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关于春节的资料英语以下关于春节的资料英语是由聘才网的小编为各位整理收集的,希望能给大家一个参考,欢迎阅读与借鉴。like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. I am as happy as a king.我喜欢中国新年比喜欢其它任何节日更甚。这是一个专为休息和欢乐的时间。我不需要读书。我穿好衣服,吃好东西。我每天从早到晚日子过得轻松愉快。我和上帝一样快乐。2.春节是中国民间最隆重的传统节日。在夏历正月初一,又叫阴历年,俗称“过年” 、 “新年” 。春节的历史很悠久,它起源于殷商时期年头岁尾的祭神祭祖活动。按照我国农历,正月 初一古称元日、元辰、元正、元朔、元旦等,俗称年初一,到了民国时期,改用公历,公历的一月一日称为元旦,把农历的一月一日叫春节。Lunar New Year , the most solemn of traditional Chinese folk festivals. First day of the first lunar month in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, known as the Moon, commonly known as “New Year“ and “New Year.“ The long history of the Spring Festival, which originated in the Shang period the year draws to a close servicemen and the memorial activities. According to Chinas Lunar, the first day of the first lunar month yen ancient name, Yuan-chen, a copy, is Emperor, the New Year Day, which is commonly known as Day of the Republic. switch to the Gregorian calendar, the calendar on January 1 as New Years Day, January 1st called the Lunar Spring Festival.festival is Festival is on the traditional Chinese used to call it “the Lunar New Year“.It always starts between january the first and february the twentieth.Shortly before the festival ,Chinese people are busy shopping . They buy vegetables,fish,meat and new clothes and many other clean the houses and decorate them.春节到了,春节是中国的传统节日,人们习惯上成作农历年.这个节日总是在每年的一月初到二月中旬之间.春节前的一段日子,中国人早早地开始买年货.他们买蔬菜.鱼和肉.新衣服和种种其他的东西.他们打扫房屋,把自己的家布置一新.Chinese New Year is a festival whose Chinese are most history of the Chinese New Year is very front stick in an on the face the New Years Day of the implied meaning of the yellow word in red paper in top send message by word and the god of wealth resembles with hang deep red lantern etc The Chinese New Year is a close relatives the festival of the family not far a long distance in child that leave the house returns to the family rounds to sit together a dumpling, use the dumpling symbol family beginning of January is on thering is fiesta cooking stove etc. rites before;In the stanza make New Years visit the child New Years Money, friend etc.春节是汉族最重要的节日。春节的历史很悠久。节前就在门脸上贴上红纸黄字的寓意的新年寄语及财神像和挂大红灯笼等. 春节是个亲人团聚的节日。离家的孩子不远千里回到家里。家人围坐在一起包饺子,用饺子象征团聚。正月初一前有祭灶等仪式;节中有给儿童压岁钱、亲朋好友拜年等。Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .春节是中国最重要的节日Its to celebrate the lunar calendar s new year .它是为了庆祝农历新年In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .在春节前夜,家人聚在一起享用丰盛的一餐In many places people like to set off firecrackers .在许多地方人们还放鞭炮Dumplings are the most traditional food .饺子是最传统的食物Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .孩子们非常喜欢春节,因为他们可以吃好吃的东西和穿新衣服They can also get some money from their parents.他们也可以领到压岁钱This money is given to children for good luck .给孩子的这些钱是为了(来年的)好运气People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .人们也用贴年画的方式来乞求好运The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .春节持续近 15 天People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”.人们拜访亲戚朋友时会送上一句“万事如意“People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .人们享受春节,在这段时间他们可以好好休息一下Chinese New YearIts origin is ancient, but many believe the word Nian, which means “year“, was the name of a beast that preyed on people on the eve of a new year.In one legend, the beast, Nian, had the power to swallow up all the people in a village in one big bite. Village people were very scared of Nian.One day, an old man came to the villagers rescue, offering to subdue Nian. The old man asked Nian, “I know you can swallow people, but can you swallow other beasts of prey instead of people who are by no means your worthy opponents?“Nian accepted the old mans challenge and swallowed the beasts that had harassed the villagers and their farm animals for years.At the end of the legend, the old man disappeared riding off on Nian. In this legend, the old man turned out to be an immortal god.In the end, Nian is gone and the other beasts of prey are scared into hiding in the forests. The villagers can once again enjoy their peaceful life.The legend goes on to say before the old man left, he told the villagers to put red paper decorations on their windows and doors at each years end in order to keep Nian away. It is believed Nian is afraid of the colorThe tradition of observing the conquest of Nian is carried on from generation to generation. The


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