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单元检测(五)Nelson Mandelaa modern hero第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where will the man stay in Beijing?AAt his aunts.BAt a friends.CAt a hotel.2What will David do this weekend?ARead a book.BGo to the cinema.CGo to the countryside.3What are the speakers talking about?ALovely pets. BA picture.CNew babies.4Why does the woman want to read Saras travel journal?ATo help her travel.BTo learn about Sara.CTo write stories better.5When will the man leave for England?AThis Thursday. BThis Friday.CThis Saturday.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6What is the woman doing?AMaking an appointment.BAsking for advice.COffering help.7What will the woman probably do?ABuy a newspaper.BApply for the job.CGive the translator a call.请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8How old is Jenny now?AFive.BEight.CTen.9Who is James?ABens uncle. BJennys father.CEllas cousin.请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10Where is the man from?ANew York. BWashington.CBoston.11What did the woman just do?AShe got on the train.BShe smoked a cigarette.CShe changed seats.12What does the womans husband do?AA doctor. BAn engineer.CA teacher.请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13How many double rooms does the man want to book?ASix.BEight.CTen.14How mach will the man pay for one room per night?A300 RMB. B270 RMB.C240 RMB.15When will the group have a meeting?AOn May 3rd. BOn May 4th.COn May 5th.16What will the man probably do next?ASpeak to the manager.BCheck the flight number.CGo to the conference hall.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17How did the speaker get to the centre?ABy subway. BBy car.CBy bus.18During which period are the shops open on Fridays?AFrom 9 am to 9 pm.BFrom 8 am to 8 pm.CFrom 10 am to 9 pm.19On which floor can customers find a cinema?AThe first floor.BThe second floor.CThe third floor.20What did the speaker complain about?AThere werent any garbage cans.BIt was really crowded.CIt closed too early.答案:15BCBCA610BBCBA1115CBCBC1620ABCCA听力材料(Text 1)W: Are you staying at your aunts or a hotel after you get to Beijing?M: Neither. Ill stay at a friends.(Text 2)W: What about going to the cinema this weekend, Henry?M: Id planned to stay at home and read a book, but David asked me to go to the countryside with him.(Text 3)W: Hey Jack! Do you want to see a picture of my new young dog?M: Sure! I thought people only showed off pictures of their new babies, not new pets.(Text 4)M: What are you reading, Sam?W: Saras travel journal. She said it might help me learn more about some of the cities around the world.M: Can I read it when youre done? You know, I like writing stories. I wonder if reading her journal will help me write better.(Text 5)W: When are you leaving for England, Mike?M: Id planned to leave this Friday, but Ive changed my plan.W: So are you leaving later, on the weekend?M: No, Im leaving a day earlier than planned.请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。(Text 6)W: Professor Mill, do you have a moment to talk? Ive got a problem.M: Oh, yes, Mary?W: Ive been looking for a job. I read a job ad in todays newspaper for an English translator, but I am afraid Im not suitable for it.M: How are you not suitable? You are rather good at translation.W: They say they want someone experienced.M: If I were you, I would call the company and tell them youre a quick learner and that you wont let them down if they give you a chance.W: Thats a good idea, Professor Mill. Thank you very much!请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。(Text 7)W: Who are the two kids in the picture?M: Theyre your cousins Ben and Jenny.W: Ben and Jenny? What a surprise! I didnt know they were so tall now.M: Its not surprising. The last time you saw them Ben was just three and Jenny was just five. Five years have passed, after all.W: Yeah. How time flies! So who sent you the photo?M: Your Uncle James. He invited us to go to Beijing.W: So are we going go Beijing?M: I dont know. I dont have a long holiday, but you can go if you like, Ella.请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。