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XX 年中考英语二模考试试题和答案 9此套 XX 年中考英语二模考试试题和答案 9 免费下载由绿色圃中小学教育网整理,所有试卷与小学语文新课标人教版教材大纲同步,试卷供大家免费使用下载打印,转载前请注明出处。因小学语文期末试卷复制时部分内容如图片、拼音等无法直接显示,请用户直接到帖子二层(往下拉)下载 WORD 编辑的 DOC 附件下载浏览或打印!如有疑问,请联系网站底部工作人员,将第一时间为您解决问题!试卷内容预览:卷首语:亲爱的同学们,第一学期即将过去,在这里为期末考试练练兵,京翰教育预祝你期末考个好成绩!高青县 XX 年毕业年级第二次模拟考试参考答案英 语 试 题注意事项:1本试题分第卷和第卷两部分。第卷为选择题,85 分;第卷为非选择题,35 分,共120 分;时间 120 分钟。2考生将第卷各小题的答案标号填入答题表内。题号 1-75 七 八 九 十 总分得分听 力 部 分一、 交际应答(共 5 小题,计 5 分)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中选出每个句子的正确答语。1. A. It was brown. B. It was snowy. C. I went by bike.2. A. OK. I will go. B. I like my home best.C. My home is far from here.3. A. Take a number 8 bus. B. Lets go home now.C. Its next to the bank.4. A. My pleasure. B. Thank you. C. Dont mention it.5. A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Whats wrong? C. Im afraid not.二、对话理解(共 15 小题,计 15 分)(A)录音中有十组对话和十个问题,对话和问题听一遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。6. A. Before Wednesday.B. After Wednesday.C. On Wednesday.7. A. A birthday card.B. An interesting book.C. A birthday cake.8. A. How Happily! B. Congratulations! C. Come on!9. A. By doing a lot of exercises.B. By copying new words.C. By reading a lot.10. A. Blue and White.B. Black and white. C. Black and blue.11. A. Peters B. Jennys. C. Carls.12. A. Its her birthday.B. Its Mothers Day.C. His mother has no handbag.13. A. Home. B. To the hospital. C. To school.14. A. Rock music. B. Country music. C. Light music.15. A. Next Tuesday.B. Next Monday. C. next Thursday.(B)录音中有一段对话和五个问题,对话和问题听两遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。16. A. Their classmates.B. Their subjects. C. Plans for the new term.17. A. He did well. B. He failed the English exam.C. He did well in no subject.18. A. She plans to be in the top ten in her class.B. She plans to play the piano well.C. She wants to be the first in her class.19. A. Get his English better.B. Get his math better.C. Get his Chinese better.20. A. Stop talking and play together.B. Stop talking and go together.C. Stop talking and work harder together.三、短文理解(共 5 小题,计 5 分)录音中有一篇短文和五个问题,短文和问题听两遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。21. A. In the afternoon.B. In the morning. C. In the evening.22. A. Happy. B. Sad. C. Tired.23. A. A box of juice on the train.B. A cup of coffee in a restaurant.C. Some sandwiches on the train.24. A. Her husband. B. herself. C. Her daughter.25. A. On her way home. B. On her way buying books.C. On her way back from buying books.四、单项填空 (共 15 小题,计 15 分)26. _ camera is not so expensive as _, but it works well, too.A. My; his B. Mine; him C. My, him D. Mine; his27. Can I park my car here?Yes. You can park on _ side of the street.A. either B. neither C. both D. all28. Its difficult to live in a foreign country, _ if you dont speak the language.A. exactly B. naturally C. usually D. especially29. Tigers and bears are very dangerous. Thats they have to stay in cages in the zoo.A. why B. where C. how D. what30. _ important tool the computer is! I think so.A. What aB. How C. What an D. How an31. Did you see the traffic accident yesterday?Yes. It happened when I _ past the museum.A. walk B. am walkingC. will walk D. was walking32. Oh, its raining very hard! Our sports meeting has to be _ till next Sunday.A. put off B. put down C. put away D. put on33. Ill give a talk tomorrow. Im thinking about _.A. what to sayB. how to sayC. what can I sayD. how can I say34. You _ play with fire, Tom. Its dangerous.A. neednt B. may not C. mustnt D. wouldnt35. Whats your favourite sport?I like basketball best. I think is more interesting than basketball.A. everythingB. anythingC. nothingD. something36. My sister doesnt like the dress. She thinks it makes her _ fat.A. look B. looks C. to look D. looked37. Why didnt you give the wallet to the man at once?He before I realized it was his.A. had been disappeared B. has disappearedC. had disappeared D. has been disappeared38. Doctor, it seems _ you like to work with animals.Yes, I think animals should _ as our friends.A. that; regard B. that; be regarded C. what; regard D. what; be regarded39. Well never give up working on the