



Yaju Education雅居教育,乐在其中! 一对一个性辅导 2013-3-9 一. 专有名词专有名词是指人、地方、称谓、机构、语言、国民、周日、月份、节日等的专有名称,第一个字母要大写,一般无复数形式,前面一般不加冠词。December 25 is Christmas Day.十二月二十五日是圣诞节。My name is Peter and I am a Chinese.我叫彼得,我是中国人。I graduated from Harvard University and I work in a company on Wall Street.我毕业于哈佛大学,在华尔街一家公司供职。Can you speak English?你会讲英语吗?2. 有些专有名词,或在某种情形时的专有名词依然要有冠词。比如Chinese, English等国语名称之后有language时,前面用定冠词the。比较下面两句?Can you speak Chinese?你会讲中文吗?No. The Chinese language is hard to learn.不会。中国话很难学。3. 不定冠词a/an放在姓名之前表示与某名人类似的人。I wish to become an Einstein.我希望成为像爱因斯坦那样的人。4. 专有名词用作单数普通名词。Peter is very clever; perhaps he will be another Einstein.彼得非常聪明,他将来可能成为另一位爱因斯坦。5. 有些专有名词可用作复数普通名词,字尾要加-s或-es。I always get up late on Saturdays.星期六我总是起床晚。连词and, but, so英语中,连词是连接单词、短语或者句子的一种虚词,在句中不单独做任何成分。按照性质,连词可以分为并列连词和从属连词。由并列连词连接的两个(或两个以上)简单句叫做并列句,由从属连词连接的句子叫做主从复合句。并列连词可以用来表示并列关系、转折关系、选择关系或因果关系等。1.and的用法 并列连词and意为“和,又”,表示并列关系,常用来连接表示对等成分的单词、短语或者句子,表示意思的顺延或增补。例如:(1)Our Maths teacher is kind and heipful.我们数学老师和蔼可亲而且乐于帮助我们。(连接连个形容词)(2)I went to the supermarket and bought some vegetables this morning.今天早上我去超市买了一些蔬菜。(连接两个动词短语,表示意思的顺延,动作的先后发生)(3)Her uncle gave her a new bike as her birthday present and she liked it very much.她叔叔给了他一辆新自行车作为生日礼物,她非常喜欢。(连接连个简单句,表示意思的顺延,并列句) and用作并列连词有多重含义,除了表示并列关系外,还可以表示目的(and之后)和条件(and之前)等关系。例如:(4)Come and see my family.来见见我家人。(see表示目的)(5)Be careful,and you will make fewer mistakes.如果仔细,你犯的错误就少)(Be careful表示条件)2.but的用法 并列连词but意为“但是”,表示转折关系,所连接的成分意思相反或相对。例如:(1)Our school is small but beatiful.我们学校虽然小但很漂亮。(连接两个形容词,意思相对)(2)The car is very old but it runs very fast.虽然小汽车旧了,但跑得很快。3.so的用法 并列连词so表示“因此、所以”之意,常用来连接两个简单句,这两个简单句有意思上的因果关系。例如:(1)The rain began to fall,so we went home.天开始下雨了,所以我们就回家了。(2)Everyone in the town knew him ,so we had no trouble finding his house.镇上谁都认识他,因此他们毫不费力就找到了他的家。 so和从属连词because(因为)不能一起连用。也就是说,使用了并列连词)。就不用because(从属连词);使用了because,就不用so。例如: 他病了,没去上学。(3)He was ill,so he didnt go to school (本句是一个由并列连词so连接的并列句)(4)He didnt go to school because he was ill.(本句是一个由从属连词because引导的主从复合句)相关练习题:一.用and, but, so填空。1. She is tall _ thin. 她又高又瘦。2. He is not my father, _ my uncle.他不是我爸爸,而是我叔叔。3. I didnt get up at 7:00 this morning, _ I was late for school.今早7点钟我还没有起床,所以上学迟到了。4. I am tired today, _ I go to bed early.今天我很累,所以早早上床睡觉了。5. He is not my friend, _ my enemy.他不是我的朋友,而是我的敌人。6. The story is very interesting , _ we all like it .这个故事很有趣,所以我们大家都很喜欢。7. The door was locked, _ we couldnt get in .门上锁了,所以我们进不去。8. It is very cold , _ wear a heavy coat.外边很冷,因此穿上一件厚大衣。9Go along the street, _ youll find the shop 10The weather was very cold, _ many people were ill 11People think we look the same, _ I can see that were different 12I know him _ I cant remember his name 13My glasses were broken, _ I need a new pair(拓展用法)1. “祈使句+and+一般将来时的陈述句”and表示承接。Work hard and you will pass the exam.用工读书你就会通过考试。2. “祈使句+or+一般将来时的陈述句”or在此表示否则Hurry up, or you will be late.快点,不然你会迟到的。相关练习:单项选择( ) 1. Go ahead _ you will see the hospital. A. and B. or C. but D. so( ) 2. Hurry up , _ you will be hit by the car. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( ) 3. She is good at playing football _ playing basketball. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( ) 4. He is very short _ he is still strong. A. and B. or C. but D. so( )5. Mr. Smith is an English teacher _ he teaches us English. A. or B. and C. but D. so ( )6. Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight? Id love to, _ I cant. I have a lot of homework to do. A. or B. and C. but D. so ( )7. Its a long story, but there are few new words in it, _ it will be easy for children. A. or B. and C. but D. so ( ) 8. The doctor tried his best to save the patients life,_ failed. A. or B. and C. but D. so ( )9. I like both swimming _ skating. They are so cool! A. or B. and C. but D. so ( )10 _ I was ill yesterday, _ I didnt go to work. A. because, so B. For, and C. /, but D. /, so( )11Work hard, _ youll catch up with others Aand Bbut Cor Dfor ( )12That was our first lesson, _ she didnt know all our names Afor Bbut Cso Dor ( )13The boy is only ten, _ he can do some washing himself Athough Bbut Cor Dso ( )14He is rich, _ he isnt ha


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