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Unit 2 The environment Date 基础落实 .高频单词思忆 1.lay vt. (过去式) (过去分词) (现在分词) 2.management n. v. n.经理 3.destruction n. v. adj. 摆放;下蛋laidlaid laying 经营;管理manage manager 破坏 destroy destructive Date 4.environmentalist n. n.环境 adj.环境的 adv. 5.disappoint vt. n. adj.失望的 adj.令人失望的 环境保护主义者 environmentenvironment environmentally 使失望disappointment disappointment disappointing 6.remain vi. adj.余下 的,剩余的 n.剩余物 仍然是;剩余remaining remains Date 7.decrease v. v.(反义词) 8.production n. v. adj. n.产品 9.technical adj. n. n.技术人员 减少 increase 生产 produce productiveproduct 技术的technology technician Date .重点短语再现 1.对有持久的影响 2.增长至 3.环保的生活方式 4.对负责 5.经营这些工厂的人们 have a lasting effect on/upon grow to/climb to/rise to/increase to an environmentally friendly way of living be responsible for (doing) sth./ take responsibility for sth. the people running these factories 6.对有害 do harm to/be harmful to/do damage to. Date 7.自然灾害 8.采取措施来阻止沙漠化进程 9.认识到做某事的重要性 10.引起国内外关注 11.偶遇 12.得出一个结论 natural disasters take steps to stop the process of desertification recognize the importance of doing sth. raise concern both nationally and internationally/both at home and abroad run across/run into/come across draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion Date .典型句式运用 1.目前世界人口和1800年相比已经增加到那时的6 倍多。 The worlds population has grown to more than six times in 1800. 2.但有一点我的确赞同:循环利用或许是对两者都 有利的解决办法。 But I agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides. what it was do Date 3.我的建议是我们应该尽量削减生产 My suggestion is we should try to cut back on production and. 4.很显然你对我们目前的环境状况很担心。 you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment. that It is obvious that Date .综合语篇填空 1. we need is more effective laws to preserve the environment, still allows the economy to grow. 2.Thankfully,many people have the importance of protecting the Yangtze River and environmental organizations and projects have been up to deal the problem. 3.Two special government projects are also way to protect the river. 4.We have a long way to to solve all the problems concerning the Yangtze River. What which recognized setwith under still go Date 导练互动 重点单词 1.lay vt.产卵,下蛋;摆放,放置;设置;铺 设;奠定基础 挑战自我 (1)午饭好了,请摆设餐具。 Lunch is ready.Please . (2)这种动物在水中产卵。 This kind of animal in water. (3)他们正在客厅铺设新地毯。 They in the living room. lay the table lays its eggs are laying a new carpet Date 帮你归纳 lay the table摆放桌子(准备吃饭),摆餐具 lay eggs产卵,下蛋 lay aside放在一边 lay bricks砌砖 lay foundations打基础 lie vi.躺;卧;处于状态;存在;位于;说谎; n.谎言 lie on the grass躺在草地上 lie on ones back仰卧 lie on ones side侧身睡 lie on ones stomach俯卧 tell lies/a lie撒谎 Date 温馨提示 lie与lay的不同词义、词性及四种基本形式: lielaylainlying vi.躺;卧;位于 laylaidlaidlaying vt.放置;产卵 lieliedliedlying vi.撒谎 即学活练用lie,lay的适当形式填空 (4)There is a ladder against the wall. (5)She often complains that her hens dont well. (6) the book where you took it. (7)The boy often tells ,so hardly anyone believes him. lying lay Lay lies Date 2.debate vt.n.辩论; 辩论会 挑战自我 (1)政府正在就教育法进行辩论. The government is . (2)这是一场关于惩治罪犯的争论。 It is the punishment for criminals. debating the education laws a debate about Date 帮你归纳 debate (about) sth.with sb.与辩论 beyond debate无可辩论 open a debate展开辩论 hold a debate举行辩论会 a warm debate激烈的辩论 Date 易混辨异 debate,argue,discuss (1)debate指正式的辩论,通常在一位仲裁人的主持 下,按照一定的规则进行,双方各自申诉理由,“交 锋”意味较强。其后接名词或whether引导的不定式 短语,不常接that从句。 (2)argue指说理、论证,侧重于摆事实,试图说服 对方,也可能是激烈地交换意见,以致于争吵。其 后接名词或that从句,不常接what,when,whether 等引导的从句和不定式。 (3)discuss重在交换意见,进行讨论,不含有意说 服对方的成分。其后接名词,动名词,不定式短语 和when,whether,what等引导的从句,但不常接that 从句。 