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第57练 观点类高考高频单词与短语识记排查单词识记:against besides holdhoweverinfer wonder imply insistissue meanwhile object obviouslyapparently convey convince maintainsupportive remark ridiculous correspond短语扫描:all in all总而言之as a matter of fact事实上;其实as far as.be concerned就而言as to关于for example/instance例如in a word总之;简言之;一句话on the contrary恰恰相反on the whole 总的看来;总体而言to sum up总之;概括地讲on the one hand.on the other hand.一方面另一方面 跟踪训练.语境填词1He sat at a different table, (apparent) without noticing her.2It is (obviously) that she is very clever.3This train (运送) over one thousand passengers every day.4He (暗示) that you were all wrong.5Ellen later regretted her (评论) about his private affairs.单项填空6Jack is good,kind,hardworking and intelligent. ,I cant speak too highly of him.AAs a result BBy the wayCOn the whole DIn a word7Christine,are we leaving right away or.?But Jove insists on us in her house for the night.Astaying Bto stayCstayed Dstay8Mr.Mathew,fully of his sons innocence,began to seek new evidence which would persuade the police to reopen an investigation.Aconvincing BconvincedCto convince Dto be convinced9Theres no reason to be disappointed. ,this could be rather amusing.(2014浙江,18)AAbove allBAs a resultCIn additionDAs a matter of fact10I hear your new head is a little arbitrary in making decisions. ,he often listens to our suggestions!AIn addition BAs a resultCIn other words DOn the contrary阅读能力与写作能力专练.阅读理解(2016百校联盟浙江高考猜题密卷一模)It seems that the great desire among the young is to be popular.And once they achieve popularity,they want to keep it,improve on it,and expand it.Those are the years when you should be finding out who you are and what you stand for.But the desire to be popular can force you into looking and acting like everyone else.You can lose yourself in a sea of identical hairstyles and thinking styles.I was forced to think about popularity not too long ago in a talk I had with my daughter.Margy had to change schools when my busy work schedule made it necessary for me to move houses.I suppose that,for a girl in her teens,entering a new school is about as easy as spending a season alone in the tropical jungles.At least thats how Margy found it at first.However,as the school year drew to a close,one student after another came to her.They said they would have liked to be friends sooner.I told Margy that I would have been more concerned if she had been an instant social success in her new school.That,to me,would have been proof that she had betrayed her true self in order to become popular.Nobody can please everyone.If you try to do so,you will find values as lasting as soap bubbles blown into the air.The people with whom you ought to be friends will find you in good time.And you will find them.Sometimes young people try to force friendships into bloom by opening their innermost thoughts to people they have just met.Such friendships are the least likely to last.Whats the hurry?If you have five really close friends in your lifetime,you will be doing very well.Some teenagers claim they want to dress as they please.But they all wear the same clothes.They set off in new directions in music.But somehow they all end up listening to the same record.Their reason for thinking or acting in a certain way is that the crowd is doing it.They have come out of their cocoon into a larger cocoon.I know that it has become harder and harder for a young person to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way.Our way of life makes a young nonconformist stand out like a Martian.These days every member of the younger generation can learn from the advertisements what he or she should have and be.And many of the parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children.All this adds up to a great barrier for the young person who wants to find his or her own path.But the barrier is worth climbing over.The path is worth following.You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party.You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records.Well,go to it.Find yourself.Be yourself.Popularity will come with the people who respect you for who you are.Thats the only kind of popularity that really counts.1Why did the authors daughter change schools?AShe desired to live a different life.BThe author wanted her to receive a better education.CThe author needed to move closer to his workplace.DShe didnt adapt to the teaching style of her previous school.2Which describes the authors concern about his daughters instant social success in her new school?AHis daughter might have betrayed her true friends in the previous school.BHis daughter would find it hard to be on terms with too many friends.CHis daughter would