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医学英语翻译第一周What is translation?Translation is the rendering of ideas or concepts from one language into another, i.e., the faithful representation in the target language of what is written or expressed in the original. I. 医学英语翻译的标准If you eat a skimpy breakfast or none at all, youre likely to experience mid-morning fatigue, the result of a drop in blood sugar, which your body and brain depend on for energy. For peak energy in the morning, be sure to eat a proper breakfast, low in sugar and fairly high in protein, which will provide a steady supply of blood sugar through the morning. 如果你只吃少许的早餐或者根本不吃早餐的话,你在上午的中段时间里就很可能感到疲劳。其结果是,你的身体和大脑所依赖的能量血糖就会降低。为在上午时间获取最大能量,你应该进一些合适的早餐,如含糖量低、蛋白质高的食物,这样的早餐将给你整个上午以稳定的血糖供应。 如果你早餐吃得简单或根本不吃早餐,上午过了一半时间后你就会感到疲劳,这是血糖下降的结果。你的身体和大脑依赖血糖获取能量。为了能在上午保持充沛的精力,一定要吃合适的早餐,含糖量要低但蛋白质要高,这样才能保证整个上午有稳定的血糖供应。 Example 2 Emphysema, which afflicts more than one million Americans, is defined as a disorder of anatomy the permanent enlargement of any part of the terminal part of the airway and is accompanied by the destruction of the walls of the air sacs, which results in a loss of lung elasticity and a decrease in the surface area available for gas exchange. 有一百多万美国人患肺气肿,此病被认为是解剖形态发生变化的疾病呼吸道终末部位任何一处永久性增大而且由于肺的弹性丧失及其可进行气体交换的表面面积减少,肺泡壁遭到破坏。 改译:有一百多万美国人患肺气肿,此病被认为是解剖形态发生变化的一种疾病呼吸道末端任何一处永久性扩张并伴随着肺泡壁损坏,从而导致肺的弹性丧失,以及可进行气体交换的表面面积减少 。 faithful representation of the original in the target language smooth/accurate expression of the original in the target language II对译者的要求:1. 熟练掌握两种语言2. 准确理解原文意思3. 用译文语言正确地表达原文意思4.熟悉一些翻译理论、掌握一定的翻译方法和技巧 5.一丝不苟、认真学习的态度、严谨的工作作风 III. 英汉词法及句法差异比较 a) I have a terrible headache. b) He was badly wounded in the head. c) They admired our efforts to work on the treatment of SARS with traditional Chinese medicine. d) My initial reaction was driven by embarrassment. 汉语译文1. 我头疼得厉害。2. 他的头伤得很重。 3.他们对我们在用中医治疗SARS方面所做的努力表示敬佩。 4.我一开始的反应是尴尬。汉语译成英语词性变化例子医生:恐怕你需要做个手术。患者:可是,医生,我害怕住院。医生:我知道。但需要住院时还得住院。做完手术后你就没事了。你现在可以登记吗? 英语译文Doctor: Im afraid you need an operation. Patient: But doctor, I am frightened of hospitals. Doctor: I know, but hospitals are useful places to turn to when you need them. Once the operation is over, youll be all right. Shall I put you on the waiting list?1. 词义的选择 discharge 放电、排出;排泄物、出院2. disorder杂乱、无秩序;病症、功能紊乱、障碍3. depression 萧条、不景气;压抑、抑郁(症) 2. 词的增减 Design should incorporate provisions to avoid any accidental collapse of a bed. 译文:设计要有各种预防措施,这样才能避免床架意外崩塌。2. If you reduce the volume which a gas occupies to one third, then the pressure increases three times. 译文:如果把气体所占的体积压缩到1/3,压力就会增加三倍。3.语序的调整 Most of the information we have got came from that channel. Most of the information we have got is through that channel. Young as he is, the little boy can play the piano. Rocket research has confirmed a strange fact which had already been suspected: there is a “high temperature belt” in the atmosphere, with its center roughly 30 miles above the ground. 我们得到的大部分消息来自于那个渠道。 我们是通过那个渠道得到大部分消息的这男孩尽管年纪还很小,但已会弹钢琴。人们早就怀疑大气层中有一条“高温带”,其中心离地面30英里。借助火箭所做的研究证实了这一奇异的事实。 Exercises The sound of music may provoke visual hallucinations.In the study of cells and tissues, we gain some insight into the laws of growth. For reasons that still remain obscure, cells develop various forms and those which are of the same kind congregate to form one of the basic tissues. These tissues become, in turn, the specialized organs. 汉译英练习 我给你开些止痛的草药,你也可以做针灸。