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XX 年英语中考模拟试卷第一部分 听力部分一、听力(本题有 15 小题,第一节每小题 1分,第二节、第三节每小题 1 分,共 25 分) 。第一节:听对话,根据所提问题,选择正确图画。读一遍。1. What is Ben going to do this weekend?2. What is John looking for?3. How does Tom learn English?4. How will Mr. Huang go to Tibet this July?5. What did Tina do yesterday?第二节:对话理解。根据所听到的对话内容和所提问题,选择合适的答案。6. What does Lucy think of English?A. Interesting. B. Fun. C. Boring.7. What did Frank use to be afraid of?A. Dogs B. Cats C. Pigs8. Whos allowed to go out on school nights?A. John B. Ann C .Neither of them9. Whats the girl going to do tonight?A. Shes going to the cinema.B. Shes going to study for a test.C.Shes going to watch TV.10. Whom did Jim Green go to England with?A. His grandparents B. His parents C. His teachers第三节:听独白,请根据提问从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。WhatSusan is interested in 11 .What placeOf all the places she has visited, she likes 12best.WhenThis 13 , her family are coming to China.How longThey will stay here for 14days.HowThen they will go to Beijing by 15 .11. A. Chinese B. English C. science12. A. London B. Paris C. New York13. A. June B. July C. March14. A .4days B. 3days C. 5days15. A. train B. plane C. bus第二部分 笔试部分二、 选择填空(本题有 15 小题,共 15 分,每小题 1 分) 。16. I think a rabbit is a good pet for _ 5-year-old child like Vera. Really? I dont think so.A. a B. an C. / D. the17. There _ a talk show on CCTV-4 at nine this evening.A. will have B. is going to be C. is going to have D. is staying18. How do you like the TV play? _AIts wonderful BWhat about you?CYes, I like it DNo, I dont like it at all19. Tom, its cold outside, _ your coat when you go out. OK, Mom.A. Take off B. Take away C. Put away D. Put on20.When did Hong Kong return to our motherland? _July 1st, 1997.AOn BIn CAt DFor21. Could yon tell me whom the radio_ by? Sorry, I have no idea.Ainvents Binvented Cis invented Dwas invented22. There goes the bell. It s time for class. Let s stop_.Atalk Bto talk Ctalking Dnot talk23. What does your cousin look like now? Oh, hes much than before.Astrong Bstronger Cstrongest Dtoo strong24. How are you getting along with your classmates? Very well. They are all_ me.Aafraid of Bangry with Ctired of Dfriendly to25. Which do you prefer,bananas or oranges? I enjoy eating applesABoth BEither C Neither DAll26. will you stay in Shenzhen for your holiday?一 For about two weeksAHow often BHow long CHow soon DWhat time27. Dont forget to _Thank you when someone has helped you Ok, mumAspeak Btell Csay Dtalk28. Mom, I didnt understand _in class yesterday. So youd better raise your hand to ask next time.A. what my teacher says B. what does my teacher sayC. what my teacher said D. what did my teacher say29. To my great _, he was the first one to leave the room.A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprises30. Where is Tom? Do you know? I think he _to the libraryAhas gone Bgoes Chas been Dwent三、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 。An interesting thing happened to me last Sunday. The sunshine was31beautiful that I decided to drive in the country.32 my way home, my car stopped. I was out of gasoline(汽油) on a road away from a town. I decided to 33 along the road until I found someone who could sell me some gasoline.I had walked almost a long way before I finally found a big 34 near the road. I was 35 to see it because it was getting dark.I knocked on the door and a small old lady with long white hair answered. She 36 , Ive been waiting for you for a long time. Come in, please. I got 37 ready for you.But Ive come here only for some gasoline. I answered. I didnt know 38 she was talking about. I didnt understand her.Oh, Tony! Gasoline? You used to love tea.I quickly explained that my car was out of gasoline, 39 she didnt seem to hear me. She just kept calling me Tony and talking about how 40 it had been since she had seen me. She was talking so strangely that I wanted to 41 . As soon as she went to get the tea, I went out of the house as 42 as possible.I was so happy when I saw 43 house by the road. I was able to get some gasoline. When I told the man about the old lady, he said, Oh, thats Helen. She lives all by herself in that big house. Shes 44 , but she wouldnt hurt anyone. She is still waiting for the man whom she was going to marry twenty-five years ago. The man was named Tony. The day before they married, he went away and 45 came back. I understood!31. A. so B. such C. veryD. too32. A. On B In C. By D. Over33. A. drive B. walk C. rideD. climb34. A. house B. tree C. hospital D. car35. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. surprised36. A. said B. speak C. asked D. talk37. A. gasoline B. milk C. tea D. water38. A. that B. who C. when D. what39. A. or B. then C. but D. later40. A. long B. far C. often D. much41. A. stay B. leave C. sit down D. have a rest42. A. quietly B. quicklyC. early D. slowly43. A. others B. the other C. elseD. another44. A. kind B. warm-hearted C. strange D. friendly45. A. often B. usuallyC. never D. sometimes四、阅读理解:(本题有 15 小题,每小题 2分,共 30 分) 。