数量Open mill model/quantity压片机型号/数量Tabletting sheeting mill model/quantity1GK270/1台GK270/1 setXK660/7台XK660/7setXK610/1台XK610/1set2密炼机一次投胶量One time rubber mixing volume of the rubber mixing machine密炼机混炼胶排放周期Mixed compound discharge period of the banbury mixer密炼机排胶温度Rubber discharge temperature of the banbury mixer3210kg250秒/次250 s/once120-1604开炼机排胶温度Rubber discharge temperature of open mill开炼机排胶周期Rubber discharge period of open mill药品投入周期Agent feed period575-851200秒/次1200s/once250秒/次250 s/once设备用途 Equipment use:通过胶片冷却联动线的浸渍,挂胶风冷、摆放叠片给下道工序。Through the soaking of rubber tablet sheet cooling linkage Batch off line, It is include dipping , fan cooling ,packer stacker to next process .suspend rubber and cool, place the overlapped tablet sheet for next procedure.设备特点:Equipment characteristics接取输送机、打标装置、浸渍冷却装置、胶片挂胶输送装置、一楼摆胶叠片装置、二楼提升输送机、二楼摆胶叠片装置、切胶装置等组成。It consists of receiving & take-up conveying machine, print system , dipping , fan cooling , first floor packer stacker , liftting to second floor , and packer stacker on second floor ,cutting unit .marking equipment, soaking & cooling equipment, rubber tablet sheet rubber suspending equipment, first floor rubber tablet sheet overlapping equipment, second floor hoisting machine, second floor rubber tablet sheet overlapping equipment and rubber cutting equipment.主要技术参数Main technical parameters序号 胶片宽度Rubber tablet sheet width胶片厚度Rubber tablet sheet thickness生产线速度Production line speed1Max.900mm Max.12mmMa40mm/min2胶片贮藏温度Rubber sheet reserve temperature一次胶料重量One time rubber material weight摆放长度精度Deposite length precision3Max.43250-350 公斤/批50mm4胶片纵裁宽度Rubber sheet longitudinal width托盘进出摆胶片方式Packer stacker method Rubber sheet placing method at inlet and outlet胶片采样方式Rubber sheet sampling method580mm-100mm自动Automatic自动Automatic设备用途 Equipment use:用于对压延后的大卷纤维帘布进行的45/88/90的裁断与自动搭接,自动对接。It is used in the 45/88/90Cord fabric cutting, automatic splicing production line(cutting and automatic lapping and jointing to big roll ply after calendering )设备特点:Equipment characteristics:双工位导开装置、储布机构、裁断输送装置、真空吸特装置、自动搭接装置、输出输送机、组合刺孔纵裁装置、双工位卷取装置组成。It consists of dual station unwinding let off unit, fabric storing mechanism, cutting & conveying unit, vacuum suction unit, automatic jointing unit, removing and output conveying machine, combined perforating and longitudinal cutting unit, dual station winding unit.主要技术参数Main technical parameters Main technical parameters序号 导开帘布宽度Unwinded cord letOff fabric width裁断的帘布宽度Cut cord fabric width裁断的帘布角度Cut cord fabric angle11500mm350mm-1300mm88/902帘布裁断长度误差Cord fabric cut length error帘布裁断次数Cut times of the cord fabric帘布纵裁精度 Longitudinal cutting precision of the cord fabric32mm15次/分钟15 times/min1mm488/90自动接头方式88/90 automatic jointing method45接头方式45jointing method帘布自动接头误差Automatic jointing error of the cord fabric帘布自动接头次数Automatic jointing times of the cord fabric5搭接/对接 Lapping/jointing手动搭接Manual lapping搭接4-2mm/对接0-1mmLapping4-2mm /jointing0-1mm12次/分钟12 times/min88/90/纤维帘布自动裁断接头纵裁生产联动线 88/90Cord fabric cutting, automatic splicing production line 88/90/fiber cord fabric automatic cutting,jointing and longitudinal cutting production linkage line设备用途 Equipment use用于对压延后的大卷纤维帘布进行90或88的载断与自动搭接与自动对接。