此外,不要吃过热或过冷的食物,也不要吃诸如酸的或辛辣的食物。不要做激烈的运动,多放松,注意休息。 Ill give you some herbal medicine to relieve your pain, and you can also have acupuncture if you like. Apart from that, dont eat anything very hot or very cold, and keep off stimulating foods, such as sour or spicy food. Dont take too much exercise, just try to relax and enjoy life. 在研究细胞和组织时,我们对生长的规律有所了解。由于尚不清楚的原因,细胞发展成不同的形态,相同形态的细胞则聚集在一起形成一种基本组织,这些组织接着又发展成特化器官。什么是翻译? 翻译是将词句从一种语言转换成另一种语言。简单地讲,它是用与原作不同的语言将作者的意思准确地复述出来的一种艺术。从以上翻译的定义来看,我们知道词句的原意必须尽可能保持准确,不可有所增删。翻译者的任务只是变换词汇而不是改变其意思。因此,翻译有两种要素:准确性和表达性。第二周 Translation of double negativeDouble negative denoting euphemism l I havent made any study of medicine for nothing. l The doctors have brought back his life, not without risk. l We cannot but regret to say that the patient is gone though we have tried every means. Translation of the sentences of double negative denoting euphemism 1. 我并不是无缘无故地学医的。 2. 医生们挽救了他的生命,但并不是没有风险。3. 我们不无遗憾地说,尽管我们尽了力,病人还是不行了。Double negative denoting emphasis l It never rains but pours. l There is no man but errs. l There is no smoke without fire.l We would not have succeeded but for your in-time help. Translation of the sentences of double negative denoting emphasis l 要么不下雨,要下就是倾盆大雨。l 没有一个人是不会犯错误的。l 无风不起浪。l 没有你的及时援手,我们是不会取得成功的。Example of Chinese with double negative denoting emphasis 从前线回来的人说到白求恩,没有一个不佩服,没有一个不为他的精神所感动。凡亲身受过白求恩医生的治疗和亲眼看过白求恩工作的,无不为之感动。 English translation of the Chinese example l No one who returned from the front failed to express admiration for Bethune whenever his name was mentioned, and none remained unmoved by his spirit. In the Shansi-Chahar-Hobei border area, no solider or civilian was unmoved who had been treated by Dr. Bethune or had seen how he worked. Occasion when double negative denoting emphasis not being done in the same way 1. Let me know without fail when anything unusual goes with the patient. 如果病人有些什么异常,一定要告诉我2. I never past that city but think of my happy days there . 我每次路过那座城市都想起我在那度过的美好时光。 Semi-affirmative and semi-negative Exercises l We cannot undertake the operation without the patient making adequate preparations physically and psychologically. l The senior doctor never makes any diagnosis unless he has examined a patient carefully and thoroughly. Translation for reference l 在病人身体上和心理上还没有做好准备之前我们不能给他做手术。 l 这位老医生总是在给病人做过认真彻底的检查后才下诊断。第三周 正说反译和反说正译Seemingly affirmative English sentences turned into negative Chinese ones 1.He failed to finish the work in time. 2. It is still beyond our power to cure this disease. 3. We dont think the absence of this medicine can greatly influence the treating of this cancer. 4. Avoid eating too oily foods and stay away from cigarettes. 5. Many children in developing countries were denied medical care. Translation of the sentences v 他没有按时完成工作。v 我们现在仍不能治愈这种疾病。v 我们觉得,没有这种药对治疗这种癌症不会有很大的影响。 v 不要吃太油腻的食物,不要吸烟。v 发展中国家的许多孩子没有医疗保障。Translation of words with negative prefixes and suffixes v It is still insecure to put this medicine into clinical use though some experiments have been done. 这种药尽管经过一些实验,但在临床中使用还是不安全的。2. The doctor comforted the patient that his symptoms would soon disappear if he followed his advice. 医生告诉病人,如果他遵医嘱治疗,这些症状很快就会消失的。3. The doubt remained unsolved what the cause of the disease was though the patient recovered from it. 病人虽然痊愈,但其病因是什么仍然疑团重重。4. This group is conducting an unprecedented research. 这个小组正在进行一项史无前例的研究。