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初一英语竞赛试卷 .单项选择题(20 分) 1.Tom, please these new books to the classroom. A. put B. give C. take D. have 2.The box is heavy. I cant carry it. A. so B. you C. their D. they 3.Are all the things in the car now? Yes, are. A. we B. you C. their D. they 4. Childrens Day a young woman goes to Beijing Zoo with her little son. A. In B. At C. Of D. On 5.Kate is one of my good . A. friend B. friends C. a friend D. teacher 6.Jim, we cant mend the plane. Could you help ? A. us B. her C. them D. him 7.Li Lei, do you have a ruler? Yes, I have a short .A. it B. its C. one D. two 8.Im hurry. What you, Lily? A. and B. about C. or D. so 9.What would you like breakfast? A. at B. with C. have D. for 10.Im not good at basketball. you play basket all? A. Are B. Is C. Must D. Can 11.May I your dictionary, please? A. borrow B. return C. turn D. have 12.Uncle Li, theres something wrong with my computer. Can you give me a ?A. foot B. head C. hand D. face 13.Look! The boys kite by the river. A. fly B. is flying C. are flying D. flying 14.Do you like any ball games, sir? No, I dont. They are too for me. A. big B. hard C. small D. long 15.Whats your favorite sport, Vicky? I like and basketball. A. swim B. swimming C. swims D. swims 16.I cant find my box. Look, that box looks very much like .A. you B. your C. youre D. yours 17.What are the teachers doing? They are a meeting. A. bringing B. putting C. having D. getting 18.I want to go to the shop over there. I think the shop is now. A. close B. closing C. closed D. closes 19.Her TV is broken. There is picture. A. no B. not C. some D. any 20.Give this book to Kate, please. Give that one, too. A. her B. him C. me D. us .根据汉语填单词(10 分) 21.Its seven oclock. He (做) his homework. 22.My parents often (带) me to the park at weekends. 23.Lets go (划船). All right. 24.You cant see her now because she (上) a class in the classroom. 25.Its your (朋友) turn to tell a story. 26.Would you like (居住) in Shanghai? 27.My father (离开) home at six every morning. Its early. 28.What about (开始) our PE class? OK! 29.Who (教) the students of Class Two Chinese this term? 30.Could you help me (浇水) the flowers? .补全对话(10 分) A: Could you 31_ and help me, please? B:OK. Im coming. 32 _ 33 _ ? A:I want to do my homework here. But theres a big box on my desk. Could you help me 34 _ it down. B:35_ . Oh, dear! Its very heavy. Whats 36_ it? A:37_ 38_ some bottles in it, I think. B:Is there 39 _ to eat? A:40_ open it and have a look. Ah! Its full of bottles of orange. .完形填空(10 分) Wu Yang gets 41 late. He 42 his bike to the school quickly. He doesnt look 43 the traffic lights(交通灯), so he hits a car. The driver 44 him to the hospital right now. The doctor looks over (检查) Wu Yang very carefully. Wu Yang wants to go to 45 , but the doctor and the driver ask 46 to stay in bed. “Now my boy,” says the doctor. “Could you 47 me your name, please?” “What are you going to do?” asks Wu Yang. “Im going to tell your parents and your 48,” answers the doctor. “But my parents 49 my name and my teacher knows my name, 50 ,” says Wu Yang. ( ) 41. A. down B. up C. out D. away ( ) 42. A. ride B. riding C. rides D. to ride ( ) 43. A. for B. after C. on D. at ( ) 44. A. takes B. take C. to take D. taking ( ) 45. A. work B. bed C. school D. hospital ( ) 46. A. he B. him C. his D. them ( ) 47. A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell ( ).48. A. teacher B. friend C. classmate D. student ( ) 49. A. knows B. know C. knowing D. to know ( ) 50. A. else B. other C. too D. also .