experiment, _ difficult it is.A. no matter how B. no matter whenC. no matter what D. no matter where40. We enjoyed ourselves very much! _.A. Its OK with me B. Im glad you didC. Well done D. Thats right五、完形填空 (共 15 小题,计 15 分)Dear sir,I am writing to you about my stay in your hotel. My wife and I 41 on Saturday, 15th May and stayed 42 a week. Though we were treated 43 and found the service excellent, we44 there are one or two matters we 45 bring your attention.1, we had hoped for a nice 46 from our busy work lives, and your ad 47 “Comfortable and Quiet.” We wanted to have a chance to enjoy ourselves. However, we were 48 to find that repairs were sometimes needed, but is it 49 necessary to start early in the morning?2, we had hoped to 50 in your “wonderful pool”. To our disappointment, we found that it was 51 for the whole time of our stay.I 52 you do not mind me writing to you 53 theses things, but I would be happy54 you could give me some explanation. As I 55 at the start, it is a pity, and your service is so well in other fields.I hope to hear from you.Mr. Hector Bradlley41. A. left B. arrived C. went D. returned42. A. for B. in C. during D. since43. A. bad B. badly C. good D. well44. A. learn B. hear C. think D. need45. A. shouldB. can C. may D. will46. A. stop B. holidayC. break D. sleep47. A. told B. imaginedC. refusedD. said48. A. surprisedB. happy C. glad D. sad49. A. true B. such C. too D. really50. A. drop B. swim C. live D. drink51. A. open B. closed C. clean D. gone52. A. ask B. want C. need D. hope53. A. with B. on C. about D. at54. A. while B. if C. as D. before55. A. told B. put C. said D. noticed六、阅读理解 BTwenty years ago almost all nurses were women, and almost all pilots were men. Today women fly planes, and men care for patients. The jobs are the same, but not both men and women are working as nurses and pilots.There are many other examples of changing job roles for men and women. Forty years ago there were no women news reporters on television.Now women report the news, the weather, and even mens sports. Women are reporting games and interviewing athletes (运动员). Fifty years ago there were almost no women lawyers or doctors, but today over half of all medical students are women.Today men teach very young children. Men work as librarians and secretaries. Some men stay at home to take care of the house and children. They are called “househusbands” or “stay-at-home dads”. However, many women still work as homemakers.Jobs are changing. Today men and women are working in every field.61. According to the passage, what is true today about women?A. Women like to be secretaries. B. All doctors are now women.C. Women report news and sports D. There are no homemakers today.62. What is the percentage (百分比) of women students in todays medical schools?A. About forty percent. B. Over fifty percent.C. About twenty percent. D. Less than fifty percent.63. What is said about men in the passage?A. Only men are sports reporters. B. All lawyers are men.C. Men never take care of home. D. Some men stay at home with the children.64. Which one of the following is true about men and women today?A. Men like their jobs, but women dont.B. Women dont like sports, but men do.C. There are no women pilots. D. Both men and women take care of children.65. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Jobs of today are changing. B. Women are leaders of the todays world.C. People change their jobs for fun. D. Men and women fan never be equal.AYesterday Mark read a letter from World Travel Service. Then he finished the information paper below on the right.56. How long will Marks trip last?A. Four weeks. B. Two months.C. About a year.D. We dont know.57. From the letter, we know John Foley _.A. is a traveler B. is the head of World Travel ServiceC. likes writing letters D. likes going to foreign countries58. Mark _.A. is going to study Japanese during the tripB. must write a report after the tripC. should have some sports before the tripD. will pay for the trip59. Mark doesnt live in _.A. FranceB. BritainC. AustraliaD. Canada60. Mark will probably (很可能) write something about _ in his report.A. a day at a beach