It is used in the 90or 88cutting and automatic lapping or automatic jointing of big batch of fiber cord fabric.设备特点:Equipment characteristics:双工位导开装置、储布机构、裁断输送装置、真空吸特装置、自动搭接对接装置、输出输送机、组合刺孔纵裁装置、二组供料输送机、二组双工位卷取装置组成。It consists of dual station unwinding let-off unit, fabric storing mechanism, cutting & conveying unit, vacuum suction unit, automatic lapping&jointing unit, removing and conveying machine, combined perforating and longitudinal cutting unit, two sets of material supplying conveying machine, two sets of dual station winding unit.主要技术参数Main technical parameters序号 导开帘布宽度Width of guide cord fabric裁断的帘布宽度Cut cord fabric width 裁断的帘布角度Cut cord fabric angle11500mm350mm-1300mm88/902帘布裁断长度误差Cord fabric cut length error帘布裁断次数cord fabric cutting times帘布纵裁精度Longitudinal cutting precision of the cord fabric32mm15次/分钟15 times/min1mm488/90自动接头方式88/90automatic joint mode帘布自动接头误差Automatic jointing error of the cord fabric帘布自动接头次数Automatic jointing times of the cord fabric5搭接/对接Lapping/joint搭接4-2mm/对接0-1mmLapping4-2mm /jointing0-1mm12次/分钟12 times/min设备用途 Equipment use:用于轿车及轻卡子午胎冠带条的纵向裁断和卷取。It is used for light truck cap strip longitudinal cutting and winding the longitudinal cutting and winding of coronal cap strip of radial tyre in cars and light-duty trucks.设备特点Equipment characteristics:单工位导开装置,BST边缘跟踪器纠偏装置,多刀纵裁装置,多工位独立卷取装置组成。It consists of single station unwinding let-off unit, BST edge tracer alignment system, multi-cutter longitudinal cutting unit and multi-station separate winding unit.主要技术参数Main technical parameters序号导开帘布宽度Width of guide cord fabric最大导开料卷直径Maximum let-off material coil diameter 冠带层调偏精度宽度Alignment precision and width in coronal layer cap strip 1100mm-200mm700mm88/902冠带层纵裁宽度Longitudinal cutting width of cap strip冠带层纵裁宽度误差Error of longitudinal cutting width of cap strip冠带层纵裁的形式Longitudinal cutting form of cap strip310mm-20mm0.5mm元盘刀/美工刀Rotary disc knife/ knife4冠带层裁刀最多数量Maximum cutter number in cap strip冠带层缠绕最大直径Maximum winding diameter in cap strip冠带层纵裁的线速度Linear velocity of longitudinal cutting in cap strip512-22工位12-22 stations450mm4-80m/min设备用途 Equipment use单线钢丝缠绕法生产的巨型/六角形断面钢丝圈,可同时缠绕6个钢丝圈。Giant type/hexogonal section wire loop bead and it can wind 6 nos bead 设备特点: Equipment characteristics:6工位钢丝盘导开机构,钢丝预热装置,65销钉式冷喂料挤出机、冷却牵引储料机构、钢丝圈缠绕主机、钢丝圈夹持机械手、钢丝圈收取机构组成。It consists of 6-station wire let-off unwinding mechanism, wire pre-heating equipment, 65 pin type cold feed extruding machine, cooling driving storing mechanism, wire loop bead winding main machine, wire loop bead holding machine hand and wire loop bead collecting mechanism etc.