(Text 8)W: Excuse me. Is anybody sitting here?M: No. Go ahead. My name is Frank Anderson. Nice to meet you.W: Me too. Im Linda Jones.M: Do you live here in Washington?W: No, Im from New York.M: Me too. But didnt you just get on the train?W: No, I just changed my seat. I was in the smoking section. The man next to me was smoking, and I couldnt stand it. So, what do you do?M: I was a doctor for many years, but I recently retired. My wife worked as a teacher, and she retired last year. Now we plan to live with our family in Boston. Do you have family there?W: No, but I do have some very close friends. They invited me to stay there for the summer.M: Your husband will probably miss you a lot. W: Well, he is working as an engineer in India, so Im already pretty lonely!请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。(Text 9)W: Garden Hotel. May I help you?M: Yes. Some visitors from America will be visiting Shanghai at the beginning of this month. Id like to book 10 double rooms.W: For which dates?M: For May 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th.W: One moment please, sir. that is. Yes, its OK.M: Thank you. Is there a special price for a group?W: Yes, all rooms are 10% off. Normally we charge 300 RMB a room for one night. By the way, will they be coming by air?M: Yes.W: Could you give me the flight number, please?M: Oh, sorry. I dont know the flight number, but Ill let you know by phone tomorrow.W: Thank you, sir.M: Oh, yes. According to the programme,theyll have a meeting on the 5th. Have you got a big conference hall?W: Yes, sir, but youll have to speak to the manager about that. Please hold on a moment and Ill see if I can put you through.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。(Text 10)To finish todays programme, I want to tell you about the Rose Shopping Centre. Its taken three years to build and finally opened three weeks ago.Firstly, getting there; there are organized coach trips from most towns but they leave early and come back very late, so I drove. You can also get there by subway, but the station is 15 minutes from the centre by bus, and the buses are really crowded.The shops dont open till 10 am except on Saturday when they open at 900. They close at 8 oclock every day except Friday when theyre open until 9 pm.The centre has three floors. There are 25 different shops on F1 and F2, and there are seven different banks on F3, as well as several restaurants and a cinema.Although I had a good day, I had one complaint. Everywhere was at first quite clean but people were dropping their fast food boxes and empty drink cans on the ground because there werent any garbage cans to throw them in. Thank you all for listening! Thats all for todays programme.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AInternational Mens Day is held on November 19th every year. To mark this day, we have chosen a number of macho (男子气概的) holidays suitable for men who want to be men and do manly things.1For the hunterA trip to 7th Rise in Cornwall, England, offers the most exciting experience. A stay in the traditional Cornish farmhouse on the bank of the River Fal is filled with activities that will put_hairs_on_your_chest. The price is 275 per person for two nights, including all activities and food. The farmhouse sleeps 15 with at least 10 people.2For the whisky (威士忌) expertsThe southernmost island of the Inner Hebrides, Islay is home to whisky factories, including its most famous Laphroaig, known for its strong taste. Visiting the island is more about whisky tours, of which the Laphroaig tour is a must; there are also plenty of opportunities for birdwatching, fishing and playing golf.3For the wellreadA new hotel in Tokyo, known as an “accommodation (住宿) bookshop”, has opened. Book and Bed offers beds hidden behind library shelves filled with 1,700 books in Japanese and English. You are sure to see plenty of rich furniture and wonderful books.4For the lone wolfFind loneliness in the wildest reaches of Britain, beyond valleys and across mountains, and then after a long, soulsearching hike, settle down for the night in a simple shelter known as a bothy (茅屋). There are more than 100 across the UK, most in Scotland. They are actually stone “tents”, with no promise of running water, electricity, or beds, but they can offer shelter, and are free to use.【文章大意】这是一篇旅游广告。主要推荐适合男性强健体魄和修身养性的度假胜地。21The underlined phrase “put hairs on your chest” probably means the activities will _.Amake more hairs grow on your chestBmake you stronger and manlierCmake your hair attractiveDbe of great benefit to you解析:B推理判断题。