商务写作指南 简单高效最有用_第1页
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商务写作指南 简单高效最有用_第4页




-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 商务写作指南简单高效最有用 Communicating in English effectively is essential in todays global economy. 在本日环球化的经济情况下,有 用地用英语交换已经变得至关紧张。 But conveying your ideas clearly is a skill that needs to be learnt. Too often people simply copy the style of their co-worker and especially their superiors as they think this “good English”. You see examples in your in-box every day - emails that are difficult to understand and that you need to read over and over again to get the message. 然而怎样清楚地表达你的想法 倒是门大学问。太多时间人们只是简朴 地照抄他们眼中同事,尤其是上级写出 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 来的“美丽英语 ”。你每天都能在收件箱 里看到许多例子那些难明的必要你 读很多几多遍才气明白的邮件。 A big mistake is to pad out your writing with unnecessary words and phrases. Remember that the purpose of your writing is to communicate your ideas clearly. 一个巨大的错误便是用一些不必 要的单词和词组让你的文章变得冗长。 你要牢记你写作的目标是为了更清楚地 交换你的想法。 Always try to reduce the number of words in your sentences and avoid lengthy phrases that can be replaced with a shorter alternative. Here are some examples: 总是尽大概淘汰你句子中利用的 字数,制止利用可以用更短的词取代的 长词。以下是一些例子: *Instead of “prior to” use *before* 用“before”取代“prior to” *Instead of “subsequent” use -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 *after* 用“after”取代“subsequent” *Instead of “in order to” use *to* 用“to” 取代“in order to” *Instead of “in the event that” use *if* 用“if”取代“in the event that” *Instead of “with reference to” use *about* 用“about”取代“with the reference to” *Instead of “state of the art” use *latest* 用“latest”取代“state of the art” *Instead of “due to the fact that” use *since* 用“since”取代“due to the fact that” *Instead of “not later than 2pm” use *by 2pm* 用“by 2pm”取代“not later than 2pm” *Instead of “at the present time” -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 use *now* 用“now”取代“at the present time” Remember about organisation as well. Use topic sentences to indicate what each paragraph is about. In addition, keep your emails short. No one likes to read an email 10 paragraphs long! 同时也要记得文章有构造性。第 一句话就要开门见山所在出你每一段要 讲什么。除此之外,要控制你邮件的长 度。没人想读一条长达 10 段的邮件。 By using simple words and easily underst


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