主要技术参数Main technical parameters序号钢丝导开装置Wire unwinding let-off equipment钢丝圈尺寸范围Dimensional range of the wire loop bead钢丝圈断面形状Sectional form of wire loop bead16工位 6-station12-20矩形/六角形Rectangle/hexagon2钢丝圈层数范围Layer number range of wire loop bead钢丝直径范围Wire diameter range 钢丝圈搭头长度范围Wire loop bead lap length range 33-10层3-10layer0.9-1.2mm0mm-100mm4钢丝牵引速度Wire pulling speed钢丝圈生产能力Wire loop bead production capability钢丝圈接取方式Baed take-off manner5不低于220m/每分钟No less than 220m/min4条/分钟胎圈(14寸20转)4pcs/min tyre bead(14inch 20 rotation)自动 Automatic设备用途 Equipment use Equipment use用于将挤出的三角胶芯贴合到钢丝圈上,完成钢丝胎圈的帖合。It is used to joint the extruded triangle rubber apex core to baed to finish the jointing of wire tyre bead.设备特点Equipment characteristics:90销钉式冷喂料挤出机,三角胶断面力矩牵引装置、胶冷却装置、风冷冷水/冷风机组、胶条送料裁断装置、帖合成型装置组成。90 pin type cold feeding extruding machine, triangle rubber apex section torque traction unit, rubber cooling unit, air cooling 主要技术参数Main technical parameters序号 适用钢丝规格圈范围Applicable baed specification range钢丝圈内直径范围Baed inner diameter range钢丝圈断面形状Section form of baed baed113-1930mm-495mm矩形/六角形2胎圈宽度范围Tyre bead width range三角胶高度范围Triangle rubber apex height range三角胶芯厚度范围Triangle rubber apex core thickness range36mm-9.5mm20mm-60mm5mm-12mm4三角胶芯的角度Triangle rubber apex core angle三角胶接头角度Triangle rubber apex joint angle贴合接头搭接Joint, junction, lapping59090-95半自动Semi-automatic设备用途 Equipment use本生产线适用于排压法制造的方断面钢丝圈,可同时缠绕2-4个钢丝圈。This production line is applicable for square section wire roop bead manufactured with discharge pressure method.设备特点Equipment characteristics:22工位钢丝盘导开机构,钢丝预热装置,90销钉式冷喂料挤出机、冷却牵引储料机构、钢丝圈缠绕主机、钢丝圈夹持机械手、钢丝圈收取机构组成。It consists of 22-station wire coil unwinding let-off mechanism, wire pre-heating unit, 90 pin type cold feeding extruding machine, extruder cooling, traction and material storing mechanism, baed winding main machine, baed holding mechanical hand and baed collecting unit.主要技术参数Main technical parameters序号 钢丝导开装置Wire let-off equipment钢丝圈尺寸范围Baed dimension range钢丝圈断面形状Baed section form122工位22-station12-24矩形 Rectangular2钢丝圈层数范围Baed layer number range钢丝直径范围Wire diameter range钢丝圈搭头长度范围Baed lapping length range33-10层3-10 layers0.9-1.2mm10mm-100mm4钢丝牵引速度Wire traction speed钢丝圈生产能力Baed production capability钢丝圈接取方式Baed collecting method5Max150m/min5-8秒/次5-8 s/once自动 Automatic冠带层宽带/薄片胶多刀纵裁机生产联动线Coronal cap layer width/thin rubber multi-cutter longitudinal cutting production linkage line.设备用途 Equipment use用于对压延的大卷纤维帘布冠带的分切与薄片胶的分切。It is used for thd splitting of rolled big batch fiber cord fabric coronal belt and splitting of thin rubber.设备特点Equipment characteristics:单工位导开装置、储布机构、冠带层宽带多刀纵裁装置、薄片胶多刀纵裁装置、双工位卷取装置、废料剥离卷取装置组成,实现一机二用。Single-station let-off mechanism, fabric storing mechanism, coronal belt layer multi-cutter longitudinal cutting unit, thin rubber multi-cutter longitudinal cutting unit, dual station winding unit, scrap peeling & winding unit, therefore, it can realize dual functions in one machine.