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    Computer Science,计算机科学与技术学院 某某级某某人,Contents 1 History 2 Major achievements 3 Areas of computer science 3.1 Computer architecture and engineering 3.2 Artificial intelligence 3.3 Information science,The earliest known tool for use in computation was the abacus, developed in period 27002300 BC in Sumer.,1.History,The Antikythera mechanism is believed to be the earliest known mechanical analog computer. It was designed to calculate astronomical positions. It was discovered in 1901 in the Antikythera wreck off the Greek island of Antikythera, between Kythera and Crete, and has been dated to c. 100 BC.,Mechanical analog computing devices appeared a thousand years later in the medieval Islamic world.,When John Napier discovered logarithms for computational purposes in the early 17th century, there followed a period of considerable progress by inventors and scientists in making calculating tools.,Around 1640, Blaise Pascal, a leading French mathematician, constructed the first mechanical adding device, the Pascaline, based on a design described by Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria.,Blaise Pascal (19 June 1623 19 August 1662), was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and Christian philosopher.,Charles Babbage is credited with inventing the first mechanical computer in Victorian times,for which Ada Lovelace wrote a manual.,In 1837 Charles Babbage first described his Analytical Engine which is accepted as the first design for a modern computer.,The industrial revolution had driven forward the mechanization of many tasks, and this included weaving. Punched cards controlled Joseph Marie Jacquards loom in 1801, where a hole punched in the card indicated a binary one and an unpunched spot indicated a binary zero.,Before the 1920s, computers (sometimes computors) were human clerks that performed computations. After the 1920s, the expression computing machine referred to any machine that performed the work of a human computer, especially those in accordance with effective methods of the Church-Turing thesis.,The theoretical Turing Machine, created by Alan Turing, is a hypothetical device theorized in order to study the properties of such hardware.,Alan Mathison Turing, OBE, FRS (June 1912 7 June 1954), was a British mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, and computer scientist.,A Turing machine is a device that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. Despite its simplicity, a Turing machine can be adapted to simulate the logic of any computer algorithm, and is particularly useful in explaining the functions of a CPU inside a computer.,Turing is so important to computer science that his name is also featured on the Turing Award and the Turing test. He contributed greatly to British code-breaking successes in the Second World War, and continued to design computers and software through the 1940s, but committed suicide in 1954. In 1948, the first practical computer that could run stored programs, based on the Turing machine model, had been built - the Manchester Baby.,In 1950, Britains National Physical Laboratory completed Pilot ACE, a small scale programmable computer, based on Turings philosophy.,The German military used the Enigma machine (shown here) during World War II for communication they thought to be secret. The large-scale decryption of Enigma traffic at Bletchley Park was an important factor that contributed to Allied victory in WWII.,Computer science began to be established as a distinct academic discipline in the 1950s and early 1960s.,2. Major Achievements,The start of the digital revolution, which includes the current Information Age and the Internet. In cryptography, breaking the Enigma code was an important factor contributing to the Allied victory in World War II. The concept of a programming language, a tool for the precise expression of methodological information at various levels of abstraction.,4) Algorithmic trading has increased the efficiency and liquidity of financial markets by using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other statistical and numerical techniques on a large scale. High frequency algorithmic trading can also exacerbate volatility. 5) Image synthesis, including video by computing individual video frames. 6) Scientific computing enabled practical evaluation of processes and situations of great complexity, as well as experimentation entirely by software. Etc,3.1 Theoretical computer science 3.1.1 Theory of computation 3.1.2 Information and coding theory 3.1.3 Algorithms and data structures 3.1.4 Programming language theory 3.1.5 Formal methods 3.1.6 Concurrent, parallel and distributed systems 3.1.7 Databases and information retrieval,3.Areas of computer science,3.2 Applied computer science 3.2.1 Artificial intelligence 3.2.2 Computer architecture and engineering 3.2.3 Computer graphics and visualization 3.2.4 Computer security and cryptography 3.2.5 Computational science 3.2.6 Health Informatics 3.2.7 Information science 3.2.8 Software engineering,Lets pick up some of them.,-Computer architecture and engineering,Multiprocessing,Operating systems,Computer security,Systems architecture,Digital logic,-Information science,Information retrieval,Natural language processing,Humancomputer interaction,Knowledge representation,-Artificial intelligence,Pattern recognition,Computer Vision,Robotics,Data mining,Image processing,Thank you !,


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