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Unit 7 International charities教学目标知识与能力:1. Can get useful information from the listening material.2. Able to skillfully use the dialogue. 过程与方法:1.to get the Ss to talk about how to use the punctuation in Chinese.2.to discuss how to use the punctuation in English in groups.情感态度与价值观:Develop the Ss interest of learning.教学重点难点1. Can get useful information from the listening material.2. Able to skillfully use the dialogue. 教 学 活 动 内 容活 动 组 织 过 程改 笔Step 1 RevisionTell something about UNICEF. Step 2 Speak up1. SkimmingWhats the matter with the boy? Hes got toothache.2. Listen to the tape and answer some questions.How long has the boy felt bad? Will the boy be all right in a few days?3. True or False.1) The boy does not look very well.2) His face is red. 3) He has felt like this for three days.4) He will be all right in a few days.5) He has to take the medicine four times a day.4. Work in pairs and make a new conversation.Step 3 Study skillsPunctuation 英语标点符号的使用逗号(Comma)用于分割并列成分相当于汉语中的顿号作用。用于分割并列句中的分句。用于分割对比或对照成分。用于分割非限定性定语从句、同位语、或附加说明成分。用于分隔附加疑问句或选择疑问句。用于分割直接引语及导语。用于分割句首状语、插入语等。用于分割日期、数字、地点、人名与职衔等、(信件)呼语等。Were tired, thirsty and hungry.We must hurry up, otherwise, we will miss the bus. No pain, no gain.He wants us, you and me, to go to his place tomorrow.John didnt take it, did he? Mr. Green said, “Please call on us.”He left on July 20, 2008, for a trip around the world.David Smith, Ph.D.句号(Full Stop / Period) 用于陈述句、语气温和的祈使句或客气的问句后。 用于间接引语之后。 用于某些缩略语、小数点之后。 表示序列的字母或数字之后。 Lets go to the movies. May we hear from you soon. Please tell me what your father is. Prof. Johnson 1.56%问号(Question Mark)用于疑问句或语气较委婉的祈使句之后。 用来表示存疑或无把握。用于陈述句之后表示疑问。 用于插入式问句表示强调。 What can I do for you? This vase dates back to 600 BC. ? Im the one to be blame for the mess? He was so tired is that true? that he wont come. 感叹号(Exclamation Mark)表示感慨、惊讶、命令、哀怨、赞赏、决心等。 用于感叹词之后。How time flies!Be quiet! Oh! Fire! Please leave alone! God, youve finished your task!引号(Quotation Marks) 引用书面或口头的直接引语。 引用事物的名称。 引用俚语、反语、定义、词形等。 引用对话。 表示强调。 Bob said, “Lets meet at my house next time.” Have you read the novel “Flying”? How do you spell the word “charity”? “Did you have a great time last night?”Step 4 ExercisesMillie has written about her experience as a host of a charity show. Help her add the correct punctuation marks. The big day come very quickly, and suddenly it was the night before the charity show. I could not sleep at all that night because I was so excited, “Will it be a success?” I kept asking myself.Twenty minutes before the big event, the doors opened and many people came into the theatre. “No time to be nervous any more. This is it!” I told myself. A lot of people came to watch the show. They were making a lot of noise, so I had to speak loudlyStep 5 HomeworkTo learn more English punctuation marks.Tell something about UNICEF. Listen to the tape and answer some questions.Judge True or False.To learn to use the Comma,Full stop,Exclamation Mark andQuotation Marks correctly.To use these punctuation marks in sentences and articles correctly.Read the passage and can use punctuation marks correctly.Check out the homework and preview.Talk about a health centre of UNICEF.To learn the usage of punctuation marks .Discuss the usage of punctuation mark in groups.Do some exercise to practice the usage of the punctuation marks.课堂达标.单项选择( )1. We can help these poor students by .A. sending them clothes B. send them clothesC. sending they clothes D. send they clothes( )2. I change into my sports shoes I could walk more comfortably.A. as to B. so that C. so to D. such that( )3. We should our customers the best products.A. provides; B. provide; toC. provide; for D. provide; with( )4. The organization is our club and it last year.A. a part of; set up B. part of; set upC. parts of; was set up D. part up; was set up( )5. We cant work out the physics problem. Can you tell us ?A. how to do B. what to do itC. how to do it D. what should to do板书设计8下 Unit 7 International charities Speak up and study skills1. True or False.1) The boy does not look very well.2) His face is red. 3) He has felt like this for three days.4) He will be all right in a few days.5) He has to take the medicine four times a day.2. 逗号(Comma)用于分割并列成分相当于汉语中的顿号作用。用于分割并列句中的分句。用于分割对比或对照成分。用于分割非限定性定语从句、同位语、或附加说明成分。用于分隔附加疑问句或选择疑问句。用于分割直接引语及导语。用于分割句首状语、插入语等。用于分割日期、数字、地点、人名与职衔等、(信件)呼语等。句号(Full Stop / Period)用于陈述句、语气温和的祈使句或客气的问句后。用于间接引语之后。 用于某些缩略语、小数点之后。表示序列的字母或数字之后。Question Mark用于疑问句或语气较委婉的祈使句之后。 用来表示存疑或无把握。用于陈述句之后表示疑问。 用于插入式问句表示强调。感叹号(Exclamation Mark)表示感慨、惊讶、命令、哀怨、赞赏、决心等。 用于感叹词之后。How time flies!Be quiet! Oh! Fire! Please leave alone! God, youve finished your task!引号(Quotation Marks) 引用书面或口头的直接引语。 引用事物的名称。 引用俚语、反语、定义、词形等。 引用对话。 表示强调。教 后 反 思(上节课存在问题的解决情况、本课教学经验或问题描述、存在问题的原因分析、提出改进措施)This period is to learn Speak up and study skills. First The Ss can also develop their spea


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