根据第一个小标题下的文字可知,男性朋友可以到英国Cornwall郡的7th Rise体验野外探险,参加各种强健体魄的活动。22If you like reading, you are likely to choose to _.Asettle down in a local bothyBtravel to Cornwall, EnglandCstay on the island in IslayDtravel to Tokyo, Japan解析:D细节理解题。根据第三个小标题下的文字可知,东京有家新开业的书店旅馆,房间四周摆放有大量的图书,这对喜爱阅读的游客来说是一个好去处。23The least expensive accommodation is the one offered to the _.Alone wolf Bbook loverCwhisky expert Dhunter解析:A细节理解题。根据全文和最后一段的. but they can offer shelter, and are free to use.可知,各度假胜地的住宿费用中,独行侠青睐的苏格兰高地简陋的茅屋是免费使用的。BIn the state of Maryland, a girl was born into slavery (奴隶制) in 1820. Her parents named her Araminta Harriet Ross. She was to become Harriet Tubman. She was one of about one million Africans in slavery in the United States.From the age of five, Harriet Tubmans owners made her work very hard. First, she cared for the child of the farm owner. Then, she did hard work on large farms.Although she could not read or write, Tubman learned from her parents to do what was right. Through her whole life, Tubman put herself in danger to help other people.One such act changed her life when she was 13 years old. Because she helped another slave, her owner threw a piece of metal at her and it hit her on the head. She was badly hurt. For the rest of her life. Tubmans head wound caused problems for her.When she was about 25 years old, Harriet married a free black man named John Tubman. But she was still a slave. Her life was so difficult that she decided to escape. She travelled for 145 kilometres, and finally crossed into the North. Tubman became a free woman.But Tubman could not leave her family enslaved in the South. So she travelled back to help them escape as well. Then, she made many trips and guided about 300 slaves to freedom. Tubman also fought bravely in the American Civil War and in 1865 slavery was not allowed in the US.Harriet Tubman died in 1913. Her memory brings hope to many peopleespecially to those who fight for justice (正义). She encouraged people to never give up.“If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.”【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了美国杰出的黑人废奴主义运动家哈莉特塔布曼。24What do we know about Harriet Tubman?AShe was born a slave.BShe was born in Africa.CShe was taken to the US by a slave trader.DShe was sold to a farm owner when she was born.解析:A细节理解题。根据第一段中的a girl was born into slavery可知,Harriet Tubman出生于奴隶家庭,也就意味着她一出生就是奴隶。25When she was 13 years old, Tubman _.Aplanned to run awayBhelped a slave escapeCfought bravely against her ownerDwas seriously wounded in her head解析:D细节理解题。根据第四段中的when she was 13 years old和her owner threw a piece of metal at her and it hit her on the head. She was badly hurt.可知,Tubman在13岁的时候,头部受到重创。26We can infer from the text that Tubman was _.Ahonest and friendlyBstrong and helpfulClucky and carefulDclever and polite解析:B推理判断题。根据文中对Tubman事迹的描述可知,作为奴隶的她受到非人的折磨,但她却凭借自己顽强的意志成功摆脱奴隶的身份,并且多次帮助其他奴隶获取自由。由此可知,B项准确概括了Tubman的品质特点。27What would be the best title for the text?AAfricans Fight for FreedomBHarriet Tubman: From Slave to HeroCThe History of Slavery in the United StatesDThe American Civil War: The North Against the South解析:B标题归纳题。Harriet Tubman出身奴隶,但她渴望自由,最终逃到美国北方,获取新生。不仅如此,她还帮助无数黑奴奔向自由,成为了一名英雄。故B项作标题贴切。CI always feel sorry for world leaders busy dealing with fights between nations. When my three children were young, most days it was hard keeping my house from becoming a battlefield.It got worse as they grew older. Three years ago, Zack, then 16, couldnt make it through a day without making his sisters, Alex 11 and Taryn 9, angry.My husband and I tried to be understanding the boy at such an age. We reasoned, punished, and left heartfelt notes on his bed about how he was hurting our family. His answer was “I say it because its true.”I even tried telling the girls to fight back. Bad idea. Now I had three children at war. Whatever I said to them, they paid no attention. When there was no way out, I told everything to my sister, Mary, in an email. She replied, “Dont email me. Email him.”Our son was online every day, mailing and talking with his friends. Maybe he would actually hear me this way. I didnt say anything different, but email just took the tension away. Thered be no shouting or door banging. Zack wouldnt feel under attack.Zack didnt reply for days. When he finally did, his entire message was four small words. I smiled when I read them: “Youre right. Im sorry.”The children still fought, of course, but Zack changed. Best of all, I now have a better way to talk with not one but three of them. I like it that they dont tune_me_out as much as they used to. They like not having to listen to me shouting to them. Or as Alex says, “Youre so much nicer online.”All I know is that the house is quiet. But were talking.