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摘要I摘要过量施用农药化肥,不仅不能显著提高粮食产量,而且逐渐暴露出农田环境污染、病虫草害抗性增加和农田生物多样性丧失等问题。农业可持续发展逐步受到世界各国重视,环境友好型农田栽培管理技术的研究成为热点。本研究着眼于冬小麦- 夏玉米农田生态系统,选择沂蒙山区丘陵薄地相对开放的常规大田和相对封闭的有机农场两个试验地点,运用生态学的原理,从农田生态系统物质循环的整体结构出发,采用物理和生物的方法,为害虫设置了四道生态防线,研究了该方法对害虫的控制效果、对作物产量、经济效益和生态效益的影响,为环境友好型防虫技术提供理论依据。另外,本研究利用长期田间定位试验,以冬小麦- 夏玉米轮作模式为研究对象,探讨了在等氮磷钾施入条件下,减少化肥增加有机肥对土壤理化性状、土壤蚯蚓及作物产量的影响,为农田合理施肥,恢复农田土壤地力,增强害虫防治的第四道防线,提高作物抗虫能力和农业可持续发展提供理论依据。主要研究内容和结果如下:1 诱虫灯对害虫的防治效果根据诱虫灯捕获害虫的情况,发现诱虫灯捕获了冬小麦-夏玉米农田生态系统中的 4 目 16 科 21 种害虫,大部分为危害冬小麦和夏玉米的主要害虫。利用标记金龟甲类害虫,释放诱捕的方法,发现总捕获数占总释放数的 20%,根据不同距离捕获数占总捕获数的比例,确定了诱虫灯在小麦季防虫的范围为0.667-0.800 ha(10-12 mu)。明确了主要害虫成虫的爆发高峰期,例如金龟甲类害虫成虫为 5 月下旬至 7 月上旬;蛾类害虫成虫发生在 8 月份至 9 月下旬;东方蝼蛄发生在 9 月下旬至 10 月上旬。2 常规模式下,诱虫灯对冬小麦-夏玉米农田生态系统害虫和产量的影响在 200 亩大田冬小麦-夏玉米常规种植模式下,2013-2014 两年利用诱虫灯防虫结果显示,虽然不施农药农田害虫数量较施农药农田害虫多,但是并没有对产量造成显著的减少,而且在施用农药后,在农田中没有发现害虫天敌,在不施农药的农田发现大量的害虫天敌。在利用诱虫灯防虫的前提下,减少农药用量 25-65%,能够很好的控制害虫,并且产量与常规农药的处理(CK)差异不显著。沂蒙山区环境友好型冬小麦-夏玉米害虫防控与肥料配施技术效益研究II3 有机模式下,四道生态防线对冬小麦-夏玉米害虫及作物产量的影响在冬小麦-夏玉米有机种植长期定位监测点,连续六年使用诱虫灯防虫,并在四周种植保护植物,保护天敌,增施有机肥。结果显示,害虫年捕获总量、蛾类和金龟甲类害虫被捕获量均明显降低,分别降低为初始年被捕获量的4.7%、 54.3%和 1.5%,其中前三年害虫被捕获量变化较大,2011 年害虫年捕获总量和金龟甲类害虫被捕获量较 2009 年捕获量减少了 85.9%和 96.0%,三年后害虫被捕获量变化不大。虽然六年以后院内的害虫量仍然多于普通大田中的害虫量,但并没有对作物的产量造成影响。究其原因,一方面是环境气候的不同,另一方面是该环境友好型的防虫技术为害虫设置了四道生态防线:一是诱虫灯诱捕交配或未交配的雌虫,从源头减少害虫种群爆发的几率;二是诱集植物的保护;三是天敌的捕食;四是给植物一个健康的土壤环境,提高植物本身的抵抗力。4 环境友好型防虫技术的生态和经济效益本研究表明利用四道生态防线防虫,减少 25%-35%农药可获得更高的产量。减少农药的使用次数和农药用量,可减缓害虫抗药性的产生,进一步减少农药的使用,使之进入良性循环中;可减轻农民的劳动强度,减少农民接触有毒有害农药的几率,保护生产者的身体健康和生命安全;减少作物农药残留,保证作物的品质和安全,有利于保障消费者的身体健康和生命安全,符合高产、优质、高效、生态、安全的现代农业的发展需要。将四道生态防线应用到有机农业中,作物产量并不比常规农业中作物产量低,再加上有机产品的价位要高于普通产品的价位 2-5 倍,其最终效益将会更高。5 有机无机肥配施对冬小麦-夏玉米土壤和作物产量的影响为弥补害虫采食叶片造成的损失,增加土壤营养是有效的措施。沂蒙山区的冬小麦- 夏玉米农田生态系统中,在等氮磷钾施入水平下,土壤有机质含量,土壤含水量、土壤全氮含量以及土壤蚯蚓密度与有机肥量的投入成显著正相关(P0.01),土壤容重与有机肥量的投入成显著负相关 (P0.01)。过量的化肥对土壤蚯蚓产生危害,但添加有机肥可以减少这种危害。五种不同比例的有机无机肥配施均显著提高了作物产量,但是处理之间平均产量差异不显著,产量可达11500-14500 kg ha-1,其中施入 25%有机肥+75%化肥处理产量最高。综上所述,为害虫设置四道生态防线可减少农田化学农药的使用量,并且保证作物产量不降低甚至增加。在有机模式下,连续三年使用四道生态防线防摘要III控害虫,害虫将不会对作物产量造成危害。该措施有利于保护农田害虫天敌,维护生物链,恢复生态平衡,创建农田无虫害环境。有机无机肥配施能够恢复土壤有机质,提高土壤养分含量,活化土壤,改良土壤健康状况,促进作物健壮生长,提高抗虫能力,最终提高作物产量,兼具生态效益和经济效益,有利于农业的可持续发展。关键词:害虫;诱虫灯;天敌;有机肥;土壤;蚯蚓;产量沂蒙山区环境友好型冬小麦-夏玉米害虫防控与肥料配施技术效益研究IV摘要V沂蒙山区环境友好型冬小麦-夏玉米害虫防控与肥料配施技术效益研究VIStudy on Environment-Friendly Insect Control and Fertilizer Application Technologies in a Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Rotation System in Yimeng Mountainous Region of Eastern ChinaLiyue Guo (Ecology)Directed by Professor Gaoming JiangAbstractExcess use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has resulted in numerous negative effects on the environment, including water, soil and food pollution, degradation of soil quality and losses of agricultural biodiversity. To solve such problems, more sustainable agricultural practices are urgently required. In the present study, we choose two experimental sites (a relatively opened field and a relatively closed yard in an organic farm) to determine the effects of physical and biological pest management which installed four pest control defenses following the ecological principle on the pest, crop yields, economic and ecological benefits under winter wheat summer maize rotation system in Yimeng Mountainous Region of Eastern China Plain. In addition, anther research was conducted to determine the influences of combined application of chemical and organic fertilizer on the soil physical and chemical properties, earthworm population and crop yields at the same NPK application rate in a long-term winter wheat summer maize rotation system. The main results are as follows:1 Influence of insect-trapping lamp on the pest controlTwenty one insect species which were the main pests in the winter wheat and AbstractVIIsummer maize platation system were captured by the insect-trapping lamp. The control scope of the insect-trapping lamp (0.667-0.800 ha) was clarified in winter wheat field by releasing and recaptured chafers in the different distance from the lamp. The occurred periods of the main pests were also found, for example, the chafers occurred from late May to early July; the moths occurred from August to late September; the