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2016年全国高考英语50个高频动词- 16 -1. add2. agree3. be4. burst 5. break6. bring7. carry8. call9. catch10. count11. clear12. close13. come14. cut15. die16. do17. drop18. fall19. get20. give21. go 22. hand23. hang24. have25. hold26. keep27. knock28. lay29. let30. leave31. live32. look33. make34. pass 35. pay36. point37. pull38. put39. run40. see41. set42. send43. show44. stand45. stick46. take47. try48. turn49. wait50. work一. 动词add 构成的短语动词1. add in 加进,包括2. add on 加盖,附加,增加3. addto 加上4. add to 增加5. add up 把加起来6.add up to 总的来讲,等于说(不用被动)1. add in 加进,包括By the time we added in the cost of the drinks the bill was over $1002. add on 加盖,附加,增加They added on a bedroom at the back.Labour costs could add on a further 25%.Service is added on to the bill.3. addto 加上The sales tax adds 15% to the price of clothes.4. add to 增加Our explanation seemed only to add to his bewilderment.5. add up 把加起来Add your scores up and well see who won.6. add up to 总的来讲,等于说With a meal included in the cost of the ticket, it all adds up to areally good evenings entertainment.二. 动词agree构成的短语动词1. agree to do sth同意做某事 2. agree with同意某人的意见;适合于3. agree on意见一致 4. agree to the plan 接受别人的看法1. agree to do sth同意做某事He agreed to help me with my English2. agree with同意某人的意见;适合于He agreed with me at lastThe climate here doesnt agree with me3. agree on达成一致The building of a new factory was agreed on last month4. agree to the plan 接受别人的看法 She agreed to the plan/the date/the solution/the date/the deal. agree to ones terms 接受某人的条件三. 动词be构成的短语动词1. be in在家, 上市季节2. be out开花, 发行, 熄灭, 不在,泄密3. be out of没有, 脱离4. be over结束5. be up起床, 时间到了6 .be up to做,某人的责任7. be through 完成8. be through with 停止9. be into sth 口对感兴趣,喜欢10. be up against 面对11. be around 在某一领域活跃而突出12. be behind sth是某事物的原因1.1. be in 在家, 上市季节 Is Mrs. Li in? I want him to go shopping with me. You see, peaches are in these days. They are quite cheap at present. 2. be out 开花, 发行, 熄灭, 不在,泄密 The flowers are out in spring. His new book is outThe light is out.Mr. Li must be out. The secret is out.3. be out of 没有, 脱离The wounded are not out of danger yet. 4 .be over 结束 The game is over. 5. be up 起床, 时间到了 Time is up. Be up in two minutes!6. be up to 做,某人的责任 What is he up to these days?Its up to you to find it out.7. be through做完,完 Are you through your work yet?8. be through with 停止 He has been through with the sports for a year.9. be into sth 口对感兴趣,喜欢 Im into pop musc, what about you?10. be up against 面对 They had no idea what they were up against.11. be around在某一领域活跃而突出 Skateboards have been around since the 1970s. 12.be behind sth是某事物的原因Whats behind the smart suit and rager smile?四. 动词burst 构成的短语动词1. burst in on/upon 突然闯入,打扰2. burst into sth 突然起来3. burst out doing突然大笑/大哭等1. burst in on/upon 突然闯入,打扰I burst in on the meetng thinking that the room was empty.2. burst into sth 突然起来Everyone on the bus burst into songs as we got closer to home.Benny suddenly burst into tears/laughters.The audience burst into applause.Burst into flames突然起火3. burst out doing突然大笑/大哭等They all burst into laughing at the expression on her face.五. 动词break构成的短语动词1. break out爆发2. break in打断;闯入3. break into闯入;破门而入4. break away from脱离5. break down(机器,车辆)坏了/ 失败了;/ 中止;/ 分解/(身体)垮掉,(情感)崩溃6. break through突破7. break off中断,解除;/ 折断;8. break up驱散,拆散;分解,分开1. break out爆发The AntiJapanese War broke out in 19372. break in打断;闯入Its bad manners to break in when they are chatting.Two robbers broke in and robbed the bank of a lot of money3. break into闯入;破门而入They broke into the uncles bedroom and found the man lying on the floor。dead4. break away from脱离 Lincoln said it was not right for the south to break away from the union5. break down(机器,车辆)坏了;失败了;中止;分解;(身体)垮掉,(情感)崩溃/有目的细分We are sorry to arrive latebut the car broke downThe peace talks broke down without any agreement reached.The conversation broke down at this point. Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful sucstances.His health broke down.She broke down and sobbed aloud.To understand the grammar of the sentence,you must break it down into parts6. break through突破The marchers broke through the line of the police7. break off中断,解除; 折断; Lets break off for half an hour and have some tea The two countries have broken off diplomatic relations with each other.A branch broke off in the wind. I broke off a piece of chocolate and give it to the little boy.8. break up驱散,拆散;分解,分开The police broke up the crowdSentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses into phrases六. 动词bring构成的短语动词1. bring about 引起,导致,造成 make sth happen2. bring back 拿回来, 使回忆起来, 使恢复 3. bring down 打倒, 降低 4. bring in 挣得, 介绍引进 5. bring out 使显示,出版,使更自信 6. bring on 引起, 导致, 惹来 make sth bad or unpleasant happen7. bring up 提出, 培养,呕吐, 1. bring about引起,导致,造成 make sth happenComputers have brought about many changes in the work place. 2. bring back 拿回来, 使回忆起来, 使恢复 The picture brought back our childhood. 3. bring down 打倒, 降低 Can you bring the price down a little?4. bring in 挣得, 介绍引进 The sale of the house only brought in about $35,000 Its necessary to bring in modern management.5. bring out 使显示,出版,使更自信 Fatherhood seems to have brought out his sense of responsibility. Can you give me an example to bring out the meaning of this phrase? The Food Association has brought out a handy guide.When he went to college, it really brought him outBring out the best /worst in sbAlcohol just brings out the worst out in her.6. bring on 引起, 导致, 惹来 make sth bad or unpleasant happenWhatever has brought this on? Have I upset you some how?7. bring up 提出, 培养,呕吐 Why did you have to bring up the subject of money? Tom was brought up by his aunt Polly. She cant eat anything without bringing it up.七. 动词carry构成的短语动词1. carry on进行,继续,坚持2. carry out执行;进行,实施3. carry away拿走,使忘我4. carry off夺走,抢走1. carry on进行,继续,坚持He had learned enough English to carry on a conversation2. carry out执行;进行,实施They were carrying out an important experiment3. carry away拿走,使忘我Please carry these desks awayThe audience was carried away by her songs.4. carry off夺走,抢走Some unknown man carried off the prize八. 动词call构成的短语动词1. call on拜访某人; / 号召2. call at拜访某地3. call for需要,要求;/ 邀约(人);4. call in 请来;/ 召集;/ 收回5. call up打电话;/ 征召;/ 回想起/从电脑里调出信息6. call off 取消=cancel7. call by 顺道访问 8. call out 大声叫唤1. call on拜访某人,/ 号召We will call on MrLi tomorrowWe are called on to help those in trouble2call at拜访某地I called at your office yesterday, but you were not in3call for需要,要求;邀约(人);Success called for hard workCall for a doctor去请医生Ill call for you at 9 oclock.4.call in 请来,召集;收回 Mother is badly i11so call in a doctor at once The makers have called in some cars with dangerous faults.5call up打电话;征召;回想起; 从电脑里调出信息 I called Tom up and told him the news In most countries men are called up at the age of 18 As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village called up scenes of my childhoodIn order to write the report, he called up all the information and data from his computer.6. call off取消He phoned me and called the appointment off. 7. call by 顺道访问 He came to the school and called by his teacher.8. call out 大声叫唤 The boy called out, “Stop the thief!”九. 动词catch构成的短语动词1. catchtakeget hold of sth抓住某物2. catch up with赶上3. catch fire着火;烧着4. catch sight of发现;看到5. be caught in the rain/snow etc 淋雨,雪6. catch sb doing 抓住某人做某事1. catchtakeget hold of sth抓住某物CatchGetTake hold of the rope, and Ill pull you up2. catch up with赶上 Work hard and I am sure you are able to catch up with others in class3. catch fire着火;烧着 Last night a big building caught fire4. catch sight of发现;看到 When the mice caught sight of the cat,the mice run away as quickly as possible5. be caught in the rain/snow etc 淋雨,雪 I was caught in the rain yesterday.6. catch sb doing 抓住某人做某事 He was caught stealing in the supermarket.十. 动词count构成的短语动词1. count as 认为,看作 2. count for 重要,有价值 3. count in 把计算在内 4. count on 依靠,指望 5. count out 数出,不算 6. count down 倒计时7. account for说明原因解释1. count as 认为,看作For tax purposes this counts as unearned income.2. count for 重要,有价值His promises dont count for much.3. count in 把计算在内Mark, can you count you in for the cricket team?4. count on 依靠,指望If I got into trouble, I could always count on him.5. count out 数出,不算The Teller counted out ten $50 bills.If you are looking for trouble, you can count me out.6. count down 倒计时We are counting down to our holiday.7. account for说明原因解释He couldnt account for his absence from school十一. 