(A)TWO English phrases show what people think about mice and rats: As quiet as a mouse, and a dirty rat.People think rats are dirty because they live in sewers (下水道) and other unclean places. They also carry diseases (疾病). Having a rat in your house is bad news. They smell terrible and make a lot of noise.Calling someone a rat in English means they are not to be trusted (信任). Saying Rats! is also a way to show that you are angry.Mice, on the other hand, are seen as quiet and cute. They live in fields and as unwelcome guests in peoples houses. They are small and often kept as pets. Walt Disneys famous character Mickey Mouse helped make them lovable to children. Jerry, from the Tom and Jerry cartoons, is smart and naughty. It makes everyone happy.Rats and mice are both classed as rodents (啮齿类). But people think about them in different ways!46. Why do people think rats are dirty? Because they_.A. live in unclean places B. carry diseasesC. smell terrible and make noise D. A,BC47. When people call you a rat, that means _A. People like you.B. People dont trust you.C. You are very popular. D. All the above are wrong.48. According to the passage, which is TRUE?A .People think mice and rats are the same.B. People dont like the mouse Jerry in the Tom and Jerry cartoons because its very dirty.C. People often keep rats as pets.D. Mickey Mouse is very lovable and popular to children.(B)Being a youth(青年) is one thing, and being a good one is another. A good youth should have these qualities:First of all, health, a healthy body is the best riches. Without it, nothing can be done well. If you are poor in health, youll have to take medicine day after day. Even you cant work, do sports and so on;Secondly, one must be of good quality. Always do something for others. Help those in trouble and care about the people around you. If everyone did the same, what a wonderful world this would be! Thirdly, one must have the ability to work with others. Cooperation and communication(合作和交流)are two important keys to better human relations . Everyone needs friends because no one can live through life alone or do everything he wants to.Besides, patriotism is the one we should never forget. Patriotism means a love of ones country. It is one of the highest qualities of humans. Everyone should love his own country. But people sometimes think that patriots(爱国者)must be fighters or that they live in a time of fighting for their country. That is wrong. A good youths work is not only fighting. A good youth will do the things his country asks him to do.I think a good youth of today should also have some training in art. If everyone can enjoy art and be able to make more of it for others, then people will live better and enjoy more.49A person who has good qualities should _Athink of himself Bhelp others that need helpChelp the people they know. Dhelp friends and relatives50The writers tells us that working with others is _.Agood for some people Bimportant to everyoneCnot necessary to good friends Dcan help us51From the passage we know the patriots must be _.Afighting to protect their countriesBdie for their countriesCpeople who fight for their countriesDpeople who do what their country wants them to do(C)When you want to go shopping, decide how much money you can spend for new clothes. Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale.There are labels(标签)inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash by washing in cold water. The label on a coat may say dry clean only. Washing may ruin(损坏)this coat. If you do as the directions(说明)say on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best. Many clothes today must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check to see if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not always better made. They do not always fit better. Sometime less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.52. If you want to save money you can buy clothes that _.A. dont fit you B. dont last long C. need to be dry cleaned D. can be washed53. The label inside the clothes tells you_.A. how to keep them looking their best B. how to save moneyC. whether they fit you or not D. where to get them dry cleaned54. We learn from the reading that cheaper clothes _.A. are always worse made B. must be dry cleanedC. can not be washed D. can sometimes fit you better55. The best title(标题) for the reading should be _.A. Buying Less Expensive Clothes B. Taking Enough Money When ShoppingC. Being a Clever Clothes Shopper D. Choosing the Labels inside New Clothes第一部分 听力部分一、听力(本题有 15 小题,第一节每小题 1分,第二节、第三节每小题 1 分,共 25 分) 。第一节:听对话,根据所提问题,选择正确图画。读一遍。