阅读理解(20 分) (A)Jane always goes to school early. She likes to talk to her friends before class. After school she does not go home early. She is always late. Jane stops to see the animals in the pet shop. She likes to see the dogs. One of them is a little white dog. She watches the little dog play in the window of the shop. She watches for a long time, so she comes home late. One day her father and mother ask why she is late, and she tells them about the little dog in the pet shop. Jane is not late the next day. She stops to look in the window of the shop. But she doesnt see the dog, and she is very sad. She is also very happy, today is her birthday. Mother shows her a big birthday cake and Father gives her a birthday surprise. He gives the little white dog from the shop. Jane is very happy. The next day Jane does not come home late. She runs home to play with the white dog. 51. Before class begins, Jane usually . A. talks to her friends B. plays with her friends C. looks at the dogs in the window D. takes a bus 52. After school Jane . A. comes hoe early B. is always late to go home C. plays with the dogs D. looks at the shops along the road 53. Jane likes best.A. the big dog B. the little white dog C. little animals D. the pet shop 54. The little dog is not there because it . A. is stolen(偷) B. is put away by the shop C. is ill D. is sold(卖) out by the shop 55. The birthday surprise is .A. a big cake B. some presents C. the little white dog D. a birthday party (B)This weekend Im going to see a movie(电影) with my friends. We love watching movies but we all like different kinds: I like to watch thrillers(令人害 怕) and science fiction(科学幻想小说), my girlfriend Sam loves action movies and comedies(喜剧), and my best friend, Lee, loves a good romance. Because we like different types of movies, it can be difficult to choose one to watch. So we usually we take turns to choose the film. This weekend its my turn to choose so were going to see Archibald, a new thriller. Its number one at the box office, and everyone is saying what a great movie it is. I cant wait! 56.What is the main idea of this reading? A. Archibald is a new thriller movie. B. Its a good idea to see movies with friends. C. Choosing which movie to watch can be difficult. D. The writer likes watching many different types movies. 57.How many types of movies are mentioned in the reading? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six 58.How do the writer and his friends decide which movies to see? A. They like different types of movies. B. They usually let Lee choose. C. They go at the weekend. D. They take turns choosing a film. 59. The movie Archibald is . A. popular right now B. an old movie C. a black and white movie D. not very good 60. Who is Sam? A. The writer. B. The writers sister C. The writers girlfriend D. A stranger. .在每个空白处填写一个适当的单词,使该句符合要求(10 分) 61. Tom has an orange coat. (改为一般疑问句) Tom an orange coat? 62. Please read Lesson One. (改为否定句) Lesson One, please. 63. His father sometimes watches TV on Sunday. (用 now 改写) His father TV now. 64. She is doing her homework at home. (对划线部分提问) she her homework at home? 65. May I borrow your pen, please? (作否定回答) , I have . . 词语填空(10 分) Tom and Mary are brother and sister. They 66_ in a large house. The house stands at the foot of a hill. 67_ the hill there is a large lake. There are four 68_ in their family: Tom, Mary, 69_ father and mother. Their father is a 70_ . He has a big farm and works on it all day. Their mother is at home. Tom goes to school, 71_little Mary does not. She is only five. Tom likes sports. He swims and 72 _ well, but he likes football best. 73_ school he often plays football 74_ his friends. Mary likes 75_ , too, but she likes singing best. . 短文改错(10 分) My family live in this street. In morning, my father 76. goes to work, and all the child go to school. My 77. father takes we to school every day. My mother is 78. at home every day. She does housework. She always 79. have lunch at noon, and sees her friends in the afternoon 80. In the evening, all the children come to home from 81. school. They always gets home early. My father often 82. comes home from work very late. At the night my 83. two brothers and I always do their homework. We go 84. to bed at ten. My father and mother usually watch newspapers. 85. 初一英语竞赛试题卷答案 .单项选择题(20 分) 1-5 CADDB 6-10 ACBDD 11-15 ACCBB 16-20 DCCAA .根据汉语填单词(10 分) 21 is doing 22 take 23 boating 24 is having 25 friends 26 to live 27 leaves 28 beginning 29teaches 30water .补全对话(10 分) 31come 32 whats33wrong 34get 35Certainly /Sure36in 37 there 38 are 39 anything 40 lets .完形填空(10 分)41-45BCDAC 46-50BDABC .