动词clear构成的短语动词1. clear away 收拾,整理 2. clear up 整理,拾缀/弄清楚3. clean up 彻底打扫4. clear off 迅速离开5. clear out清楚,整理/迅速离开1. clear away 收拾,整理Lets clear these files away.2. clear up 整理,拾缀/弄清楚Come on,Billy,clear those toys up.There are a couple of points we need to clear up before the meeting begins.3. clean up 彻底打扫We spent all Saturday morning cleaning up.4. clear off 迅速离开They cleared off when they saw the police coming.5. clear out清楚,整理/迅速离开Its time I cleared those drawers out.Ill give you ten minutes to clear out of here.十二. 动词close构成的短语动词1. close up 打烊,靠拢 2. close down 倒闭 3. close with 同意,接受 4. close to靠近1. close up 打烊,靠拢The shop has been closed up for several days.The general ordeded his soldiers to close up.2. close down 倒闭The factory closed down for bad management.3. close with 同意,接受I thought the price a very reasonable one, so I closed with him.4. close to靠近He was close to fifty.十三. 动词come构成的短语动词1. come at 冲向,扑向了解到,弄清楚拿到,找到2. come along / on 过来,快点;出现,发生3. come across碰见4. come around / round 来看望或找某人改变看法恢复知觉5. come into进入状态 come into being(事物、局面等)产生;形成6come out出来,出现;出版;结果7. come to 达到;共计;想起;谈到,涉及; 复苏8come about发生,造成9. come up with提出,想出10. come up 被提出 ; 发生11. come by 得到12. come down 下降,跌价13. come over (从远处)来: 顺便来访;疾病侵袭,感情困扰14. come true实现15. come to light为人所知,显露16. come to the point关键时刻1. come at 冲向,扑向了解到,弄清楚拿到,找到 She came at me with a knife. It was a long time before we came at the truth. They put the treasure in a secret place, where no one could come at it. 2. come along / on 过来,快点;出现,发生 Come along! Its nearly eight oclock If there comes along an opportunity to practice English, do take it.3. come across碰见 Youre the most beautiful woman Ive ever come across 同义词组:run across / run into I came across an old friend in the street4. come around / round 来看望或找某人改变看法恢复知觉We will come round to your place tonight.If we talk to him I am sure that he will come around to our way of thinkingAfter this much-needed rain, my flowers will come around e into进入状态 come into being(事物、局面等)产生;形成 The custom came into being long long ago6come out出来,出现;出版;结果 The stars came out as soon as it was dark. How did the printing come out?The game came out as we had hoped.7. come to 达到;共计;想起;谈到,涉及; 复苏come to an end结束 came to the conclusion 得出结论 Your duties here have come to an end We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth.The bill came to 25 pounds. I cant remember her name now- itll come to me later.When it comes to politics, I know e to oneself = come back to life苏醒过来When the wounded soldier came to himself /came back to life,he found himself in hospital8. come about发生,造成 The event came about as he had predicted it9. come up with提出,想出He came up with a new suggestion10. come up 被提出 ; 发生A new suggestion came up. I expect some thing to come up soon.11. come by 得到 Jobs are hard to come by with so many people out of work.12. come down 下降,跌价 The childs temperature came down in the morning.13. come over (从远处)来到: 顺便来访; 疾病侵袭,感情困扰 When did you first come over to England? Come over and see us next week. A sudden wave of sickless came over me14. come true实现 I am sure my dream will come true some day.15. come to light为人所知,显露The robbery didnt come to light until the next day16. come to the point关键时刻 When it xame to the point, he refused his help.十四. 动词cut构成的短语动词1. cut down 砍倒;减少 2. cut in 插嘴, 插入 3. cut off 切断, 断绝 4. cut up 切碎 5. cut out 切下,剪下,删除,(口)停止6. cut away 去掉,砍掉7. cut across 超近路穿过1. cut down 砍倒;减少Lots of trees have to be cut down to cut down the price of wood. You smoke too much. You should try to cut down.2. cut in 插嘴, 插入 The boy was too rude to cut in while we were talking.3. cut off 切断; 断绝供应 The power was cut off during the hurricane. The Us cut off aid to Cambodia.4. cut up 切碎 Mother cut up the meat to make meat balls for us. 5. cut out 切下,剪下,删除,(口)停止I cut the adervertisement out of the newspaper. Cut out the first two chapters. He cut out sweets in order to lose weight.6. cut away 去掉,砍掉Cut away all the dead woods.7. cut across 超近路穿过If we cut across the field, well get there before Frank.