【文章大意】作者夫妇因为孩子们经常发生争执而烦恼。后来作者给大儿子发了电子邮件。事情得到了改善。作者也从这件事中学会了如何和孩子们相处。28What was the trouble before the online talk in the family?AThe writer failed to understand her daughters.BThe children couldnt get along peacefully.CThe family found it difficult to keep the house clean.DThe parents were not willing to talk with their children.解析:B细节理解题。根据文中的When my three children were young, most days it was hard keeping my house from becoming a battlefield.可知答案。29The writer once tried to deal with her sons problem by _.Atalking with him about his painBtelling him about the truth of the familyCtelling her daughters to keep away from himDencouraging her daughters to fight against him解析:D细节理解题。根据文中的I even tried telling the girls to fight back.可知答案。30The writer emailed her sister _.Ato tell her about the family problemBhoping shed email the boyCasking about childraisingDto escape from the problem解析:A细节理解题。根据文中的When there was no way out, I told everything to my sister, Mary, in an email.可知答案。31The underlined phrase “tune me out” in the passage probably means _.Aquarrel with meBget angry with meCpay no attention to meDkeep me out of their rooms解析:C词义猜测题。根据文中的Best of all, I now have a better way to talk with not one but three of them.可知,作者的孩子们不像以前那样不理睬作者的意见了。故选C项。DThe English are famous for their manners (举止). The phrase, “Manners maketh man” was first used by Englishman William of Wykeham back in 1324. But its just as important today. Books are written on the subject, and “finishing schools” still exist (存在) to make sure that young girls become young “ladies”There is a popular joke in England that says, “If only queuing was an Olympic sport, wed win hands down.” No one knows exactly how and when it started, but queuing plays an important role in the English social makeup. Of course, they arent the only people who queue, but the English seem to do it better than anyone else. As one visitor said, “I have traveled across Europe, the Middle and Far East and nowhere have I seen the queues which are formed in England.”When it comes to language, many other nations are more direct in their conversations. The English, however, communicate in a different way. For example, an American who wants to talk to a workmate might say, “Got a minute?” while an English person will often say, “Sorry to bother (打扰) you, but could you possibly spare a minute or so for a quick chat (聊天) if you dont mind, please?”The English also love to apologize (道歉) for things. When pushing past someone, people say “sorry”. And theyll apologize if you walk into them, “Whoops! Sorry!” In fact, no one seems to say “sorry” as much as the English: “Sorry, Im late./Sorry about the mess./Sorry, I forgot to call you last night./Im sorry you didnt get the email.” And so on.Anyway, thanks for reading, and sorry if Ive taken up too much of your time!【文章大意】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了英国人的一些礼貌行为。32What do “finishing schools” probably refer to?ASchools that teach girls how to behave.BSchools that prepare children for future jobs.CSchools where boys and girls go to separate classes.DSchools where students finish their higher education.解析:A推理判断题。由第一段中的The English are famous for their manners和“finishing schools” still exist to make sure that young girls become young “ladies”可知,finishing schools是指那些培养女孩子社交礼仪的学校,故选A项。33What the visitor said in Paragraph 2 means that _.AEngland is really worth visitingBthe English are good at forming queuesCtraveling around is a fun experienceDEuropeans like to queue no matter where they are解析:B细节理解题。由该段中这位游客所说的话可知,他去过很多地方,结果发现:在英国,人们排队最自觉。34We can infer from the text that the English _.Aare usually too shy to say sorryBtry to make queuing an Olympic sportCare not good at expressing themselvesDdislike to be direct when talking to others解析:D推理判断题。由第三段中的an American. if you dont mind, please?可知,英国人在表达自己


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