



英语听课后记听课记录step1 warm up1.listen and clap2.greeting: good morning. hello. how are you?3.listen and do: can you jump? draw an apple.(pear, banana, orange)4.sing a song: can you sing? lets sing the apple song.(第一步热身运动。通过四个活动营造了宽松的英语学习氛围,为投入本课的学习创造了积极的心理状态。)step 2 presentation1.t shows red.t: can you say something about the apple? the apple is round. the apple is juicy.(通过学生刚唱过歌曲的歌词引导学生学会描述,鼓励学生说完整的句子,并以苹果引出新授内容,通过让学生举例还有什么是红色的,操练单词,训练学生的发散性思维。)2. t teaches green.t shows students another apple. t: what color is this apple? it is green.e.g.: a green pencil. a green tree.(新知的第二部分是呈现绿色。循序渐进。)3t teaches yellow.show students a banana. is it red? is it green? what color is it?show the traffic lights. what color are they? what are they for? red light means stop. yellow means4.t teaches orange.having a guessing game. there are many fruit in my bag, can you guess, what is it? and what color is it?(通过看形状猜水果及颜色的活动,复习巩固并引出新知识点,从刚才的新授单词及词组的教学上,过渡到了句子教学,让学生学会说完整的句子。)5. t teaches purple, pink brown, blue.step 3 consolidation1.read the eight words. ss some words then ask students to the groups: red group. green groupthen play a game.3.look at the screen and guess. what color will be?4.brain storm: look at the color 5 seconds and say what color is missing?5.magic colors: red +yellow=orangeyellow +blue=greenred+blue=purplepurple+yellow=brownstep 4 practice1.show students two pictures. which picture is beautiful? why? because one of the pictures is colorful.2.lets color. work in groups.(让学生小组合作共同完成一幅图画。这种合作教学使学生与学生间,学生与教师间的联系更趋活跃,这种活跃的氛围创造出言语伙伴活动中的均等条件,消除言语伙伴之间的障碍,使平常害羞胆怯的,缺乏自信的学生开口说话,克服其交流的心理障碍,有效地促进学生的发展)听课后记近年来,外语教学在国际上出现了三大趋势:低龄化,与其他学科内容相互渗透,外语教学研究与教育科学研究相结合。此课非常符合国际外语教学的新趋势。使用了小学浸入式英语教学方法。该教师能做到活用教材,用活教材。课本是我们用来教学的工具,我们是用课本去教,而不是教课本,绝对不能满足于照本宣科,本节课目标是帮助学生掌握8个有关颜色的单词。该教师渗透了常识和美术等知识,结合一年级学生注意力很容易分散的特点设计了本堂课。通过水果,动物,游戏引出颜色,然后通过游戏进行操练。以此活跃了气氛,调动了情绪。的完成了教学任务。总而言之,该教师能充分利用课


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