



One day, Nick invited his friends to supper. He (1) (cook) some delicious food in the kitchen. Suddenly, he found that he (2) (run) out of salt. So Nick called to his son, “Go to the village and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it: neither too much (3) too little.” His son looked surprised, “I can understand why I shouldnt pay too much. Father, but if I can pay less, (4) not save a bit of money?”“That would be a very (5) (reason) thing to do in a big city, but it could destroy a small village like (6) (we),”Nick said. Nicks guests, (7) had heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply (8) they could. Nick replied, “The only reason why a man would sell salt (9) a lower price would be (10) he was desperate for money. And anyone who took advantage of that situation would be showing a lack of respect (11) the sweat and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce (12) .”“But such a small thing couldnt (13) (possible) destroy a village.”“In the beginning, there was only (14) very small amount of unfairness in the world, but everyone added a little, always (15) (think) that it was only small and not very important, and look where we have ended (16) today.”Key:1.was cooking; 2.ran; 3.nor; 4.why; 5.reasonable; 6.ours; 7.who; 8.than; 9.at; 10.that; 11.for; 12.it; 13.possibly; 14.a; 15.thinking; 16.up;ABritain is becoming a nation of text maniacs, thus (1) (lose) the art of conversation into the bargain, according to a new survey. People are spending up to one quarter of their (2) (wake) lives either (3) (talking) or (4) (text) on the telephone or e-mailing, at the expense of face-to-face conversation, the survey for British Gas Telecommunications Division showed. “The concern is that too much techno talkmakes us uncomfortable with no more intimate face-to-face conversations and means we stop (5) (communicate) effectively with each other”, psychologist David Lewis said. The survey showed that more information (6) (share) electronically, face-to-face conversations were getting shorter.BFor some minutes, all was quiet in the street. Then, from across the street, someone came (1) (walk).It looked like a man of middle height, (2) (dress) in a big raincoat, a soft hat and rubber-soled boots or shoes, and (3) (make) little sound while (4) (walk). No one was in sight. It was a street with two rows of about fifty small houses, and there were three lamps on either side. The lamp nearest the childs house could be seen clearly, with the others almost (5) (hide) by the smoky air. A car passed the end of the street and its lights showed faintly, but clearly enough (6) (show) the smooth skin of a womans face. The car disappeared as the woman, (7) (wrap) up in her coat, reached the doorway of the childs house.She put a key in the lock quickly, pushed the door open and stepped inside, then closed the door without (8) (look) round, (9) (breathe) hard.CWe lived in a village in Suffolk where my father was the headmaster of the primary school, while my mother stayed at home (1) (write) and(2) (look) after the children. We all went to my fathers primary school, and then, luckily, we got scholarship (3) (go) to the Friends School.The Friends School was a large building on a hill, with the most wonderful, large (4) (play) fields at the back. It was a school where there wasnt any pressure (5) (push) you through, and as football took all my attention, and as I actually found the work rather difficult, it meant that I didnt think a lot about my schoolwork, and I was doing badly. My reports would be covered with black crosses, although now and then thered be the line of praise from the sports master, which game me more pleasure than any dissatisfaction with the crosses.I dont have any memory of my parents (6) (put) pressure on me about my work either. My parents suggested me (7) (leave) school at 15 and (8) (take) up car repairing, which they thought was the sort of thing Id be rather good at. Although now I wonder if perhaps that was their reaction to my school reports.But one summer a letter arrived in the holiday (9) (say) that I was (10) (hold) back a year. I can picture myself (11) (stand) on the stairs, (12) (read) the letter, and (13) (frighten) with horror at the future.Key:A) 1.losing; 2.waking; 3.talking; 4.texting; .communicating; 6.being shared.B)1.walking; 2.dr


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