阅读理解(20 分)A: 51-55 ABBDC B:56-60CCDAC .在每个空白处填写一个适当的单词,使该句符合要求(10 分) 61.does have 62. Dont read 63. is watching 64.Is doing 65.Sorry dont one . . 词语填空(10 分)66live 67 Near 68 people 69 their 70 farmer 71 but 72 skates 73 after 74 with 75 swimming . 短文改错(10 分)76 in 后加 the 77child 变为 children 78 we 变为 us 79 yes 80have 变为 has 81 去 to82get gets 83 去 the 84 their 变为 our 85watch 变为 read .智力测试题(10 分)8690 BDDBD 91-95 CDCBD 初初一一英英语语竞竞赛赛试试题题 一一单项填空单项填空 从从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 (共(共 30 小小 题;每小题题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 30 分)分) 1.This is _ interesting book, I like it very much. A. a B. an C. the D.不填 2._ there a man in the shop? A. is B. Are C. Is D. are 3.I like that pair of shoes . Can I try them_? Of course .Here you are . A. in B. at C. with D. on 4.Does your father like running? Yes , he does .He usually _ on Sunday morning. A. is running B. running C. runs D. run 5._book is this , Eddie? Oh , its mine. A. Which B. Whose C. What D. Who 6.Children in the USA like to play the game “trick or treat ” at _. A. the Mid-Autumn Festival B. Christmas C. Easter D. Halloween 7.Sandy knows _ isnt _ ,but she just likes it very much. A. Coke; healthy B. fast food; health C. fruit; healthy D. milk; health 8.Mum ,what _ you _ now? Fish and vegetable. A. do; cook B. are ; cook C. do ; cooking D. are ;cooking 9.Simon usually gets up _6:30_winter. A. in ;in B. in ; on C. at ; in D. at ; on 10._ are you dancing? Its fun! A. Why B. When C. What D. Where ()11、Whats this in English? _ a pen. A、This is B、 Thats C、 Its D、 Its ()12、Rose has a happy(幸福)family._ father and mother _young. A、 She,is B、 Her,are C、 Her,isnt D、My,am ()13、This is _old picture. _old picture is on _wall. A、a, An, a B、 an, An, a, C、an ,The ,the D、 an, the ,the ()14、What colour _it ?_ orange. A、is, Theyre B、 are, Theyre C、 is ,Its D、is ,Im ()15、There _ three desks and a computer in the room. A、are B、 is C、 has D、 have. ()16、 These are _ apples. _are in the bag. A、her ,You B、 mine ,Your C、 our ,Hers D、his ,My ()17、Look! The man _ the black car is my sons teacher. A、to B、 in C、of D、for ()18、 Can you _ the shirt ,please? Yes. A、to wash B、 washes C、 wash D、 are wash ()19、_ not here today? Bill is not here. A、Whos B、Whose C、 Who are D、 Whats ()20、Do you have an e-mail address ?Yes,_. A、I am B、 I can C、 I have D、 I do ()21、Let me _ your new watch. A、look B、look at C、 have a look D、 to look ()22、_his shoes under the bed on the floor? A、Are B、 Is C、 Has D、 Shes ()23、The blue sweaters in the box are nice .But I like _on the shelf(架子). A、 the yellow ones B、 red one C、 a one D、 green ones ()24、 Whats the time?它的同义句_. A、What day is it today? B、 What time is it ? C、 Wheres the clock? D、Whats that? ()25、There is a red hat on the table .Please_. A、put on it B、 put them on C、 put on mine D、 put it on ()26、Hello! May I speak to Mr. Smith, please? Sorry, hes not in.Whos _, Please? _is Jack. A、 this , this B、 that That C、 that ,This D、 this that ()27、Are these _ jeeps? NO,_. A、 Chineses ,they arent B、 American, they are C、 Japan ,they arent D、English ,they arent ()28、_,Tom ,Wheres my doll? Oh, sorry ,I dont know . I think _behind the door. A、Excuse me , it s B、 Here you are ,shes C、 Im sorry ,its D、 How are you ,hes ()29、This is the twins bedroom. We can see _beds . A、May s and Joys B、 May s and Joy C、May and Joy D、 May and Joys ()30、Can you count _one _a hundred? A、from, to B、 for ,to C、 like ,in D、 at ,on 二二句型转换句型转换 按括号内的要求按括号内的要求 改写句子(共改写句子(共 5 句;每句句;每句 2 分,满分分,满分 10 分)分) 1.I like swimming .( 改为一般疑问句) _ 2.Millie is happy.(改为否定句) _ 3.Sandy is dancing.(改为一般疑问句) _ 4.I usually go to school by bus .(对划线部分提问) _ 5.luch , sometimes , I ,noodles , for , have (连词成陈述句) _ 三情景对话情景对话 根据下面对话内容,在下列选项(根据下面对话内容,在下列选项(A、B、C、D 和和 E)中选出可以填入空格)中选出可以填入空格 内的最佳选项。内的最佳选项。 (共(共 5 个空格,每个空格个空格,每个空格 2 分,满分分,满分 10 分)分) Sam: Hi, Peter, How are you? Peter:_1_ What about you ,Sam? Sam: Im OK, I hear your English teacher is a very interesting man. Peter: Yes , _2_ Sam:_3_ Peter: Yes ,we all love him . He is go good .We have a lot of fun with him . Sam:_4_ Peter: He is from Canada. Sam: I see .Oh , I must go .There is a football match this afternoon and I will play in it . Peter:_5_ Bye. Sam: See you tomorrow, bye. A.I think you all like him.B. Good luck! C. his class is just wonderful!D. Where is he from? E. Im fine. 