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河北师范大学成人教育本科学员毕业论文设计河北师范大学成人教育本科学员毕业论文(设计)题目:英语教学中如何培养学生的创新能力作者:学院外国语学院专业英语年级12本科完成日期:2014年5月18日15Hebei normal university.Adult education undergraduate student graduation thesis (design)Topic: how to cultivate students innovation ability in the teaching of EnglishAuthor: Liu YuanyuanSchool of foreign languages institute professional English grade 12 undergraduate courseCompletion date: on May 18, 2014 摘 要所谓创新思维,是指人们运用已有知识和经验增长开拓新领域的思维能力,亦即在人们的思维领域中追求最佳、 最新知识独创的思维。本论文从以下几个方面谈一下我的看法: 1 合作互动,活化课文插图,合理运用创新型教育手段拓展创新思维;2 立足双基,精心设置学案,重视学法指导,培养自学能力激发创新思维;3 课堂中巧设疑问,激发求知欲引导创新思维;4 不断改进教法,培养自立探究,巧设创新探索机会开发创新思维;5 进行积极评价,营造宽松自由的学习环境鼓励创新思维。以期为今后的英语教学贡献一点微薄的力量。 关键词:英语教学,学生,创新思维AbstractInnovative thinking, refers to the people to use existing knowledge and experience growth to develop new areas of thinking ability, that is, in the peoples thinking in the field of the pursuit of the best and latest knowledge original thinking. This paper discuss my views from the following several aspects: 1. The cooperative interaction, activate the text illustration, reasonable use of innovative education means to develop innovative thinking;2. Based on double-base, carefully set up case, attaches great importance to the research method instruction, cultivate self-learning ability of creative thinking;3. The classroom it doubt, stimulate curiosity lead creative thinking;4. Continuously improve teaching, raises the independent inquiry, it innovation explore opportunities to develop innovative thinking;5. Positive evaluation, and create a liberal learning environment to encourage creative thinking. In the hope of contributing to the future English teaching a little power.Key words: English teaching, the students innovative thinkingDirectory the introduction.1the concept and characteristics of creative thinking.1 How to cultivate students innovative thinking ability in English teaching.3(1) cooperation interaction, and activate the text illustration, reasonable use of innovative education means to develop innovative thinking.3(2) based on double-base, carefully set up case, attaches great importance to the research method instruction, cultivate self-learning ability of innovative thinking.5(3) the classroom questions, questions to disposal, stimulate curiosity guide innovation thinking.6(4) improving teaching methods, cultivate independent exploration, it innovation to explore opportunities to develop innovative thinking.8(5) to carry on the positive comments, create a liberal learning environment Encourage creative thinking.10Iv. Conclusion.12References.14 the introductionNaisbitt said: in the great era of knowledge economy, we need most is innovative and creative spirit. The 21st century requires the talents with the ability of lifelong learning, innovation and self development ability .So to cultivate innovation spirit and practice ability of quality education is the theme of todays education reform, innovation education is an important content of implementing quality education, classroom teaching is to cultivate students innovative spirit and practice ability of the main positions. As a qualified teacher, require constant through rehabilitation practice to cultivate students innovation spirit and practice ability, how to change education idea, to abandon old/new, cultivate a generation have solid foundation, have innovation spirit, and develops the ability of high-quality talent is the teachers first task today. the concept and characteristics of creative thinkingInnovative thinking, refers to the people to use existing knowledge and experience growth to develop new areas of thinking ability, that is, in the peoples thinking in the field of the pursuit of the best and latest knowledge original thinking. According to Einstein said: the creative thinking is a kind of new and valuable, unconventional, with high mobility and perseverance, but also clearly drew the outline of the thinking ability and problem solving. Creative thinking is not born, it is through learning and practice and training and development.Old families, Eva and the former Soviet union scholars also believe that creative thinking is characterized by the height of its product novelty, get the particularity of the product process, and the last major impact on the intellectual development. Measure of creative thinking is still difficult to find its basic indicators and quantitative standards. In general, innovative thinking has such characters as profundity, independence, stability, predictability, the total mark is that the efficiency of mind, or shortcut to resolve the problem of efficiency of thinking. So, what is creative thinking? Innovative thinking refers to people, information, knowledge processing themselves into ideal action, realize the consciousness of innovative achievements. To clear the following points: first, based on complete creative activity for the results. Second, should take the whole innovation process as background, and should not only pay attention to produce results. Third, innovative thinking is advanced comprehensive thinking activities. Innovation mentioned here is generalized.Should include: new concepts, new judgment, puts forward a new hypothesis, new methods, new theory, have new discovery, Create new technology, new products, etc. Review process innovation should begin from the whole system. The fourth hypothesis, is a process to create a vivid, image description. Sihuan, namely, sdi, divergence, convergence and verify the four ring. Sihuan unbroken chain, it shows that the overall direction of the innovation process.Interlocking, interaction, former ring after guide ring, ring after the first ring, modify, or not, and so on. It said: creative thinking, should