B. a science museumC. business in that countryD. basketball in that countryCSchool education is very important and useful. The students both learn knowledge and get an education. Yet, no one can learn everything from school. The scientists, such Edison, Galileo and Einstein, didnt learn everything from school. They learned a lot of knowledge outside school or in practice by themselves. A teacher, even he knows a lot, cant teach his students everything.The teachers job is to show his students how to learn, how to read and how to think. A good teacher with rich experience in teaching can teach his students the methods (=the ways) of study. Trough these methods the students are able to learn and get a lot of things by themselves.Usually it is very easy for the students to remember some knowledge, but it is very difficult to use it for problems. If a teacher really shows the students the ability (能力) of how to use knowledge, it means the teacher has learned lots of knowledge by himself (or herself). The success in learning show he or she knows how to study.66. From the passage we know .A. the students are taught everything at schoolB. a teacher cant teach the students everythingC. school is really not important and usefulD. Edison learned lots of knowledge.67. A teachers job is .A. to help the students with their lessons.B. to teach the students everythingC. to show the students how to study by themselvesD. to tell them the way to study68. Choose the right order of this passage.a. How important are the study methods for students.b. What does the teachers experience of success in study mean?c. Where should the students study?d. What is the job of a teacher?A. c, a, b, d B. b, c, a, d C. c, b, d, a D. c, d, a, b69. Which of the following is right?A. If we know how to learn, we can get a lot of knowledge.B. We can learn everything from our teachers.C. The writer tells us that practice is more important for the students than learning.D. It is the only job for the students to learn knowledge.70. Which of the following is the best title?A. A real Job for teachers B. Study in and outside schoolC. Practicethe only way of learningD. How to learn knowledgeDNew rules and behavior standards (行为规范)for middle school students came our in March. Middle school is going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students wont only have high marks. They will also be kids who dont dye (染) their hair, smoke or drink. The following are some of the new rules.Tell the truth. Have you ever copied someone elses work on an exam? Dont do it again! Thats not something an honest student should do. If you have played computer games for two hours in your room, dont tell your parents you have done homework.Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is BirdLoving Month in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate? You should join! That way, you can learn more about animals and how to protect them. When more people work together, it makes it more fun for everyone.Have you ever quarreled with your teammates when our basketball lost? Only working together can make your team stronger. Be friendly to the people you are with. Try to think of others, not only yourself.Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Maybe youll discover Earth someday. Dont look down on new ideas. Everyones ideas are important. You should welcome them, because new ideas make life better for everyone.Protect yourself. Has someone ever taken money from one of your classmates? Dont let it happen to you. If you have to go home late you should let your parents know.Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your studies. But some things on the Internet arent for kids, so try to look at Web pages that are good for you. You can use the Web for fun or homework. Cant you find any good Web sites for children? Here some: 71. The school new rules will help kids by telling them _.A. how they can study well B. what they should do at schoolC. what is right and what is wrong D. how they can protect themselves72. According to the passage, which of the following is not true?A. Take care of yourself when you are out.B. Tell the truth, even when you are wrong.C. Keep some animals to protect them.D. Use the Internet, but keep away from bad things.73. The main idea of the fourth paragraph is about _.A. making the team stronger B. working together with othersC. being a good friend to others D. getting on well with others74. Good Web sites for children can _.A. be a waste of time B. help them with their studiesC. do homework for them D. make life easier75. The passage tells us how to _.A. be top studies B. do more at schoolC. care for othersD. use the Internet卷 (非选择题共 35 分)七、单词拼写(共 5 小题,计 5 分)根据句意,完成句中已给出首字母的单词,将完整的单词写在题后的横线上。76. Look! The road is covered with ice. The temperature today must be b_ zero.77. After the game, we m_ the last bus. So we had to walk home.78. Who taught you English?Nobody. I learnt it m_.79. I cant finish the work a_. I need some help.80. Dont c_ others homework. You should do it by yourself.76. 77. 78. 79. 80.八、短文填空 (共 7 小题,计 7 分)根据已给出的首字母,在短文空白处填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺。每空限填一词,将完整的单词写在短文后面的横线上。Two men were traveling in the mountain part of America. For some time, they had not seen any houses e(81) a few wooden huts (小木屋) . One day they met an old Indian who l(82) there. They found he knew their language and they had a talk with him. One of them asked him whether he could tell them what the w(83) be like within the next few days.“Oh, yes,” he said. “Rain is c(84), and also wind. Then there will be a fine day.”To their s(85), the old Indian could foretell (预测)! What a clever man! Then one of them turned to the old man, a(86 )asked, “How did you know all that?”The Indian answered, “I heard it on the r(87).”81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87.九、翻译句子 (共 4 小题,计 8 分)将下列句子译成英语。88. 他们的汽车旧了以后,他们宁愿买辆新的,也不愿修理旧的。89. 那山顶终年积雪。90. 李玲对学习以外的事情毫无兴趣。91. 你需要多少钱就拿多少。十、书面表达(计 15 分)课余时光是我们忙碌学习生活的凋节剂。你是如何支配自己闲暇时间的呢?看电视、体育运动、听音乐、阅读书报、郊游、帮父母做家务,还是请你以“My Free Time”为题。描述一下自己的课余生活及感想。注意:1文章要条理清晰,书写规范工整,标点符号正确。词数 80 个左右。2不得写出自己和学校的真实名称。3开头已写好。请你接着往下写。My Free TimeI have lots of things to do in my free time.此套 XX 年中考英语二模考试试题和答案 9 免费下载由绿色圃中小学教育网整理,所有试卷与小学语文新课标人教版教材大纲同步,试卷供大家免费使用下载打印,转载前请注明出处。因小学语文期末试卷复制时部分内容如图片、拼音等无法直接显示,请用户直接到帖子二层(往下拉)下载 WORD 编辑的 DOC 附件下载浏览或打印!如有疑问,请联系网站底部工作人员,将第一时间为您解决问题!试卷内容预览:卷首语:亲爱的同学们,第一学期即将过去,在这里为期末考试练练兵,京翰教育预祝你期末考个好成绩!高青县 XX 年毕业年级第二次模拟考试参考答案英 语 试 题注意事项:1本试题分第卷和第卷两部分。第卷为选择题,85 分;第卷为非选择题,35 分,共120 分;时间 120 分钟。2考生将第卷各小题的答案标号填入答题表内。题号 1-75 七 八 九 十 总分得分听 力 部 分一、 交际应答(共 5 小题,计 5 分)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中选出每个句子的正确答语。1. A. It was brown. B. It was snowy. C. I went by bike.2. A. OK. I will go. B. I like my home best.C. My home is far from here.3. A. Take a number 8 bus. B. Lets go home now.C. Its next to the bank.4. A. My pleasure. B. Thank you. C. Dont mention it.5. A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Whats wrong? C. Im afraid not.二、对话理解(共 15 小题,计 15 分)(A)录音中有十组对话和十个问题,对话和问题听一遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。6. A. Before Wednesday.B. After Wednesday.C. On Wednesday.7. A. A birthday card.B. An interesting book.C. A birthday cake.8. A. How Happily! B. Congratulations! C. Come on!9. A. By doing a lot of exercises.B. By copying new words.C. By reading a lot.10. A. Blue and White.B. Black and white. C. Black and blue.11. A. Peters B. Jennys. C. Carls.12. A. Its her birthday.B. Its Mothers Day.C. His mother has no handbag.13. A. Home. B. To the hospital. C. To school.14. A. Rock music. B. Country music. C. Light music.15. A. Next Tuesday.B. Next Monday. C. next Thursday.(B)录音中有一段对话和五个问题,对话和问题听两遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。16. A. Their classmates.B. Their subjects. C. Plans for the new term.17. A. He did well. B. He failed the English exam.C. He did well in no subject.18. A. She plans to be in the top ten in her class.B. She plans to play the piano well.C. She wants to be the first in her class.19. A. Get his English better.B. Get his math better.C. Get his Chinese better.20. A. Stop talking and play together.B. Stop talking and go together.C. Stop talking and work harder together.三、短文理解(共 5 小题,计 5 分)录音


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