十五. 动词die构成的短语动词1. die of死于(内因)2. die from死于(外因)3. die out灭绝;熄灭;(风俗习惯等)逐渐消失4. die away慢慢变弱,渐渐消失(声音,凤货光线)5. die off 相继死去6. die for 渴望7. die down平息; 熄灭1. die of死于(内因) The old man died of old age2. die from死于(外因) Many old people died from air pollution in winter3. die out灭绝;熄灭;(风俗习惯等)逐渐消失 This kind of bird is dying outThe fire died out in the end.Many old customs are dying out.4. die away慢慢变弱,渐渐消失 The strange noise died away and an absolute silence closed in upon us.5. die off 相继死去 If a group of animals die off, they die one by one until there are no more of them.6. die for极想要,渴望(某事) Im dying for a cup of coffee.7.die down平息; 熄灭 The noise died down. The fire is dying down. Please get more coal.十六. 动词do构成的短语动词1. do with处理2. do up系头发,纽扣,鞋带,拉链;打扮,整理3. do for完蛋,不行了4. do over 重做5. do in 欺骗 6. do well in在某方面做得好7. do sb a favour帮某人的忙8. do harm to对有害处9. do good to对有好处10. do away with 摆脱,废除1. do with处理What did you do with our goods?2. do up系头发,纽扣,鞋带,拉链;打扮,整理Do up your buttons.Please do up these books and post them for me 3. do for完蛋,不行了 Now we are done for. I have to get a new pair of shoes, for these are about done for.4. do over 重做 The dinning room needs doing over.5. do in 欺骗 Mrs. Smith was done in by three cheats who claimed that they were collecting money for orphans. .6. do well in在某方面做得好My cousin is a sailor and he is doing very well in the.navy 7. do sba favour帮某人的忙Will you do me a favour to carry it upstairs? 8. do harm to对有害处Too much noise does harm to our health 9. do good to对有好处Doing morning exercises will do good to your health10. do away with 摆脱,废除The government has done away with free eye tests for everyone. 十七. 动词drop构成的短语动词1.drop in/over/round/by 顺便造访,临时拜访2.drop in at 拜访某地点 3. in on sb 拜访某人4.drop away 逐渐下降,减少5.drop off 入睡,睡着/下降,减少6.drop out 中途退出1. drop in/over/round/by 顺便造访,临时拜访Drop by whenever you are in the area.2. drop in at 地点 She dropped in at his house when spending her holiday. 3. drop in on sb I think Ill drop in on Jill on my way home.4. drop away 逐渐下降,减少Sales have dropped away in recent months.5. drop off 入睡,睡着/下降,减少Just as I was dropping off, heard a noise in the house.6. drop out 中途退出 He dropped out of college.David had to drop out of the race because of injury.十八. 动词fall构成的短语动词1. fall behind 落后2. fall down 跌倒,摔倒/倒下,倒塌3. fall into 开始交谈/讨论/争论; 陷入(某种)心境4. fall off 掉下,脱落/下降,减少5. fall over跌倒,摔倒;被绊倒1. fall behind 落后 The older walker soon fell behind.2. fall down 跌倒,摔倒/倒下,倒塌 She fell down and twistered her ankle. The bridge fell down with an enormous crash.3. fall into 开始交谈,讨论,争论; 陷入(某种)心境 I fell into coversation with a visiting Japanese professor. She fell into sudden fits of rage.4. fall off 掉下,脱落/下降,减少 The door handle keeps fallling off.Rising prices have caused demand for household goods to fall off dramatically.5. fall over跌倒,摔倒;被绊倒 Tommy fell over one of the electric cables.十九. 动词get构成的短语动词1. get in 到达: 收割; 插嘴2. get up起床,站起来3. get back回来;取回4. get on上车,船; 5. get onalong进展; 相处; 生活6. get over克服,摆脱;痊愈 把说清楚7. get off下车; 离开,动身8. get into进人;陷入10. get across使理解11. get through通过;接通;完成;12. get to到达13. get aboutaroundround传开,传出去14. get away离开15. get down 吞下: 记下; 使沮丧16. get down to(doing)sth安心做,开始认真干17. get on with 继续做18. get out 逃走; 泄露; 出版,发表19. get out of从出来;摆脱; 从得到20. get together相聚21. get in touch with同取得联系22. get rid of除掉23. get in a word插话 24. get at 得到,查到知识1. get in 到达: 收割; 插嘴 The plane got in late. The farmers were busy getting the crops. It is bad manners to get in when others are talking.2. get up起床,站起来He gets up very early every day3. get back回来;取回1 will get back next weekendI never lend books; its difficult to get them back. 4. get on上车,船; You shouldnt get on the bus until it has stopped completely.5. get onalong进展; 相处; 生活The work is getting on well.I am getting on well with my classmatesYou cant get on without money in the world.6. get over克服,摆脱;痊愈 把说清楚Youll soon get over these difficultiesHes just getting over an illness.I dont think you got it over to them that they cant miss any meetings.7. get off下车; 离开,动身The bus stopped and the passengers got offWe must get


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