be in the whole process as the background, to not be biased. Innovative thinking is the thinking activity of high quality, on the one hand, in the difficulty to solve the problem, it is a new problem, or a new solution for old problems; On the other hand performance in its features (1) unconventionality, also called novelty (2) initiative, or initiative (3) fluency, also known as liquidity (4) the flexibility, or the diversity of (5) is a comprehensive, refers to the commitment of innovative thinking tend to have: Engels said: the earth is one of the most beautiful flowers of thinking .And innovative thinking, can saying is the peony flower. As scientists franklin said: a person stopped the innovative ideas, is to stop the life. For a young want to contribute to the Chinese nation, should be proud to have innovative ideas. how to cultivate students innovative thinking ability in the teaching of English(1), cooperation, interaction, activate the text illustration, reasonable use of innovative education means to develop innovative thinking.Protestant and, for the students to learn English provides a large amount of information, but the textbook illustrations are static, its connotation has some hidden inside. If teachers can try to make static illustration move, namely the use of computer assisted instruction or slide show, so classroom will taste and large capacity, more information and more efficient. Multimedia computer and network technology as the core of modern education technology as a kind of innovative teaching methods, intuitive, interactivity, vividness, and so on characteristics, is conducive to timely expanding teaching contents, maximally excavate students creativity. Teachers in creative multimedia auxiliary teaching courseware also often put their creativity into it to the teachers teaching innovation to inspire students learning.English teaching courseware manufacture especially must pay attention to training students creative thinking ability, and should be left to the students thinking space. For example in creative making courseware Where you from? Plate, the design of the See the World, in this sector, courseware shows the scenery of the World, let the students use the English name of each country and simply describe the local conditions and customs of the country. Students in this courseware in class activities, to review the old knowledge, broaden the horizons, expand the thinking.(2), based on double-base, carefully set up case, attaches great importance to the research method instruction, cultivate self-learning ability of creative thinking.The student to grasp the basic knowledge, is inseparable with the guidance of teachers. Archaism cloud to teach a fish, is better than to fish. only taught the students the scientific learning method, students ability will improve .Reform the classroom teaching structure, promote students active learning habits to consolidate and improve self-learning ability, change passive accept to active exploration, improve students discover problems, analyze and solve problems of innovation ability. For this topic, I negotiate with preparing group members together, carefully set up for the students to learn, for each unit, reading the text take self-study and learning and practice approach. On the whole class teaching, students dragon, teachers dot eyeball. Then, in the self-study and learning to let the students to practice, on the basis of teachers selected in this paper, the important words, words, sentence patterns, programming practice, let the students to make the necessary to consolidate and make them turn knowledge into ability. In addition to teach students learning method is one of the important principles of optimization of education, teaching is not only to let students learn new age requirements, more to learn, has the ability of lifelong learning, independent learning ability. Educator ye shengtao said: teach in order not to. No teaching is to develop students have certain self-study ability. We see this. Therefore, teach students the correct method of study, cultivate students self-study ability, is the key of innovation education. I think teaching, pay attention to the following several aspects to cultivate the students English self-learning ability is very necessary.1.Can according to the rules of pronunciation spelling, spelling words and read the text aloud.2.Can answer the questions according to the passage.3.Can independently complete preview and review work.4.Can understand the English text independent use audio-visual means and practice English.5.Able to read and learn the text level of extracurricular reading.6.Has the difficulty to identify the preview the text, and question the ability of crisis to the teacher.7.Good at generalizations, to practice.Only pay attention to the development of creative thinking, students can arouse the potential to create smart, lay the foundation for the development of creative thinking and innovation ability. (3) the classroom questions, questions to disposal, stimulate curiosity guide the innovative thinking.In the teaching, I noticed a multi-angle, multi-dimensional manner design all kinds of questions, transverse development of students, analogy, reverse, lenovo, such as thinking, make students not only to understand and master the content of what they have learned in, and to take advantage of now to learn knowledge, combined with the knowledge to create, to explore, according to the teaching material of language materials, set up the suspects, reprocessing, guides the student to the text content to encourage students to thinking from different aspects and different angles.In short, as long as teachers in the classroom is clever, duly inquiry, to a variety