



Unit 4 Helping people around the world 科目: 英语 主备人: 备课日期: 课 题M6 Unit4 Grammar and usage第 10 课时计划上课日期:教学目标1. Have students grasp the unreal conditions better through the exercises.2. Have students do the exercises correctly.教学重难点Do the exercises correctly.教学流程内容板书关键点拨加工润色Step1: Greetings.Step2: Exercises.26. I thought you _ like something to read , so I have brought you some books. A. might B. may C. could D. must 27. There was plenty of time. She _. A. neednt have hurried B. couldnt have hurried C. must not hurry D. mustnt have hurried 28. It was necessary that he about what had happened. A. be told B. was told C. should tell D. tell 29. It was strange that we short of water in the country where it was always raining. A. are B. be C. should be D. both B and C 30. You any difficulty now, if you had made a more careful plan. A. wont meet with B. would not meet with C. would not have met with D. have not met with 31. .He did his best in everything, he would not have seen what he was. A. and B. but C. otherwise D. but that 32. -You should have gone to the show with us yesterday. It is very good. -I wished I , but I was busy with my report. A. had B. did C. would have D. were 33. - Would you have told him the answer, if possible? -Yes, I would have, but I very busy. A. had been B. were C. was D. would be 34. If only I his advice, but I am sorry I did. A. would not take B. would not have taken C. did not take D. had not taken 35. It is time we to the concert. A. went B, go C. will go D. should go 36. -Id like to get a job in that computer shop. -I would much rather you _at home and _ care of the children. A. stay, take B. stayed, took C. should stay, took D. stayed, take 37. If we _ birth control earlier, China _ such a large population. A. had begun, wouldnt have B. had begun, wouldnt have had C. began, wouldnt have D. should begin, wouldnt have had 38. They treats the granny as if she _ their own mother. A is B. was C. were D. had been 39. -What do you think of the food here? -Oh, wonderful! WE _ a better place. A. wont find B. mustnt have found C. cant find D. couldnt have found 40. We _ last night, but we went to the concert instead. A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study 41. It was suggested that the match _ because of the weather. A. would be put off B. should put off C. must be put off D. be put off 42.If only I _ to your advice and returned home in time. A. listened B. had listened C. would listen D. would have listened 43. _, there would be no industry. A. Without steel B. If there is not steel C. There would be no steel D. If there was not steel 44.-Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? -I wish I _, but I _ study for a test. A. had, will have to B. would, had to C. did, have to D. could, have to 45. He spoke as if he _ in space at that moment. A. had walked B. were walking C. would walk D. walked 46. I would do it in a different way _ it. A. were I do B. were I to do C. should I to do D. had I done 47. But for his help, they _ over the mountain in such a short time. A. had not run B. have not run C. couldnt have run D. cant have run 48. There is nothing left. I wish I _ so much money on clothes. A. havent spent B. hadnt spent C. couldnt have spent D. not spend 49. -Why are you late? -I got caught in traffic; otherwise I _ here on time. A. would have been B. was C. were D. had been 50. -What happened to the trees planted last spring? -The trees _ well. But they didnt take good care of them. A. would grow B. shall have grown C. would have grow D. might grow 51. He would h


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