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basketball player September 12,1980 astronaut June 21,1965 When was he born? Swimmer in 100m breastroke (自由泳) January 26,1984 American President July 6,1946 When was he/she born? pingpong player World champion August 5,1982 violinist/ musician October 27,1978 When was she born? sprinter(赛跑选手) in 110m hurdles July 12, 1982 Politician Chinese prime minister 1942.9 When was he born? July 12, 1982 September 12,1980 June 21,1965 January 26,1984 1982 Augus t 5,1982 September, 1942 October 27,1978 July 6,1946 July 12, 1982 September 12,1980 June 21,1965 January 26,1984 1982 Augus t 5,1982 September, 1942 October 27,1978 July 6,1946 Tiger Woods, golf player Shirley Temple, Ronaldo football playeractress/movie star Mozart Musician Liu Xuan gymnast Mei Lanfang Peking Opera artist AchievementAge Tiger Woodsgolfing Shirley Temple Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mei Lanfang Ronaldo Liu Xuan 10 months old movie star 3 years old writing music 4 years old performing Beijing Opera 10 years old Played for national team 17 years old World Championships gold medal 17 years old My First Time I first In what year? How old?Your friends 1.Learn to swim/swimmingIn at the age of . 2.started learning English 3.had a birthday party 4.learned to ride a bike 5.sang a song 6.learned to read 7.learned to write 7.got 100 point in a test 8.went to the park 9.talked to foreigners 10.had a Christmas party 11.wore glasses 12.played the piano 2b Midori and Laura 1._She is a famous violinist. 2._She was born in 1971. 3._She started ic skating when she was four. 4._I saw her play when I was eight. 5._Shes kind and loving grandmother. 6._She was born in 1932. 7._She became a skating champion when she was ten. 8._She toured the U.S. when she was fourteen. M M L M L L L M Boy: do you admire? Girl: I Midori. Boy: Midori? ? Girl: Shes a violinist. Boy: Oh, yeah. She s , isnt she? Girl: Yes, she in Osaka in . When she was , she was already a violinist. When she was , she toured the United States. I saw her play when I was eight. Boy: Wow. you her ? Girl: Yes, I do. I play them . But how about you? Who do you ? Boy: I admire , Laura. Girl: Really? Why? Boy: Well, she was born in in . She was an girl because she when she was , and she a skating champion when she was . Girl: A skating ? Did she ? Boy: Yes, very hard. But that was . Now shes a and grandmother. he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music he started to learn the piano. A well-know Chinese pianist Born in 1982 When he was a small boy, At the age of four, When he was seven, In October 2000, Li Yundi he began to learn the accordion. he took part in the 14th Chopin Internationa
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