Negative English sentences turned into affirmative Chinese onesv The doctor told the patient that they could not make an accurate diagnosis before he received all the necessary examinations. v The investigation and the autopsy left no doubt that the patient died of poisoning.v Every patient with this disease, with no exception, must get an injection of 500 ml Bactocill the minute they are accepted. v He is such an indecisive sort of person that I dont think he can make a good doctor. Translation of the sentencesv 医生告诉病人,只有做完所有必要的检查后才能作出准确的诊断。v 调查和尸体解剖清清楚楚地表明,病人是死于中毒。v 这种病的患者一接收进院,统统都要注射500毫升的Bactocill。 v 他是个优柔寡断的人,我不认为他会成为一个好医生。Negative English sentences turned into affirmative Chinese ones5. Dont lose time in sending the injured to the hospital, or they will die by bleeding. 6. He manifested a strong dislike for this kind of medicine. 7. FlorenceNightingale was the undisputed pioneer in modern nursing. 5. 赶快将伤者送去医院,否则他们会因失血过多而死的。6. 他对这种药很是厌恶。7. 南丁格尔公认是现代护理学的先驱。Affirmative Chinese sentences turned into negative English ones v 这样的作弊迟早会被发现的。 v 这个年轻的医生随便给病人开个处方就急忙去会女朋友了。v 对他而言,语言仍是一道难以逾越的障碍。v 经过许多试验后医生们才找到了治疗这种疾病的有效方法。Translation of the Chinese sentences v Such cheating wont escape notice. v The young doctor careless prescribed to a patient and then hurried to see his girl friend. v For him, languages are still barriers impossible to go across.v It is not after many tests that the doctors found a way to cure this disease. Exercises v Patients hates to see doctors with stony faces. v I have done what I can as a doctor, but I think I am still far away from a good one. v The patient finally found out that he was mortally ill. v The patient watched with anxiety when the doctor was writing his prescription. v Some countries in the world deny cancer screening to their citizens.v The doctors lost no time in treating the man severely injured in a car accident when he was sent to the hospital, but they still failed to bring back his life. Reference to the translation of the sentences in the exercises v 病人不喜欢看到医生挂着一副毫无表情的脸。v 作为一名医生,我尽了自己的努力,但我还不能说自己是个好医生。v 这个病人终于知道他得的是不治之症。v 病人不安地看着医生给他开处方。v 世界上还有些国家不给其国民提供癌症筛查。v 这个交通事故的伤者送到医院时医生们一点没耽搁就开始救治他,但还是回天无力。第四周 Adding and deleting of words in translation All the recent news on AIDS is bad. The death of a star player last year raised public concern about the epidemic almost to the panic. But the reaction subsided for a time as people were reassured about the reliability of new tests of donated blood and the improbability of contracting the disease casually. 最近有关艾滋病的消息都很糟糕。去年一个明星球员的死亡使公众对这一传染病的担忧几乎到了恐慌的地步。但这种恐慌在一段时间里又有所减退,因为人们对新的献血检验手段的可靠性恢复了信心,并确信这种疾病不会通过偶然的途径传播。 2. Ninety percent of the AIDS victims were young people. It is becoming increasingly difficult for these people in the high-risk groups to get health and life assurance, and in the absence of private coverage, public funds must be used. 90% 的艾滋病患者为年轻人。如今高危人群中的这类人越来越难获得健康和人寿保险。在个人无钱购买这些保险的情况下,必须动用公共基金。3. More important, there is bad news on the medical front. In spite of a stepped-up research program there is no sign of an imminent breakthrough to a cure. 更重要的是,来自医疗一线的消息也很糟糕。尽管目前增加了对艾滋病研究的投入,但仍未有迹象表明在治疗艾滋病方面很快便会有突破。4. If developments in research maintains their current pace, it seems likely that a combination of improved attention to dietary and environmental factors, along with advances in gene therapy and protein targeted drugs, will virtually eliminate most major classes of diseases. 如果医学研究按目前的势头发展,人们更多地关注饮食和环境,加上基因治疗和以蛋白质为目标的药物研制所取得的进展,似乎就有可能消灭大多数主要类别的疾病。