lay less stress on her academic performance.DHis daughter would act like people around her to please others.3According to the passage,the author thinks most teenagers .Aare very afraid of getting lost in lifeBhave much difficulty understanding each otherCfind it uneasy to gain popularity as they expectedDlack the confidence to be truly different from others4What is the probable meaning of the underlined word “nonconformist” in Paragraph 6?ASomeone who cares about others opinion.BSomeone who desires popularity greatly.CSomeone who behaves in his own way.DSomeone who wants to please others.5What is the authors purpose of writing this passage?ATo persuade readers to pursue the valuable popularity.BTo tell parents how to educate and guide their children.CTo show people how to understand and respect each other.DTo inform people of how to get along with their close friends.阅读表达(2016天津市第一中学考前冲刺一)The habit of reading is one of the greatest resources known to mankind,and I enjoy reading books that belong to me much more than if they are borrowed.A borrowed book is like a guest in the house and it should be treated with care.You cannot leave it carelessly,you cannot mark it,and you cannot use it as you like.And then,someday,you really ought to return it.If it is a distinguished guest,it really makes you feel empty when he or she leaves.Its the same with a good book.However,your own books belong to you.Books are for use,not for show;you should own no books that you are afraid to mark up,or afraid to place on the table,wide open and face down.A good reason for marking favorite passages in books is that this practice enables you to remember more easily the significant passages and to refer to them quickly.One should have ones own bookshelves,which should not have doors,glass windows or keys;they should be free and easy to use.My devotion to reading has never made me a person who lives alone.How could it be?Books are of the people,by the people and for the people.Literature is an immortal part of history;it is the best and most lasting part of personality.The truth of our life is that the great dead are beyond our reach,and the great living are usually almost as unreachable;as for our personal friends,we cannot always see them.Perhaps they are asleep,or away on a journey.Book friends have an advantage over living friends;you can enjoy the most truly noble society in the world whenever you want.And you can at any moment talk with Shakespeare or Dumas,or other great men in books.6Why does the author say he likes his own books much more than borrowed ones?(No more than 20 words) 7Please explain the underlined “immortal” in English.(No more than 1 word) 8What does the author tell us in the last paragraph?(No more than 15 words) 9What is the main idea of the passage?(No more than 10 words) 10What is your opinion about reading books?(No more than 20 words) .佳作背诵(文学与艺术)请以“How do you think of traditional Chinese painting?”为话题,写一篇短文。词数不少于100。参考范文Everyone agrees that traditional Chinese painting is very beautiful.Chinese painting is wellknown for its brush drawings in black inks and natural colors.The painters used beautiful brush line to express their own feelings and their observation of nature.Their paintings showed the “life” of the subjects.Chinese landscape painting was at its best over a thousand years ago.The paintings were realistic but the painters wanted to show their feelings about landscape.In modern times, more artists tend to paint the real objects.Many of them like painting fishes, flowers,mountains,and so on, in their works, which provided a colorful world of paintings to us.Whenever it is, I like traditional Chinese painting.答案解析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练.1.apparently2.obvious3.conveys4.implied 5remarks.6.Das a result 结果;by the way 顺便说,顺便问;on the whole 总体说来,大体上,基本上;in a wordin short总之,简言之。由句意知选D。7A句意为:克里斯蒂安,我们马上走还是?但是乔芙坚持让我们在她家待一个晚上。insist on后接动名词结构,us作动名词staying的逻辑主语。故选A项。8B句意为:由于马修先生完全相信他儿子是无辜的,他开始寻找能说服警察重新进行调查的新的证据。句子主语Mr.Mathew与convince之间存在被动关系,排除A、C两项;另外马修先生开始寻找新证据的时候已经相信他儿子是无辜的,故用过去分词表示被动和完成,故选B项。9D(你)没有理由失望。事实上,这可能会非常有趣。disappointed与rather amusing感情色彩上是相反的,因此用as a matter of fact“事实上,实际上”。above all最重要的是;as a result结果;in addition除此之外。10D考查介词短语辨析。句意为:我听说你们新来的领导在做决定的时候很武断。恰恰相反,他经常听取我们的建议!根据语境,后者不认同前者所说的话,认为事实正好相反,因此选择on the contrary“恰恰相反”。in addition另外;as a result因此;in other words换言之。阅读能力与写作能力专练.阅读理解语篇解读 本文作者从自己女儿换了新学校后迅速受到新同学欢迎的事实谈起,批判了那些为迎合他人而放弃自我的行为方式,并就“受欢迎”表达了自己的观点:做真实的自己,别人也会尊重你的本真。1C细节理解题。由第三段第二句“Margy had to change schools when my busy work schedule made it necessary for me to move houses.”可知,作者由于工作繁忙,需要把家搬到离工作地点近一些的地方。因此选C。2D细节理解题。由第四段前两句


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