of thinking training of students, so, give full play to the students creative thinking can be obtained.Problem is the core of teaching activities, there is no problem, about teaching, what kind of problem decided what kind of thinking and behavior.Teachers in teaching must be good at questions, problems need to be able to cause students question, the exploration, discovery, arouse curiosity, lets the student in question, explore, discover, knowledge and experience.Einstein once said: ask a question is often more important than to solve a problem.Teachers should encourage students to ask questions, do STH unconventional or unorthodox, want to ask, dared ask, ask.On the one hand, to guide students to constantly look at things from another Angle, so that multiple perspectives to explore novelty and;On the other hand, guides the student to lenovo, undertake to the student divergent thinking training, to cultivate students innovation consciousness.Such as teaching What s the weather like?Teachers use pictures to present three groups of words: sun - sunny, wind - windy, cloud - after the cloudy, ask Can you make a rule out of the three words?Cause students to observe, analyze, find rules law.Students find rules and presents the new words after snowy, foggy, rainy, ask Can you guess the Chinese meanings of them?Encourage students to use their concludes enough word rule to learn new words, embodies the teaching concept of teach them to fish.(4), and constantly improve teaching, and cultivate independence, it explore opportunities to develop innovative thinking innovation.With the continuous reform of modern education, expand the future students of education, must be based on the selection of teaching materials and teaching of science.In order to realize the creation of classroom teaching education, the teacher only one thousand to broaden the students knowledge, with plenty of interesting topics to stimulate students curiosity, to stimulate students creative thinking, however, stimulate students interest, improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, should start from the reform of teaching methods.(1) retell creativity.(2) play a speech.Retelling and speech is a kind of training students various pragmatic competence, stimulate students creative thinking of effective teaching methods.Therefore, in the teaching, teachers should reasonably use, according to their aptitude, according to the students actual level, different levels, to choose appropriate methods, flexible use, causes the teaching to achieve the ideal effect.Quality education is to cultivate talents in the 21st century education, students need to continue to gain knowledge and ability of the scientific method, the good study method, can make the students play a better talent ability.Students should be the main body of learning activities, teachers should pay attention to training students independent learning ability, make them more autonomous learning and independent thinking of time and space;Let the students learn how to acquire knowledge in learning methods, so as to cultivate the consciousness of innovation and the purpose of improving innovation ability.The subjectivity of the classroom teaching is the teachers and students to participate, multilateral activities to communicate with one another.Equal democratic cooperation relationship between teachers and students, and can make the class more open, more full of situational, more conducive to the students active participation.Teachers in teaching design and arrangement of novel creative, must pay more attention to teaching methods in order to better mobilize and exert the students subjectivity, to make them truly become the protagonist of learning.Teachers in English classroom teaching, we can use a variety of methods, through various channels, guide and encourage the active participation of all students, innovation.Design and arrangement of teachers in teaching process should pay attention to play to the students subjectivity, respect the independent personality of students, stimulate students to explore the desire, to cultivate their independence to get knowledge, creative use of knowledge.(5), the positive evaluation, and create a liberal learning environment Encourage creative thinking.High school is a need affirmation and praise, experience success joy stimulating group.Creation education in classroom teaching, teachers trust and encouragement can directly affect the students desire for knowledge, can affect the germination of students creative consciousness and creativity.In the teaching, I adopted to evaluate the following ways: (1) encouraging evaluation.Students are encouraged to fantasy, novelty;For students to answer wrong, dont immediately said: No, y o u a r e w r o n g. instead say: P l e a s e t h I n k I t o v e r. for errors in the work, also not simple cross x, but to underline the wrong part, and on by ?To sign for students to think about.(2) hierarchical evaluation.Different levels of students, set to different levels of requirements, and hierarchical evaluation guidance.To outstanding students, strict requirements and high evaluation;For almost, give affirmation, encouragement, evaluation, increase their self-esteem and respect their self-esteem.Only with the attitude of trust and encourage teachers to affirm their discoveries, treat the students respect, understanding, tolerance, confidently believe they will make progress, at the same time pay attention to give positive evaluation, students can in a relaxed, enjoyable teaching environment, to develop their creative thinking, and eventually make students become to think, to make innovation in a new era of successor.Free r


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