



七年级上第一二单元 人称代词和物主代词请同学们回忆一下,然后完成下面的表格类别人称代词物主代词主格宾格形容词性名词性第一人称单数I my 复数usours第二人称单数youyour复数youyours第三人称单数himhissheheritits复数theytheir人称代词在句子中作_ 语时要用主格,作_ 语或_语时要用宾格。 如: They clean the classroom every day . Can you help us to solve the problem ? - Who is that ? - Its me . 形容词性物主代词在句中只能充当_ 语, 名词性物主代词在句中可充当_ 语 、_ 语 、 _ 语。 如: This is her car . This isnt Lin Taos book . His is new . My bike is broken . Can I borrow yours , please ? These books are ours . 运用 请用括号内所给的代词的适当代词形式填空。 1. Has _ gone to the library ? ( she ) 2. Im sorry I dont know that dictionary is _ ( you ) 3. This is _ bike . Please give it to _ . (they ) 4. _ is a stranger here . I know nothing about _ (she ) 5. These arent _ clothes . _ are over there ( we ) 一般疑问句、特殊疑问句和选择疑问句的复习要点1. 一般疑问句的句式为: _ 动词、助动词或_ 动词+ 主语+ 其他? 2. 特殊疑问句句式为:(1)当体温主语或主语的定语时用_ ( 陈述/疑问)句语序。 如: Who is on duty today ? Whose handwriting is more beautiful ?(2) 当提问其他成分时用“疑问词+_句”语序。 如; Where did you buy it ?选择疑问句句式为(1) 一般疑问句+or + 一般疑问句 (通常将or 后的句子中和or 前的句子相同的成分省略。)如;Are they from Japan or America? (2) 特殊疑问句+ “,” +选择对象+ or + 另一个选择对象。 如: Who is taller , Jim or Tom ?请根据括号内的要求完成下列各句1. They often go to Mount Tai . ( 对划线部分提问) _ _ they often go ?2. Her mother likes going fishing . (用go shopping 改为选择疑问句) _ her mother _ going fishing _ _ _ ?3. Lin Tao has some bread for breakfast . ( 改为一般疑问句) _ Lin Tao _ _ bread for breakfast ?4. James can answer the question . ( 对划线部分提问) _ can answer the question ?1、 词汇竞技场1. After saying g_ to me , Jane got into the car and drove away . 2. - What s your f_ subject? - English . I like it best . 3. The two plants are d_ . One is tall with big leaves , and the other is short with small leaves . 4. Its quite cold in winter in Harbin ,. You need to wear warm c_ if you go there . 5. The wind last night was so s _ that it blew down many small trees. 6. I want to ring up Mr. Lee , but I dont have his phone n_ . 7. Can you tell me it is r_ or wrong to lend so much money to him ? 8. As a middle school student , you should know ten and four is f_ . 9. - Where is Tokyo ? - Its in J_ . 10. - What s the shape of your toy ? - Its r_ , like a ball . 2 根据语境及所给的汉语提示完成下列各题。 1. I like eating fruit very much , especially _ ( 香蕉) 2. Mrs. White booked two _ ( 双人的) rooms for her family before traveling . 3. Xiaoming drank a bottle of _ ( 橘子汁) after finishing his homework . 4. - Please write down the words on the _ ( 黑板) in your notebook . 5. Lisas mother bought a blue _ (夹克衫) for her as a birthday gift. 6. -Do you need to _ ( 给-穿衣) your daughter every morning ? 7. - _ (谁的) schoolbag is this ? - Sorry , I dont know . 8. Diana is my _ ( 同班同学) . We are in the same class . 9. Han Mei is in Class Eight , _ ( 年级) Nine . 10. - Can you lend me your _ ( 橡皮擦) ? - Sure . Here you are . 三 请根据语境用所给的单词的适当形式完成下列各题。 1. Were thirsty . Please give _ ( we ) some water . 2. Tobey and Nancy are doing some cleaning in _ (they) classroom . 3. The pencil on the desk are yours . _ ( I ) are in my school bag . 4. The _ ( photo) on the wall were taken last year . 5. - How many _ (knife) do you need ? - Five , please . 6. Look ! Six sheep _ ( be ) eating grass on the mountain . 7. Jack will tell Linda the truth when he _ (see ) her . 8. Miss Green likes to buy all kinds of _ (skirt ) . 9. _ (this) apples taste very good . 10. I am from Singapore , but I can speak _ ( China ) . 短语大联欢1 请根据所给的汉语提示完成下列各题1. - _ you _ (来自)England ? - Yes, I used to live in London . 2. Can you tell me what this is _ ( 用英语) ? 3. - Do you know _ _ ( 多大) Kate is ? - Yes , She s fifteen years old . 4. - _ _ (劳驾), Where is the nearest bank ? - Sorry , I am new here . 2 请根据语境从方框中选出恰当的短语完成下列各题 come from, look at , give - to , look like 1. Please help me _ the letter _ Alice . 2. Sarah is my friend and she _ New York . 3. _ the picture on Page 43 . What can you see in it ? 4. - What does your brother _ ? - He is tall and heavy . 语法练兵场1 请根据括号内要求完成下列各题1. This is bus . ( 改为复数) _ _ buses . 2. This book is Lin Taos . (对划线部分提问) _ _ this book ? 3. Are you Alice ? ( 做肯定回答) Yes,_ _ . 4. I am Bill . ( 改为同义句) _ _ is Bill . 5. I have two tickets . ( 改为一般疑问句) _ you _ two tickets ? 6. Marys eyes are blue . ( 改为同义句) Mary _ _ eyes . 7. That is his bike . (改为同义句) That bike _ _ . 8. She does her homework at seven in the evening every day . ( 改为否定句) She _ _ her homework at seven in the evening every day . 2、 请根据语境用所给的代词的适当形式完成下列各题。 1. - Is this _ (you) new car , Jack ? - Yes, it is . I bought it last week . 2. These books are Tonys . _ (we ) are in the teachers office . 3. Dont play with the toys any more . Put _- (they ) away. 4. Gina lent _ (she ) dictionary to me yesterday . I need to return it to her this afternoon . 5. -Susan ! Have _ (you ) finished your homework ? - Yes. 6. Look ! The dog is pulling _ ( it ) baby


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