Date 即学活练 (3)The two sides debated each other who was the better for a whole day. A.to;to B.with;about C.about;with D.between;in B Date 3.flow vi.(液体等)流动;涌出;(头发、衣服等) 飘动;垂下;n.流动;流量;流畅 挑战自我 (1)那条河由北向南流。 The river . (2)那条路上车水马龙. There was on the road. (3)政府正在设法阻止越来越多的难民涌入国内。 The government is trying to stop of refugees entering the country. flows from north to south a heavy flow of traffic the increasing flow Date 帮你归纳 flow away流走 flow from来自;由引起 flow into流入 flow down流下 the flow of water/water flow水流 易混辨异 flow,float (1)flow vi.(液体等)流动;涌出;(头发、衣服等)飘 动;垂下;n.流动;流量;流畅。 (2)float vi.漂浮;漂流;飘动;vt.使(某物)漂 浮;使(某物)漂流或飘动。 float in the air飘在空中 float on the water浮在水面 Date 即学活练 (4)这条河就在这里汇入海洋。 Its here that this river flows into the ocean. Date 4.approach vt.n.方法;入 口;通路;接近,靠近 挑战自我 (1)圣诞节快到了。 The Christmas Day . (2)他是一个难以接近的人。 He is a man . (3)他们找到了治疗癌症的新方法。 They have found cancer treatment. is approaching hard to approach a new approach to Date 温馨提示 approach作“方法”解时,为可数名词,后面接介 词to。 即学活练 (4)Snow announced the of winter. A.principleB.approach C.endD.beginning B Date 5.situation n.状况,处境(也指一定时期内总 的情况,形势) 挑战自我 (1)我目前处境困难。 I am now . (2)你如何分析当前的经济形势? How do you analyze ? in a difficult situation the present economic situation Date 易混辨异 state,condition,position (1)state表示“情况,状况”,常用单数,可与不定 冠词连用,表示人或物在外观、心灵、健康、心理 等方面的情形或状况。常用于in a.state或in a state of结构。 (2)condition表示“条件,情况,状况”,其单数形 式指人或事物所处的状态,这时与state意思相近, 可互换。但condition 还常着重指由一定的原因或 条件所造成的状态,如人的健康状况、物的完好程 度、设备的可用性等。其复数一般指笼统的情况或环 境。 (3)position表示“位置、地位、职位、姿势”等。 Date 帮你归纳 be in a difficult situation处境困难 be in good condition状态/状况良好(无冠词) be in a good state of health身体状况良好 improve the housing conditions改善住房条件 have a high position in society有很高的社会 地位 即学活练用state,condition,position填空 (3)They were silent for a long time,in a of hesitation and doubt. (4)Ill come on that my parents are invited,too. (5)From her ,it was impossible to see the whole arena. state condition position Date 6.appreciate vt.赏识,欣赏;感激 挑战自我 (1)你能来参加这次聚会我太高兴啦。 I really the party. (2)我们感谢你对公司的发展所做的努力。 We for the development of the company. (3)如承蒙您的帮助我将不胜感激。 I would you could help me. appreciate your coming to appreciate your efforts appreciate it if Date 帮你归纳 appreciate sth.欣赏/赏识/感激某事物 appreciate doing sth.感激做某事 appreciate one/ones doing sth.感激某人做 某事 I would appreciate it if.如果我将不胜 感激 appreciation n.赏识,欣赏;感激 She shows little or no appreciation of good music. 她对于好的音乐鲜有或没有欣赏的能力。 Date 温馨提示 appreciate的宾语为某种行为,不可以人作宾语。 I appreciate your help. I appreciate your helping me. I am grateful to you for your help. 我感激你的帮助。 即学活练 (4)我很赏识你的才能。 (5)我不愿被人当作二等公民。 I greatly appreciate your talents. I dont appreciate being treated as a second-class citizen. Date 7.expand vt./B.The;a C.A;/D.A;the C Date 9.rely on 依靠,信赖(=depend on) 挑战自我 (1)汤姆在穿着上总是依赖他妻子的意见。 Tom always advice on clothes. (2)你可以相信我,我会保守你的秘密的。 You can keep your secret. (3)你可以相信他一定会准时来到。 You can he must come here on time. relies on his wife for rely on me to rely on it that Date 帮你归纳 rely on sb.to do sth.指望某人做某事 rely on sb.for sth.依靠某人做某事 rely on it+thatclause相信 即学活练 (4)他是一个值得信赖的人。 (5)不要指望他说实话。 He is a man to be relied on. Dont rely on him to tell the truth. Date 10.pick out 区别出,辨别出;看出;选出; 领会 挑战自我 (1)你能在这一段里找出四个语法错误吗? Can you in this paragraph? (2)要在人群中分辨出她来不容易。 It is not easy to in the crowd. pick out four grammar mistakes pick her out Date 易混辨异 choose,select,pick out 三者都表示选择,挑选,有时可以通用。句型 choose/select/pick out sth.from.表示“从众 多中挑选出来”,但在含义上三者有时还有区别: (1)choose 通常是指在所提供的对象中,凭个人的 意志和判断力进行选择,往往以个人好恶或是否合 适为标准,因此在表示选择事业,选择爱人时,不 宜用select和pick out。 (2)select指有目的地仔细认真地选择,有“精选”的 含义。 (3)pick out为一般用语,指按个人喜好和希望进行 挑选,既可以是挑选好的事物,也可以是坏的事 物,多用于有形的东西(人或物)。它还有“辨认出,区分 出”的意思。 Date 即学活练用choose,select,pick out的适当形 式填空 (3)Ill let you how youre going to Guangzhou. (4)He looked through the suits and the cheapest one for me. (5)Can you your brother in this crowd? choose selected pick out Date 11.run out (of) 用完;耗尽 挑战自我 (1)牛奶被喝光了。 The milk . (2)我们的燃料很快就要用完了。 We our fuel. 帮你归纳 run across偶遇;横跨 run after追赶;追求 run away (with)逃跑 run into撞上 run over(液体等)溢出;车辆碾过 has run out are running out of Date 温馨提示 当run out的主语为物时,为不及物动词,无被动形 式,相当于be used up。 即学活练 (3)Im afraid we wont be able to go much farther,for the gas . A.has run outB.is run out C.was run out ofD.is running out A Date 12.倍数表达法 The worlds population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800.目前世界 人口和1800年相比已经增加到那时的6倍多。 (回归课本P22) 挑战自我 (1)这个房间是那个房间的四倍大。 This room is four times that one. =This room is four times that one. =This room is four times that one. as large as larger than the size of Date (2)他们2009年的收入是1996年的双倍。 Their income in 2009 is twice . 帮你归纳 英语中表达倍数的结构有: (1)倍数+比较级+than (2)倍数+as+adj./adv.+as (3)倍数+the size (length,width,height,depth,etc.)+of (4)倍数+what从句 what it was/that in 1996 Date 即学活练 (3)It is reported that the United States uses energy as the whole of Europe. A.as twiceB.twice much C.twice much as D.twice as much D Date 1.利用派生法,品句填词 The of the word is , not .So its meaning is also ,not .(finite) definitiondefinite indefinite finiteinfinite 品味构词 Date 串联扩展 词词根派生形容词词派生名词词 finite adj. 有限的; 限定的 无限 的,无穷穷的 infinity 无穷穷,无 限 明 确 的,确切的 indefinite不 明 确的,模糊的 释义释义 ,定 义义 infinite definite definition Date 2.根据句意,品句填词 His mother is a ,and she works in the clinic.His father is a and works in the operating room.He is a and his job is to deal with the patients teeth. physician surgeon dentist Date 串联扩展 总总称doctor 专专科 医生 名称 内科医生 surgeon 牙科医生 眼科医生 osteopath胃疗疗医师师 radiologist放射科医生 obstetrician妇产妇产 科医生 pediatrician儿科医生 physician 外科医生 dentist oculist Date 考题回扣 【例1】Some people fear that air pollution may bring about changes in weather around the world. (江西高考) A./;the B.the;/ C.an;the D.the;a 解析 第一空后的air pollution是不可数名词,而 且是泛指,所以此空不需要填任何冠词;第二空后 的weather受到了 around the world的修饰,所 以weather前需要加定冠词the。 课文原文 Pollution is so bad that many rivers are full of chemicals which flow into sea and kill sea creatures.(P22) the A Date 【例2】It is obvious to the students they should get well prepared for their future. (天津高考) A.asB.which C.whetherD.that 解析 句中it为形式主语,that引导的主语从句 为真正的主语。句意为:对学生们来说,他们应 当为未来做好充分的准备是很明显的。 课文原文 you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.(P23) It is obvious that D Date 【例3】The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly . (湖北高考) A.atmosphereB.state C.situationD.phenomenon 解析 句意为:这两个国家的最高领导人在友好 的气氛中进行交谈。atmosphere气氛,氛围; state状态;situation形势,局面;phenomenon 现象。 课文原文 The waste they create goes into the and makes us sick.(P22) atmosphere A Date 【例4】Im still working on my project. Oh,youll miss the deadline.Time is . (江苏高考) A.running outB.going out C.giving outD.losing out 解析 run out (时间、金钱等的)耗尽;give out 精疲力竭。由句意可知,A项正确。 课文原文 What if we space?(P25) run out of A Date 【例5】Please remain ;the winner of the prize will be announced soon. (辽宁高考) A.seatingB.seated C.to seatD.to be seated 解析 句意为:请在座位上坐着;很快就会宣布 获奖者。seat是及物动词,remain/be seated保持 坐着的状态,坐着。 课文原文 Less than 100 white-flag dolphins in the Yangtze River.(P38) remain B Date 自主检测 .品句填词 1.As we (接近) this lamp,I saw a man coming towards us. 2.We have no hot water bottles or extra (毛毯). 