英语泛读4 课后题整理目答案。期末复习材料.doc_第1页
英语泛读4 课后题整理目答案。期末复习材料.doc_第2页
英语泛读4 课后题整理目答案。期末复习材料.doc_第3页
英语泛读4 课后题整理目答案。期末复习材料.doc_第4页




英语泛读4unit 1so it is with =the same is true with 什么也是in the dark of +n 在.深处,在暗下,私底下(in the dark of the mind 内心深处)in the dark =in secrecy 秘密地live and timeless 栩栩如生,永不磨灭sound craftsmanship=highly trained skill 高超的,健全的,complete with =having in the lowest parts of the earth =in the mind consistent practice generates skill 熟能生巧dabble in sth =to be involved in sth对某事随意 eg;dabble in stocks and shares 随意的玩股票catch a glimpse 一有就行动fill out =fill in 增加,填空,填充far short=fail to reach the aim 失去目标 (fall short of the mark 期末考考砸了)might=strength 力量eerie=mysterious 可怕的,怪异的,神秘的afoot=in operation正在进行中lucid =clear 清楚的 明白的inherent =original 固有的vagaries=unusual ideas 奇想,异常行动condone=forgive宽恕flamboyance=showy behavior艳丽炫耀evasion=avoidance逃避 unit 3boom time 繁荣时期daily produce乳制品muck about/around =spoil sth by interfering with 通过加入或破坏来改变(摆弄)wind up =end up 收尾,结束be labeled as such 如实标记private groups 民间组织stumbled across =find or encounter by chance 偶然发现by no means 绝不是make a hit =popular and successful 使流行,使轰动be immune to 免疫souped-up 提高效率 scrapped the product 停产demand driven 以需求为导 - driven 以为.导向go mucking about with =interfere with 防碍 jumpy=apprehensive跳跃的,不安的winds up =appears in the end 结束 fussier=more fastidious挑剔portends =is a warning of 预兆 outlawed=banned 禁止的toxic=poisonous 有毒的 prudence=discretion 审慎yield =output 输出,出产 (spinning off=forming.from parts of an existing company) 离心法,分离 scrapped =removed 废料 bolstered =supported支持trigger =cause 引发 ,触发 at their peril=by being responsible for any consequences themselves 自己承担风险unit 5weigh up 评价=evaluatehing on 集于,集中在pocket money 零花钱sitting-duck 易受骗的 eg; child are sitting-duck a string of 一系列work with =have the effect on 对有影响 peer group同年龄组a for-profit organization 赢利性组织beneath sb不值得sales pitches 推销手法pretend play扮演游戏the punch line:the last few words of a jake or a story that is the most important 关键字,广告词put -a -sock-in =shit up 闭嘴 hyperbole=exaggeration夸张法launched=started 开始fickle =changeable 浮躁的,易变的code=regulation 代码,管理lifted = removed 解除,删除subjects=testees 学科,测验对象sheltered=protected 受保护的doctored=changed 伪造的pathetic=unsuccessful 悲哀的pitches=presentations 报告concedes=admit 承诺consensus=agreement 一致put-a-sock-in =stop - talking 闭嘴unit7profuse sweating 盗汗developed a rash 出疹子generalized aches 全身酸痛bouts of vomiting and diarrhea 上吐下泻disproportionate to 不成比例的,不平衡的attended sb 给.sb看病a blood-letting放血vital essence必要的生命元素the sands of time 时间流逝medical history医学史be topped off 给以让人记忆深刻的方式结束,结束的,inductive reasoning归纳推理deductive reasoning演绎推理it is a study of the psychology of guilt.犯罪心理学note 音符be consigned to =be put into 把交付给celebrity=fame 名声delirious=insane非常激动,精神混乱ascribed=attributed .to 归因于sinister =evil 邪恶的sketches=depicts 描述,速写demise=death 死亡besieged=assailed被包围infectious=epidemic传染性的,prematurely=earlier than the proper time 过早的implicated=implied 牵连,涉及,eliminate=remove淘汰prompted=motivated激起,促进unit 9old riddle 古老的谜the bronze age青铜时期weathered out 露出,风化侵蚀well-established公认的pick up借鉴mild-mannered温文尔雅的 ,语气温和的-proof 防. catastrophe-proof 防灾难age -sorted 按年划分black hole 空白,黑洞up to 从事preeminent =greatest 卓越的cataclysmic=disastrous灾难性的precursor=forerunner 先驱consortium=group 联合,合伙parlance=jargon用法,行话wedded=united 团结的,结合的subversive=revolutionary破坏性的undermines=weakens侵蚀retrace=go back over追溯hangar=shed棚presided=took the chair 主持,主持会议fan out =spread out 展开scavenge=hunt在搜寻hodgepodge=mixture 混合,使混乱synthesizes=integrates 综合intriguing=fascinating引起好奇心的subjugated=conquered 政府vassals=princes臣属tended=looked after照料unit 10in an instant 立刻,马上 a host of 种种seize upon利用crank up 加强,提高pure chance纯属巧合nailed down以很精确的数据写,精确mild winter 暖冬 / harsh winter寒冬coin flip巧合poke-holes in漏洞=to find faultthe global perspective以全球的视角develop strategies to 形成政策cultivate an interest培养兴趣shake the habit改变习惯 sampling locally and extrapolating global 以点盖面rampaged=rushed about wildly and violently暴跳的weird=bizarre奇怪tallying up=calculating 结算 计算catastrophe=disaster 大灾难coarse=rough粗糙的shifts=changes 转移,改变hasten=speed up 加速cautioned=warned 警告drenched=soaked 湿透的hypothesis=theory 假设a shred of =a small amount of 一丁点poke holes =find fault with 发现错误undermined=weakened 破坏,减少extrapolating=predicting 推断,预测unit 11waifs and strays流浪者level 一致的 toward a leveling趋同一致bible 圣经 non-biblical非圣徒的waifs and strays =homeless people 无家可归的人be converted =accepted a new religion改变信仰chattels=pieces of property奴隶,财产exuberant=abundant充裕的,丰富的efface=erase 抹去nuisance=trouble 麻烦事make allowance for =take into consideration考虑到soared =rose rapidly 猛增,迅速上升shoved=pushed推挤construed=understood分析,解释unit 15skill use of the symbol象征用法close off 笼罩shin like metal闪着金属光泽be bathed .sunshine 沐浴在样的阳光下now and then时不时的,over -eager 满含期特over -powerful有力的picture show=film 电影out-numbered 数量上的悬殊started n受惊 with a started startled adj;使,惊吓eg;the news give me a started. you stand up with a started.triumphantly 洋洋洒洒的hardened with resistance 坚定带着


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