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Unit 4 Body LanguagePartI Words一、【学习目标】1. 熟读Unit4的所有单词词组;2. 熟读会写出人名地名以外的所有单词词组;3. 熟读会写能用以下的单词词组:Words: statement, greet, represent, association, canteen, curious, approach, defend, defence, major, misunderstand, dash, spoken, likely, facial, function, ease, truly, anger, rank Expressions: defend against, at ease, be likely to , in general, lose face, turn ones back to 二、【自主预习】I. Word-formation1. statement (n.) _(v.) 陈述,叙述,声明2. greet (v.) _(n.) 敬礼,致意3. association (n.) _(v.) 联想,联系,交往4. represent (v.) _(n.) 代表 5. curious (adj.) _(adv.) 好奇地_(n.) 好奇,好奇心6. defend (vt.) _(n.) 防御,保卫 7. major (adj.) _ (n.) 大多数_(反义词adj.) 较小的,次要的 _(反义词n.) 少数8. misunderstand (vt.) _(n.) 误解,误会 _ (反义词v.) 理解 _ (反义词n.) 理解,谅解9. spoken (adj.) _(反义词adj.) 未说出口的,非口语的_(v.) 说 10. facial (adj.) _(n.) 脸,面颊11. truly (adv.) _(adj.) 真实的,真正的12. anger (n.) _(adj.) 生气的_(adv.) 生气地,愤怒地. Key words and expressions 1. represent vt. _研读思考(1) The red lines on the map represent railways. (2) The cartoon represented the president as a devil。(3) They represented their concerns to the authorities.(4) He represents himself as a specialist.【结构归纳】1. 代表,象征. _ 2. 把描绘成_3. 向某人说明某事;向某人传达某事 _ 4. 声称某人/某物为. _【延伸扩展】representation n.代表, 代表团, 代理 representative adj.代表性的 n. 代表, 代理人【即学即练】 The competition attracted over 500 players _.(represent,代表8个不同的国家) 2. approach vt./vi. _ n. _.研读思考(1) The summer is approaching. (2) When I approached, they grew silent. (3) He approached the question as a scientist. (4) Have you approached the manager about taking a day off next week? n.接近,方法,途径,通道(1) All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police. (2) The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline. 【结构归纳】 1. 靠近,接近某人或某物_ 2. 着手处理某事_3. 与某人接洽/商量某事 _4. (做某事)的方法(途径) _【即学即练】(1) Try to find the best approach _ learning English. Only _ this means can we master English. Only _ this way can we solve the problem.(2) With the summer vacation _, we are growing excited. (approach)(3) _ (靠近那只小鸟) quietly, or it will fly away.3. defend vt._研读思考(1) When the dog attacked me, I defended myself with a stick.(2) All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks.(3) The wall was built to defend the road from being washed away by the sea. (4) Ms. Jacobs says the company intends to defend itself in court.(5) And some have made the ultimate sacrifice in defence of their country.(6) I have to say in her defence that she knew nothing about it beforehand.【结构归纳】 1. 保卫以免受 _2. 为.辩护,辩白. _3. 为了保卫.,为了辩护. _ = _【思维拓展】Defensive adj 防御的,保护的,防卫的 defenceless adj 无防御的,不能自卫的【即学即练】(1) The spokesman declared that the country would take action _ enemies. 发言人称我们会采取行动抵御敌人来保卫我们的国家。 (2) The adult elephants successfully _ attack from the tigers.成年大象们成功地保护他们的孩子免受老虎的攻击。defenceless adj. 无防御的,没有保护的,无防备的defensive adj. 防御的,防卫的【即学即练】(1) a defenceless child _ (2) defensive measures _(3) We shouldnt forget the soldiers who died _ our country. (defence)(4) He tried to _ himself _ being accused but in vain. 4. likely adj _研读思考(1) Are you likely to be in London this year?(2) I thought I wasnt likely ever to see you again.(3) It is likely that the sports meeting will be put off till next week.(4) It is likely that we will be given another chance.结构归纳某人或某事有可能做_=_辨析probable/likely/possibleprobable表示主观上有几分根据的推测,是十有八九的可能,比possible的可能性要大些,它的逻辑主语不能是人。possible表示客观上潜在的可能性,是十有二三的可能,其逻辑主语也不能为人。例如:It is not possible for a man to be three meters tall.likely比 probable的可能性要小,比possible的可能性要大,是十有六七的可能。它也可指有充分根据的推测,其逻辑主语也为人或事物。如: Its likely to rain. 【即学即练】(1) 他很可能会晚到的。_/ _(2) _ the family will go to the countryside in their private car on the weekend. (likely) 很有可能全家一起在周末驾车去乡下.三、【合作探究】.词组串烧 1.保卫以免受_ 2. 很可能_3.总的来说 _ 4. 舒适,快活_5.丢脸 _ 6. 背对 _7.宣称某人为_ 8.为了捍卫 _ 9.(做)某事的方法(途径) _10. 向某人说明某事;向某人传达某事 _11. 与某人接洽/商量某事 _12. 某人或某事有可能做 _ 完成句子 1.The traffic accidents _ in such weather. (likely) 在这样的天气很有可能会发生交通事故。2.It doesnt seem ugly to me. _, it is rather beautiful. (contrary) 我觉得它并不丑,恰恰相反,它挺美。3. It is not wise of the girl _. (associate) 这个女孩把幸福和金钱联系在一起是不明智的。4. _, the more expensive the computer is , the better it is. (general)一般而言,电脑越贵,它的质量也越好。5. I _ if the plants would survive in low temperature. 我很想看看这些植物在低温下能否存活。(curious)6. Just _, how much did you pay for your car? 我只是出于好奇,请问你买这辆车花了多少钱? (curiosity)7. Th


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