1. What is Ben going to do this weekend?2. What is John looking for?3. How does Tom learn English?4. How will Mr. Huang go to Tibet this July?5. What did Tina do yesterday?第二节:对话理解。根据所听到的对话内容和所提问题,选择合适的答案。6. What does Lucy think of English?A. Interesting. B. Fun. C. Boring.7. What did Frank use to be afraid of?A. Dogs B. Cats C. Pigs8. Whos allowed to go out on school nights?A. John B. Ann C .Neither of them9. Whats the girl going to do tonight?A. Shes going to the cinema.B. Shes going to study for a test.C.Shes going to watch TV.10. Whom did Jim Green go to England with?A. His grandparents B. His parents C. His teachers第三节:听独白,请根据提问从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。WhatSusan is interested in 11 .What placeOf all the places she has visited, she likes 12best.WhenThis 13 , her family are coming to China.How longThey will stay here for 14days.HowThen they will go to Beijing by 15 .11. A. Chinese B. English C. science12. A. London B. Paris C. New York13. A. June B. July C. March14. A .4days B. 3days C. 5days15. A. train B. plane C. bus第二部分 笔试部分二、 选择填空(本题有 15 小题,共 15 分,每小题 1 分) 。16. I think a rabbit is a good pet for _ 5-year-old child like Vera. Really? I dont think so.A. a B. an C. / D. the17. There _ a talk show on CCTV-4 at nine this evening.A. will have B. is going to be C. is going to have D. is staying18. How do you like the TV play? _AIts wonderful BWhat about you?CYes, I like it DNo, I dont like it at all19. Tom, its cold outside, _ your coat when you go out. OK, Mom.A. Take off B. Take away C. Put away D. Put on20.When did Hong Kong return to our motherland? _July 1st, 1997.AOn BIn CAt DFor21. Could yon tell me whom the radio_ by? Sorry, I have no idea.Ainvents Binvented Cis invented Dwas invented22. There goes the bell. It s time for class. Let s stop_.Atalk Bto talk Ctalking Dnot talk23. What does your cousin look like now? Oh, hes much than before.Astrong Bstronger Cstrongest Dtoo strong24. How are you getting along with your classmates? Very well. They are all_ me.Aafraid of Bangry with Ctired of Dfriendly to25. Which do you prefer,bananas or oranges? I enjoy eating applesABoth BEither C Neither DAll26. will you stay in Shenzhen for your holiday?一 For about two weeksAHow often BHow long CHow soon DWhat time27. Dont forget to _Thank you when someone has helped you Ok, mumAspeak Btell Csay Dtalk28. Mom, I didnt understand _in class yesterday. So youd better raise your hand to ask next time.A. what my teacher says B. what does my teacher sayC. what my teacher said D. what did my teacher say29. To my great _, he was the first one to leave the room.A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprises30. Where is Tom? Do you know? I think he _to the libraryAhas gone Bgoes Chas been Dwent三、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 。An interesting thing happened to me last Sunday. The sunshine was31beautiful that I decided to drive in the country.32 my way home, my car stopped. I was out of gasoline(汽油) on a road away from a town. I decided to 33 along the road until I found someone who could sell me some gasoline.I had walked almost a long way before I finally found a big 34 near the road. I was 35 to see it because it was getting dark.I knocked on the door and a small old lady with long white hair answered. She 36 , Ive been waiting for you for a long time. Come in, please. I got 37 ready for you.But Ive come here only for some gasoline. I answered. I didnt know 38 she was talking about. I didnt understand her.Oh, Tony! Gasoline? You used to love tea.I quickly explained that my car was out of gasoline, 39 she didnt seem to hear me. She just kept calling me Tony and talking about how 40 it had been since she had seen me. She was talking so strangely that I wanted to 41 . As soon as she went to get the tea, I went out of the house as 42 as possible.I was so happy when I saw 43 house by the road. I was able to get some gasoline. When I told the man about the old lady, he said, Oh, thats Helen. She lives all by herself in that big house. Shes 44 , but she wouldnt hurt anyone. She is still waiting for the man whom she was going to marry twenty-five years ago. The man was named Tony. The day before they married, he went away and 45 came back. I understood!31. A. so B. such C. veryD. too32. A. On B In C. By D. Over33. A. drive B. walk C. rideD. climb34. A. house B. tree C. hospital D. car35. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. surprised36. A. said B. speak C. asked D. talk37. A. gasoline B. milk C. tea D. water38. A. that B. who C. when D. what39. A. or B. then C. but D. later40. A. long B. far C. often D. much41. A. stay B. leave C. sit down D. have a rest42. A. quietly B. quicklyC. early D. slowly43. A. others B. the other C. elseD. another44. A. kind B. warm-hearted C. strange D. friendly45. A. often B. usuallyC. never D. sometime


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