5. Intelligence is a quantitative trait, which does have a genetic component, but we should not assume that it has a single dimension of expression. There are several limitations in measuring intelligence by a linear scale ranging from dull to bright, since individuals differ greatly in their genotypes. 智力是一种量化的特性,也确实包含有遗传的成分,但我们不能认为有一种单一的尺度对其进行表达。由于每个人的基因类型不同,仅用从愚钝到聪明的线性尺度来衡量智力有很多的局限性。在过去的几十年里,饮食对健康起着关键作用已成了人们的共识。而且,人们都知道,有些食物,尤其是脂肪、糖和盐,食用过多时是有害的。In the last few decades, it has become accepted wisdom that diet plays a key role in health. Furthermore, it is generally understood that some, in particular fats, sugars, and salts, are bad if eaten in excess. 外科医生很快就可以进入眼睛实施手术了至少在虚拟的意义上时如此。由虚拟现实一种计算机系统,在这种系统中,手术将在计算机生成的虚拟世界中进行发展而来的技术,可以让外科医生感到,他在手术中似乎可以看到眼睛的内部,这会产生一种他们置身其中的幻觉。 Surgeons will soon be able to enter the eye to carry out operations at least in a virtual sense. Techniques derived from virtual reality the computer system that immerses operations in an artificial computer-generated world will allow surgeons to feel as if he could see the inside of the eye during an operation, creating the illusion that they are actually there.第五周 Translation of passive voicePassive voice in English the constitution of passive voice in English a)(S+ be+ V-ed) b) need V-ing the use of passive voice in English the frequency of the use of passive voice in English Passive voice in Chinese the constitution of passive voice in Chinese (被、让、给、由、受/遭到) the use of passive voice in Chinese the frequency of the use of passive voice in ChineseTranslation of passive voice from English Obstetrics and gynecology are combined in the specialty that deals with pregnancy and birth and diseases of the female reproductive system. 译文:产科和妇科合并成处理妊娠、生育和女性生殖系统疾病的专科。2. According to our plan, a large illness prevention and control network will be built in a couple of years. 译文:按照我们的规划,一个大型的疾病预防控制网络将在二三年内建成。3. This kind of cancer cannot be cured with any of the medicine available. 译文1:这种癌症用现有的药无法治愈。 译文2:用现有的药无法治愈这种癌症。4. Patient: I was knocked down to the ground, and when I got up, my left arm and elbow were grazed, and now I have a pain in my ribs. Doctor: Dont worry. Let me have a look Take my advice, and when you have done what I tell you, all the pain wont be felt. 译文: 患者:我被撞倒在地上,爬起来(看)时,左手臂和和肘部都擦伤了。现在又觉得肋骨疼。 医生:不用担心,让我看看听我的,就照我说的做,疼痛就会消失了。 5. This observation has not been confirmed by other trials employing long tem tamoxifen treatment. 译文:这一观察结果还未被其他采用长效他莫西芬进行治疗的试验所证实。6. Based on the observation, oophorectomy should not be considered as adjuvant treatment outside the context of a clinical trial. 译文:根据这一观察结果,卵巢切除术不应(被)视为与临床试验无关的辅助治疗手段。7. He was knocked down by a passing car when he was crossing the street. 译文:他过街时给一辆疾驶而过的轿车撞倒了。 8. 肌肉占人体重量的40%50%,可分成三种类型:随意肌、不随意肌和心肌。译文:Muscles, which constitute 40% to 50% of the body weight, can be divided into three types: voluntary, involuntary and cardiac. Treatment that does not offer any meaningful benefit, for example, cardiopulmonary resuscitation for a person with metastatic malignancy, may not be offered. 译文:一种治疗方法如果没有任何效果,比如说,心肺复苏疗法不能使转移性恶性病患者的病情好转,就不必提出来。 Aspirin has been recognized as inhibiting normal platelet function and the mechanism has been clearly delineated. 译文:人们发现阿司匹林有抑制正常血小板的功能,且这种机制曾有人清楚地描述过。It was decided to transfer him to Bellevue Hospital in New York City, where he could get the best care. 译文:医生们决定将他转到纽约市的 Bellevue医院,在那里他可以得到最好的护理。