oriental mole crickets occurred from late September to early October.2 Effects of insect-trapping lamp on the pests and crop yields in the traditional winter wheat-summer maize rotation systemTwo yearss monitoring indicated that the number of pests in none pesticide field was more than that in the pesticide field. However, there was no significantly effect on the yield performance. After using pesticide, none natural enemies of pests was found in the field, while there were many natural enemies of pests in the none pesticide field. Our results also supported that reducing 25-65% pesticide application could well control the pests by using the insect-trapping lamp, and its yield was no significantly lower than that in the pesticide treatment (CK).3 Effects of pest control defenses on the pests and crop yields in the organic winter wheat-summer maize rotation systemIn the organic farm, there was no pesticide; the insect-trapping lamp was consecutively used to control pests. Protected plants were seeded around the field, applying organic fertilizer rather than chemical fertilizer. After six years run, the quantities of total pests, moths and chafers significantly decreased, reduced to 4.7%, 54.3% and 1.5% pests that in the initial year respectively. In the early three years, the quantities of pests changed significantly, while there was no significantly change in the later year. Although the quantities of pests in the organic farm were more than that in the traditional field, there was no significantly influence on the crop yield, due to the protection of four ecological defenses. The first defense was the insect-trapping lamp, the second defense was the protective plants, and the third defense was the natural enemies of pests, the forth defense was the healthy soil environment that enhanced resistance of the crop.4 Ecological and economic benefits of using the environment-friendly pest control management沂蒙山区环境友好型冬小麦-夏玉米害虫防控与肥料配施技术效益研究VIIIUsing the environment-friendly pest control management with reducing 25-35% pesticide could achieve higher yield. Reducing the pesticide application could slow down the resistance of pests to pesticide, alleviate the labor of farmer, reduce the probability of the farmer touching the pesticide, and protect the safety and health of the producer. Reducing pesticide residues of crop, could guarantee the quality and security of the crops, safeguard consumers health and life security, in line with the high-yield, high-quality, efficient, ecological and safe to the development of modern agriculture. Building four ecological defenses to organic farming could achieve higher benefit, due to the more or less crop yields and higher price.5 Influence of cattle manure compost (CMC) combined with chemical fertilizer (NPK) on soil and crop yields in a winter wheat summer maize rotation systemTo further compensate the yield losses from insect feeding on leaves, soil nutrient management is necessary. A consecutive study (2009-2014) was carried out at the base of the same total N, P, K application rate in a wheat-maize rotation system, Northeast China. Our results clearly demonstrated that organic matter, water content, total N content and earthworm density from topsoil were significantly and positively (P0.01) related to CMC input respectively, with significantly negative correlation being noted between soil bulk density and CMC input. The average annual yields have been significantly increased (P0.05) in NPK, NPKM1, NPKM2, NPKM3, and CM compared to CK. The highest yield was obtained in NPKM1. Applying merely chemical fertilizer not only yielded the lower SOM, water content and total N content, but also casted harmful impact to earthworm, while CMC alleviated such damage.In conclusion, building four ecological defenses could reduce chemical pesticide usage, and guarantee crop yield in a higher level. In our organic farm, the pests could be controlled in appropriate quantities by using this method after three years, and the crop yields was not to be significantly reduced. The measures were benefit to the natural enemies


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