3.She turned to face him,her anger (明显地) gone. 4.The (环境) pollution here is very serious,which the government should not take no notice of. approached blankets obviously environmental Date 5.I am glad to see many of you have made (稳定的) progress this term. 6.In order to make a correct decision,they pay close attention to the both at home and abroad. 7.The factory was shut down because it used to give out gases. 8.The two sides had a fierce before they reached an agreement. 9.This can prevent air from freely to the lungs. 10. ,he escaped from the falling house when the earthquake broke out. stable situations poisonous debate flowing Fortunately Date .短语识境 1.What a teacher says usually his or her students. 2.The workers are going all out to make the output three times what it was five years ago. 3.After his first novel was published,he was one of the most outstanding new authors of his generation. in addition to;wipe out;cut back/down on;have an effect on/upon;grow to;see.as.;ask around;under way;focus on;be beneficial to has a great effect on/upon grow to seen as Date 4.I will and see if anyone can help. 5. some life necessities,a soft pair of shoes is also needed. 6.If our products do not sell in the next three months,we will have to production. 7.Drinking ones health to some degree. ask around In addition to cut back/down on is beneficial to Date 8.Whole villages were by the earthquake. 9.Preparations are well for a week of special events in May. 10.The discussion three main problems. wiped out under way focused on Date .单项填空 1.How was Roberts cooking? Oh,pretty good.I was quite . A.admiredB.interested C.impressedD.inspired 解析 impress sb.意为“给某人以印象”。句 意:你认为罗伯特的烹饪怎么样?很好。 给我很深的印象。 C Date 2.Much to the couples comfort,their income is now double it was five years ago. A.thatB.than C.whichD.what 解析 “倍数+what从句”是英语中表示倍数的句 型之一。句意:使夫妇俩非常欣慰的是,他们的 收入是五年前的两倍。 D Date 3.Passengers are from using such electronic devices as mobile phones during take-off and landing. A.forbiddenB.encouraged C.prohibitedD.allowed 解析 prohibit sb.from doing sth.意为“禁止 某人做某事”。forbid的结构为forbid doing sth.或forbid sb.to do sth.。句意:在(飞机) 起飞和降落的过程中禁止乘客使用手机等电子设 备。 C Date 4.I promised to buy my son a new bike,but this time I have to him. A.envyB.please C.amazeD.disappoint 解析 disappoint sb.使某人失望。句意:我答 应过给儿子买辆新自行车,但这次我要使他失望 了。 D Date 5.The government has announced plans to cut back defence spending 10% next year. A.upon;toB.on;by C.of;by D.for;to 解析 cut back on为固定短语,意为“削减”。 by表示增减程度。句意:政府已经宣布计划,下 年将把国防开支削减10%。 B Date 6.Dont hesitate to us if you have any question. A.connect B.contact C.contractD.link 解析 句意:如果你有问题,尽管和我们联系。 contact sb.联系某人;connect联系;link联 结;contract订合同;缩小。 B Date 7.The wings of the plane,which stretched out for 80 feet,were of its body. A.more than the length twice B.more than twice the length C.twice the length more than D.twice more than the length 解析 此句为倍数的另一种表达方式:倍数 +the+ n.+of+比较对象,more than用来修饰整个结构 , 应放在最前面。 B Date 8.In the park,the number of visitors is tightly to avoid damaging the environment or putting stress on the animals. A.limitedB.encouraged C.expectedD.intended 解析 考查词义。句意:在公园,游客的人数被 严格限制,以免破坏环境或给动物带来压力。 A Date 9.With many efforts ,they solved the problem. A.to makeB.to do C.madeD.done 解析 本句中过去分词made作宾语补足语,表示 被动和完成。句意:由于做出了许多努力,他们 解决了问题。 C Date 10.I glanced over at her, that though she was tiny,she seemed very clever. A.having notedB.noted C.to noteD.noting 解析 本句中noting引导的现在分词短语充当结 果状语。 D Date 11.We entered the building, every room, but to find anyone in it. A.searched;failed B.searching;failing C.se


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