Something about the connecting devices in Chinese and English Connecting devices in languages Syntactic devices Hypotexis Papataxis Something about the connecting devices in Chinese and EnglishIf winter comes, can spring be far behind? She had a balance at her bankers which would have made her beloved anywhere. 跑得了和尚跑不了庙。不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天到了,春天还远吗?2. She had a balance at her bankers which would have made her beloved anywhere. 她在银行里的存款足够让她到处受欢迎。3. 跑得了和尚跑不了庙。 The monks may run away, but the temple cannot run away with them. 4.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。If you fail to enter the tigers den, how can you get the tigers cub? How can one get tigers cubs without entering the tigers den? 6.我今天买了几本书,共花了三十元,回到家才发现不是我想要的。 I bought some books today. They cost me 30 yuan, but I found they were not the ones I wanted when I got home.4. His failure to observe the operation regulations resulted in the accident to the emergency treatment. 他因为没遵守操作规程,致使抢救时出了意外。 Exercises I am afraid that something severe may have happen to your ribs. Youd better have them checked at the X-ray department. The rash may not respond to the treatment soon, because some traces of the cosmetics are still left on your skin. After these have been removed the rash will disappear rapidly. Exercises3. I had a dance with the pretty girl who is from Hangzhou and who has a lovely voice. 4. The happy wife smiled, took her husbands hand, and placed it on her belly; and he felt movement and life. Exercises5. 仪器漂浮在水面上 ,遇到干扰就发光。6. 他服了中药,症状得以缓解。第六周 Translation of noun structures in EnglishNoun structures in English Failure of the kidney to eliminate potassium leads to hyperkalemia along with other electrolyte imbalance and acidosis. 2. Although the production of such transgenic strains of animals carrying foreign genes is now a relatively routine technique in many laboratories, it is unlikely that such methods will be expended to human embryos, both for moral and technical reasons. 3. The effects of supplemental vitamins on the progression of retinitis pigmentosa require further study before treatment recommendations are made. 4. Management of severe cases is difficult and multidisciplinary. (It is difficult and requires cooperation of many disciplines to manage severe cases.) Translation of noun structures from English into Chinese1. Failure of the kidney to eliminate potassium leads to hyperkalemia along with other electrolyte imbalance and acidosis. 译文:如果肾脏不能减少钾,就会导致血钾过多症,并出现电解质失衡及酸中毒。 2. Although the production of such transgenic strains of animals carrying foreign genes is now a relatively routine technique in many laboratories, it is unlikely that such methods will be expended to human embryos, both for moral and technical reasons.译文:目前,尽管在许多实验室里,培养携带异体基因的转基因动物已成为一项常规技术,但由于伦理和技术方面的原因,这项技术还不可能扩展应用到人体胚胎上。 3. The effects of supplemental vitamins on the progression of retinitis pigmentosa require further study before treatment recommendations are made. 译文:在对色素性视网膜炎的治疗提出建议之前,增补维生素对色素性视网膜炎的发展有什么影响还需要做进一步的研究。4. Management of severe cases is difficult and multidisciplinary. 译文:对严重个案的管理较难,且牵涉到多个学科。 5. The existence of further therapeutic options for the underlying illness must be addressed. 必须申明,存在着对潜在疾病做进一步治疗的选择 6. A thrombus may cause sudden closure of vessel with complete obstruction of the blood flow. 译文:血栓可能会造成血管突然阻塞,引起血流完全中断。第八周 Translation of Chinese sentences without subjectsChinese sentences without subjects or with the subjects being om
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