主要技术参数Main technical parameters序号 导开帘布宽度Let-off cord fabric width 冠带层裁断的宽度Coronal cap layer cutting width薄片胶裁断的宽度Thin rubber cutting width11500mm100mm-200mm100mm-200mm2冠带层纵裁宽度误差Coronal belt cap layer longitudinal cutting width error薄片胶纵裁宽度Thin rubber longitudinal cutting width冠带层纵裁的形式Coronal belt cap layer longitudinal cutting form30.5mm0.5mm成组浮动美工刀Unit floating knife4冠带层纵裁的线速度Coronal belt cap layer longitudinal cutting linear speed薄片胶纵裁宽度误差Thin rubber longitudinal cutting width error薄片胶纵裁的形式Thin rubber multi-cutter longitudinal cutting form54-60m/min4-60m/min成组元盘刀Unit rotary disc knife45挂胶帘布多刀纵裁机45rubber suspending cord fabric multi-cutter cutting machine设备用途 Equipment use用于45纤维帘布纵向裁断和卷取,向下道工序(内外包布)供料设备特点Equipment characteristics:单工位导开装置、BST边缘跟踪器纠偏装置、储布机构、多刀纵裁装置、双工位卷取装置、张力控制装置组成。It consists of single station let-off unit, BST edge tracer alignment system, fabric storing mechanism, multi-cutter longitudinal cutting unit and dual station winding unit.主要技术参数Main technical parameters序号 导开帘布宽度Let-off cord fabric width最大导开料直径Maximum let-off material diameter帘布胶裁断的宽度Cord fabric rubber cutting width1900mm900mm35mm-100mm2帘布裁断的宽度误差Width error of cord fabric cutting帘布纵裁宽度误差Width error of cord fabric longitudinal cutting纵裁的形式 Form of longitudinal cutting30.5mm0.5mm多级增压元盘立刀Multi-stage pressure boost disk vertical cutter4帘布裁刀最多数量Maximum cord fabric cutter帘布缠绕最大直径Maximum diameter of cord fabric winding 帘布纵裁的线速度 Linear speed of cord fabric longitudinal cutting510个600mm4-50m/min全钢成品轮胎自动检测输送联动机All-steel finished product tyre automatic detection & conveying linkage machine设备用途 Equipment use全钢半钢轮胎硫化后输送至检测设备的自动化物流系统After the vulcanization of all-steel and semi-steel tyre, they are conveyed to automatic logistics system of detection equipement.设备特点Equipment characteristics:本系统自动化程度高、减少人工搬运量,降低劳动强度,提高生产效率。而条形码的扫描等,便于成品轮胎的信息管理This system has high automation level and it can reduce the artifitial transporation labor, reduce the labor intensity and improve the production efficiency. In addition, the scan of the bar code is convenient for the informatin management of the finished product tyre.工程范围Project range检测输送物流系统的机械电气设计、制造,安装,调试。Mechanical & electrical design, manufacture, installation and debugging of detection , conveying and logistics system主要技术参数Main technical parameters序号 适用轮胎规格范围Applicable tyre specification range轮胎硫化生产能力Tyre vulcanization production capability轮胎物流线输送能力Tyre logistics conveying capability1半钢轮胎16-24.5Semi-steel tyre 16-24.55000条/日5000pcs/day6000条/日6000pcs/day2半钢轮胎12-24.5Semi-steel tyre 12-24.510000条/日10000pcs/day12000条/日12000pcs/day3半钢轮胎12-24.5Semi-steel tyre 12-24.515000条/日15000pcs/day18000条/日18000pcs/day4半钢轮胎12-24.5Semi-steel tyre 12-24.530000条/日30000pcs/day36000条/日36000pcs/day设备用途 Equipment use半钢轮胎硫化后输送至检测设备的自动化物流系统设备特点Equipment characteristics:本系统自动化程度高、减少人工搬运量,降低劳动强度,提高生产效率This system has high level of automation, it can reduce artificial transporation labor, lower the labor intensity and improve production efficiency.工程范围Project range检测输送物流系统的机械电气设计、制造,安装,调试。Mechanical & electrical design, manufacture, installation and debugging of detection, conveying and logistics sytem主要技术参数Main technical parameters序号 适用轮胎规格范围Applicable tyre specification range轮胎硫化生产能力Tyre vulcanization production capability轮胎物流线输送能力Tyre logistics conveying capability1半钢轮胎12-20Semi-steel tyre 12-205000条/日5000pcs/day6000条/日 6000pcs/day2半钢轮胎12-20Semi-steel tyre 12-2010000条/日10000pcs/day12000条/日 12000pcs/day3半钢轮胎12-20Semi-steel tyre 12-2015000条/日15000pcs/day18000条/日18000pcs/day4半钢轮胎12-20Semi-steel tyre 12-2030000条/日30000pcs/day36000条/日36000pcs/day设备用途 Equipment use三复合挤出的胎面通过喷淋冷却,吹干、卷取供下道工序生产。