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商务英语写作 _Chapter one An overview of business writing 课程简介 本课程是国际商务从业人员必备的 核心业务课程之一。通过介绍公司商务 活动中各种英文业务函件的写作格式和 内容,使学生在相对真实的商务环境中 提高英语水平。熟练掌握商务活动中常 用的基本术语及表达技能,培养和提高 业务工作能力. 课程内容 本课程主要学习信例,尤其是学习商务 运作环节中有代表性的信例。为了适应 国际写作趋势的变化及满足商务环境的 需要,将教授包括备忘录、销售信、邀 请信、投诉、理赔、申请信、报告、英 文简历、合同等在内的多种形式的信函 写作。 学习方法 商务英语写作是一门实践操作性很强的 课程。也就是说,要达到正确拟写商务信函 及各种商务公函的目的,仅有理论是远远不 够的。还必须通过理论联系实际的方法,大 量练习书写商务活动中各种有代表性的信函 ,才能深入体会何为七个“CS”写作的基 础理论知识。更重要的是通过学习信例,熟 悉各类信函中所包括的词汇、短语、句型以 及习惯表达方式等等,以求达到掌握并熟练 使用的目的。 沟通无处不在 Plan ProductsHire Training Motive CoordinatePersuade BillBuild Goodwill 沟通的形式 Verbal Communication 1.face to face 2.Phone conversations 3.Informal meetings 4.Email messages 5.Letters 6.Memos 7.Reports 沟通的形式 Nonverbal communication 1.Pictures 2.Logo 3.The size of office 4.Facial expressions 5.Eye contact 6.Gestures 7.Body language 沟通的七个要素 Source Audience Goal Context Message Media Feedback 小案例:入乡随俗 美国统一联合有限公司,认为时机已经成熟 ,该把它在国内销售给两代人的精美产品推广到 全世界了。它派副总裁哈里到欧洲去开拓市场。 哈里的第一站是伦敦,他和银行家做了简短会谈 通过电话。他同样轻松地与巴黎人打交道:在 银色之旅宾馆订了午餐,他这样招呼他的客人, 某工业工程公司的总裁:“雅克,叫我哈里好了。 ” 在德国,哈里先生像一个发电站。他快速的 做了一个长篇的、像艺术作品一样的营销讲话, 并辅以图表和视听材料,以显示来自佐治亚的他 知道如何做生意。 小案例:入乡随俗 在去米兰的飞机上,他与邻座的日本商 人开始交谈。他把名片扔在对方的托盘上, 当他们告别时,他与对方热情握手并抓住了 对方的右臂。后来,在他与一位意大利包装 设计公司的所有与会者见面的时候,哈里先 生穿着他舒适的条形灯心绒运动外衣、 卡其 布裤子和帆布鞋。人人都知道意大利人是逗 趣和放松的人,不是吗? 错了,六个月过去了,统一联合公司除 了收到一堆帐单以外,在这次旅行中未获任 何成果。在欧洲,没有人对哈里着迷。 小案例:入乡随俗 英国:通常不用电话做生意。商业招待往往 在午餐时进行,而不是在晚餐时。 法国:法国人对陌生人非常正规,不喜欢太 快的亲近,不愿意被陌生人直呼其名。 德国:他们不喜欢夸张和卖弄。喜欢和内敛 沉稳的商人做生意。 日本:日本属于“无碰触文化” ,随意的碰触 会被认为是失礼和狂妄自大。 意大利:对时装非常敏感。他们穿着漂亮并 崇尚创造,对别人俗丽或不得体的服装感到 吃惊。 A great deal of business is transacted in writing. Effective business writers can use their skill to help increase their companys sales and profits . Proficiency in writing gives the person in business a personal advantage. 1. Why the ability to write is a business asset? 2. Writing Principles of business Letters Five-steps vPreparing Objective, Reader, Scope vFormatting Layout of the document 3) Organizing Gathering information, sorting details, and making outlines. 2. Writing Principles of business Letters Five-steps 4) Drafting Start where you feel the most comfortable. Dont worry about possible mistakes Focus on the ideas you want to present. 5) Revising Check on the overall tone and format. Ask for advice from colleagues. Directions: Revising Box Does my writing include every element of a business letter? Am I clear about my writing purpose? Have I made effective use of layout and white space in the letter? Have I sorted out the facts appropriately? Have I organized the contend logically? Have I written it concisely and politely? Have I checked everything including grammar, punctuation and spelling? 2. Writing Principles of business Letters 7 “C” vCourtesy 礼貌 Treating people with respect and friendly human concern. 2) Consideration 体谅 Consider the readers desires, problems, circumstances, emotions and reactions. 2. Writing Principles of business Letters 3) Correctness 正确 Choosing the correct level of language and using accurate information and data. Conciseness 简洁 To write in the fewest possible words without sacrificing completeness and courtesy. 2. Writing Principles of business Letters 5) Clarity 清楚 Short familiar words and simple short sentences are better for this purpose. Concreteness 具体 Give vivid,specific and definite information. 7) Completeness 完整 Include all the necessary information and data in the message to help senders get receivers response. Three ways to achieve 7 Cs You Attitude Positive Tone Avoiding Old Language of Business 3. You Attitude Put the audience first: “Its all about them.” Focus on what they receive or can do Stress what they want to know X I have negotiated an agreement with Apex Rent a-car that gives you a discount on rental cars. As a Sunstrand employee, you can now get a 20% discount when you rent a car from Apex. Be careful with the use of “feeling” words. Omit your feelings in most business situations Omit audiences feelings or reaction X We are happy to extend you a credit line of $5,000. You can now charge up to $5,000 on your Visa card. 3. You Attitude Use “you” more often than “I” in positive situations. avoid “you” in negative situations. In negative situations, use Passive verbs Impersonal expressions 3. You Attitude 3. You Attitude X You made no allowance for inflation in your estimate. No allowance for inflation has been made in this estimate. (passive) This estimate makes no allowance for inflation. (impersonal) Use words as positively as possible X Never fail to back up your disks. Always back up your disks. X Your balance of $800 is delinquent. Your balance of $800 is past due. 4. Positive Tone Look at situations with an optimistic outlook X We will not allow you to charge more than $1,500 on your VISA account. You can charge $1,500 on your new VISA card. 4. Positive Tone X Awaiting the favor of your early response. I look forward to hearing from you soon. X Please be good enough to advise us. Please tell us. X We beg to inform you. I an writing to inform you. 5. Avoiding Old Language of Business 5. Avoiding Old Language of Business 6. Exercises-Revise Sentences X Unfortunately, your order cannot be sent until next week. Your order can only be sent next week. X Your negligence in this matter caused the damage to the equipment. If you had taken proper care of the equipment,it would have been in a good condition. X Smoking is not permitted anywhere except in the lobby. Smoking is allowed only in the lobby. 6. Exercises -Revise Sentences X We regret to inform you that we must deny your request for credit. For the time being,we can serve you only on a cash basis. X We will be pleased to deliver your order by the 16th. Your order will be deliver by the 16th. X We have worked for 20 years to develop the best model car for our customers. Our customers will find the best model car which we have spent 20 years to build. 6. Exercises -Revise Sentences X We have received your letter of May 16. Thank you for your letter of may 16. X We have been quite tolerant of your past-due account and must now demand payment. If you are to continue to enjoy the benefits of credit buying,you must clear your account now. X We can sell at discount prices,but we cannot permit returns of merchandise. Though returns of merchandise are unpermissable, you can get discount prices. Dear Sir: We are in receipt of your telephone
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