四完成句子四完成句子 根据中文内容在空格内填入适当的词使句子意思完整,每个空格只填一个根据中文内容在空格内填入适当的词使句子意思完整,每个空格只填一个 词。词。 (共(共 10 个空格;每个空格个空格;每个空格 1 分,满分分,满分 10 分)分) 1.我的朋友丹尼尔很喜欢打排球。 My friend Dainiel _ playing _ very much. 2.西蒙很少在学校里做运动。 Simon seldom _ his _ at school. 3.这件衬衫多少钱? _ the_ of this shirt ? 4.我妈妈最喜欢的是牛奶和沙拉。 My mothers favourite food is _and _. 5.那里发生了什么事?有一个男孩正在玩电脑游戏。 What _ happening over there? A boy is _ computer games. 五五阅读理解(共阅读理解(共 10 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 20 分)分) A)阅读理解)阅读理解 按要求完成下列各题按要求完成下列各题 Kate and Philippe both want to have pen friends. Here is some information about them. NameKate SmithPhilippe Aubry Birth PlaceNew YorkParis Hobby(爱好)Playing Tennis and ReadingPlaying Football and Drawing Favourite Film StarKeanu ReevesSophie Marceau Favourite FoodVegetables and FishBeef and Cheese E-mail Address(地址)KP 请根据表格内容判断下列第请根据表格内容判断下列第 1、第、第 2 和第和第 3 小题的正误,正确的请在题前的括号内填下小题的正误,正确的请在题前的括号内填下 T,错误的填,错误的填 F 1.( )Kate and Philippe both like sports. 2.( )Kate comes from Canada. 3.( )Philippe likes to see Keanu Reeves film very much. 请根据表格内容回答第请根据表格内容回答第 4 和第和第 5 小题小题 4.What food Kate like best? _ 5.If you want to get some help in learning English , who will you write an e-mail to? _ B)阅读短文,从每题所给的四个选项()阅读短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和和 D)中,选出最佳选项)中,选出最佳选项 When you are reading something in English , you may often come across a new word .Whats the best way to know it ? You need an English-Chinese dictionary (字典).It will tell you a lot about the word , for example (例如) , how to read this word ,what it means in Chinese and how to use this word. But there are so many English words in the dictionary and how can you know where the word is ?There is a way to look for it . In the dictionary you can first see the words beginning with the letter A, then B,C,D,EThat means, if there are two words ,”desk” and “hour ,”desk ” will be before “hour ;”story ” before” Sunday ”, “tomato” before “ tomorrow” etc. The English-Chinese dictionary will be your good friend . I hope you will often use it in your English learning. 6.When you dont know a word , the best way is _. A. to ask your father B. to think C. to ask your friends D. to use a dictionary 7.What does “come across” mean in Chinese in the passage(短文) ?It means_. A. 遇到 B.撞倒 C. 越过 D.过来 8.Here are four words, “face ”, “autumn”, “film” an “April”. Their right order (次序) in the English-Chinese dictionary is _. A. April , autumn , face , film B. film , face , April , autumn C. face , film , April , autumn D. April , face , film, autumn 9.The English-Chinese dictionary is good for _. A. the students in Paris in learning English B. the students in the USA in learning English C. Chinese students in learning English D. the students in Canada in learning English 10. This passage is about _. A. how to read a Chinese story B. how to do homework C. how to use an English-Chinese dictionary D. how to write a book 六六书面表达(共书面表达(共 1 题,满分题,满分 20 分)分) 假如你叫王莉,假如你叫王莉,13 岁。你想要参加岁。你想要参加“光明牛奶形象小姐光明牛奶形象小姐” (the image representative of Guang Ming Mike )的选拔活动,请用英语写一篇介绍自己相关情况的书面材料。)的选拔活动,请用英语写一篇介绍自己相关情况的书面材料。 内容要点如下:内容要点如下:1喜欢打篮球;喜欢打篮球; 2喜欢健康食品(如:水果、蔬菜、鱼和牛奶)喜欢健康食品(如:水果、蔬菜、鱼和牛奶) ; 3作息习惯(通常早上作息习惯(通常早上 6:30 起床、晚上起床、晚上 9:00 睡觉)睡觉) 。 注意:注意:1字数字数 40 字左右,书面材料的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。字左右,书面材料的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 My name is Wang Li and Im 13 years old._ _ _ _ _ So I am very healthy and Id like to be the image representative of Guang Ming Milk. 参考答案 一、二略 三、1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.A 四、1.Do you like swimming? 2. Millie is not happy . 3. Is Sandy dancing ? 4. How do you usually go to school ? 5. I sometimes have noodles for lunch . 五、1.E 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 六、1. enjoys


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