Triplex extruded tread moves through sprinking, cooling, drying and winding and it is provided for production of the next procedure.设备特点Equipment characteristics:接取输送机,收缩、线型称量输送机、喷淋冷却输送机、吹风装置、胎切割装置、单条称量输送机、手动装载输送机或台车/工字轮大卷装置组成。It consists of collecting & conveying machine, shrinking roller type conveying machine, linear weighing &conveying machine, sprinkling, cooling &conveying machine, blowing unit, tyre cutting unit, single strip weighing & conveying machine, manual loading & conveying machine, or trolley/I form bobbin big batch unit.主要技术参数Main technical parameters序号 胎面宽度Tread width胎面厚度Tread thickness机头出条数Handpiece release number1105mm-350mm4mm-5mm1条 One piece2生产线宽度Production line width生产线速度 Production line speed胎侧贮藏温度Side wall reserve temperature3600mm-800mmMax.35m/minMax434有效冷却长度 Effective cooling length机械手旋转工位 Mechanical hand rotational station胎坯喷涂日产量Daily capacity of green tyre spray painting5120m2580m-110m设备用途 Equipment use由四辊压延机二层内衬层复合或贴胶片及薄胶用于轿车子午胎生产。The two layer inner liners made by 4 roll calender or use rubber sheet add thin rubber sheet together used for PCR tyre making Use 4-roller rolling mill calernder to make compound two layers of liner or adhere rubber tablet sheet or thin rubber to use it in the production of radial tyre of car.设备特点Equipment characteristics:4501250四辊压延机,150销钉式冷喂料挤出机、接取、返回输送机、冷却辊装置、手动卷取输送机装置、连续裁断装置、台车或工字大卷装置组成。It consists of 4501250 4-roller calernder rolling mill, 150 pin type cold feeding extruding machine, extruder ,collecting & returning conveying machine, cooling roller unit, manual winding and conveying machine, continuous cutting machine, trolley or I form bobbin big batch unit.主要技术参数Main technical parameters序号 压延胶片宽度范围Rolled rubber sheet width range压延单层胶片厚度Rolled single layer rubber sheet thickness双层复合胶片厚度Dual layer compound rubber sheet thickness1280mm-700mm0.2mm-2.5mm0.5mm-3mm2双层复合厚度公差Dual layer compound thickness tolerance两层胶片复合对中公差Dual layer compound centering tolerance修边后胶宽度误差Rubber width erro after edge trimming30.1mm1mm1mm4生产线宽度Production line width生产线速度Production line speed冷却水最高温度Maximum temperature of the cooling water51000mmMax35m/min25设备用途 Equipment use胎坯成型后输送至喷涂机的自动化物流系统After green tyre made finished , It is sent to painting machine automaticly .It can convey the green tyre to automation logistics system of the spraying coater after its forming.此悬挂线系统自动化程度高、输送过程中胎坯无损伤变形,提高胎坯搬运质量,充分利用成型车间物流空间,降低劳动强度,提高信息化管理。This suspending line system has high automation level, there is no damage and deformation during the transportation process, this can improve the green tyre transportation quality, fully utilize forming workshop logistics space, reduce labor intensity and improve informationized management level.胎坯悬挂输送系统的机械电气设计、制造、安装、调试。Mechanical & electri


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